Exemplo n.º 1
	void locator()
		int hMin, hMax, sMin, sMax, vMin, vMax,area_min;
		hMin = 0;
		//hMax = 124; // night values/???
		hMax = 255;
		//sMin = 95;
		sMin = 126;
		sMax = 255;
		//vMin = 139;
		vMin = 173;
		vMax = 255;
		area_min = 100;
		Mat smoothed, hsvImg, t_img;
		createTrackbar("blob min area","Tracking" ,&area_min ,1000);
		createTrackbar("Hue Min", "Tracking", &hMin, 255);
		createTrackbar("Hue Max", "Tracking", &hMax, 255);
		createTrackbar("Sat Min", "Tracking", &sMin, 255);
		createTrackbar("Sat Max", "Tracking", &sMax, 255);
		createTrackbar("Val Min", "Tracking", &vMin, 255);
		createTrackbar("Val MaX", "Tracking", &vMax, 255);
			Mat source = imageB;
			Mat copy = imageB.clone();
			GaussianBlur(source, smoothed, Size(9,9), 4);
			cvtColor(smoothed, hsvImg, CV_BGR2HSV);
			inRange(hsvImg, Scalar(hMin, sMin, vMin), Scalar(hMax, sMax, vMax), t_img);

			CBlobResult blob;
			IplImage i_img = t_img;
			blob = CBlobResult(&i_img,NULL,0);
			int num_blobs = blob.GetNumBlobs();

			blob.Filter(blob, B_INCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_INSIDE, area_min, blob_area_absolute_max_);
			num_blobs = blob.GetNumBlobs();

			std::string reference_frame = "/virtual_table"; // Table frame at ball_radius above the actual table plane

			tf::StampedTransform transform;
			tf_.waitForTransform(reference_frame, model.tfFrame(), ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(0.5));
			tf_.lookupTransform(reference_frame, model.tfFrame(), ros::Time(0), transform);

			for(int i =0;i<num_blobs;i++)
				CBlob* bl = blob.GetBlob(i);
				Point2d uv(CBlobGetXCenter()(*bl), CBlobGetYCenter()(*bl));
				//Use the width as the height
				uv.y = bl->MinY() + (bl->MaxX() - bl->MinX()) * 0.5;

				cv::Point3d xyz;
				model.projectPixelTo3dRay(uv, xyz);
				// Intersect ray with plane in virtual table frame
				//Origin of camera frame wrt virtual table frame
				tf::Point P0 = transform.getOrigin();
				//Point at end of unit ray wrt virtual table frame
				tf::Point P1 = transform * tf::Point(xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z);
				// Origin of virtual table frame
				tf::Point V0 = tf::Point(0.0,0.0,0.0);
				// normal to the table plane
				tf::Vector3 n(0, 0, 1);
				// finding scaling value
				double scale = (n.dot(V0-P0))/(n.dot(P1-P0));
				tf::Point ball_pos = P0 + (P1-P0)*scale;
				cout <<ball_pos.x() << " " << ball_pos.y() << " " << ball_pos.z() <<endl;
			imshow(WINDOW, copy);

			imshow("edited", t_img);
