Exemplo n.º 1
//@cond PRIVATE
void FreeBusy::Private::init( const Event::List &eventList,
                              const KDateTime &start, const KDateTime &end )
  int extraDays, i, x, duration;
  duration = start.daysTo( end );
  QDate day;
  KDateTime tmpStart;
  KDateTime tmpEnd;

  // Loops through every event in the calendar
  Event::List::ConstIterator it;
  for ( it = eventList.constBegin(); it != eventList.constEnd(); ++it ) {
    Event::Ptr event = *it;

    // If this event is transparent it shouldn't be in the freebusy list.
    if ( event->transparency() == Event::Transparent ) {

    // The code below can not handle all-day events. Fixing this resulted
    // in a lot of duplicated code. Instead, make a copy of the event and
    // set the period to the full day(s). This trick works for recurring,
    // multiday, and single day all-day events.
    Event::Ptr allDayEvent;
    if ( event->allDay() ) {
      // addDay event. Do the hack
      kDebug() << "All-day event";
      allDayEvent = Event::Ptr( new Event( *event ) );

      // Set the start and end times to be on midnight
      KDateTime st = allDayEvent->dtStart();
      st.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
      KDateTime nd = allDayEvent->dtEnd();
      nd.setTime( QTime( 23, 59, 59, 999 ) );
      allDayEvent->setAllDay( false );
      allDayEvent->setDtStart( st );
      allDayEvent->setDtEnd( nd );

      kDebug() << "Use:" << st.toString() << "to" << nd.toString();
      // Finally, use this event for the setting below
      event = allDayEvent;

    // This whole for loop is for recurring events, it loops through
    // each of the days of the freebusy request

    for ( i = 0; i <= duration; ++i ) {
      day = start.addDays( i ).date();
      tmpStart.setDate( day );
      tmpEnd.setDate( day );

      if ( event->recurs() ) {
        if ( event->isMultiDay() ) {
  // FIXME: This doesn't work for sub-daily recurrences or recurrences with
  //        a different time than the original event.
          extraDays = event->dtStart().daysTo( event->dtEnd() );
          for ( x = 0; x <= extraDays; ++x ) {
            if ( event->recursOn( day.addDays( -x ), start.timeSpec() ) ) {
              tmpStart.setDate( day.addDays( -x ) );
              tmpStart.setTime( event->dtStart().time() );
              tmpEnd = event->duration().end( tmpStart );

              addLocalPeriod( q, tmpStart, tmpEnd );
        } else {
          if ( event->recursOn( day, start.timeSpec() ) ) {
            tmpStart.setTime( event->dtStart().time() );
            tmpEnd.setTime( event->dtEnd().time() );

            addLocalPeriod ( q, tmpStart, tmpEnd );

    // Non-recurring events
    addLocalPeriod( q, event->dtStart(), event->dtEnd() );

Exemplo n.º 2
    Incidence::Ptr pasteIncidence( const Incidence::Ptr &incidence,
                                   KDateTime newDateTime,
                                   const QFlags<PasteFlag> &pasteOptions )
      Incidence::Ptr inc( incidence );

      if ( inc ) {
        inc = Incidence::Ptr( inc->clone() );

      if ( inc && newDateTime.isValid() ) {
        if ( inc->type() == Incidence::TypeEvent ) {
          Event::Ptr event = inc.staticCast<Event>();
          if ( pasteOptions & FlagPasteAtOriginalTime ) {
            // Set date and preserve time and timezone stuff
            const QDate date = newDateTime.date();
            newDateTime = event->dtStart();
            newDateTime.setDate( date );

          // in seconds
          const int durationInSeconds = event->dtStart().secsTo( event->dtEnd() );
          const int durationInDays = event->dtStart().daysTo( event->dtEnd() );

          event->setDtStart( newDateTime );

          if ( newDateTime.isDateOnly() ) {
            event->setDtEnd( newDateTime.addDays( durationInDays ) );
          } else {
            event->setDtEnd( newDateTime.addSecs( durationInSeconds ) );

        } else if ( inc->type() == Incidence::TypeTodo ) {
          Todo::Ptr aTodo = inc.staticCast<Todo>();
          const bool pasteAtDtStart = ( pasteOptions & FlagTodosPasteAtDtStart );
          if ( pasteOptions & FlagPasteAtOriginalTime ) {
            // Set date and preserve time and timezone stuff
            const QDate date = newDateTime.date();
            newDateTime = pasteAtDtStart ? aTodo->dtStart() : aTodo->dtDue();
            newDateTime.setDate( date );
          if ( pasteAtDtStart ) {
            aTodo->setDtStart( newDateTime );
          } else {
            aTodo->setDtDue( newDateTime );

        } else if ( inc->type() == Incidence::TypeJournal ) {
          if ( pasteOptions & FlagPasteAtOriginalTime ) {
            // Set date and preserve time and timezone stuff
            const QDate date = newDateTime.date();
            newDateTime = inc->dtStart();
            newDateTime.setDate( date );
          inc->setDtStart( newDateTime );
        } else {
          kDebug() << "Trying to paste unknown incidence of type" << int( inc->type() );

      return inc;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ICalFormatTest::testCharsets()
  ICalFormat format;
  const QDate currentDate = QDate::currentDate();
  Event::Ptr event = Event::Ptr( new Event() );
  event->setUid( "12345" );
  event->setDtStart( KDateTime( currentDate ) );
  event->setDtEnd( KDateTime( currentDate.addDays( 1 ) ) );

  // ü
  const QChar latin1_umlaut[] = { 0xFC, '\0' };
  event->setSummary( QString( latin1_umlaut ) );

  // Test if toString( Incidence ) didn't mess charsets
  const QString serialized = format.toString( event.staticCast<Incidence>() );
  const QChar utf_umlaut[] = { 0xC3, 0XBC, '\0' };
  QVERIFY( serialized.toUtf8().contains( QString( utf_umlaut ).toLatin1().constData() ) );
  QVERIFY( !serialized.toUtf8().contains( QString( latin1_umlaut ).toLatin1().constData() ) );
  QVERIFY( serialized.toLatin1().contains( QString( latin1_umlaut ).toLatin1().constData() ) );
  QVERIFY( !serialized.toLatin1().contains( QString( utf_umlaut ).toLatin1().constData() ) );

  // test fromString( QString )
  const QString serializedCalendar =
    "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nPRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 3.2//EN\nVERSION:2.0\n" +
    serialized +

  Incidence::Ptr event2 = format.fromString( serializedCalendar );
  QVERIFY( event->summary() == event2->summary() );
  QVERIFY( event2->summary().toUtf8() ==
           QByteArray( QString( utf_umlaut ).toLatin1().constData() ) );

  // test save()
  MemoryCalendar::Ptr calendar( new MemoryCalendar( "UTC" ) );
  calendar->addIncidence( event );
  QVERIFY( format.save( calendar, "hommer.ics" ) );

  // Make sure hommer.ics is in UTF-8
  QFile file( "hommer.ics" );
  QVERIFY( file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) );

  const QByteArray bytesFromFile = file.readAll();
  QVERIFY( bytesFromFile.contains( QString( utf_umlaut ).toLatin1().constData() ) );
  QVERIFY( !bytesFromFile.contains( QString( latin1_umlaut ).toLatin1().constData() ) );

  // Test load:
  MemoryCalendar::Ptr calendar2( new MemoryCalendar( "UTC" ) );
  QVERIFY( format.load( calendar2, "hommer.ics" ) );
  QVERIFY( calendar2->incidences().count() == 1 );

  // kDebug() << format.toString( event.staticCast<Incidence>() );
  // kDebug() << format.toString( calendar2->incidences().first() );

  Event::Ptr loadedEvent = calendar2->incidences().first().staticCast<Event>();
  QVERIFY( loadedEvent->summary().toUtf8() ==
           QByteArray( QString( utf_umlaut ).toLatin1().constData() ) );
  QVERIFY( *loadedEvent == *event );

  // Test fromRawString()
  MemoryCalendar::Ptr calendar3( new MemoryCalendar( "UTC" ) );
  format.fromRawString( calendar3, bytesFromFile );
  QVERIFY( calendar3->incidences().count() == 1 );
  QVERIFY( *calendar3->incidences().first() == *event );

  unlink( "hommer.ics" );