Exemplo n.º 1
// Smearing function
StatusCode FlatSmearVertex::smearVertex( HepMC::GenEvent * theEvent ) {
  double dx , dy , dz , dt ;
  dx = m_xmin + m_flatDist( ) * ( m_xmax - m_xmin ) ;
  dy = m_ymin + m_flatDist( ) * ( m_ymax - m_ymin ) ;
  dz = m_zmin + m_flatDist( ) * ( m_zmax - m_zmin ) ;
  dt = m_zDir * dz/Gaudi::Units::c_light ;

  Gaudi::LorentzVector dpos( dx , dy , dz , dt ) ;
  debug() << "Smearing vertices by " << dpos << endmsg;

  for (auto vit = theEvent->vertices_begin(); vit != theEvent->vertices_end(); ++vit ) {
    Gaudi::LorentzVector pos ( (*vit) -> position() ) ;
    pos += dpos ;
    (*vit)->set_position( HepMC::FourVector(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), pos.t() ) ) ;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;      
Exemplo n.º 2
// Main execution
StatusCode ParticleGunAlg::execute() {

  StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS ;

  Gaudi::LorentzVector theFourMomentum ;
  Gaudi::LorentzVector origin ;
  int thePdgId ;

  // prepare a new HepMC event
  HepMC::GenEvent * theEvent = new HepMC::GenEvent() ;
  m_particleGunTool->generateParticle( theFourMomentum , origin , thePdgId );
  // create HepMC Vertex
  HepMC::GenVertex * v = new HepMC::GenVertex( HepMC::FourVector( origin.X() ,
								  origin.Y() ,
								  origin.Z() ,
								  origin.T() ) ) ;
  // create HepMC particle
  HepMC::GenParticle * p = new HepMC::GenParticle( HepMC::FourVector( theFourMomentum.Px() ,
								      theFourMomentum.Py() ,
								      theFourMomentum.Pz() ,
								      theFourMomentum.E()  ) ,
						   thePdgId ,
						   3 ) ;
  v -> add_particle_out( p ) ;
  theEvent -> add_vertex( v ) ;
  theEvent -> set_signal_process_id( 0 ) ;
  theEvent -> set_signal_process_vertex( v ) ;

  if(m_vertexSmearTool != nullptr)

  HepMCEntry * entry = new HepMCEntry();
  return sc ;
Exemplo n.º 3
/// Generate the particles
void ConstPtParticleGun::generateParticle(Gaudi::LorentzVector& momentum, Gaudi::LorentzVector& origin, int& pdgId) {

  origin.SetCoordinates(0., 0., 0., 0.);
  double px(0.), py(0.), pz(0.);

  // Generate values for eta  and phi
  double phi = m_minPhi + m_flatGenerator() * (m_deltaPhi);
  double eta = m_minEta + m_flatGenerator() * (m_deltaEta);

  // Transform to x,y,z coordinates
  double pt = 0;
  if (m_ptList.size() > 0) {
    int randIndex = m_flatGenerator() * m_ptList.size();
    pt = m_ptList[randIndex];
  } else {
    if (m_logSpacedPt) {
      double logPtMin = std::log10(m_minPt);
      double logPtMax = std::log10(m_maxPt);
      pt = pow(10, logPtMin + (logPtMax - logPtMin) * m_flatGenerator());

    } else {
      pt = m_minPt + m_flatGenerator() * (m_maxPt - m_minPt);
  px = pt * cos(phi);
  py = pt * sin(phi);
  pz = pt * sinh(eta);

  // randomly choose a particle type
  unsigned int currentType = (unsigned int)(m_pdgCodes.size() * m_flatGenerator());
  // protect against funnies
  if (currentType >= m_pdgCodes.size()) currentType = 0;

  momentum.SetE(std::sqrt(m_masses[currentType] * m_masses[currentType] + momentum.P2()));

  pdgId = m_pdgCodes[currentType];

  debug() << " -> " << pdgId << endmsg << "   P   = " << momentum << endmsg;
Exemplo n.º 4
StatusCode ConstPtParticleGun::getNextEvent(HepMC::GenEvent& theEvent) {
  Gaudi::LorentzVector theFourMomentum;
  Gaudi::LorentzVector origin;
  // note: pgdid is set in function generateParticle
  int thePdgId;
  generateParticle(theFourMomentum, origin, thePdgId);

  // create HepMC Vertex --
  // by calling add_vertex(), the hepmc event is given ownership of the vertex
  HepMC::GenVertex* v = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(origin.X(), origin.Y(), origin.Z(), origin.T()));
  // create HepMC particle --
  // by calling add_particle_out(), the hepmc vertex is given ownership of the particle
  HepMC::GenParticle* p = new HepMC::GenParticle(
      HepMC::FourVector(theFourMomentum.Px(), theFourMomentum.Py(), theFourMomentum.Pz(), theFourMomentum.E()),
      1);  // hepmc status code for final state particle



  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;