Exemplo n.º 1
* The function main marks the entry point of the program.
* By default, main has the storage class extern.
* @param [in] argc (argument count) is an integer that indicates how many arguments were entered on the command line when the program was started.
* @param [in] argv (argument vector) is an array of pointers to arrays of character objects. The array objects are null-terminated strings, representing the arguments that were entered on the command line when the program was started.
* @return the value that was set to exit() (which is 0 if exit() is called via quit()).
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

//    QFile t_fileIn("./MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif");
//    QFile t_fileIn("./MNE-sample-data/MEG/test_output.fif");
    QFile t_fileIn("./MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_write/test_output.fif");

    QFile t_fileOut("./MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_write/test_output2.fif");
//    QFile t_fileOut("./MNE-sample-data/MEG/test_output2.fif");

    //   Setup for reading the raw data
    FiffRawData raw(t_fileIn);

    //   Set up pick list: MEG + STI 014 - bad channels
    bool want_meg   = true;
    bool want_eeg   = false;
    bool want_stim  = false;
    QStringList include;
    include << "STI 014";

//    MatrixXi picks = Fiff::pick_types(raw.info, want_meg, want_eeg, want_stim, include, raw.info.bads);
    MatrixXi picks = raw.info.pick_types(want_meg, want_eeg, want_stim, include, raw.info.bads); // prefer member function
    if(picks.cols() == 0)
        include << "STI101" << "STI201" << "STI301";
//        picks = Fiff::pick_types(raw.info, want_meg, want_eeg, want_stim, include, raw.info.bads);
        picks = raw.info.pick_types(want_meg, want_eeg, want_stim, include, raw.info.bads);// prefer member function
        if(picks.cols() == 0)
            printf("channel list may need modification\n");
            return -1;
    RowVectorXd cals;

    FiffStream::SPtr outfid = Fiff::start_writing_raw(t_fileOut,raw.info, cals/*, picks*/);
    //   Set up the reading parameters
    fiff_int_t from = raw.first_samp;
    fiff_int_t to = raw.last_samp;
    float quantum_sec = 10.0f;//read and write in 10 sec junks
    fiff_int_t quantum = ceil(quantum_sec*raw.info.sfreq);
    //   To read the whole file at once set
    //quantum     = to - from + 1;
    //   Read and write all the data
    bool first_buffer = true;

    fiff_int_t first, last;
    MatrixXd data;
    MatrixXd times;

    for(first = from; first < to; first+=quantum)
        last = first+quantum-1;
        if (last > to)
            last = to;

        if (!raw.read_raw_segment(data,times,first,last/*,picks*/))
                printf("error during read_raw_segment\n");
                return -1;
        //   You can add your own miracle here
        if (first_buffer)
           if (first > 0)
           first_buffer = false;



    return 0;//a.exec();
Exemplo n.º 2
bool FiffDigPointSet::readFromStream(FiffStream::SPtr &p_pStream, FiffDigPointSet &p_Dig)
    //   Open the file, create directory
    bool open_here = false;

    if (!p_pStream->device()->isOpen()) {
        QString t_sFileName = p_pStream->streamName();

            return false;

        printf("Opening header data %s...\n",t_sFileName.toUtf8().constData());

        open_here = true;

    //   Read the measurement info
    //read_hpi_info(p_pStream,p_Tree, info);
    fiff_int_t kind = -1;
    fiff_int_t pos = -1;
    FiffTag::SPtr t_pTag;

    //   Locate the Electrodes
    QList<FiffDirNode::SPtr> isotrak = p_pStream->dirtree()->dir_tree_find(FIFFB_ISOTRAK);

    fiff_int_t coord_frame = FIFFV_COORD_HEAD;
    FiffCoordTrans dig_trans;
    qint32 k = 0;

    if (isotrak.size() == 1)
        for (k = 0; k < isotrak[0]->nent(); ++k)
            kind = isotrak[0]->dir[k]->kind;
            pos  = isotrak[0]->dir[k]->pos;
            if (kind == FIFF_DIG_POINT)
                p_pStream->read_tag(t_pTag, pos);
                if (kind == FIFF_MNE_COORD_FRAME)
                    p_pStream->read_tag(t_pTag, pos);
                    qDebug() << "NEEDS To BE DEBBUGED: FIFF_MNE_COORD_FRAME" << t_pTag->getType();
                    coord_frame = *t_pTag->toInt();
                else if (kind == FIFF_COORD_TRANS)
                    p_pStream->read_tag(t_pTag, pos);
                    qDebug() << "NEEDS To BE DEBBUGED: FIFF_COORD_TRANS" << t_pTag->getType();
                    dig_trans = t_pTag->toCoordTrans();
    for(k = 0; k < p_Dig.size(); ++k)
        p_Dig[k].coord_frame = coord_frame;

    //   All kinds of auxliary stuff
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool FiffDirTree::copy_tree(FiffStream::SPtr p_pStreamIn, FiffId& in_id, QList<FiffDirTree>& p_Nodes, FiffStream::SPtr p_pStreamOut)
    if(p_Nodes.size() <= 0)
        return false;

    qint32 k, p;

    for(k = 0; k < p_Nodes.size(); ++k)
        if (p_Nodes[k].id.version != -1)
            if (in_id.version != -1)
                p_pStreamOut->write_id(FIFF_PARENT_FILE_ID, in_id);//9

            p_pStreamOut->write_id(FIFF_PARENT_BLOCK_ID, p_Nodes[k].id);//11
        for (p = 0; p < p_Nodes[k].nent; ++p)
            //   Do not copy these tags
            if(p_Nodes[k].dir[p].kind == FIFF_BLOCK_ID || p_Nodes[k].dir[p].kind == FIFF_PARENT_BLOCK_ID || p_Nodes[k].dir[p].kind == FIFF_PARENT_FILE_ID)

            //   Read and write tags, pass data through transparently
            if (!p_pStreamIn->device()->seek(p_Nodes[k].dir[p].pos)) //fseek(fidin, nodes(k).dir(p).pos, 'bof') == -1
                printf("Could not seek to the tag\n");
                return false;

//ToDo this is the same like read_tag
            FiffTag::SPtr tag(new FiffTag());
            //QDataStream in(fidin);
            FiffStream::SPtr in = p_pStreamIn;

            // Read fiff tag header from stream
            *in >> tag->kind;
            *in >> tag->type;
            qint32 size;
            *in >> size;
            *in >> tag->next;

            // Read data when available
            if (tag->size() > 0)
                in->readRawData(tag->data(), tag->size());

            //QDataStream out(p_pStreamOut);
            FiffStream::SPtr out = p_pStreamOut;

            *out << (qint32)tag->kind;
            *out << (qint32)tag->type;
            *out << (qint32)tag->size();
            *out << (qint32)FIFFV_NEXT_SEQ;

        for(p = 0; p < p_Nodes[k].nchild; ++p)
            QList<FiffDirTree> childList;
            childList << p_Nodes[k].children[p];
            FiffDirTree::copy_tree(p_pStreamIn, in_id, childList, p_pStreamOut);
    return true;