Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: cli.cpp Projeto: bitshares/fc
 * @brief Read input from the user
 * @param prompt the prompt to display
 * @param line what the user typed
void cli::getline( const std::string& prompt, std::string& line)
   // getting file descriptor for C++ streams is near impossible
   // so we just assume it's the same as the C stream...
#ifndef WIN32   
   if( isatty( fileno( stdin ) ) )
   // it's implied by
   // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/f4s0ddew.aspx
   // that this is the proper way to do this on Windows, but I have
   // no access to a Windows compiler and thus,
   // no idea if this actually works
   if( _isatty( _fileno( stdin ) ) )

      static fc::thread getline_thread("getline");
      getline_thread.async( [&](){
         char* line_read = nullptr;
         std::cout.flush(); //readline doesn't use cin, so we must manually flush _out
         line_read = readline(prompt.c_str());
         if( line_read == nullptr )
            FC_THROW_EXCEPTION( fc::eof_exception, "" );
         line = line_read;
         // we don't need here to add line in editline's history, cause it will be doubled
      std::cout << prompt;
      // sync_call( cin_thread, [&](){ std::getline( *input_stream, line ); }, "getline");
      fc::getline( fc::cin, line );
Exemplo n.º 2
 void mining_loop()
    while( !_mining_loop_complete.canceled() )
      try {
          if( _current_block.prev == block_id_type() || !_callback || _effort < 0.01 || _prev_header.next_difficulty == 0 )
             ilog( "${current.prev}  _effort ${effort}  prev_header: ${prev_header}", 
                   ("current.prev",_current_block.prev)("effort",_effort)("prev_header",_prev_header) );
             fc::usleep( fc::microseconds( 1000*1000 ) );
          auto start = fc::time_point::now();
          block_header tmp = _current_block;
          tmp.timestamp = fc::time_point::now();
          auto next_diff = _prev_header.next_difficulty * 300*1000000ll / (tmp.timestamp - _prev_header.timestamp).count();
          tmp.next_difficulty = (_prev_header.next_difficulty * 24 + next_diff ) / 25;
          tmp.noncea = 0;
          tmp.nonceb = 0;
          auto tmp_id = tmp.id();
          auto seed = fc::sha256::hash( (char*)&tmp_id, sizeof(tmp_id) );
          auto pairs = momentum_search( seed );
          for( auto collision : pairs )
             tmp.noncea = collision.first;
             tmp.nonceb = collision.second;
             FC_ASSERT( _min_votes > 0 );
             FC_ASSERT( _prev_header.next_difficulty > 0 );
             ilog( "difficlty ${d}  target ${t}  tmp.get_difficulty ${dd}  mv ${mv} min: ${min}  block:\n${block}", ("min",_min_votes)("mv",_miner_votes)("dd",tmp.get_difficulty())
                                                                                   ("d",(tmp.get_difficulty() * _miner_votes)/_min_votes)("t",_prev_header.next_difficulty)("block",_current_block) );
             if( (tmp.get_difficulty() * _miner_votes)/_min_votes  >= _prev_header.next_difficulty )
                if( _callback )
                   auto cb = _callback; 
                   _main_thread->async( [cb,tmp](){cb( tmp );} );
                _effort = 0;
          // search space...
          auto end   = fc::time_point::now();
          // wait while checking for cancel...
          if( _effort < 1.0 )
             auto calc_time = (end-start).count();
             auto wait_time = ((1-_effort)/_effort) * calc_time;
             auto wait_until = end + fc::microseconds(wait_time);
             if( wait_until > fc::time_point::now() && !_mining_loop_complete.canceled() )
                ilog( "." );
                fc::usleep( fc::microseconds( 1000*100 ) );
             ilog( "." );
             fc::usleep( fc::microseconds(1000*10) );
      catch ( const fc::exception& e )
         wlog( "${e}", ("e",e.to_detail_string() ));
    } // while 
 } /// mining_loop