Exemplo n.º 1
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr DeleteGlobals::computeProcessedGlobals( const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputGlobals ) const
	if( inputGlobals->members().empty() )
		return inputGlobals;

	const std::string names = namesPlug()->getValue();
	const bool invert = invertNamesPlug()->getValue();
	if( !invert && !names.size() )
		return inputGlobals;

	const std::string prefix = namePrefix();

	IECore::CompoundObjectPtr result = new IECore::CompoundObject;
	for( IECore::CompoundObject::ObjectMap::const_iterator it = inputGlobals->members().begin(), eIt = inputGlobals->members().end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		bool keep = true;
		if( boost::starts_with( it->first.c_str(), prefix ) )
			if( matchMultiple( it->first.c_str() + prefix.size(), names.c_str() ) != invert )
				keep = false;
		if( keep )
			result->members()[it->first] = it->second;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr AttributeProcessor::computeProcessedAttributes( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputAttributes ) const
	if( inputAttributes->members().empty() )
		return inputAttributes;

	const std::string names = namesPlug()->getValue();
	const bool invert = invertNamesPlug()->getValue();

	CompoundObjectPtr result = new CompoundObject;
	for( CompoundObject::ObjectMap::const_iterator it = inputAttributes->members().begin(), eIt = inputAttributes->members().end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		ConstObjectPtr attribute = it->second;
		if( matchMultiple( it->first, names ) != invert )
			attribute = processAttribute( path, context, it->first, attribute.get() );

		if( attribute )
					// cast is ok - result is const immediately on
					// returning from this function, and attribute will
					// therefore not be modified.
					boost::const_pointer_cast<Object>( attribute )

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
IECore::CompoundObjectPtr ScenePlug::fullAttributes( const ScenePath &scenePath ) const
	ContextPtr tmpContext = new Context( *Context::current(), Context::Borrowed );
	Context::Scope scopedContext( tmpContext.get() );

	IECore::CompoundObjectPtr result = new IECore::CompoundObject;
	IECore::CompoundObject::ObjectMap &resultMembers = result->members();
	ScenePath path( scenePath );
	while( path.size() )
		tmpContext->set( scenePathContextName, path );
		IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr a = attributesPlug()->getValue();
		const IECore::CompoundObject::ObjectMap &aMembers = a->members();
		for( IECore::CompoundObject::ObjectMap::const_iterator it = aMembers.begin(), eIt = aMembers.end(); it != eIt; it++ )
			if( resultMembers.find( it->first ) == resultMembers.end() )
				resultMembers.insert( *it );
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
void InteractiveRender::updateLights()
	if( !m_lightsDirty || !updateLightsPlug()->getValue() )
	IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr globals = inPlug()->globalsPlug()->getValue();
	outputLightsInternal( globals.get(), /* editing = */ true );
	m_lightsDirty = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
void InteractiveRender::updateCamera()
	if( !m_cameraDirty || !updateCameraPlug()->getValue() )
	IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr globals = inPlug()->globalsPlug()->getValue();
		EditBlock edit( m_renderer.get(), "option", CompoundDataMap() );
		outputCamera( inPlug(), globals.get(), m_renderer.get() );
	m_cameraDirty = false;
Exemplo n.º 6
void InteractiveRender::updateCoordinateSystems()
	if( !m_coordinateSystemsDirty || !updateCoordinateSystemsPlug()->getValue() )

	IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr globals = inPlug()->globalsPlug()->getValue();
		EditBlock edit( m_renderer.get(), "attribute", CompoundDataMap() );
		outputCoordinateSystems( inPlug(), globals.get(), m_renderer.get() );
	m_coordinateSystemsDirty = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr Options::computeProcessedGlobals( const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputGlobals ) const
	const CompoundDataPlug *p = optionsPlug();
	if( !p->children().size() )
		return inputGlobals;

	IECore::CompoundObjectPtr result = new IECore::CompoundObject;
	// Since we're not going to modify any existing members (only add new ones),
	// and our result becomes const on returning it, we can directly reference
	// the input members in our result without copying. Be careful not to modify
	// them though!
	result->members() = inputGlobals->members();

	const std::string prefix = computePrefix( context );

	std::string name;
	for( NameValuePlugIterator it( p ); !it.done(); ++it )
		IECore::DataPtr d = p->memberDataAndName( it->get(), name );
		if( d )
			result->members()[prefix + name] = d;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 8
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr Displays::computeProcessedGlobals( const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputGlobals ) const
	const CompoundPlug *dsp = displaysPlug(); 
	if( !dsp->children().size() )
		return inputGlobals;
	CompoundObjectPtr result = inputGlobals->copy();
	// add our displays to the result
	for( InputCompoundPlugIterator it( dsp ); it != it.end(); it++ )
		const CompoundPlug *displayPlug = *it;
		if( displayPlug->getChild<BoolPlug>( "active" )->getValue() )
			std::string name = displayPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "name" )->getValue();
			std::string type = displayPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "type" )->getValue();
			std::string data = displayPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "data" )->getValue();
			if( name.size() && type.size() && data.size() )
				DisplayPtr d = new Display( name, type, data );
				displayPlug->getChild<CompoundDataPlug>( "parameters" )->fillCompoundData( d->parameters() );
				result->members()["display:" + name] = d;
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr Set::computeProcessedGlobals( const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputGlobals ) const
	std::string name = namePlug()->getValue();
	if( !name.size() )
		return inputGlobals;

	IECore::CompoundObjectPtr result = new IECore::CompoundObject;
	// Since we're not going to modify any existing members other than the sets,
	// and our result becomes const on returning it, we can directly reference
	// the input members in our result without copying. We have to be careful not
	// to modify the input sets though.
	result->members() = inputGlobals->members();

	CompoundDataPtr sets = new CompoundData;
	if( const CompoundData *inputSets = inputGlobals->member<CompoundData>( "gaffer:sets" ) )
		sets->writable() = inputSets->readable();
	result->members()["gaffer:sets"] = sets;

	ConstObjectPtr set = pathMatcherPlug()->getValue();
	// const cast is acceptable because we're just using it to place a const object into a
	// container that will be treated as const everywhere immediately after return from this method.
	sets->writable()[name] = const_cast<Data *>( static_cast<const Data *>( set.get() ) );

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 10
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr Attributes::computeProcessedAttributes( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputAttributes ) const
	const CompoundDataPlug *ap = attributesPlug();
	if( !ap->children().size() )
		return inputAttributes;

	/// \todo You might think that we wouldn't have to check this again
	/// because the base class would have used processesAttributes()
	/// to avoid even calling this function. But that isn't the case for
	/// some reason.
	if( globalPlug()->getValue() )
		return inputAttributes;

	CompoundObjectPtr result = new CompoundObject;
	// Since we're not going to modify any existing members (only add new ones),
	// and our result becomes const on returning it, we can directly reference
	// the input members in our result without copying. Be careful not to modify
	// them though!
	result->members() = inputAttributes->members();

	ap->fillCompoundObject( result->members() );

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 11
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr AttributeProcessor::computeProcessedAttributes( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputAttributes ) const
	if( inputAttributes->members().empty() )
		return inputAttributes;
	/// \todo See todos about name matching in PrimitiveVariableProcessor.
	typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > Tokenizer;
	std::string namesValue = namesPlug()->getValue();
	Tokenizer names( namesValue, boost::char_separator<char>( " " ) );
	bool invert = invertNamesPlug()->getValue();

	CompoundObjectPtr result = new CompoundObject;
	IECore::PrimitiveVariableMap::iterator next;
	for( CompoundObject::ObjectMap::const_iterator it = inputAttributes->members().begin(), eIt = inputAttributes->members().end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		ConstObjectPtr attribute = it->second;
		bool found = std::find( names.begin(), names.end(), it->first.string() ) != names.end();
		if( found != invert )
			attribute = processAttribute( path, context, it->first, attribute.get() );
		if( attribute )
					// cast is ok - result is const immediately on
					// returning from this function, and attribute will
					// therefore not be modified.
					constPointerCast<Object>( attribute )
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr Outputs::computeProcessedGlobals( const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputGlobals ) const
	const CompoundPlug *dsp = outputsPlug();
	if( !dsp->children().size() )
		return inputGlobals;

	IECore::CompoundObjectPtr result = new IECore::CompoundObject;
	// Since we're not going to modify any existing members (only add new ones),
	// and our result becomes const on returning it, we can directly reference
	// the input members in our result without copying. Be careful not to modify
	// them though!
	result->members() = inputGlobals->members();

	// add our outputs to the result
	for( InputCompoundPlugIterator it( dsp ); it != it.end(); it++ )
		const CompoundPlug *outputPlug = it->get();
		if( outputPlug->getChild<BoolPlug>( "active" )->getValue() )
			// backwards compatibility with old plug layout
			const StringPlug *namePlug = outputPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "label" );
			if( !namePlug )
				namePlug = outputPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "name" );
			const std::string name = namePlug->getValue();

			const StringPlug *fileNamePlug = outputPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "fileName" );
			if( !fileNamePlug )
				// backwards compatibility with old plug layout
				fileNamePlug = outputPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "name" );
			const std::string fileName = fileNamePlug->getValue();

			const std::string type = outputPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "type" )->getValue();
			const std::string data = outputPlug->getChild<StringPlug>( "data" )->getValue();
			if( name.size() && fileName.size() && type.size() && data.size() )
				DisplayPtr d = new Display( fileName, type, data );
				outputPlug->getChild<CompoundDataPlug>( "parameters" )->fillCompoundData( d->parameters() );
				result->members()["output:" + name] = d;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 13
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr Options::computeProcessedGlobals( const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputGlobals ) const
	IECore::CompoundObjectPtr result = inputGlobals->copy();
	const CompoundDataPlug *p = optionsPlug();

	std::string name;
	for( CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlugIterator it( p ); it != it.end(); ++it )
		IECore::DataPtr d = p->memberDataAndName( it->get(), name );
		if( d )
			result->members()["option:" + name] = d;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 14
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr ShaderAssignment::computeProcessedAttributes( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputAttributes ) const
	CompoundObjectPtr result = inputAttributes->copy();

	const Shader *shader = shaderPlug()->source<Plug>()->ancestor<Shader>();
	if( shader )
		// Shader::state() returns a const object, so that in the future it may
		// come from a cached value. we're putting it into our result which, once
		// returned, will also be treated as const and cached. for that reason the
		// temporary const_cast needed to put it into the result is justified -
		// we never change the object and nor can anyone after it is returned.
		ObjectVectorPtr state = boost::const_pointer_cast<ObjectVector>( shader->state() );
		if( state->members().size() )
			result->members()["shader"] = state;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 15
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr AttributeVisualiser::computeProcessedAttributes( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputAttributes ) const
	const std::string attributeName = attributeNamePlug()->getValue();
	if( !attributeName.size() )
		return inputAttributes;

	const std::string shaderType = shaderTypePlug()->getValue();
	if( !shaderType.size() )
		return inputAttributes;

	const Object *attribute = inputAttributes->member<Object>( attributeName );
	if( !attribute )
		if( !inputAttributes->member<Object>( shaderType ) )
			return inputAttributes;

	CompoundObjectPtr result = new CompoundObject;
	// Since we're not going to modify any existing members (only add a new one),
	// and our result becomes const on returning it, we can directly reference
	// the input members in our result without copying. Be careful not to modify
	// them though!
	result->members() = inputAttributes->members();

	if( !attribute )
		result->members().erase( shaderType );
		return result;

	// Compute our colour.

	Color3f color( 0.0f );
	const Mode mode = (Mode)modePlug()->getValue();
	if( mode == Random )
		Rand32 r( tbb_hasher( attribute->hash() ) );
		for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
			color[i] = r.nextf();
	else if( mode == ShaderNodeColor )
		const Shader *shader = runTimeCast<const Shader>( attribute );
		if( !shader )
			if( const ShaderNetwork *network = runTimeCast<const ShaderNetwork>( attribute ) )
				shader = network->outputShader();
		if( shader )
			const Color3fData *colorData = shader->blindData()->member<const Color3fData>( "gaffer:nodeColor" );
			if( colorData )
				color = colorData->readable();
		// Color or FalseColor
		switch( attribute->typeId() )
			case FloatDataTypeId :
				color = Color3f( static_cast<const FloatData *>( attribute )->readable() );
			case DoubleDataTypeId :
				color = Color3f( static_cast<const DoubleData *>( attribute )->readable() );
			case IntDataTypeId :
				color = Color3f( static_cast<const IntData *>( attribute )->readable() );
			case BoolDataTypeId :
				color = Color3f( static_cast<const BoolData *>( attribute )->readable() );
			case Color3fDataTypeId :
				color = static_cast<const Color3fData *>( attribute )->readable();
			default :
				throw IECore::Exception( boost::str(
					boost::format( "Unsupported attribute data type \"%s\"" ) % attribute->typeName()
				) );
		const Color3f min( minPlug()->getValue() );
		const Color3f max( maxPlug()->getValue() );
		color = ( color - min ) / ( max - min );
		if( mode == FalseColor )
			const SplinefColor3f ramp = rampPlug()->getValue().spline();
			color = ramp( color[0] );

	// Apply the colour using a shader.

	ShaderPtr shader = new Shader( shaderNamePlug()->getValue(), shaderType );
	shader->parameters()[shaderParameterPlug()->getValue()] = new Color3fData( color );
	ShaderNetworkPtr shaderNetwork = new ShaderNetwork;
	const InternedString handle = shaderNetwork->addShader( "surface", std::move( shader ) );
	shaderNetwork->setOutput( handle );

	result->members()[shaderType] = shaderNetwork;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 16
		virtual task *execute()
			ScenePlug::PathScope pathScope( m_sceneGadget->m_context.get(), m_scenePath );

			// Update attributes, and compute visibility.

			const bool previouslyVisible = m_sceneGraph->m_visible;
			if( m_dirtyFlags & AttributesDirty )
				const IECore::MurmurHash attributesHash = m_sceneGadget->m_scene->attributesPlug()->hash();
				if( attributesHash != m_sceneGraph->m_attributesHash )
					IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr attributes = m_sceneGadget->m_scene->attributesPlug()->getValue( &attributesHash );
					const IECore::BoolData *visibilityData = attributes->member<IECore::BoolData>( "scene:visible" );
					m_sceneGraph->m_visible = visibilityData ? visibilityData->readable() : true;

					IECore::ConstRunTimeTypedPtr glStateCachedTyped = IECoreGL::CachedConverter::defaultCachedConverter()->convert( attributes.get() );
					IECoreGL::ConstStatePtr glStateCached = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECoreGL::State>( glStateCachedTyped );

					IECoreGL::ConstStatePtr visState = NULL;

					deferReferenceRemoval( m_sceneGraph->m_attributesRenderable );
					m_sceneGraph->m_attributesRenderable = AttributeVisualiser::allVisualisations( attributes.get(), visState );

					deferReferenceRemoval( m_sceneGraph->m_state );
					if( visState )
						IECoreGL::StatePtr glState = new IECoreGL::State( *glStateCached );
						glState->add( const_cast< IECoreGL::State* >( visState.get() ) );

						m_sceneGraph->m_state = glState;
						m_sceneGraph->m_state = glStateCached;

					m_sceneGraph->m_attributesHash = attributesHash;

			if( !m_sceneGraph->m_visible )
				// No need to update further since we're not visible.
				return NULL;
			else if( !previouslyVisible )
				// We didn't perform any updates when we were invisible,
				// so we need to update everything now.
				m_dirtyFlags = AllDirty;

			// Update the object - converting it into an IECoreGL::Renderable

			if( m_dirtyFlags & ObjectDirty )
				const IECore::MurmurHash objectHash = m_sceneGadget->m_scene->objectPlug()->hash();
				if( objectHash != m_sceneGraph->m_objectHash )
					IECore::ConstObjectPtr object = m_sceneGadget->m_scene->objectPlug()->getValue( &objectHash );
					deferReferenceRemoval( m_sceneGraph->m_renderable );
					if( !object->isInstanceOf( IECore::NullObjectTypeId ) )
						m_sceneGraph->m_renderable = objectToRenderable( object.get() );
					m_sceneGraph->m_objectHash = objectHash;

			// Update the transform and bound

			if( m_dirtyFlags & TransformDirty )
				m_sceneGraph->m_transform = m_sceneGadget->m_scene->transformPlug()->getValue();

			m_sceneGraph->m_bound = m_sceneGraph->m_renderable ? m_sceneGraph->m_renderable->bound() : Box3f();

			// Update the expansion state

			const bool previouslyExpanded = m_sceneGraph->m_expanded;
			if( m_dirtyFlags & ExpansionDirty )
				m_sceneGraph->m_expanded = m_sceneGadget->m_minimumExpansionDepth >= m_scenePath.size();
				if( !m_sceneGraph->m_expanded )
					m_sceneGraph->m_expanded = m_sceneGadget->m_expandedPaths->readable().match( m_scenePath ) & Filter::ExactMatch;

			// If we're not expanded, then we can early out after creating a bounding box.

			deferReferenceRemoval( m_sceneGraph->m_boundRenderable );
			if( !m_sceneGraph->m_expanded )
				// We're not expanded, so we early out before updating the children.
				// We do however need to see if we have any children, and arrange to
				// draw their bounding box if we do.
				bool haveChildren = m_sceneGraph->m_children.size();
				if( m_dirtyFlags & ChildNamesDirty || !previouslyExpanded )
					IECore::ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNamesData = m_sceneGadget->m_scene->childNamesPlug()->getValue();
					haveChildren = childNamesData->readable().size();


				m_sceneGraph->m_bound.extendBy( m_sceneGadget->m_scene->boundPlug()->getValue() );

				if( haveChildren )
					IECore::CurvesPrimitivePtr curvesBound = IECore::CurvesPrimitive::createBox( m_sceneGraph->m_bound );
					m_sceneGraph->m_boundRenderable = boost::static_pointer_cast<const IECoreGL::Renderable>(
						IECoreGL::CachedConverter::defaultCachedConverter()->convert( curvesBound.get() )
				return NULL;

			// We are expanded, so we need to visit all the children
			// and update those too.

			if( !previouslyExpanded )
				m_dirtyFlags = AllDirty;

			// Make sure we have a child for each child name

			if( m_dirtyFlags & ChildNamesDirty )
				IECore::ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNamesData = m_sceneGadget->m_scene->childNamesPlug()->getValue();
				const std::vector<IECore::InternedString> &childNames = childNamesData->readable();
				if( !existingChildNamesValid( childNames ) )

					for( std::vector<IECore::InternedString>::const_iterator it = childNames.begin(), eIt = childNames.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
						SceneGraph *child = new SceneGraph();
						child->m_name = *it;
						m_sceneGraph->m_children.push_back( child );

					m_dirtyFlags = AllDirty; // We've made brand new children, so they need a full update.

			// And then update each child

			if( m_sceneGraph->m_children.size() )
				set_ref_count( 1 + m_sceneGraph->m_children.size() );

				ScenePlug::ScenePath childPath = m_scenePath;
				childPath.push_back( IECore::InternedString() ); // space for the child name
				for( std::vector<SceneGraph *>::const_iterator it = m_sceneGraph->m_children.begin(), eIt = m_sceneGraph->m_children.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
					childPath.back() = (*it)->m_name;
					UpdateTask *t = new( allocate_child() ) UpdateTask( m_sceneGadget, *it, m_dirtyFlags, childPath );
					spawn( *t );


			// Finally compute our bound from the child bounds.

			for( std::vector<SceneGraph *>::const_iterator it = m_sceneGraph->m_children.begin(), eIt = m_sceneGraph->m_children.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
				const Box3f childBound = transform( (*it)->m_bound, (*it)->m_transform );
				m_sceneGraph->m_bound.extendBy( childBound );

			return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 17
		Implementation( ShaderLoaderPtr shaderLoader, TextureLoaderPtr textureLoader, const std::string &vertexSource, const std::string &geometrySource, const std::string &fragmentSource, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr parameterValues )
			:	m_shaderLoader( shaderLoader ), m_textureLoader( textureLoader ), m_fragmentSource( fragmentSource ), m_geometrySource( geometrySource ),
				m_vertexSource( vertexSource ), m_parameterMap( parameterValues->copy() ), m_shaderSetup( 0 )