Exemplo n.º 1
   * Pop and process the next molecule on the workStack (private).
   void ClusterIdentifier::processNextMolecule(Cluster& cluster)
      CellList::NeighborArray neighborArray;
      Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter;
      ClusterLink* thisLinkPtr;
      ClusterLink* otherLinkPtr;
      Atom* otherAtomPtr;
      Boundary& boundary = system().boundary();
      double cutoffSq = cutoff_*cutoff_;
      double rsq;
      int thisMolId, otherMolId, otherClusterId;

      // Pop this molecule off the stack
      thisLinkPtr = &workStack_.pop();
      thisMolId = thisLinkPtr->molecule().id();
      if (thisLinkPtr->clusterId() != cluster.id()) {
         UTIL_THROW("Top ClusterLink not marked with this cluster id");

      * Loop over atoms of this molecule.
      * For each atom of type atomTypeId_, find neighboring molecules.
      * Add each new neighbor to the cluster, and to the workStack.
      for ( ; atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
         if (atomIter->typeId() == atomTypeId_) {
            cellList_.getNeighbors(atomIter->position(), neighborArray);
            for (int i = 0; i < neighborArray.size(); i++) {
               otherAtomPtr = neighborArray[i];
               otherMolId = otherAtomPtr->molecule().id();
               if (otherMolId != thisMolId) {
                  rsq = boundary.distanceSq(atomIter->position(),
                  if (rsq < cutoffSq) {
                     otherLinkPtr = &(links_[otherMolId]);
                     assert(&otherLinkPtr->molecule() ==
                     otherClusterId = otherLinkPtr->clusterId();
                     if (otherClusterId == -1) {
                     } else
                     if (otherClusterId != cluster.id()) {
                        UTIL_THROW("Cluster Clash!");
            } // neighbor atoms
      } // atoms

   * Evaluate external energy, and add to ensemble. 
   void McExternalEnergyAverage::sample(long iStep) 
      if (!isAtInterval(iStep)) return;

      double energy = 0.0;
      System::MoleculeIterator molIter;
      Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter;
      for (int iSpec=0; iSpec < system().simulation().nSpecies(); ++iSpec){
         for (system().begin(iSpec, molIter); molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter){
             for (molIter->begin(atomIter); atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
                 energy += system().externalPotential().energy(atomIter->position(), atomIter->typeId());
      accumulator_.sample(energy, outputFile_);
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Identify all clusters in the system.
   void ClusterIdentifier::identifyClusters()

      // Initialize all data structures:
      // Setup a grid of empty cells
      cellList_.setup(system().boundary(), cutoff_);
      // Clear clusters array and all links
      for (int i = 0; i < links_.capacity(); ++i) {

      // Build the cellList, associate Molecule with ClusterLink.
      // Iterate over molecules of species speciesId_
      System::MoleculeIterator molIter;
      Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter;
      system().begin(speciesId_, molIter);
      for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter) {

         // Associate this Molecule with a ClusterLink

         // Add atoms of type = atomTypeId_ to the CellList
         for (molIter->begin(atomIter); atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
            if (atomIter->typeId() == atomTypeId_) {


      // Identify all clusters
      Cluster* clusterPtr;
      ClusterLink* linkPtr;
      int clusterId = 0;
      system().begin(speciesId_, molIter);
      for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter) {

         // Find the link with same index as this molecule
         linkPtr = &(links_[molIter->id()]);
         assert (&(linkPtr->molecule()) == molIter.get());

         // If this link is not in a cluster, begin a new cluster
         if (linkPtr->clusterId() == -1) {

            // Add a new empty cluster to clusters_ array
            clusterPtr = &clusters_[clusterId];

            // Identify molecules in this cluster
            while (workStack_.size() > 0) {



      // Validity check - throws exception on failure.
Exemplo n.º 4
   * Verlet MD NVE integrator step
   * This method implements the algorithm:
   *        vm(n)  = v(n) + 0.5*a(n)*dt
   *        x(n+1) = x(n) + vm(n)*dt
   *        calculate acceleration a(n+1)
   *        v(n+1) = vm(n) + 0.5*a(n+1)*dt
   * where x is position, v is velocity, and a is acceleration.
   void NveVvIntegrator::step() 
      Vector dv;
      Vector dr;
      System::MoleculeIterator molIter;
      double prefactor;
      int iSpecies, nSpecies;

      nSpecies = simulation().nSpecies();

      // 1st half velocity Verlet, loop over atoms 
      #if USE_ITERATOR
      Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter;
      for (iSpecies=0; iSpecies < nSpecies; ++iSpecies) {
         system().begin(iSpecies, molIter); 
         for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter) {
            for (molIter->begin(atomIter); atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {

               prefactor = prefactors_[atomIter->typeId()];

               dv.multiply(atomIter->force(), prefactor);
               atomIter->velocity() += dv;

               dr.multiply(atomIter->velocity(), dt_);
               atomIter->position() += dr;

      Atom* atomPtr;
      int   ia;
      for (iSpecies=0; iSpecies < nSpecies; ++iSpecies) {
         system().begin(iSpecies, molIter); 
         for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter) {
            for (ia=0; ia < molIter->nAtom(); ++ia) {
               atomPtr = &molIter->atom(ia);
               prefactor = prefactors_[atomPtr->typeId()];

               dv.multiply(atomPtr->force(), prefactor);
               atomPtr->velocity() += dv;
               dr.multiply(atomPtr->velocity(), dt_);
               atomPtr->position() += dr;



      // 2nd half velocity Verlet, loop over atoms
      #if USE_ITERATOR
      for (iSpecies=0; iSpecies < nSpecies; ++iSpecies) {
         system().begin(iSpecies, molIter); 
         for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter) {
            for (molIter->begin(atomIter); atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
               prefactor = prefactors_[atomIter->typeId()];
               dv.multiply(atomIter->force(), prefactor);
               atomIter->velocity() += dv;
      for (iSpecies=0; iSpecies < nSpecies; ++iSpecies) {
         system().begin(iSpecies, molIter); 
         for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter)
            for (ia=0; ia < molIter->nAtom(); ++ia) {
               atomPtr = &molIter->atom(ia);
               prefactor = prefactors_[atomPtr->typeId()];
               dv.multiply(atomPtr->force(), prefactor);
               atomPtr->velocity() += dv;

      #ifndef INTER_NOPAIR
      if (!system().pairPotential().isPairListCurrent()) {

Exemplo n.º 5
   * Generate random molecules
   void Linear::generateMolecules(int nMolecule, 
      DArray<double> exclusionRadius, System& system,
      BondPotential *bondPotentialPtr, const Boundary &boundary)
      int iMol;

      // Set up a cell list with twice the maxium exclusion radius as the
      // cell size
      double maxExclusionRadius = 0.0;
      for (int iType = 0; iType < system.simulation().nAtomType(); iType++) {
         if (exclusionRadius[iType] > maxExclusionRadius)
            maxExclusionRadius = exclusionRadius[iType];

      // the minimum cell size is twice the maxExclusionRadius,
      // but to save memory, we take 2 times that value 
      CellList cellList;
         boundary, 2.0*2.0*maxExclusionRadius);

      if (nMolecule > capacity())
         UTIL_THROW("nMolecule > Species.capacity()!"); 

      Simulation& sim = system.simulation();
      for (iMol = 0; iMol < nMolecule; ++iMol) {
         // Add a new molecule to the system
         Molecule &newMolecule= sim.getMolecule(id());

         // Try placing atoms
         bool moleculeHasBeenPlaced = false;
         for (int iAttempt = 0; iAttempt< maxPlacementAttempts_; iAttempt++) {
            // Place first atom
            Vector pos;
            Atom &thisAtom = newMolecule.atom(0);
            // check if the first atom can be placed at the new position
            CellList::NeighborArray neighbors;
            cellList.getNeighbors(pos, neighbors);
            int nNeighbor = neighbors.size();
            bool canBePlaced = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < nNeighbor; ++j) {
               Atom *jAtomPtr = neighbors[j];
               double r = sqrt(system.boundary().distanceSq(
                                        jAtomPtr->position(), pos));
               if (r < (exclusionRadius[thisAtom.typeId()] +
                  exclusionRadius[jAtomPtr->typeId()])) {
                  canBePlaced = false;
            if (canBePlaced)  {
               thisAtom.position() = pos;

               // Try to recursively place other atoms
               if (tryPlaceAtom(newMolecule, 0, exclusionRadius, system,
                  cellList, bondPotentialPtr, system.boundary())) {
                  moleculeHasBeenPlaced = true;
              } else {
         if (! moleculeHasBeenPlaced) {
           std::ostringstream oss;
           oss <<  "Failed to place molecule " << newMolecule.id();


      #if 0
      // Check
      for (int iMol =0; iMol < nMolecule; ++iMol) {
         Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter;
         for (; atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
            for (int jMol =0; jMol < nMolecule; ++jMol) {
               Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter2;
               for (; atomIter2.notEnd(); ++atomIter2 ) {
                  if (atomIter2->id() != atomIter->id()) {
                     double r = sqrt(boundary.distanceSq(
                     if (r < (exclusionRadius[atomIter->typeId()]+
                        exclusionRadius[atomIter2->typeId()])) {
                        std::cout << r << std::endl;

   * Nose-Hoover integrator step.
   * This implements a reversible Velocity-Verlet MD NVT integrator step.
   * Reference: Winkler, Kraus, and Reineker, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 9018 (1995).
   void NvtNhIntegrator::step() 
      Vector  dv;
      Vector  dr;
      System::MoleculeIterator molIter;
      double  dtHalf = 0.5*dt_;
      double  prefactor;
      double  factor;
      Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter;
      int  iSpecies, nSpecies;
      int  nAtom;

      T_target_ = energyEnsemblePtr_->temperature();
      nSpecies  = simulation().nSpecies();
      nAtom     = system().nAtom();

      factor = exp(-dtHalf*(xi_ + xiDot_*dtHalf));

      // 1st half velocity Verlet, loop over atoms 
      for (iSpecies = 0; iSpecies < nSpecies; ++iSpecies) {
         system().begin(iSpecies, molIter); 
         for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter) {

            for ( ; atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {

               atomIter->velocity() *= factor;

               prefactor = prefactors_[atomIter->typeId()];
               dv.multiply(atomIter->force(), prefactor);
               //dv.multiply(atomIter->force(), dtHalf);

               atomIter->velocity() += dv;
               dr.multiply(atomIter->velocity(), dt_);

               atomIter->position() += dr;



      // First half of update of xi_
      xi_ += xiDot_*dtHalf;

      #ifndef INTER_NOPAIR
      // Rebuild the pair list if necessary
      if (!system().pairPotential().isPairListCurrent()) {


      // 2nd half velocity Verlet, loop over atoms
      for (iSpecies=0; iSpecies < nSpecies; ++iSpecies) {
         system().begin(iSpecies, molIter); 
         for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter) {
            for (molIter->begin(atomIter); atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
               prefactor = prefactors_[atomIter->typeId()];
               dv.multiply(atomIter->force(), prefactor);
               atomIter->velocity() += dv;
               atomIter->velocity() *=factor;

      // Update xiDot and complete update of xi_
      T_kinetic_ = system().kineticEnergy()*2.0/double(3*nAtom);
      xiDot_ = (T_kinetic_/T_target_ -1.0)*nuT_*nuT_;
      xi_ += xiDot_*dtHalf;

Exemplo n.º 7
   * Generate, attempt and accept or reject a Hybrid MD/MC move.
   bool HoomdMove::move()
      if ((!HoomdIsInitialized_) || moleculeSetHasChanged_) {
         moleculeSetHasChanged_ = false;

      // We need to create the Integrator every time since we are starting
      // with new coordinates, velocities etc.
      // this does not seem to incur a significant performance decrease

      System::MoleculeIterator molIter;
      Molecule::AtomIterator   atomIter;
      int nSpec = simulation().nSpecies();

      // Increment counter for attempted moves

      double oldEnergy, newEnergy;

      // Copy atom coordinates into HOOMD
      ArrayHandle<Scalar4> h_pos(particleDataSPtr_->getPositions(), access_location::host, access_mode::readwrite);
      ArrayHandle<Scalar4> h_vel(particleDataSPtr_->getVelocities(), access_location::host, access_mode::readwrite);
      ArrayHandle<unsigned int> h_tag(particleDataSPtr_->getTags(), access_location::host, access_mode::readwrite);
      ArrayHandle<unsigned int> h_rtag(particleDataSPtr_->getRTags(), access_location::host, access_mode::readwrite);

      for (int iSpec =0; iSpec < nSpec; ++iSpec) {
         system().begin(iSpec, molIter);
         for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++ molIter) {
            for (molIter->begin(atomIter); atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
               unsigned int idx = (unsigned int) atomIter->id();
               Vector& pos = atomIter->position();
               h_pos.data[idx].x = pos[0] - lengths_[0]/2.;
               h_pos.data[idx].y = pos[1] - lengths_[1]/2.;
               h_pos.data[idx].z = pos[2] - lengths_[2]/2.;
               int type = atomIter->typeId();
               h_vel.data[idx].w = simulation().atomType(type).mass();
               h_pos.data[idx].w = __int_as_scalar(type);
               h_tag.data[idx] = idx;
               h_rtag.data[idx] = idx; 
      // Generate random velocities

      // Notify that the particle order has changed

      // Initialize integrator (calculate forces and potential energy for step 0)

      // Calculate oldEnergy
      oldEnergy = thermoSPtr_->getLogValue("kinetic_energy",0);
      oldEnergy += thermoSPtr_->getLogValue("potential_energy",0);

      // Integrate nStep_ steps forward
      for (int iStep = 0; iStep < nStep_; ++iStep) {

         // do we need to sort the particles?
         // do not sort at time step 0 to speed up short runs
         if (! (iStep % sorterPeriod_) && iStep)

      // Calculate new energy
      newEnergy = thermoSPtr_->getLogValue("kinetic_energy",nStep_);
      newEnergy += thermoSPtr_->getLogValue("potential_energy",nStep_);

      // Decide whether to accept or reject
      bool accept = random().metropolis( boltzmann(newEnergy-oldEnergy) );

      if (accept) {
         // read back integrated positions 
         ArrayHandle<Scalar4> h_pos(particleDataSPtr_->getPositions(), access_location::host, access_mode::read);
         ArrayHandle<Scalar4> h_vel(particleDataSPtr_->getVelocities(), access_location::host, access_mode::read);
         ArrayHandle<unsigned int> h_tag(particleDataSPtr_->getTags(), access_location::host, access_mode::read);
         ArrayHandle<unsigned int> h_rtag(particleDataSPtr_->getRTags(), access_location::host, access_mode::read);
         for (int iSpec = 0; iSpec < nSpec; ++iSpec) {
            system().begin(iSpec, molIter);
            for ( ; molIter.notEnd(); ++molIter) {
               for (molIter->begin(atomIter); atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
                  unsigned int idx = h_rtag.data[atomIter->id()]; 
                  atomIter->position() = Vector(h_pos.data[idx].x+lengths_[0]/2.,

      } else {
         // not accepted, do nothing

      return accept;