static mitk::Point2D GetCenterPoint(const mitk::PlanarFigure::PolyLineType& polyLine)
  mitk::Point2D centerPoint;

  centerPoint[0] = 0;
  centerPoint[1] = 0;

  mitk::PlanarFigure::PolyLineType::const_iterator polyLineEnd = polyLine.end();

  for (mitk::PlanarFigure::PolyLineType::const_iterator polyLineIter = polyLine.begin(); polyLineIter != polyLineEnd; ++polyLineIter)
    centerPoint[0] += static_cast<mitk::Point2D>(*polyLineIter)[0];
    centerPoint[1] += static_cast<mitk::Point2D>(*polyLineIter)[1];

  size_t numPoints = polyLine.size();

  centerPoint[0] /= numPoints;
  centerPoint[1] /= numPoints;

  return centerPoint;
static void TestPlanarSubdivisionPolygonPlacement( mitk::PlanarSubdivisionPolygon::Pointer planarSubdivisionPolygon )
  // Test for correct minimum number of control points in cross-mode
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetMinimumNumberOfControlPoints() == 3, "Minimum number of control points" );

  // Test for correct maximum number of control points in cross-mode
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetMaximumNumberOfControlPoints() == 1000, "Maximum number of control points" );

  // Test for correct rounds of subdivisionPoints
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetSubdivisionRounds() == 5, "Subdivision point generation depth" );

  // Test for correct tension parameter
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetTensionParameter() == 0.0625, "Tension parameter" );

  planarSubdivisionPolygon->SetProperty( "initiallyplaced", mitk::BoolProperty::New( true ) );

  // Initial placement of planarSubdivisionPolygon
  mitk::Point2D p0;
  p0[0] = 25.0; p0[1] = 25.0;
  planarSubdivisionPolygon->PlaceFigure( p0 );

  // Add second control point
  mitk::Point2D p1;
  p1[0] = 75.0; p1[1] = 25.0;
  planarSubdivisionPolygon->SetControlPoint(1, p1 );

  // Add third control point
  mitk::Point2D p2;
  p2[0] = 75.0; p2[1] = 75.0;
  planarSubdivisionPolygon->AddControlPoint( p2 );

  // Add fourth control point
  mitk::Point2D p3;
  p3[0] = 25.0; p3[1] = 75.0;
  planarSubdivisionPolygon->AddControlPoint( p3 );

  // Test for number of control points
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetNumberOfControlPoints() == 4, "Number of control points after placement" );

  // Test if PlanarFigure is closed
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( planarSubdivisionPolygon->IsClosed(), "Test if property 'closed' is set by default" );

  // Test for number of polylines
  const mitk::PlanarFigure::PolyLineType polyLine0 = planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetPolyLine( 0 );
  mitk::PlanarFigure::PolyLineType::const_iterator iter = polyLine0.begin();
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetPolyLinesSize() == 1, "Number of polylines after placement" );

  // Test if subdivision point count is correct
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( polyLine0.size() == 128, "correct number of subdivision points for this depth level" );

  // Test if control points are in correct order between subdivision points
  bool correctPoint = true;
  iter = polyLine0.begin();

  if( iter->Point != p0 ){ correctPoint = false; }
  advance(iter, 32);
  if( iter->Point != p1 ){ correctPoint = false; }
  advance(iter, 32);
  if( iter->Point != p2 ){ correctPoint = false; }
  advance(iter, 32);
  if( iter->Point != p3 ){ correctPoint = false; }
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( correctPoint, "Test if control points are in correct order in polyline" );

  // Test if a picked point has the correct coordinates
  correctPoint = true;

  mitk::Point2D testPoint;
  testPoint[0] = 81.25;
  testPoint[1] = 48.243;
  iter = polyLine0.begin();
  advance(iter, 47);
  if( (iter->Point[0] - testPoint[0]) + (iter->Point[1] - testPoint[1]) > mitk::eps ){ correctPoint = false; }

  testPoint[0] = 39.624;
  testPoint[1] = 19.3268;
  iter = polyLine0.begin();
  advance(iter, 10);
  if( (iter->Point[0] - testPoint[0]) + (iter->Point[1] - testPoint[1]) > mitk::eps ){ correctPoint = false; }

  testPoint[0] = 71.2887;
  testPoint[1] = 77.5248;
  iter = polyLine0.begin();
  advance(iter, 67);
  if( (iter->Point[0] - testPoint[0]) + (iter->Point[1] - testPoint[1]) > mitk::eps ){ correctPoint = false; }

  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( correctPoint, "Test if subdivision points are calculated correctly" )

  // Test for number of measurement features
  Does not work yet

  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetNumberOfFeatures() == 2, "Number of measurement features" );

  // Test for correct feature evaluation
  double length0 = 4 * 50.0; // circumference
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( fabs( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetQuantity( 0 ) - length0) < mitk::eps, "Size of longest diameter" );

  double length1 = 50.0 * 50.0 ; // area
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION( fabs( planarSubdivisionPolygon->GetQuantity( 1 ) - length1) < mitk::eps, "Size of short axis diameter" );