Exemplo n.º 1
 void printMongoStatHelp(const moe::OptionSection options, std::ostream* out) {
     *out << "View live MongoDB performance statistics.\n" << std::endl;
     *out << "usage: mongostat [options] [sleep time]" << std::endl;
     *out << "sleep time: time to wait (in seconds) between calls" << std::endl;
     *out << options.helpString();
     *out << "\n";
     *out << " Fields\n";
     *out << "   inserts  \t- # of inserts per second (* means replicated op)\n";
     *out << "   query    \t- # of queries per second\n";
     *out << "   update   \t- # of updates per second\n";
     *out << "   delete   \t- # of deletes per second\n";
     *out << "   getmore  \t- # of get mores (cursor batch) per second\n";
     *out << "   command  \t- # of commands per second, on a slave its local|replicated\n";
     *out << "   flushes  \t- # of fsync flushes per second\n";
     *out << "   mapped   \t- amount of data mmaped (total data size) megabytes\n";
     *out << "   vsize    \t- virtual size of process in megabytes\n";
     *out << "   res      \t- resident size of process in megabytes\n";
     *out << "   faults   \t- # of pages faults per sec\n";
     *out << "   locked   \t- name of and percent time for most locked database\n";
     *out << "   idx miss \t- percent of btree page misses (sampled)\n";
     *out << "   qr|qw    \t- queue lengths for clients waiting (read|write)\n";
     *out << "   ar|aw    \t- active clients (read|write)\n";
     *out << "   netIn    \t- network traffic in - bytes\n";
     *out << "   netOut   \t- network traffic out - bytes\n";
     *out << "   conn     \t- number of open connections\n";
     *out << "   set      \t- replica set name\n";
     *out << "   repl     \t- replication type \n";
     *out << "            \t    PRI - primary (master)\n";
     *out << "            \t    SEC - secondary\n";
     *out << "            \t    REC - recovering\n";
     *out << "            \t    UNK - unknown\n";
     *out << "            \t    SLV - slave\n";
     *out << "            \t    RTR - mongos process (\"router\")\n";
     *out << std::flush;
Exemplo n.º 2
 void printMongoRestoreHelp(const moe::OptionSection options, std::ostream* out) {
     *out << "Import BSON files into MongoDB.\n" << std::endl;
     *out << "usage: mongorestore [options] [directory or filename to restore from]"
          << std::endl;
     *out << options.helpString();
     *out << std::flush;
Exemplo n.º 3
 void printMongoImportHelp(const moe::OptionSection options, std::ostream* out) {
     *out << "Import CSV, TSV or JSON data into MongoDB.\n" << std::endl;
     *out << "When importing JSON documents, each document must be a separate line of the input file.\n";
     *out << "\nExample:\n";
     *out << "  mongoimport --host myhost --db my_cms --collection docs < mydocfile.json\n" << std::endl;
     *out << options.helpString();
     *out << std::flush;
Exemplo n.º 4
std::string getMongoShellHelp(StringData name, const moe::OptionSection& options) {
    StringBuilder sb;
    sb << "usage: " << name << " [options] [db address] [file names (ending in .js)]\n"
       << "db address can be:\n"
       << "  foo                   foo database on local machine\n"
       << "       foo database on machine\n"
       << "  foo database on machine on port 9999\n"
       << options.helpString() << "\n"
       << "file names: a list of files to run. files have to end in .js and will exit after "
       << "unless --shell is specified";
    return sb.str();
Exemplo n.º 5
 void printMongoFilesHelp(const moe::OptionSection options, std::ostream* out) {
     *out << "Browse and modify a GridFS filesystem.\n" << std::endl;
     *out << "usage: mongofiles [options] command [gridfs filename]" << std::endl;
     *out << "command:" << std::endl;
     *out << "  one of (list|search|put|get)" << std::endl;
     *out << "  list - list all files.  'gridfs filename' is an optional prefix " << std::endl;
     *out << "         which listed filenames must begin with." << std::endl;
     *out << "  search - search all files. 'gridfs filename' is a substring " << std::endl;
     *out << "           which listed filenames must contain." << std::endl;
     *out << "  put - add a file with filename 'gridfs filename'" << std::endl;
     *out << "  get - get a file with filename 'gridfs filename'" << std::endl;
     *out << "  delete - delete all files with filename 'gridfs filename'" << std::endl;
     *out << options.helpString();
     *out << std::flush;
Exemplo n.º 6
void printMongodHelp(const moe::OptionSection& options) {
    std::cout << options.helpString() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 7
 void printMongoExportHelp(const moe::OptionSection options, std::ostream* out) {
     *out << "Export MongoDB data to CSV, TSV or JSON files.\n" << std::endl;
     *out << options.helpString();
     *out << std::flush;
Exemplo n.º 8
 std::string getTestFrameworkHelp(const StringData& name, const moe::OptionSection& options) {
     StringBuilder sb;
     sb << "usage: " << name << " [options] [suite]...\n"
         << options.helpString() << "suite: run the specified test suite(s) only\n";
     return sb.str();
Exemplo n.º 9
Status addMongoShellOptions(moe::OptionSection* options) {

    typedef moe::OptionDescription OD;
    typedef moe::PositionalOptionDescription POD;

    Status ret = options->addOption(OD("shell", "shell", moe::Switch,
                "run the shell after executing files", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("nodb", "nodb", moe::Switch,
                "don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' arg expected", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("norc", "norc", moe::Switch,
                "will not run the \".mongorc.js\" file on start up", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("quiet", "quiet", moe::Switch, "be less chatty", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("port", "port", moe::String, "port to connect to" , true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("host", "host", moe::String, "server to connect to" , true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("eval", "eval", moe::String, "evaluate javascript" , true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("username", "username,u", moe::String,
                "username for authentication" , true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("password", "password,p", moe::String,
                "password for authentication" , true, moe::Value(), moe::Value(std::string(""))));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("authenticationDatabase", "authenticationDatabase", moe::String,
                "user source (defaults to dbname)" , true, moe::Value(std::string(""))));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("authenticationMechanism", "authenticationMechanism", moe::String,
                "authentication mechanism", true, moe::Value(std::string("MONGODB-CR"))));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("help", "help,h", moe::Switch, "show this usage information",
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("version", "version", moe::Switch, "show version information",
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("verbose", "verbose", moe::Switch, "increase verbosity", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("ipv6", "ipv6", moe::Switch,
                "enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
#ifdef MONGO_SSL
    ret = options->addOption(OD("ssl", "ssl", moe::Switch, "use SSL for all connections", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("ssl.CAFile", "sslCAFile", moe::String,
                "Certificate Authority for SSL" , true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("ssl.PEMKeyFile", "sslPEMKeyFile", moe::String,
                "PEM certificate/key file for SSL" , true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("ssl.PEMKeyPassword", "sslPEMKeyPassword", moe::String,
                "password for key in PEM file for SSL" , true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("ssl.CRLFile", "sslCRLFile", moe::String,
                "Certificate Revocation List file for SSL", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("ssl.FIPSMode", "sslFIPSMode", moe::Switch,
                "activate FIPS 140-2 mode at startup", true));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

    ret = options->addOption(OD("dbaddress", "dbaddress", moe::String, "dbaddress" , false));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addOption(OD("files", "files", moe::StringVector, "files" , false));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    // for testing, kill op will also be disabled automatically if the tests starts a mongo program
    ret = options->addOption(OD("nokillop", "nokillop", moe::Switch, "nokillop", false));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    // for testing, will kill op without prompting
    ret = options->addOption(OD("autokillop", "autokillop", moe::Switch, "autokillop", false));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

    ret = options->addPositionalOption(POD("dbaddress", moe::String, 1));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;
    ret = options->addPositionalOption(POD("files", moe::String, -1));
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

    return Status::OK();
Exemplo n.º 10
 void printMongoOplogHelp(const moe::OptionSection options, std::ostream* out) {
     *out << "Pull and replay a remote MongoDB oplog.\n" << std::endl;
     *out << options.helpString();
     *out << std::flush;
Exemplo n.º 11
 void printBSONDumpHelp(const moe::OptionSection options, std::ostream* out) {
     *out << "Display BSON objects in a data file.\n" << std::endl;
     *out << "usage: bsondump [options] <bson filename>" << std::endl;
     *out << options.helpString();
     *out << std::flush;