void IgnitableComponent::ConsiderSpread(int timeDelta) {
	if (!onFire) return;
	if (level.time < spreadAt) return;

	fireLogger.Notice("Trying to spread.");

	ForEntities<IgnitableComponent>([&](Entity &other, IgnitableComponent &ignitable){
		if (&other == &entity) return;

		// Don't re-ignite.
		if (ignitable.onFire) return;

		// TODO: Use LocationComponent.
		float distance = G_Distance(other.oldEnt, entity.oldEnt);

		if (distance > SPREAD_RADIUS) return;

		float distanceFrac = distance / SPREAD_RADIUS;
		float distanceMod  = 1.0f - distanceFrac;
		float spreadChance = distanceMod;

		if (random() < spreadChance) {
			if (G_LineOfSight(entity.oldEnt, other.oldEnt) && other.Ignite(fireStarter)) {
				fireLogger.Notice("Ignited a neighbour, chance to do so was %.0f%%.",

	// Don't spread again until re-ignited.
	spreadAt = INT_MAX;
void IgnitableComponent::HandleIgnite(gentity_t* fireStarter) {
	if (!fireStarter) {
		// TODO: Find out why this happens.
		fireLogger.Notice("Received ignite message with no fire starter.");

	if (level.time < immuneUntil) {
		fireLogger.Debug("Not ignited: Immune against fire.");


	// Start burning on initial ignition.
	if (!onFire) {
		onFire = true;
		this->fireStarter = fireStarter;

	} else {
		if (alwaysOnFire && !this->fireStarter) {
			// HACK: Igniting an alwaysOnFire entity will initialize the fire starter.
			this->fireStarter = fireStarter;

			fireLogger.Debug("Firestarter set.");
		} else {

	// Refresh ignite time even if already burning.
	igniteTime = level.time;

	// The spread delay follows a normal distribution: More likely to spread early than late.
	int spreadTarget = level.time + (int)std::abs(normalDistribution(randomGenerator));

	// Allow re-ignition to update the spread delay to a lower value.
	if (spreadTarget < spreadAt) {
			int newDelay = spreadTarget - level.time;
			if (spreadAt == INT_MAX) {
				fireLogger.Notice("Spread delay set to %.1fs.", newDelay * 0.001f);
			} else {
				int oldDelay = spreadAt - level.time;
				fireLogger.Notice("Spread delay updated from %.1fs to %.1fs.",
				                  oldDelay * 0.001f, newDelay * 0.001f);
		spreadAt = spreadTarget;
void IgnitableComponent::HandleIgnite(gentity_t* fireStarter) {
	if (!fireStarter) {
		// TODO: Find out why this happens.
		fireLogger.Notice("Received ignite message with no fire starter.");

	if (level.time < immuneUntil) {
		fireLogger.Debug("Not ignited: Immune against fire.");


	// Refresh ignite time even if already burning.
	igniteTime = level.time;

	if (!onFire) {
		onFire = true;
		this->fireStarter = fireStarter;

	} else {
		if (alwaysOnFire && !this->fireStarter) {
			// HACK: Igniting an alwaysOnFire entity will initialize the fire starter.
			this->fireStarter = fireStarter;

			fireLogger.Debug("Firestarter initialized.");
		} else {
void ResourceStorageComponent::HandleDie(gentity_t* killer, meansOfDeath_t meansOfDeath) {
	// TODO: Add TeamComponent and/or Utility::Team.
	team_t team           = entity.oldEnt->buildableTeam;
	float  storedFraction = GetStoredFraction();

	// Removes some of the owner's team's build points, proportional to the amount this structure
	// acquired and the amount of health lost (before deconstruction).
	float loss = (1.0f - entity.oldEnt->deconHealthFrac) * storedFraction *
	             level.team[team].buildPoints * g_buildPointLossFraction.value;

		"A resource storage died, removing %.0f BP from the team's pool "
		"(%.1f × %.0f%% stored × %.0f%% health lost × %.0f total).",
		loss, g_buildPointLossFraction.value, 100.0f * storedFraction,
		100.0f * (1.0f - entity.oldEnt->deconHealthFrac), level.team[team].buildPoints

	G_ModifyBuildPoints(team, -loss);

	// Main structures keep their account of acquired build points across lifecycles, it's saved
	// in a per-team variable and copied over to the ResourceStorageComponent whenever it's modified.
	if (!entity.Get<MainBuildableComponent>()) {
		G_ModifyTotalBuildPointsAcquired(team, -acquiredBuildPoints);

	acquiredBuildPoints = 0.0f;
void IgnitableComponent::ConsiderStop(int timeDelta) {
	if (!onFire) return;

	// Don't stop freshly (re-)ignited fires.
	if (igniteTime + MIN_BURN_TIME > level.time) {
			int elapsed   = level.time - igniteTime;
			int remaining = MIN_BURN_TIME - elapsed;
			fireLogger.Debug("Burning for %.1fs, skipping stop check for another %.1fs.",
			                 (float)elapsed/1000.0f, (float)remaining/1000.0f);


	float averagePostMinBurnTime = BASE_AVERAGE_BURN_TIME - MIN_BURN_TIME;

	// Increase average burn time dynamically for burning entities in range.
	ForEntities<IgnitableComponent>([&](Entity &other, IgnitableComponent &ignitable){
		if (&other == &entity) return;
		if (!ignitable.onFire) return;

		// TODO: Use LocationComponent.
		float distance = G_Distance(other.oldEnt, entity.oldEnt);

		if (distance > EXTRA_BURN_TIME_RADIUS) return;

		float distanceFrac = distance / EXTRA_BURN_TIME_RADIUS;
		float distanceMod  = 1.0f - distanceFrac;

		averagePostMinBurnTime += EXTRA_AVERAGE_BURN_TIME * distanceMod;

	// The burn stop chance follows an exponential distribution.
	float lambda = 1.0f / averagePostMinBurnTime;
	float burnStopChance = 1.0f - std::exp(-1.0f * lambda * (float)timeDelta);

	float averageTotalBurnTime = averagePostMinBurnTime + (float)MIN_BURN_TIME;

	// Attempt to stop burning.
	if (random() < burnStopChance) {
		fireLogger.Notice("Stopped burning after %.1fs, target average lifetime was %.1fs.",
		                  (float)(level.time - igniteTime) / 1000.0f, averageTotalBurnTime / 1000.0f);

	} else {
		fireLogger.Debug("Burning for %.1fs, target average lifetime is %.1fs.",
		                 (float)(level.time - igniteTime) / 1000.0f, averageTotalBurnTime / 1000.0f);
Exemplo n.º 6
void HealthComponent::HandleDamage(float amount, gentity_t* source, Util::optional<Vec3> location,
Util::optional<Vec3> direction, int flags, meansOfDeath_t meansOfDeath) {
	if (health <= 0.0f) return;
	if (amount <= 0.0f) return;

	gclient_t *client = entity.oldEnt->client;

	// Check for immunity.
	if (entity.oldEnt->flags & FL_GODMODE) return;
	if (client) {
		if (client->noclip) return;
		if (client->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_NOT) return;

	// Set source to world if missing.
	if (!source) source = &g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD];

	// Don't handle ET_MOVER w/o die or pain function.
	// TODO: Handle mover special casing in a dedicated component.
	if (entity.oldEnt->s.eType == entityType_t::ET_MOVER && !(entity.oldEnt->die || entity.oldEnt->pain)) {
		// Special case for ET_MOVER with act function in initial position.
		if ((entity.oldEnt->moverState == MOVER_POS1 || entity.oldEnt->moverState == ROTATOR_POS1)
		    && entity.oldEnt->act) {
			entity.oldEnt->act(entity.oldEnt, source, source);


	// Check for protection.
	if (!(flags & DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION)) {
		// Check for protection from friendly damage.
		if (entity.oldEnt != source && G_OnSameTeam(entity.oldEnt, source)) {
			// Check if friendly fire has been disabled.
			if (!g_friendlyFire.integer) return;

			// Never do friendly damage on movement attacks.
			switch (meansOfDeath) {


			// If dretchpunt is enabled and this is a dretch, do dretchpunt instead of damage.
			// TODO: Add a message for pushing.
			if (g_dretchPunt.integer && client && client->ps.stats[STAT_CLASS] == PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0)
				vec3_t dir, push;

				VectorSubtract(entity.oldEnt->r.currentOrigin, source->r.currentOrigin, dir);
				VectorScale(dir, (amount * 10.0f), push);
				push[ 2 ] = 64.0f;

				VectorAdd( client->ps.velocity, push, client->ps.velocity );


		// Check for protection from friendly buildable damage. Never protect from building actions.
		// TODO: Use DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION flag instead of listing means of death here.
		if (entity.oldEnt->s.eType == entityType_t::ET_BUILDABLE && source->client &&
		    meansOfDeath != MOD_DECONSTRUCT && meansOfDeath != MOD_SUICIDE &&
		    meansOfDeath != MOD_REPLACE) {
			if (G_OnSameTeam(entity.oldEnt, source) && !g_friendlyBuildableFire.integer) {

	float take = amount;

	// Apply damage modifiers.
	if (!(flags & DAMAGE_PURE)) {
		entity.ApplyDamageModifier(take, location, direction, flags, meansOfDeath);

	// Update combat timers.
	// TODO: Add a message to update combat timers.
	if (client && source->client && entity.oldEnt != source) {
		client->lastCombatTime = entity.oldEnt->client->lastCombatTime = level.time;

	if (client) {
		// Save damage w/o armor modifier.
		client->damage_received += (int)(amount + 0.5f);

		// Save damage direction.
		if (direction) {
			VectorCopy(direction.value().Data(), client->damage_from);
			client->damage_fromWorld = false;
		} else {
			VectorCopy(entity.oldEnt->r.currentOrigin, client->damage_from);
			client->damage_fromWorld = true;

		// Drain jetpack fuel.
		// TODO: Have another component handle jetpack fuel drain.
		client->ps.stats[STAT_FUEL] = std::max(0, client->ps.stats[STAT_FUEL] -
		                                       (int)(amount + 0.5f) * JETPACK_FUEL_PER_DMG);

		// If boosted poison every attack.
		// TODO: Add a poison message and a PoisonableComponent.
		if (source->client && (source->client->ps.stats[STAT_STATE] & SS_BOOSTED) &&
		    client->pers.team == TEAM_HUMANS && client->poisonImmunityTime < level.time) {
			switch (meansOfDeath) {
				case MOD_POISON:
				case MOD_LEVEL2_ZAP:

					client->ps.stats[STAT_STATE] |= SS_POISONED;
					client->lastPoisonTime   = level.time;
					client->lastPoisonClient = source;

	healthLogger.Notice("Taking damage: %3.1f (%3.1f → %3.1f)", take, health, health - take);

	// Do the damage.
	health -= take;

	// Update team overlay info.
	if (client) client->pers.infoChangeTime = level.time;

	// TODO: Move lastDamageTime to HealthComponent.
	entity.oldEnt->lastDamageTime = level.time;

	// HACK: gentity_t.nextRegenTime only affects alien clients.
	// TODO: Catch damage message in a new RegenerationComponent.
	entity.oldEnt->nextRegenTime = level.time + ALIEN_CLIENT_REGEN_WAIT;

	// Handle non-self damage.
	if (entity.oldEnt != source) {
		float loss = take;

		if (health < 0.0f) loss += health;

		// TODO: Use ClientComponent.
		if (source->client) {
			// Add to the attacker's account on the target.
			// TODO: Move damage account array to HealthComponent.
			entity.oldEnt->credits[source->client->ps.clientNum].value += loss;
			entity.oldEnt->credits[source->client->ps.clientNum].time = level.time;
			entity.oldEnt->credits[source->client->ps.clientNum].team = (team_t)source->client->pers.team;

	// Handle death.
	// TODO: Send a Die/Pain message and handle details where appropriate.
	if (health <= 0) {
		healthLogger.Notice("Dying with %.1f health.", health);

		// Disable knockback.
		if (client) entity.oldEnt->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;

		// Call legacy die function.
		if (entity.oldEnt->die) entity.oldEnt->die(entity.oldEnt, source, source, meansOfDeath);

		// Send die message.
		entity.Die(source, meansOfDeath);

		// Trigger ON_DIE event.
		if(!client) G_EventFireEntity(entity.oldEnt, source, ON_DIE);
	} else if (entity.oldEnt->pain) {
		entity.oldEnt->pain(entity.oldEnt, source, (int)std::ceil(take));

	if (entity.oldEnt != source && source->client) {
		bool lethal = (health <= 0);
		CombatFeedback::HitNotify(source, entity.oldEnt, location, take, meansOfDeath, lethal);