Exemplo n.º 1
	void operator()(const MeshTriangle &tri, G3D::AABox &out) const {
		G3D::Vector3 lo = vertices[tri.idx0];
		G3D::Vector3 hi = lo;

		lo = (lo.min(vertices[tri.idx1])).min(vertices[tri.idx2]);
		hi = (hi.max(vertices[tri.idx1])).max(vertices[tri.idx2]);

		out = G3D::AABox(lo, hi);
Exemplo n.º 2
void PathGenerator::ReducePathLenghtByDist(float dist)
    if (GetPathType() == PATHFIND_BLANK)
        TC_LOG_ERROR("maps", "PathGenerator::ReducePathLenghtByDist called before path was built");

    if (_pathPoints.size() < 2) // path building failure

    uint32 i = _pathPoints.size();
    G3D::Vector3 nextVec = _pathPoints[--i];
    while (i > 0)
        G3D::Vector3 currVec = _pathPoints[--i];
        G3D::Vector3 diffVec = (nextVec - currVec);
        float len = diffVec.length();
        if (len > dist)
            float step = dist / len;
            // same as nextVec
            _pathPoints[i + 1] -= diffVec * step;
            _sourceUnit->UpdateAllowedPositionZ(_pathPoints[i + 1].x, _pathPoints[i + 1].y, _pathPoints[i + 1].z);
            _pathPoints.resize(i + 2);
        else if (i == 0) // at second point
            _pathPoints[1] = _pathPoints[0];

        dist -= len;
        nextVec = currVec; // we're going backwards
Exemplo n.º 3
	bool IntersectTriangle(const MeshTriangle & tri, std::vector<G3D::Vector3>::const_iterator points, const G3D::Ray & ray, float & distance)
		static const float EPS = 1e-5f;

		// See RTR2 ch. 13.7 for the algorithm.

		const G3D::Vector3 e1 = points[tri.idx1] - points[tri.idx0];
		const G3D::Vector3 e2 = points[tri.idx2] - points[tri.idx0];
		const G3D::Vector3 p(ray.direction().cross(e2));
		const float a = e1.dot(p);

		if(abs(a) < EPS)
			// Determinant is ill-conditioned; abort early
			return false;

		const float f = 1.0f / a;
		const G3D::Vector3 s(ray.origin() - points[tri.idx0]);
		const float u = f * s.dot(p);

		if((u < 0.0f) || (u > 1.0f))
			// We hit the plane of the m_geometry, but outside the m_geometry
			return false;

		const G3D::Vector3 q(s.cross(e1));
		const float v = f * ray.direction().dot(q);

		if((v < 0.0f) || ((u + v) > 1.0f))
			// We hit the plane of the triangle, but outside the triangle
			return false;

		const float t = f * e2.dot(q);

		if((t > 0.0f) && (t < distance))
			// This is a new hit, closer than the previous one
			distance = t;

			/* baryCoord[0] = 1.0 - u - v;
			baryCoord[1] = u;
			baryCoord[2] = v; */

			return true;
		// This hit is after the previous hit, so ignore it
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
void PathGenerator::BuildPolyPath(G3D::Vector3 const& startPos, G3D::Vector3 const& endPos)
    // *** getting start/end poly logic ***

    float distToStartPoly, distToEndPoly;
    float startPoint[VERTEX_SIZE] = {startPos.y, startPos.z, startPos.x};
    float endPoint[VERTEX_SIZE] = {endPos.y, endPos.z, endPos.x};

    dtPolyRef startPoly = GetPolyByLocation(startPoint, &distToStartPoly);
    dtPolyRef endPoly = GetPolyByLocation(endPoint, &distToEndPoly);

    // we have a hole in our mesh
    // make shortcut path and mark it as NOPATH ( with flying and swimming exception )
    // its up to caller how he will use this info
    if (startPoly == INVALID_POLYREF || endPoly == INVALID_POLYREF)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: (startPoly == 0 || endPoly == 0)\n");
        bool path = _sourceUnit->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && _sourceUnit->ToCreature()->CanFly();

        bool waterPath = _sourceUnit->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && _sourceUnit->ToCreature()->CanSwim();
        if (waterPath)
            // Check both start and end points, if they're both in water, then we can *safely* let the creature move
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < _pathPoints.size(); ++i)
                ZLiquidStatus status = _sourceUnit->GetBaseMap()->getLiquidStatus(_pathPoints[i].x, _pathPoints[i].y, _pathPoints[i].z, MAP_ALL_LIQUIDS, NULL);
                // One of the points is not in the water, cancel movement.
                if (status == LIQUID_MAP_NO_WATER)
                    waterPath = false;

        _type = (path || waterPath) ? PathType(PATHFIND_NORMAL | PATHFIND_NOT_USING_PATH) : PATHFIND_NOPATH;

    // we may need a better number here
    bool farFromPoly = (distToStartPoly > 7.0f || distToEndPoly > 7.0f);
    if (farFromPoly)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: farFromPoly distToStartPoly=%.3f distToEndPoly=%.3f\n", distToStartPoly, distToEndPoly);

        bool buildShotrcut = false;
        if (_sourceUnit->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT)
            Creature* owner = (Creature*)_sourceUnit;

            G3D::Vector3 const& p = (distToStartPoly > 7.0f) ? startPos : endPos;
            if (_sourceUnit->GetBaseMap()->IsUnderWater(p.x, p.y, p.z))
                TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: underWater case\n");
                if (owner->CanSwim())
                    buildShotrcut = true;
                TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: flying case\n");
                if (owner->CanFly())
                    buildShotrcut = true;

        if (buildShotrcut)
            _type = PathType(PATHFIND_NORMAL | PATHFIND_NOT_USING_PATH);
            float closestPoint[VERTEX_SIZE];
            // we may want to use closestPointOnPolyBoundary instead
            if (dtStatusSucceed(_navMeshQuery->closestPointOnPoly(endPoly, endPoint, closestPoint, NULL)))
                dtVcopy(endPoint, closestPoint);
                SetActualEndPosition(G3D::Vector3(endPoint[2], endPoint[0], endPoint[1]));

            _type = PATHFIND_INCOMPLETE;

    // *** poly path generating logic ***

    // start and end are on same polygon
    // just need to move in straight line
    if (startPoly == endPoly)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: (startPoly == endPoly)\n");


        _pathPolyRefs[0] = startPoly;
        _polyLength = 1;

        _type = farFromPoly ? PATHFIND_INCOMPLETE : PATHFIND_NORMAL;
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: path type %d\n", _type);

    // look for startPoly/endPoly in current path
    /// @todo we can merge it with getPathPolyByPosition() loop
    bool startPolyFound = false;
    bool endPolyFound = false;
    uint32 pathStartIndex = 0;
    uint32 pathEndIndex = 0;

    if (_polyLength)
        for (; pathStartIndex < _polyLength; ++pathStartIndex)
            // here to catch few bugs
            if (_pathPolyRefs[pathStartIndex] == INVALID_POLYREF)
                TC_LOG_ERROR("maps", "Invalid poly ref in BuildPolyPath. _polyLength: %u, pathStartIndex: %u,"
                                     " startPos: %s, endPos: %s, mapid: %u",
                                     _polyLength, pathStartIndex, startPos.toString().c_str(), endPos.toString().c_str(),


            if (_pathPolyRefs[pathStartIndex] == startPoly)
                startPolyFound = true;

        for (pathEndIndex = _polyLength-1; pathEndIndex > pathStartIndex; --pathEndIndex)
            if (_pathPolyRefs[pathEndIndex] == endPoly)
                endPolyFound = true;

    if (startPolyFound && endPolyFound)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: (startPolyFound && endPolyFound)\n");

        // we moved along the path and the target did not move out of our old poly-path
        // our path is a simple subpath case, we have all the data we need
        // just "cut" it out

        _polyLength = pathEndIndex - pathStartIndex + 1;
        memmove(_pathPolyRefs, _pathPolyRefs + pathStartIndex, _polyLength * sizeof(dtPolyRef));
    else if (startPolyFound && !endPolyFound)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: (startPolyFound && !endPolyFound)\n");

        // we are moving on the old path but target moved out
        // so we have atleast part of poly-path ready

        _polyLength -= pathStartIndex;

        // try to adjust the suffix of the path instead of recalculating entire length
        // at given interval the target cannot get too far from its last location
        // thus we have less poly to cover
        // sub-path of optimal path is optimal

        // take ~80% of the original length
        /// @todo play with the values here
        uint32 prefixPolyLength = uint32(_polyLength * 0.8f + 0.5f);
        memmove(_pathPolyRefs, _pathPolyRefs+pathStartIndex, prefixPolyLength * sizeof(dtPolyRef));

        dtPolyRef suffixStartPoly = _pathPolyRefs[prefixPolyLength-1];

        // we need any point on our suffix start poly to generate poly-path, so we need last poly in prefix data
        float suffixEndPoint[VERTEX_SIZE];
        if (dtStatusFailed(_navMeshQuery->closestPointOnPoly(suffixStartPoly, endPoint, suffixEndPoint, NULL)))
            // we can hit offmesh connection as last poly - closestPointOnPoly() don't like that
            // try to recover by using prev polyref
            suffixStartPoly = _pathPolyRefs[prefixPolyLength-1];
            if (dtStatusFailed(_navMeshQuery->closestPointOnPoly(suffixStartPoly, endPoint, suffixEndPoint, NULL)))
                // suffixStartPoly is still invalid, error state
                _type = PATHFIND_NOPATH;

        // generate suffix
        uint32 suffixPolyLength = 0;

        dtStatus dtResult;
        if (_straightLine)
            float hit = 0;
            float hitNormal[3];
            memset(hitNormal, 0, sizeof(hitNormal));

            dtResult = _navMeshQuery->raycast(
                            _pathPolyRefs + prefixPolyLength - 1,
                            MAX_PATH_LENGTH - prefixPolyLength);

            // raycast() sets hit to FLT_MAX if there is a ray between start and end
            if (hit != FLT_MAX)
                // the ray hit something, return no path instead of the incomplete one
                _type = PATHFIND_NOPATH;
            dtResult = _navMeshQuery->findPath(
                            suffixStartPoly,    // start polygon
                            endPoly,            // end polygon
                            suffixEndPoint,     // start position
                            endPoint,           // end position
                            &_filter,            // polygon search filter
                            _pathPolyRefs + prefixPolyLength - 1,    // [out] path
                            MAX_PATH_LENGTH - prefixPolyLength);   // max number of polygons in output path

        if (!suffixPolyLength || dtStatusFailed(dtResult))
            // this is probably an error state, but we'll leave it
            // and hopefully recover on the next Update
            // we still need to copy our preffix
            TC_LOG_ERROR("maps", "%u's Path Build failed: 0 length path", _sourceUnit->GetGUIDLow());

        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++  m_polyLength=%u prefixPolyLength=%u suffixPolyLength=%u \n", _polyLength, prefixPolyLength, suffixPolyLength);

        // new path = prefix + suffix - overlap
        _polyLength = prefixPolyLength + suffixPolyLength - 1;
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ BuildPolyPath :: (!startPolyFound && !endPolyFound)\n");

        // either we have no path at all -> first run
        // or something went really wrong -> we aren't moving along the path to the target
        // just generate new path

        // free and invalidate old path data

        dtStatus dtResult;
        if (_straightLine)
            float hit = 0;
            float hitNormal[3];
            memset(hitNormal, 0, sizeof(hitNormal));

            dtResult = _navMeshQuery->raycast(

            // raycast() sets hit to FLT_MAX if there is a ray between start and end
            if (hit != FLT_MAX)
                // the ray hit something, return no path instead of the incomplete one
                _type = PATHFIND_NOPATH;
            dtResult = _navMeshQuery->findPath(
                            startPoly,          // start polygon
                            endPoly,            // end polygon
                            startPoint,         // start position
                            endPoint,           // end position
                            &_filter,           // polygon search filter
                            _pathPolyRefs,     // [out] path
                            MAX_PATH_LENGTH);   // max number of polygons in output path

        if (!_polyLength || dtStatusFailed(dtResult))
            // only happens if we passed bad data to findPath(), or navmesh is messed up
            TC_LOG_ERROR("maps", "%u's Path Build failed: 0 length path", _sourceUnit->GetGUIDLow());
            _type = PATHFIND_NOPATH;

    // by now we know what type of path we can get
    if (_pathPolyRefs[_polyLength - 1] == endPoly && !(_type & PATHFIND_INCOMPLETE))
        _type = PATHFIND_NORMAL;
        _type = PATHFIND_INCOMPLETE;

    // generate the point-path out of our up-to-date poly-path
    BuildPointPath(startPoint, endPoint);
Exemplo n.º 5
void PathGenerator::BuildPointPath(const float *startPoint, const float *endPoint)
    uint32 pointCount = 0;
    dtStatus dtResult = DT_FAILURE;
    if (_straightLine)
        dtResult = DT_SUCCESS;
        pointCount = 1;
        memcpy(&pathPoints[VERTEX_SIZE * 0], startPoint, sizeof(float)* 3); // first point

        // path has to be split into polygons with dist SMOOTH_PATH_STEP_SIZE between them
        G3D::Vector3 startVec = G3D::Vector3(startPoint[0], startPoint[1], startPoint[2]);
        G3D::Vector3 endVec = G3D::Vector3(endPoint[0], endPoint[1], endPoint[2]);
        G3D::Vector3 diffVec = (endVec - startVec);
        G3D::Vector3 prevVec = startVec;
        float len = diffVec.length();
        diffVec *= SMOOTH_PATH_STEP_SIZE / len;
        while (len > SMOOTH_PATH_STEP_SIZE)
            len -= SMOOTH_PATH_STEP_SIZE;
            prevVec += diffVec;
            pathPoints[VERTEX_SIZE * pointCount + 0] = prevVec.x;
            pathPoints[VERTEX_SIZE * pointCount + 1] = prevVec.y;
            pathPoints[VERTEX_SIZE * pointCount + 2] = prevVec.z;

        memcpy(&pathPoints[VERTEX_SIZE * pointCount], endPoint, sizeof(float)* 3); // last point
    else if (_useStraightPath)
        dtResult = _navMeshQuery->findStraightPath(
                startPoint,         // start position
                endPoint,           // end position
                _pathPolyRefs,     // current path
                _polyLength,       // lenth of current path
                pathPoints,         // [out] path corner points
                NULL,               // [out] flags
                NULL,               // [out] shortened path
                _pointPathLimit);   // maximum number of points/polygons to use
        dtResult = FindSmoothPath(
                startPoint,         // start position
                endPoint,           // end position
                _pathPolyRefs,     // current path
                _polyLength,       // length of current path
                pathPoints,         // [out] path corner points
                _pointPathLimit);    // maximum number of points

    if (pointCount < 2 || dtStatusFailed(dtResult))
        // only happens if pass bad data to findStraightPath or navmesh is broken
        // single point paths can be generated here
        /// @todo check the exact cases
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ PathGenerator::BuildPointPath FAILED! path sized %d returned\n", pointCount);
        _type = PATHFIND_NOPATH;
    else if (pointCount == _pointPathLimit)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ PathGenerator::BuildPointPath FAILED! path sized %d returned, lower than limit set to %d\n", pointCount, _pointPathLimit);
        _type = PATHFIND_SHORT;

    for (uint32 i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)
        _pathPoints[i] = G3D::Vector3(pathPoints[i*VERTEX_SIZE+2], pathPoints[i*VERTEX_SIZE], pathPoints[i*VERTEX_SIZE+1]);


    // first point is always our current location - we need the next one

    // force the given destination, if needed
    if (_forceDestination &&
        (!(_type & PATHFIND_NORMAL) || !InRange(GetEndPosition(), GetActualEndPosition(), 1.0f, 1.0f)))
        // we may want to keep partial subpath
        if (Dist3DSqr(GetActualEndPosition(), GetEndPosition()) < 0.3f * Dist3DSqr(GetStartPosition(), GetEndPosition()))
            _pathPoints[_pathPoints.size()-1] = GetEndPosition();


    TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "++ PathGenerator::BuildPointPath path type %d size %d poly-size %d\n", _type, pointCount, _polyLength);