Exemplo n.º 1
 bool> IA_x86Details::findMaxSwitchInsn(Block *start) 
    std::set<Block *> visited;
    std::vector<Block *> WL;
    Block *curBlk;
    int depth = 0;

    bool foundMaxSwitch = false;
    bool foundCondBranch = false;

    Instruction::Ptr compareInsn, condBranchInsn;
    bool compareOnTakenBranch = false;
    for(unsigned j=0;j < WL.size(); j++)
        curBlk = WL[j];

        foundMaxSwitch = false;
        foundCondBranch = false;
        const unsigned char* buf =
                (const unsigned char*)(currentBlock->_isrc->getPtrToInstruction(curBlk->start()));
        if( buf == NULL ) {
            parsing_printf("%s[%d]: failed to get pointer to instruction by offset\n",
                           FILE__, __LINE__);
            return boost::make_tuple(Instruction::Ptr(), Instruction::Ptr(), false);
        InstructionDecoder dec(buf, curBlk->size(), currentBlock->_isrc->getArch());
        Instruction::Ptr i;
        Address curAdr = curBlk->start();
        while((i = dec.decode()))
            if(i->getCategory() == c_CompareInsn)
            // check for cmp
                parsing_printf("\tFound jmp table cmp instruction %s at 0x%lx\n",
                               i->format().c_str(), curAdr);
                compareInsn = i;
                foundMaxSwitch = true;
            if(i->getCategory() == c_BranchInsn &&
                parsing_printf("\tFound jmp table cond br instruction %s at 0x%lx\n",
                               i->format().c_str(), curAdr);
                condBranchInsn = i;
                foundCondBranch = true;

                Block::edgelist::const_iterator tit = curBlk->targets().begin();
                bool taken_hit = false;
                bool fallthrough_hit = false;
                for ( ; tit != curBlk->targets().end(); ++tit) {
                    ParseAPI::Edge *t = *tit;
                    if (t->type() == COND_TAKEN &&
                        (visited.find(t->trg()) != visited.end()))
                        taken_hit = true;
                    if ((t->type() == COND_NOT_TAKEN ||
                         t->type() == FALLTHROUGH) &&
                         (visited.find(t->trg()) != visited.end()))
                        fallthrough_hit = true;
                parsing_printf("\tfindMaxSwitchInsn: taken_hit: %d, fallthrough_hit: %d\n", taken_hit, fallthrough_hit);
                compareOnTakenBranch = taken_hit && !fallthrough_hit;
            curAdr += i->size();

        if(foundMaxSwitch && foundCondBranch)
            break; // done

            // look further back
        Block::edgelist::const_iterator sit = curBlk->sources().begin();
            // We've seen depth 2 in libc et al
        if(depth > 2) return boost::make_tuple(Instruction::Ptr(), Instruction::Ptr(), false);
        for( ; sit != curBlk->sources().end(); ++sit)
            ParseAPI::Edge * s = *sit;

            // ignore return edges
            if(s->type() == RET)

            if(s->type() == CALL)
                return boost::make_tuple(Instruction::Ptr(), Instruction::Ptr(), false);

            Block * src = s->src();
            if( (visited.find( src ) == visited.end())) {
    parsing_printf("\tfindMaxSwitchInsn: table on taken branch: %d, returning: %d\n", compareOnTakenBranch, foundMaxSwitch &&
    return boost::make_tuple(compareInsn, condBranchInsn, compareOnTakenBranch);
Exemplo n.º 2
ReadWriteInfo LivenessAnalyzer::calcRWSets(Instruction::Ptr curInsn, Block* blk, Address a)

  liveness_cerr << "calcRWSets for " << curInsn->format() << " @ " << hex << a << dec << endl;
  ReadWriteInfo ret;
  ret.read = abi->getBitArray();
  ret.written = abi->getBitArray();
  ret.insnSize = curInsn->size();
  std::set<RegisterAST::Ptr> cur_read, cur_written;
    liveness_printf("Read registers: \n");
  for (std::set<RegisterAST::Ptr>::const_iterator i = cur_read.begin(); 
       i != cur_read.end(); i++) 
    MachRegister cur = (*i)->getID();
    if (cur.getArchitecture() == Arch_ppc64)
	cur = MachRegister((cur.val() & ~Arch_ppc64) | Arch_ppc32);
    liveness_printf("\t%s \n", cur.name().c_str());
    MachRegister base = cur.getBaseRegister();
    if (cur == x86::flags || cur == x86_64::flags){
      if (width == 4){
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::of)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::cf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::pf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::af)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::zf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::sf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::df)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::tf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86::nt_)] = true;
      else {
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::of)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::cf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::pf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::af)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::zf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::sf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::df)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::tf)] = true;
        ret.read[getIndex(x86_64::nt_)] = true;
      base = changeIfMMX(base);
      ret.read[getIndex(base)] = true;
  liveness_printf("Write Registers: \n"); 
  for (std::set<RegisterAST::Ptr>::const_iterator i = cur_written.begin(); 
       i != cur_written.end(); i++) {  
    MachRegister cur = (*i)->getID();
    if (cur.getArchitecture() == Arch_ppc64)
	cur = MachRegister((cur.val() & ~Arch_ppc64) | Arch_ppc32);
    liveness_printf("\t%s \n", cur.name().c_str());
    MachRegister base = cur.getBaseRegister();
    if (cur == x86::flags || cur == x86_64::flags){
      if (width == 4){
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::of)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::cf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::pf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::af)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::zf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::sf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::df)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::tf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86::nt_)] = true;
      else {
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::of)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::cf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::pf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::af)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::zf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::sf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::df)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::tf)] = true;
        ret.written[getIndex(x86_64::nt_)] = true;
      base = changeIfMMX(base);
      ret.written[getIndex(base)] = true;
      if ((cur != base && cur.size() < 4) || isMMX(base)) ret.read[getIndex(base)] = true;
  InsnCategory category = curInsn->getCategory();
  case c_CallInsn:
      // Call instructions not at the end of a block are thunks, which are not ABI-compliant.
      // So make conservative assumptions about what they may read (ABI) but don't assume they write anything.
      ret.read |= (abi->getCallReadRegisters());
      if(blk->lastInsnAddr() == a)
          ret.written |= (abi->getCallWrittenRegisters());
  case c_ReturnInsn:
    ret.read |= (abi->getReturnReadRegisters());
    // Nothing written implicitly by a return
  case c_BranchInsn:
    if(!curInsn->allowsFallThrough() && isExitBlock(blk))
      //Tail call, union of call and return
      ret.read |= ((abi->getCallReadRegisters()) |
      ret.written |= (abi->getCallWrittenRegisters());
      bool isInterrupt = false;
      bool isSyscall = false;

      if ((curInsn->getOperation().getID() == e_int) ||
	  (curInsn->getOperation().getID() == e_int3)) {
	isInterrupt = true;
      static RegisterAST::Ptr gs(new RegisterAST(x86::gs));
      if (((curInsn->getOperation().getID() == e_call) &&
	   /*(curInsn()->getOperation().isRead(gs))) ||*/
	   (curInsn->getOperand(0).format(curInsn->getArch()) == "16")) ||
	  (curInsn->getOperation().getID() == e_syscall) || 
	  (curInsn->getOperation().getID() == e_int) || 
	  (curInsn->getOperation().getID() == power_op_sc)) {
	isSyscall = true;

      if (curInsn->getOperation().getID() == power_op_svcs) {
	isSyscall = true;
      if (isInterrupt || isSyscall) {
	ret.read |= (abi->getSyscallReadRegisters());
	ret.written |= (abi->getSyscallWrittenRegisters());
  return ret;