bool GameObjectModel::initialize(const GameObject& go, const GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry& info) { ModelList::const_iterator it = model_list.find(info.Displayid); if (it == model_list.end()) return false; G3D::AABox mdl_box(it->second.bound); // ignore models with no bounds if (mdl_box == G3D::AABox::zero()) { VMAP_ERROR_LOG(LOG_FILTER_GENERAL, "GameObject model %s has zero bounds, loading skipped", it->; return false; } iModel = ((VMAP::VMapManager2*)VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager())->acquireModelInstance(sWorld->GetDataPath() + "vmaps/", it->; if (!iModel) return false; name = it->; //flags = VMAP::MOD_M2; //adtId = 0; //ID = 0; iPos = Vector3(go.GetPositionX(), go.GetPositionY(), go.GetPositionZ()); phasemask = go.GetPhaseMask(); iScale = go.GetObjectScale(); iInvScale = 1.f / iScale; G3D::Matrix3 iRotation = G3D::Matrix3::fromEulerAnglesZYX(go.GetOrientation(), 0, 0); iInvRot = iRotation.inverse(); // transform bounding box: mdl_box = AABox(mdl_box.low() * iScale, mdl_box.high() * iScale); AABox rotated_bounds; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) rotated_bounds.merge(iRotation * mdl_box.corner(i)); this->iBound = rotated_bounds + iPos; #ifdef SPAWN_CORNERS // test: for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Vector3 pos(iBound.corner(i)); if (Creature* c = const_cast<GameObject&>(go).SummonCreature(24440, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0, TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN)) { c->setFaction(35); c->SetObjectScale(0.1f); } } #endif return true; }
bool GameObjectModel::initialize(const GameObject& go, const GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry& info) { ModelList::const_iterator it = model_list.find(info.Displayid); if (it == model_list.end()) return false; G3D::AABox mdl_box(it->second.bound); // ignore models with no bounds if (mdl_box == G3D::AABox::zero()) { sLog->outError("GameObject model %s has zero bounds, loading skipped", it->; return false; } iModel = ((VMAP::VMapManager2*)VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager())->acquireModelInstance(sWorld->GetDataPath() + "vmaps/", it->; if (!iModel) return false; name = it->; //flags = VMAP::MOD_M2; //adtId = 0; //ID = 0; iPos = Vector3(go.GetPositionX(), go.GetPositionY(), go.GetPositionZ()); // pussywizard: phasemask = (go.GetGoState() == GO_STATE_READY || go.IsTransport()) ? go.GetPhaseMask() : 0; iScale = go.GetFloatValue(OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X); iInvScale = 1.f / iScale; G3D::Matrix3 iRotation = G3D::Matrix3::fromEulerAnglesZYX(go.GetOrientation(), 0, 0); iInvRot = iRotation.inverse(); // transform bounding box: mdl_box = AABox(mdl_box.low() * iScale, mdl_box.high() * iScale); AABox rotated_bounds; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) rotated_bounds.merge(iRotation * mdl_box.corner(i)); iBound = rotated_bounds + iPos; #ifdef SPAWN_CORNERS // test: for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Vector3 pos(iBound.corner(i)); const_cast<GameObject&>(go).SummonCreature(1, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0, TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN); } #endif owner = &go; return true; }
bool GameObjectModel::initialize(const GameObject* const pGo, const GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry* const pDisplayInfo) { ModelList::const_iterator it = model_list.find(pDisplayInfo->Displayid); if (it == model_list.end()) return false; G3D::AABox mdl_box(it->second.bound); // ignore models with no bounds if (mdl_box == G3D::AABox::zero()) { sLog.outDebug("Model %s has zero bounds, loading skipped", it->; return false; } iModel = ((VMAP::VMapManager2*)VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager())->acquireModelInstance(sWorld.GetDataPath() + "vmaps/", it->; if (!iModel) return false; name = it->; iPos = Vector3(pGo->GetPositionX(), pGo->GetPositionY(), pGo->GetPositionZ()); collision_enabled = true; iScale = pGo->GetObjectScale(); iInvScale = 1.f / iScale; G3D::Matrix3 iRotation = G3D::Matrix3::fromEulerAnglesZYX(pGo->GetOrientation(), 0, 0); iInvRot = iRotation.inverse(); // transform bounding box: mdl_box = AABox(mdl_box.low() * iScale, mdl_box.high() * iScale); AABox rotated_bounds; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) rotated_bounds.merge(iRotation * mdl_box.corner(i)); this->iBound = rotated_bounds + iPos; #ifdef SPAWN_CORNERS // test: for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Vector3 pos(iBound.corner(i)); if (Creature* c = const_cast<GameObject*>(pGo)->SummonCreature(24440, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0, TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN, 0)) { c->setFaction(35); c->SetObjectScale(0.1f); } } #endif return true; }
bool GameObjectModel::initialize(std::unique_ptr<GameObjectModelOwnerBase> modelOwner, std::string const& dataPath) { ModelList::const_iterator it = model_list.find(modelOwner->GetDisplayId()); if (it == model_list.end()) return false; G3D::AABox mdl_box(it->second.bound); // ignore models with no bounds if (mdl_box == G3D::AABox::zero()) { VMAP_ERROR_LOG("misc", "GameObject model %s has zero bounds, loading skipped", it->; return false; } iModel = ((VMAP::VMapManager2*)VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager())->acquireModelInstance(dataPath + "vmaps/", it->; if (!iModel) return false; name = it->; //flags = VMAP::MOD_M2; //adtId = 0; //ID = 0; iPos = modelOwner->GetPosition(); phasemask = modelOwner->GetPhaseMask(); iScale = modelOwner->GetScale(); iInvScale = 1.f / iScale; G3D::Matrix3 iRotation = G3D::Matrix3::fromEulerAnglesZYX(modelOwner->GetOrientation(), 0, 0); iInvRot = iRotation.inverse(); // transform bounding box: mdl_box = AABox(mdl_box.low() * iScale, mdl_box.high() * iScale); AABox rotated_bounds; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) rotated_bounds.merge(iRotation * mdl_box.corner(i)); iBound = rotated_bounds + iPos; #ifdef SPAWN_CORNERS // test: for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Vector3 pos(iBound.corner(i)); modelOwner->DebugVisualizeCorner(pos); } #endif owner = std::move(modelOwner); return true; }
bool GameObjectModel::UpdatePosition() { if (!iModel) return false; ModelList::const_iterator it = model_list.find(owner->GetDisplayId()); if (it == model_list.end()) return false; G3D::AABox mdl_box(it->second.bound); // ignore models with no bounds if (mdl_box == G3D::AABox::zero()) { TC_LOG_ERROR("misc", "GameObject model %s has zero bounds, loading skipped", it->; return false; } iPos = owner->GetPosition(); G3D::Matrix3 iRotation = G3D::Matrix3::fromEulerAnglesZYX(owner->GetOrientation(), 0, 0); iInvRot = iRotation.inverse(); // transform bounding box: mdl_box = AABox(mdl_box.low() * iScale, mdl_box.high() * iScale); AABox rotated_bounds; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) rotated_bounds.merge(iRotation * mdl_box.corner(i)); iBound = rotated_bounds + iPos; #ifdef SPAWN_CORNERS // test: for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Vector3 pos(iBound.corner(i)); owner->DebugVisualizeCorner(pos); } #endif return true; }
bool GameObjectModel::Relocate(const GameObject& go) { if (!iModel) return false; ModelList::const_iterator it = model_list.find(go.GetDisplayId()); if (it == model_list.end()) return false; G3D::AABox mdl_box(it->second.bound); // ignore models with no bounds if (mdl_box == G3D::AABox::zero()) { VMAP_ERROR_LOG("misc", "GameObject model %s has zero bounds, loading skipped", it->; return false; } iPos = Vector3(go.GetPositionX(), go.GetPositionY(), go.GetPositionZ()); G3D::Matrix3 iRotation = G3D::Matrix3::fromEulerAnglesZYX(go.GetOrientation(), 0, 0); iInvRot = iRotation.inverse(); // transform bounding box: mdl_box = AABox(mdl_box.low() * iScale, mdl_box.high() * iScale); AABox rotated_bounds; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) rotated_bounds.merge(iRotation * mdl_box.corner(i)); iBound = rotated_bounds + iPos; #ifdef SPAWN_CORNERS // test: for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Vector3 pos(iBound.corner(i)); go.SummonCreature(1, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0, TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN); } #endif return true; }