Exemplo n.º 1
void HttpImageFileView::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	using namespace Draw;
	if (!texture_ && !textureFailed_ && !path_.empty() && !download_) {
		download_ = downloader_->StartDownloadWithCallback(path_, "", std::bind(&HttpImageFileView::DownloadCompletedCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1));

	if (!textureData_.empty()) {
		texture_ = CreateTextureFromFileData(dc.GetDrawContext(), (const uint8_t *)(textureData_.data()), (int)textureData_.size(), DETECT);
		if (!texture_)
			textureFailed_ = true;

	if (HasFocus()) {
		dc.FillRect(dc.theme->itemFocusedStyle.background, bounds_.Expand(3));

	// TODO: involve sizemode
	if (texture_) {
		dc.GetDrawContext()->BindTexture(0, texture_->GetTexture());
		dc.Draw()->Rect(bounds_.x, bounds_.y, bounds_.w, bounds_.h, color_);
	} else {
		// draw a black rectangle to represent the missing image.
		dc.FillRect(UI::Drawable(0xFF000000), GetBounds());
Exemplo n.º 2
void Config::Load(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) {
	const bool useIniFilename = iniFileName != nullptr && strlen(iniFileName) > 0;
	iniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(useIniFilename ? iniFileName : "ppsspp.ini");

	const bool useControllerIniFilename = controllerIniFilename != nullptr && strlen(controllerIniFilename) > 0;
	controllerIniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(useControllerIniFilename ? controllerIniFilename : "controls.ini");

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading config: %s", iniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	bShowFrameProfiler = true;

	IniFile iniFile;
	if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting config to default.", iniFilename_.c_str());
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config.

	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) {
		IniFile::Section *section = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(sections[i].section);
		for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) {

	if (!File::Exists(currentDirectory))
		currentDirectory = "";

	IniFile::Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent");
	recent->Get("MaxRecent", &iMaxRecent, 30);

	// Fix issue from switching from uint (hex in .ini) to int (dec)
	// -1 is okay, though. We'll just ignore recent stuff if it is.
	if (iMaxRecent == 0)
		iMaxRecent = 30;

	if (iMaxRecent > 0) {
		for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++) {
			char keyName[64];
			std::string fileName;

			snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "FileName%d", i);
			if (recent->Get(keyName, &fileName, "") && !fileName.empty()) {

	auto pinnedPaths = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PinnedPaths")->ToMap();
	for (auto it = pinnedPaths.begin(), end = pinnedPaths.end(); it != end; ++it) {

	if (iAnisotropyLevel > 4) {
		iAnisotropyLevel = 4;

	// Check for an old dpad setting
	IniFile::Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control");
	float f;
	control->Get("DPadRadius", &f, 0.0f);
	if (f > 0.0f) {

	// MIGRATION: For users who had the old static touch layout, aren't I nice?
	// We can probably kill this in 0.9.8 or something.
	if (fDpadX > 1.0 || fDpadY > 1.0) { // Likely the rest are too!
		float screen_width = dp_xres;
		float screen_height = dp_yres;

		fActionButtonCenterX /= screen_width;
		fActionButtonCenterY /= screen_height;
		fDpadX /= screen_width;
		fDpadY /= screen_height;
		fStartKeyX /= screen_width;
		fStartKeyY /= screen_height;
		fSelectKeyX /= screen_width;
		fSelectKeyY /= screen_height;
		fUnthrottleKeyX /= screen_width;
		fUnthrottleKeyY /= screen_height;
		fLKeyX /= screen_width;
		fLKeyY /= screen_height;
		fRKeyX /= screen_width;
		fRKeyY /= screen_height;
		fAnalogStickX /= screen_width;
		fAnalogStickY /= screen_height;
	const char *gitVer = PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION;
	Version installed(gitVer);
	Version upgrade(upgradeVersion);
	const bool versionsValid = installed.IsValid() && upgrade.IsValid();

	// Do this regardless of iRunCount to prevent a silly bug where one might use an older
	// build of PPSSPP, receive an upgrade notice, then start a newer version, and still receive the upgrade notice,
	// even if said newer version is >= the upgrade found online.
	if ((dismissedVersion == upgradeVersion) || (versionsValid && (installed >= upgrade))) {
		upgradeMessage = "";

	// Check for new version on every 10 runs.
	// Sometimes the download may not be finished when the main screen shows (if the user dismisses the
	// splash screen quickly), but then we'll just show the notification next time instead, we store the
	// upgrade number in the ini.
#if !defined(ARMEABI)
	if (iRunCount % 10 == 0 && bCheckForNewVersion) {
		std::shared_ptr<http::Download> dl = g_DownloadManager.StartDownloadWithCallback(
			"http://www.ppsspp.org/version.json", "", &DownloadCompletedCallback);

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading controller config: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	IniFile controllerIniFile;
	if (!controllerIniFile.Load(controllerIniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting controller config to default.", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	} else {
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config. It will just restore the defaults.
	//so this is all the way down here to overwrite the controller settings
	//sadly it won't benefit from all the "version conversion" going on up-above
	//but these configs shouldn't contain older versions anyhow
	if (bGameSpecific)


#ifdef _WIN32
	iTempGPUBackend = iGPUBackend;

	// Fix Wrong MAC address by old version by "Change MAC address"
	if (sMACAddress.length() != 17)
		sMACAddress = CreateRandMAC();

	if (g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip && g_Config.iRenderingMode == FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) {
		g_Config.iRenderingMode = FB_BUFFERED_MODE;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Config::Load(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) {
	iniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(iniFileName != NULL ? iniFileName : "ppsspp.ini");
	controllerIniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(controllerIniFilename != NULL ? controllerIniFilename : "controls.ini");

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading config: %s", iniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	IniFile iniFile;
	if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting config to default.", iniFilename_.c_str());
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config.

	IniFile::Section *general = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("General");

	general->Get("FirstRun", &bFirstRun, true);
	general->Get("RunCount", &iRunCount, 0);
	general->Get("Enable Logging", &bEnableLogging, true);
	general->Get("AutoRun", &bAutoRun, true);
	general->Get("Browse", &bBrowse, false);
	general->Get("IgnoreBadMemAccess", &bIgnoreBadMemAccess, true);
	general->Get("CurrentDirectory", &currentDirectory, "");
	general->Get("ShowDebuggerOnLoad", &bShowDebuggerOnLoad, false);
	general->Get("HomebrewStore", &bHomebrewStore, false);

	if (!File::Exists(currentDirectory))
		currentDirectory = "";

	std::string defaultLangRegion = "en_US";
	if (bFirstRun) {
		std::string langRegion = System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_LANGREGION);
		if (i18nrepo.IniExists(langRegion))
			defaultLangRegion = langRegion;
		// TODO: Be smart about same language, different country

	general->Get("Language", &sLanguageIni, defaultLangRegion.c_str());
	general->Get("NumWorkerThreads", &iNumWorkerThreads, cpu_info.num_cores);
	general->Get("EnableAutoLoad", &bEnableAutoLoad, false);
	general->Get("EnableCheats", &bEnableCheats, false);
	general->Get("ScreenshotsAsPNG", &bScreenshotsAsPNG, false);
	general->Get("StateSlot", &iCurrentStateSlot, 0);
	general->Get("RewindFlipFrequency", &iRewindFlipFrequency, 0);
	general->Get("GridView1", &bGridView1, true);
	general->Get("GridView2", &bGridView2, true);
	general->Get("GridView3", &bGridView3, false);

	// "default" means let emulator decide, "" means disable.
	general->Get("ReportingHost", &sReportHost, "default");
	general->Get("Recent", recentIsos);
	general->Get("AutoSaveSymbolMap", &bAutoSaveSymbolMap, false);
#ifdef _WIN32
	general->Get("TopMost", &bTopMost);
	general->Get("WindowX", &iWindowX, -1); // -1 tells us to center the window.
	general->Get("WindowY", &iWindowY, -1);
	general->Get("WindowWidth", &iWindowWidth, 0);   // 0 will be automatically reset later (need to do the AdjustWindowRect dance).
	general->Get("WindowHeight", &iWindowHeight, 0);
	general->Get("PauseOnLostFocus", &bPauseOnLostFocus, false);

	IniFile::Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent");
	recent->Get("MaxRecent", &iMaxRecent, 30);

	// Fix issue from switching from uint (hex in .ini) to int (dec)
	if (iMaxRecent == 0)
		iMaxRecent = 30;

	for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++)
		char keyName[64];
		std::string fileName;

		if (!recent->Get(keyName,&fileName,"") || fileName.length() == 0) {
			// just skip it to get the next key
		else {

	IniFile::Section *cpu = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("CPU");
#ifdef IOS
	cpu->Get("Jit", &bJit, iosCanUseJit);
	cpu->Get("Jit", &bJit, true);
	cpu->Get("SeparateCPUThread", &bSeparateCPUThread, false);
	cpu->Get("AtomicAudioLocks", &bAtomicAudioLocks, false);

	cpu->Get("SeparateIOThread", &bSeparateIOThread, true);
	cpu->Get("FastMemoryAccess", &bFastMemory, true);
	cpu->Get("CPUSpeed", &iLockedCPUSpeed, 0);

	IniFile::Section *graphics = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Graphics");
	graphics->Get("ShowFPSCounter", &iShowFPSCounter, false);

	int renderingModeDefault = 1;  // Buffered
	if (System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_NAME) == "samsung:GT-S5360") {
		renderingModeDefault = 0;  // Non-buffered

	graphics->Get("RenderingMode", &iRenderingMode, renderingModeDefault);
	graphics->Get("SoftwareRendering", &bSoftwareRendering, false);
	graphics->Get("HardwareTransform", &bHardwareTransform, true);
	graphics->Get("SoftwareSkinning", &bSoftwareSkinning, true);
	graphics->Get("TextureFiltering", &iTexFiltering, 1);
	// Auto on Windows, 2x on large screens, 1x elsewhere.
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(USING_QT_UI)
	graphics->Get("InternalResolution", &iInternalResolution, 0);
	graphics->Get("InternalResolution", &iInternalResolution, pixel_xres >= 1024 ? 2 : 1);

	graphics->Get("FrameSkip", &iFrameSkip, 0);
	graphics->Get("FrameRate", &iFpsLimit, 0);
#ifdef _WIN32
	graphics->Get("FrameSkipUnthrottle", &bFrameSkipUnthrottle, false);
	graphics->Get("FrameSkipUnthrottle", &bFrameSkipUnthrottle, true);
	graphics->Get("ForceMaxEmulatedFPS", &iForceMaxEmulatedFPS, 60);
#ifdef USING_GLES2
	graphics->Get("AnisotropyLevel", &iAnisotropyLevel, 0);
	graphics->Get("AnisotropyLevel", &iAnisotropyLevel, 8);
	if (iAnisotropyLevel > 4) {
		iAnisotropyLevel = 4;
	graphics->Get("VertexCache", &bVertexCache, true);
#ifdef IOS
	graphics->Get("VertexDecJit", &bVertexDecoderJit, iosCanUseJit);
	graphics->Get("VertexDecJit", &bVertexDecoderJit, true);

#ifdef _WIN32
	graphics->Get("FullScreen", &bFullScreen, false);
	bool partialStretchDefault = false;
	partialStretchDefault = pixel_xres < 1.3 * pixel_yres;
	graphics->Get("PartialStretch", &bPartialStretch, partialStretchDefault);
	graphics->Get("StretchToDisplay", &bStretchToDisplay, false);
	graphics->Get("TrueColor", &bTrueColor, true);

	graphics->Get("MipMap", &bMipMap, false);

	graphics->Get("TexScalingLevel", &iTexScalingLevel, 1);
	graphics->Get("TexScalingType", &iTexScalingType, 0);
	graphics->Get("TexDeposterize", &bTexDeposterize, false);
	graphics->Get("VSyncInterval", &bVSync, false);
	graphics->Get("DisableStencilTest", &bDisableStencilTest, false);
	graphics->Get("AlwaysDepthWrite", &bAlwaysDepthWrite, false);
// Has been in use on Symbian since v0.7. Preferred option.
#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
	graphics->Get("TimerHack", &bTimerHack, true);
	graphics->Get("TimerHack", &bTimerHack, false);
	graphics->Get("LowQualitySplineBezier", &bLowQualitySplineBezier, false);
	graphics->Get("PostShader", &sPostShaderName, "Off");

	IniFile::Section *sound = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Sound");
	sound->Get("Enable", &bEnableSound, true);
	sound->Get("VolumeBGM", &iBGMVolume, 7);
	sound->Get("VolumeSFX", &iSFXVolume, 7);
	sound->Get("LowLatency", &bLowLatencyAudio, false);

	IniFile::Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control");
	control->Get("HapticFeedback", &bHapticFeedback, true);
	control->Get("ShowAnalogStick", &bShowTouchAnalogStick, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchCross", &bShowTouchCross, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchCircle", &bShowTouchCircle, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchSquare", &bShowTouchSquare, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchTriangle", &bShowTouchTriangle, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchStart", &bShowTouchStart, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchSelect", &bShowTouchSelect, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchLTrigger", &bShowTouchLTrigger, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchRTrigger", &bShowTouchRTrigger, true);
	control->Get("ShowAnalogStick", &bShowTouchAnalogStick, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchDpad", &bShowTouchDpad, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchUnthrottle", &bShowTouchUnthrottle, true);

#if defined(USING_GLES2)
	std::string name = System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_NAME);
	if (KeyMap::HasBuiltinController(name)) {
		control->Get("ShowTouchControls", &bShowTouchControls, false);
	} else {
		control->Get("ShowTouchControls", &bShowTouchControls, true);
	control->Get("ShowTouchControls", &bShowTouchControls, false);
	// control->Get("KeyMapping",iMappingMap);
#ifdef USING_GLES2
	control->Get("AccelerometerToAnalogHoriz", &bAccelerometerToAnalogHoriz, false);

	control->Get("TiltBaseX", &fTiltBaseX, 0);
	control->Get("TiltBaseY", &fTiltBaseY, 0);
	control->Get("InvertTiltX", &bInvertTiltX, false);
	control->Get("InvertTiltY", &bInvertTiltY, true);
	control->Get("TiltSensitivityX", &iTiltSensitivityX, 100);
	control->Get("TiltSensitivityY", &iTiltSensitivityY, 100);
	control->Get("DeadzoneRadius", &fDeadzoneRadius, 0.35);

	control->Get("DisableDpadDiagonals", &bDisableDpadDiagonals, false);
	control->Get("TouchButtonOpacity", &iTouchButtonOpacity, 65);
	//set these to -1 if not initialized. initializing these
	//requires pixel coordinates which is not known right now.
	//will be initialized in GamepadEmu::CreatePadLayout
	float defaultScale = 1.15f;
	control->Get("ActionButtonSpacing2", &fActionButtonSpacing, 1.0f);
	control->Get("ActionButtonCenterX", &fActionButtonCenterX, -1.0);
	control->Get("ActionButtonCenterY", &fActionButtonCenterY, -1.0);
	control->Get("ActionButtonScale", &fActionButtonScale, defaultScale);
	control->Get("DPadX", &fDpadX, -1.0);
	control->Get("DPadY", &fDpadY, -1.0);
	control->Get("DPadScale", &fDpadScale, defaultScale);
	control->Get("DPadSpacing", &fDpadSpacing, 1.0f);
	control->Get("StartKeyX", &fStartKeyX, -1.0);
	control->Get("StartKeyY", &fStartKeyY, -1.0);
	control->Get("StartKeyScale", &fStartKeyScale, defaultScale);
	control->Get("SelectKeyX", &fSelectKeyX, -1.0);
	control->Get("SelectKeyY", &fSelectKeyY, -1.0);
	control->Get("SelectKeyScale", &fSelectKeyScale, defaultScale);
	control->Get("UnthrottleKeyX", &fUnthrottleKeyX, -1.0);
	control->Get("UnthrottleKeyY", &fUnthrottleKeyY, -1.0);
	control->Get("UnthrottleKeyScale", &fUnthrottleKeyScale, defaultScale);
	control->Get("LKeyX", &fLKeyX, -1.0);
	control->Get("LKeyY", &fLKeyY, -1.0);
	control->Get("LKeyScale", &fLKeyScale, defaultScale);
	control->Get("RKeyX", &fRKeyX, -1.0);
	control->Get("RKeyY", &fRKeyY, -1.0);
	control->Get("RKeyScale", &fRKeyScale, defaultScale);
	control->Get("AnalogStickX", &fAnalogStickX, -1.0);
	control->Get("AnalogStickY", &fAnalogStickY, -1.0);
	control->Get("AnalogStickScale", &fAnalogStickScale, defaultScale);

	// MIGRATION: For users who had the old static touch layout, aren't I nice?
	if (fDpadX > 1.0 || fDpadY > 1.0) // Likely the rest are too!
		fActionButtonCenterX /= dp_xres;
		fActionButtonCenterY /= dp_yres;
		fDpadX /= dp_xres;
		fDpadY /= dp_yres;
		fStartKeyX /= dp_xres;
		fStartKeyY /= dp_yres;
		fSelectKeyX /= dp_xres;
		fSelectKeyY /= dp_yres;
		fUnthrottleKeyX /= dp_xres;
		fUnthrottleKeyY /= dp_yres;
		fLKeyX /= dp_xres;
		fLKeyY /= dp_yres;
		fRKeyX /= dp_xres;
		fRKeyY /= dp_yres;
		fAnalogStickX /= dp_xres;
		fAnalogStickY /= dp_yres;

	IniFile::Section *network = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Network");
	network->Get("EnableWlan", &bEnableWlan, false);
	IniFile::Section *pspConfig = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("SystemParam");
#ifndef ANDROID
	pspConfig->Get("PSPModel", &iPSPModel, PSP_MODEL_SLIM);
	pspConfig->Get("PSPModel", &iPSPModel, PSP_MODEL_FAT);
	pspConfig->Get("NickName", &sNickName, "PPSSPP");
	pspConfig->Get("proAdhocServer", &proAdhocServer, "localhost");
	pspConfig->Get("MacAddress", &localMacAddress, "01:02:03:04:05:06");
	pspConfig->Get("Language", &iLanguage, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
	pspConfig->Get("TimeFormat", &iTimeFormat, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_TIME_FORMAT_24HR);
	pspConfig->Get("DateFormat", &iDateFormat, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_DATE_FORMAT_YYYYMMDD);
	pspConfig->Get("TimeZone", &iTimeZone, 0);
	pspConfig->Get("DayLightSavings", &bDayLightSavings, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_DAYLIGHTSAVINGS_STD);
	pspConfig->Get("ButtonPreference", &iButtonPreference, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_BUTTON_CROSS);
	pspConfig->Get("LockParentalLevel", &iLockParentalLevel, 0);
	pspConfig->Get("WlanAdhocChannel", &iWlanAdhocChannel, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ADHOC_CHANNEL_AUTOMATIC);
#ifdef _WIN32
	pspConfig->Get("BypassOSKWithKeyboard", &bBypassOSKWithKeyboard, false);
	pspConfig->Get("WlanPowerSave", &bWlanPowerSave, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_WLAN_POWERSAVE_OFF);
	pspConfig->Get("EncryptSave", &bEncryptSave, true);

	IniFile::Section *debugConfig = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Debugger");
	debugConfig->Get("DisasmWindowX", &iDisasmWindowX, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("DisasmWindowY", &iDisasmWindowY, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("DisasmWindowW", &iDisasmWindowW, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("DisasmWindowH", &iDisasmWindowH, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("GEWindowX", &iGEWindowX, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("GEWindowY", &iGEWindowY, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("GEWindowW", &iGEWindowW, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("GEWindowH", &iGEWindowH, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("ConsoleWindowX", &iConsoleWindowX, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("ConsoleWindowY", &iConsoleWindowY, -1);
	debugConfig->Get("FontWidth", &iFontWidth, 8);
	debugConfig->Get("FontHeight", &iFontHeight, 12);
	debugConfig->Get("DisplayStatusBar", &bDisplayStatusBar, true);
	debugConfig->Get("ShowDeveloperMenu", &bShowDeveloperMenu, false);
	debugConfig->Get("SkipDeadbeefFilling", &bSkipDeadbeefFilling, false);

	IniFile::Section *speedhacks = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("SpeedHacks");
	speedhacks->Get("PrescaleUV", &bPrescaleUV, false);
	speedhacks->Get("DisableAlphaTest", &bDisableAlphaTest, false);

	IniFile::Section *jitConfig = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("JIT");
	jitConfig->Get("DiscardRegsOnJRRA", &bDiscardRegsOnJRRA, false);

	IniFile::Section *upgrade = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Upgrade");
	upgrade->Get("UpgradeMessage", &upgradeMessage, "");
	upgrade->Get("UpgradeVersion", &upgradeVersion, "");
	upgrade->Get("DismissedVersion", &dismissedVersion, "");
	if (dismissedVersion == upgradeVersion) {
		upgradeMessage = "";

	// Check for new version on every 5 runs.
	// Sometimes the download may not be finished when the main screen shows (if the user dismisses the
	// splash screen quickly), but then we'll just show the notification next time instead, we store the
	// upgrade number in the ini.
	if (iRunCount % 5 == 0) {
			"http://www.ppsspp.org/version.json", "", &DownloadCompletedCallback);

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading controller config: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	IniFile controllerIniFile;
	if (!controllerIniFile.Load(controllerIniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting controller config to default.", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	} else {
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config. It will just restore the defaults.

Exemplo n.º 4
void Config::Load(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) {
	iniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(iniFileName != NULL ? iniFileName : "ppsspp.ini");
	controllerIniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(controllerIniFilename != NULL ? controllerIniFilename : "controls.ini");

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading config: %s", iniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	IniFile iniFile;
	if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting config to default.", iniFilename_.c_str());
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config.

	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) {
		IniFile::Section *section = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(sections[i].section);
		for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) {

	if (!File::Exists(currentDirectory))
		currentDirectory = "";

	IniFile::Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent");
	recent->Get("MaxRecent", &iMaxRecent, 30);

	// Fix issue from switching from uint (hex in .ini) to int (dec)
	if (iMaxRecent == 0)
		iMaxRecent = 30;

	for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++) {
		char keyName[64];
		std::string fileName;

		sprintf(keyName, "FileName%d", i);
		if (recent->Get(keyName, &fileName, "") && !fileName.empty()) {

	auto pinnedPaths = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PinnedPaths")->ToMap();
	for (auto it = pinnedPaths.begin(), end = pinnedPaths.end(); it != end; ++it) {

	if (iAnisotropyLevel > 4) {
		iAnisotropyLevel = 4;

	// Check for an old dpad setting
	IniFile::Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control");
	float f;
	control->Get("DPadRadius", &f, 0.0f);
	if (f > 0.0f) {

	// MIGRATION: For users who had the old static touch layout, aren't I nice?
	// We can probably kill this in 0.9.8 or something.
	if (fDpadX > 1.0 || fDpadY > 1.0) { // Likely the rest are too!
		float screen_width = dp_xres;
		float screen_height = dp_yres;

		fActionButtonCenterX /= screen_width;
		fActionButtonCenterY /= screen_height;
		fDpadX /= screen_width;
		fDpadY /= screen_height;
		fStartKeyX /= screen_width;
		fStartKeyY /= screen_height;
		fSelectKeyX /= screen_width;
		fSelectKeyY /= screen_height;
		fUnthrottleKeyX /= screen_width;
		fUnthrottleKeyY /= screen_height;
		fLKeyX /= screen_width;
		fLKeyY /= screen_height;
		fRKeyX /= screen_width;
		fRKeyY /= screen_height;
		fAnalogStickX /= screen_width;
		fAnalogStickY /= screen_height;
	if (dismissedVersion == upgradeVersion) {
		upgradeMessage = "";

	// Check for new version on every 10 runs.
	// Sometimes the download may not be finished when the main screen shows (if the user dismisses the
	// splash screen quickly), but then we'll just show the notification next time instead, we store the
	// upgrade number in the ini.
	if (iRunCount % 10 == 0 && bCheckForNewVersion) {
		std::shared_ptr<http::Download> dl = g_DownloadManager.StartDownloadWithCallback(
			"http://www.ppsspp.org/version.json", "", &DownloadCompletedCallback);

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading controller config: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	IniFile controllerIniFile;
	if (!controllerIniFile.Load(controllerIniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting controller config to default.", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	} else {
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config. It will just restore the defaults.
