void Console::notifyButtonPressed(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::KeyCode _key, MyGUI::Char _char) { MyGUI::EditBox* edit = _sender->castType<MyGUI::EditBox>(); size_t len = edit->getCaption().length(); if ((_key == MyGUI::KeyCode::Backspace) && (len > 0) && (mAutocomleted)) { edit->deleteTextSelection(); len = edit->getCaption().length(); edit->eraseText(len - 1); } MyGUI::UString command = edit->getCaption(); if (command.length() == 0) return; for (MapDelegate::iterator iter = mDelegates.begin(); iter != mDelegates.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->first.find(command) == 0) { if (command == iter->first) break; edit->setCaption(iter->first); edit->setTextSelection(command.length(), iter->first.length()); mAutocomleted = true; return; } } mAutocomleted = false; }
bool CommandManager::executeCommand(const MyGUI::UString& _command) { bool result = false; MyGUI::UString command = _command; size_t index = _command.find('.'); MYGUI_LOG(Warning , "+++++:Menu Command apply :" << command << "+++++"); if (index != MyGUI::UString::npos) { command = _command.substr(0, index); mData = _command.substr(index + 1); } MapDelegate::iterator iter = mDelegates.find(command); if (iter != mDelegates.end()) { iter->second(command, result); } else { MYGUI_LOG(Warning, "Command '" << command << "' not found"); } mData.clear(); return result; }
void StatePanel::updateActorTheme(const MyGUI::UString& commandName, bool& result) { std::string materialname = commandName.substr(commandName.find_first_of('_') + 1); Animation * anim = getActiveAnimation(); if(anim != nullptr) { anim->upateActorTheme(materialname); } }
inline NumberType toNumber(MyGUI::UString numberString) { if (numberString.substr(0, 4).compare("true") == 0) return 1; else if (numberString.substr(0, 4).compare("false") == 0) return 0; std::istringstream converter(numberString); if (typeid(NumberType) == typeid(bool)) { int result; return (converter >> result).fail() ? false : !!result; }
void PlayState::notifyButtonPressed(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::KeyCode _key, MyGUI::Char _char) { size_t len = _sender->getCaption().length(); MyGUI::Edit* edit = _sender->castType<MyGUI::Edit>(); if ((_key == MyGUI::KeyCode::Backspace) && (len > 0) && (mAutocompleted)) { edit->deleteTextSelection(); len = _sender->getCaption().length(); edit->eraseText(len-1); } MyGUI::UString command = _sender->getCaption(); if (command.length() == 0) return; mAutocompleted = false; }
MyGUI::IntSize CalcTextWidth( MyGUI::UString text,string font ){ MyGUI::FontManager* pfm = MyGUI::FontManager::getInstancePtr(); MyGUI::IFont* pf = pfm->getByName(font); MyGUI::IntSize size; size.height = pf->getDefaultHeight(); if( pf ){ for( MyGUI::UString::iterator i=text.begin();i!=text.end();++i ){ MyGUI::GlyphInfo* pg = pf->getGlyphInfo(*i); if( pg ){ size.width += (int)pg->width; } } } return size; }
void FlashControl::bind(const MyGUI::UString& funcName, FlashDelegate::IDelegate* callback) { if (funcName.empty() || callback == 0) return; delegateMap[funcName] = callback; }
MyGUI::UString EditorState::convertProjectName(const MyGUI::UString& _fileName) { size_t pos = mFileName.find_last_of("\\/"); MyGUI::UString shortName = pos == MyGUI::UString::npos ? mFileName : mFileName.substr(pos + 1); addUserTag("ResourceName", shortName); size_t index = _fileName.find("|"); if (index == MyGUI::UString::npos) return _fileName; MyGUI::UString fileName = _fileName.substr(0, index); MyGUI::UString itemIndexName = _fileName.substr(index + 1); size_t itemIndex = MyGUI::utility::parseValue<size_t>(itemIndexName); MyGUI::xml::Document doc; if (!doc.open(fileName)) return _fileName; MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr root = doc.getRoot(); if ((nullptr == root) || (root->getName() != "MyGUI")) return _fileName; if (root->findAttribute("type") == "Resource") { // берем детей и крутимся MyGUI::xml::ElementEnumerator element = root->getElementEnumerator(); while (element.next("Resource")) { if (element->findAttribute("type") == "ResourceLayout") { if (itemIndex == 0) { // поменять на теги std::string resourceName = element->findAttribute("name"); addUserTag("ResourceName", resourceName); return MyGUI::utility::toString(fileName, " [", resourceName, "]"); } else { itemIndex --; } } } } return _fileName; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chat::Log(const MyGUI::UString& str, const MyGUI::UString& color) { Framework::System::Log::Debug(std::string("Chat: ") + str.asUTF8()); mMessagesMutex.lock(); mMessages.push_back(std::make_pair(str,color)); mMessagesMutex.unlock(); }
void RecentFilesManager::addRecentFolder(const MyGUI::UString& _folder) { MyGUI::UString folder(_folder); if (_folder.empty()) folder = MyGUI::UString(common::getSystemCurrentFolder()); mRecentFolders.insert(mRecentFolders.begin(), folder); checkArray(mRecentFolders, mMaxRecentFolders); }
void EditorState::setModeSaveLoadDialog(bool _save, const MyGUI::UString& _filename) { if (_save) mOpenSaveFileDialog->setDialogInfo(localise("Save"), localise("Save")); else mOpenSaveFileDialog->setDialogInfo(localise("Load"), localise("Load")); size_t pos = _filename.find_last_of(L"\\/"); if (pos == MyGUI::UString::npos) { mOpenSaveFileDialog->setFileName(_filename); } else { mOpenSaveFileDialog->setCurrentFolder(_filename.substr(0, pos)); mOpenSaveFileDialog->setFileName(_filename.substr(pos + 1)); } mOpenSaveFileDialog->setVisible(true); mModeSaveDialog = _save; }
void GroupMessage::showMessages() { if (mWarningMessages.size()) { MyGUI::UString warningMess; for (MyGUI::VectorString::iterator iter = mWarningMessages.begin(); iter != mWarningMessages.end(); ++iter) { if (warningMess.empty()) warningMess = warningMess + *iter; else warningMess = warningMess + "\n" + *iter; } if (!warningMess.empty()) MyGUI::Message::createMessageBox("Message", localise("Warning"), warningMess, MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::IconWarning | MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::Ok); mWarningMessages.clear(); } if (mErrorMessages.size()) { MyGUI::UString errorMessages; for (MyGUI::VectorString::iterator iter = mErrorMessages.begin(); iter != mErrorMessages.end(); ++iter) { if (errorMessages.empty()) errorMessages = errorMessages + *iter; else errorMessages = errorMessages + "\n" + *iter; } if (!errorMessages.empty()) MyGUI::Message::createMessageBox("Message", localise("Error"), errorMessages , MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::IconError | MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::Ok); mErrorMessages.clear(); } }
void SpaceShipDesignerGUI::editBoxUpdated(MyGUI::EditBox *widget) { MyGUI::UString caption = widget->getCaption(); if(widget->getName() == "SelectFloorFrom") { if(caption == "") mParent->enableSelectedFloorFrom(false); else { mParent->setSelectedFloorFrom(atoi(caption.asUTF8().c_str())); } } else if(widget->getName() == "SelectFloorTo") { if(caption == "") mParent->enableSelectedFloorTo(false); else { mParent->setSelectedFloorTo(atoi(caption.asUTF8().c_str())); } } }
void EditText::setCaption(const MyGUI::UString& _value) { if (mCaption != _value) { mCaption = _value; mTextOutDate = true; } if (mFont) { mFont->AllocateSymbols(_value.c_str()); } if (nullptr != mNode) mNode->outOfDate(mRenderItem); }
void TextView::update(const MyGUI::UString& _text, const Sandbox::FontPtr& _font , MyGUI::Align _align, int _maxWidth) { m_font = _font; mViewSize.clear(); mTextData.Clear(); FontAlign align = ALIGN_LEFT; if (_align.isHCenter()) align = ALIGN_CENTER; if (_align.isRight()) align = ALIGN_RIGHT; mTextData.Fill(_text.c_str(), _font, _maxWidth, align); mViewSize = MyGUI::IntSize(mTextData.size.w,mTextData.size.h); }
void GroupMessage::showMessages() { if (mWarningMessages.size()) { MyGUI::UString warningMess; for (VectorUString::const_iterator iter = mWarningMessages.begin(); iter != mWarningMessages.end(); ++iter) { if (warningMess.empty()) warningMess = warningMess + *iter; else warningMess = warningMess + "\n" + *iter; } if (!warningMess.empty()) { /*MyGUI::Message* message = */MessageBoxManager::getInstance().create( replaceTags("Warning"), warningMess, MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::IconWarning | MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::Ok); } mWarningMessages.clear(); } if (mErrorMessages.size()) { MyGUI::UString errorMessages; for (VectorUString::const_iterator iter = mErrorMessages.begin(); iter != mErrorMessages.end(); ++iter) { if (errorMessages.empty()) errorMessages = errorMessages + *iter; else errorMessages = errorMessages + "\n" + *iter; } if (!errorMessages.empty()) { /*MyGUI::Message* message = */MessageBoxManager::getInstance().create( replaceTags("Error"), errorMessages, MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::IconError | MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::Ok); } mErrorMessages.clear(); } }
bool WinState::keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &e) { MyGUI::UString txt = user_name_txt->getCaption(); if ((int)e.key==14 && txt.size()>0) { txt.resize(txt.size()-1); } else { if (((int)e.text >=65 && (int)e.text<=90) || ((int)e.text>=97 && (int)e.text<=122)) { if (txt.size()<CONSTANTS_MAX_USERNAME_SIZE) txt.push_back(e.text); } } user_name_txt->setCaption(txt); if ((e.key == OIS::KC_ESCAPE) || (e.key == OIS::KC_RETURN) || (e.key == OIS::KC_R)) { cout << "NEW RECORD TO SAVE" << endl; save_record(); popState(); } return true; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chat::_Log(const MyGUI::UString& str, const MyGUI::UString& color) { while(mList->getItemCount() > 200) mList->removeItemAt(0); std::wstring tmp; std::vector<std::wstring> lines; lines.clear(); MyGUI::IFont* font = MyGUI::FontManager::getInstance().getByName(MyGUI::FontManager::getInstance().getDefaultFont()); int ctr = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { if(ctr + font->getGlyphInfo((int)str[i])->width > mList->getWidth() - 35) { ctr = 0; if(str[i] != L' ') tmp.push_back(L'-'); else while(str[i] == L' ' && i < str.size()){i++;} lines.push_back(tmp); tmp.clear(); } tmp.push_back(str[i]); ctr += font->getGlyphInfo((int)str[i])->width; if (i >= str.size() - 1) { ctr = 0; lines.push_back(tmp); tmp.clear(); } } for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < lines.size() ; i++) { if (i == 0) { std::wstring toAdd; toAdd += lines[i].substr(0, lines[i].find(L":") + 1); toAdd += color; toAdd += lines[i].substr(lines[i].find(L":") + 1, lines[i].size()); mList->addItem(toAdd); } else { std::wstring toAdd = color; toAdd += lines[i]; mList->addItem(toAdd); } } mList->beginToItemLast(); }
void OpenSaveFileDialog::setCurrentFolder(const MyGUI::UString& _folder) { mCurrentFolder = _folder.empty() ? MyGUI::UString(common::getSystemCurrentFolder()) : _folder; update(); }
bool PlayState::keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &e) { if (!user_name_txt->getVisible()) { // if (paused) pause(); // ESTO NO ES NECESARIO. AL HACER UN PUSHSTATE EL GAMEMANAGER LLAMARÁ A PAUSE() AUTOMATICAMENTE // else if (!paused) { if (e.key == OIS::KC_P) { paused = true; pushState(PauseState::getSingletonPtr()); } else if (e.key == OIS::KC_G) { paused = true; game_over(); } else if (e.key == OIS::KC_W) { win(); } else if (e.key == OIS::KC_UP) { _pacmanDir = UP_DIR; } else if (e.key == OIS::KC_DOWN) { _pacmanDir = DOWN_DIR; } else if (e.key == OIS::KC_LEFT) { _pacmanDir = LEFT_DIR; } else if (e.key == OIS::KC_RIGHT) { _pacmanDir = RIGHT_DIR; } // else if (e.key == OIS::KC_ESCAPE) { // popState(); // pushState(IntroState::getSingletonPtr()); // } } } else { sounds::getInstance()->play_effect("eat_fruit"); MyGUI::UString txt = user_name_txt->getCaption(); if ((int)e.key==14 && txt.size()>0) txt.resize(txt.size()-1); else { if (((int)e.text >=65 && (int)e.text<=90) || ((int)e.text>=97 && (int)e.text<=122)) { if (txt.size()<3) txt.push_back(e.text); } } user_name_txt->setCaption(txt); if (e.key==OIS::KC_RETURN) { cout << "NEW RECORD TO SAVE" << endl; records::getInstance()->add_record(txt,get_score()); records::getInstance()->saveFile(NULL); sounds::getInstance()->play_effect("eat_ghost"); user_name_txt->setVisible(false); popState(); stopWorld = false; } } return true; }
bool GuiPopup::Show( PopupDelegate* delegate, const UString& title, bool modal, const MyGUI::UString& text0, const MyGUI::UString& text1, const MyGUI::UString& text2, const MyGUI::UString& text3, const MyGUI::UString& edit0, const MyGUI::UString& edit1, const MyGUI::UString& edit2, const MyGUI::UString& edit3, const MyGUI::UString& button0, const MyGUI::UString& button1, const MyGUI::UString& button2, const MyGUI::UString& button3) { if (isVisible) return false; isVisible = true; btnResult = -1; // window ----------------------- int numEdits = 0; if (!text0.empty()) ++numEdits; if (!text1.empty()) ++numEdits; if (!text2.empty()) ++numEdits; if (!text3.empty()) ++numEdits; int scr_w = mPlatform->getRenderManagerPtr()->getViewSize().width, scr_h = mPlatform->getRenderManagerPtr()->getViewSize().height; int wnd_w = 392, wnd_h = 140 + numEdits * 80, wnd_x = (scr_w - wnd_w)/2, wnd_y = (scr_h - wnd_h)/2; // center mWnd = mGUI->createWidget<Window>("WindowC", wnd_x,wnd_y, wnd_w,wnd_h, Align::Center, "Popup", "WndPop"); mWnd->setColour(Colour(0.8f,0.96f,1.f)); mWnd->setAlpha(0.9f); mWnd->setCaption(title); mDelegates.clear(); // add delegate mDelegates += delegate; if (modal) InputManager::getInstance().addWidgetModal(mWnd); // text, edit ----------------------- int y = 24, yadd = 80; if (!text0.empty()) { TextBox* text = mWnd->createWidget<TextBox>("TextBox", 16, y, 352,28, Align::Default, "PopText0"); text->setCaption(text0); EditBox* edit = mWnd->createWidget<EditBox>("EditBox", 16, 32+y, 352,28, Align::Default, "PopEdit0"); edit->setCaption(edit0); y += yadd; } if (!text1.empty()) { TextBox* text = mWnd->createWidget<TextBox>("TextBox", 16, y, 352,28, Align::Default, "PopText1"); text->setCaption(text1); EditBox* edit = mWnd->createWidget<EditBox>("EditBox", 16, 32+y, 352,28, Align::Default, "PopEdit1"); edit->setCaption(edit1); y += yadd; } if (!text2.empty()) { TextBox* text = mWnd->createWidget<TextBox>("TextBox", 16, y, 352,28, Align::Default, "PopText2"); text->setCaption(text2); EditBox* edit = mWnd->createWidget<EditBox>("EditBox", 16, 32+y, 352,28, Align::Default, "PopEdit2"); edit->setCaption(edit2); y += yadd; } if (!text3.empty()) { TextBox* text = mWnd->createWidget<TextBox>("TextBox", 16, y, 352,28, Align::Default, "PopText3"); text->setCaption(text3); EditBox* edit = mWnd->createWidget<EditBox>("EditBox", 16, 32+y, 352,28, Align::Default, "PopEdit3"); edit->setCaption(edit3); y += yadd; } // buttons ----------------------- y += 12; int numBtns = 0; if (!button0.empty()) ++numBtns; if (!button1.empty()) ++numBtns; if (!button2.empty()) ++numBtns; if (!button3.empty()) ++numBtns; if (numBtns == 0) ++numBtns; // at least 1 int xmarg = 20, w = (wnd_w - xmarg*2) / numBtns; int x = wnd_w - xmarg - w; if (!button0.empty()) { Button* btn = mWnd->createWidget<Button>("Button", x,y, w-16,36, Align::Default, "PopBtn0"); btn->setCaption(button0); btn->setColour(Colour(0.7f,0.85f,1.0f)); btn->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &GuiPopup::ButtonClick); x -= w; } if (!button1.empty()) { Button* btn = mWnd->createWidget<Button>("Button", x,y, w-16,36, Align::Default, "PopBtn1"); btn->setCaption(button1); btn->setColour(Colour(0.6f,0.8f,1.0f)); btn->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &GuiPopup::ButtonClick); x -= w; } if (!button2.empty()) { Button* btn = mWnd->createWidget<Button>("Button", x,y, w-16,36, Align::Default, "PopBtn2"); btn->setCaption(button2); btn->setColour(Colour(0.6f,0.8f,1.0f)); btn->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &GuiPopup::ButtonClick); x -= w; } if (!button3.empty()) { Button* btn = mWnd->createWidget<Button>("Button", x,y, w-16,36, Align::Default, "PopBtn3"); btn->setCaption(button3); btn->setColour(Colour(0.6f,0.8f,1.0f)); btn->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &GuiPopup::ButtonClick); x -= w; } return true; }
void SampleLayout::notifyTreeNodePrepare(MyGUI::TreeControl* pTreeControl, MyGUI::TreeControl::Node* pNode) { if (pNode == pTreeControl->getRoot()) return; pNode->removeAll(); /*#ifdef MYGUI_OGRE_PLATFORM Ogre::Archive* pArchive = *(pNode->getData<Ogre::Archive*>()); MyGUI::UString strPath(getPath(pNode)); Ogre::StringVectorPtr Resources = pArchive->find(strPath + "*", false, true); for (Ogre::StringVector::iterator Iterator = Resources->begin(); Iterator != Resources->end(); ++Iterator) { MyGUI::TreeControl::Node* pChild = new MyGUI::TreeControl::Node(*Iterator, "Folder"); pChild->setData(pArchive); pNode->add(pChild); } Resources = pArchive->find(strPath + "*", false, false); for (Ogre::StringVector::iterator Iterator = Resources->begin(); Iterator != Resources->end(); ++Iterator) { MyGUI::UString strName(*Iterator); MyGUI::UString strExtension; size_t nPosition = strName.rfind("."); if (nPosition != MyGUI::UString::npos) { strExtension = strName.substr(nPosition + 1); std::transform(strExtension.begin(), strExtension.end(), strExtension.begin(), tolower); } MyGUI::UString strImage; if (strExtension == "png" || strExtension == "tif" || strExtension == "tiff" || strExtension == "jpg" || strExtension == "jpeg") strImage = "Image"; else if (strExtension == "mat" || strExtension == "material") strImage = "Material"; else if (strExtension == "layout") strImage = "Layout"; else if (strExtension == "ttf" || strExtension == "font" || strExtension == "fontdef") strImage = "Font"; else if (strExtension == "txt" || strExtension == "text") strImage = "Text"; else if (strExtension == "xml") strImage = "XML"; else if (strExtension == "mesh") strImage = "Mesh"; else if (strExtension == "htm" || strExtension == "html") strImage = "HTML"; else strImage = "Unknown"; MyGUI::TreeControl::Node* pChild = new MyGUI::TreeControl::Node(strName, strImage); pChild->setPrepared(true); pNode->add(pChild); } #else*/ PairFileInfo info = *(pNode->getData<PairFileInfo>()); // если папка, то добавляем детей if (info.second.folder) { std::wstring path = info.first + L"/" + info.second.name; common::VectorFileInfo result; common::getSystemFileList(result, path, L"*.*"); for (common::VectorFileInfo::iterator item = result.begin(); item != result.end(); ++item) { if ((*item).name == L".." || (*item).name == L".") continue; if ((*item).folder) { MyGUI::TreeControl::Node* pChild = new MyGUI::TreeControl::Node((*item).name, "Folder"); pChild->setData(PairFileInfo(path, *item)); pNode->add(pChild); } else { MyGUI::UString strName((*item).name); MyGUI::UString strExtension; size_t nPosition = strName.rfind("."); if (nPosition != MyGUI::UString::npos) { strExtension = strName.substr(nPosition + 1); std::transform(strExtension.begin(), strExtension.end(), strExtension.begin(), tolower); } MyGUI::UString strImage; if (strExtension == "png" || strExtension == "tif" || strExtension == "tiff" || strExtension == "jpg" || strExtension == "jpeg") strImage = "Image"; else if (strExtension == "mat" || strExtension == "material") strImage = "Material"; else if (strExtension == "layout") strImage = "Layout"; else if (strExtension == "ttf" || strExtension == "font" || strExtension == "fontdef") strImage = "Font"; else if (strExtension == "txt" || strExtension == "text") strImage = "Text"; else if (strExtension == "xml") strImage = "XML"; else if (strExtension == "mesh") strImage = "Mesh"; else if (strExtension == "htm" || strExtension == "html") strImage = "HTML"; else strImage = "Unknown"; MyGUI::TreeControl::Node* pChild = new MyGUI::TreeControl::Node((*item).name, strImage); pChild->setPrepared(true); pNode->add(pChild); } } } //#endif }
void DemoKeeper::command(const MyGUI::UString& _key, const MyGUI::UString& _value) { if (_key == "colour") { if (_value.empty()) mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringCurrent(), _key, MyGUI::utility::toString(mEdit->getTextColour())); else { MyGUI::Colour colour; if ( ! MyGUI::utility::parseComplex(_value, colour.red, colour.green, colour.blue, colour.alpha)) { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringError(), _key, _value); mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringFormat(), _key, "red green blue alpha"); } else { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringSuccess(), _key, _value); mEdit->setTextColour(colour); } } } else if (_key == "show") { if (_value.empty()) { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringCurrent(), _key, MyGUI::utility::toString(mEdit->getVisible())); } else { bool show = false; if ( ! MyGUI::utility::parseComplex(_value, show)) { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringError(), _key, _value); mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringFormat(), _key, "true | false"); } else { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringSuccess(), _key, _value); mEdit->setVisible(show); } } } else if (_key == "alpha") { if (_value.empty()) { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringCurrent(), _key, MyGUI::utility::toString(mEdit->getAlpha())); } else { float alpha; if ( ! MyGUI::utility::parseComplex(_value, alpha) || (alpha < 0 || alpha > 1)) { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringError(), _key, _value); mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringFormat(), _key, "0 - 1"); } else { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringSuccess(), _key, _value); mEdit->setAlpha(alpha); } } } else if (_key == "coord") { if (_value.empty()) mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringCurrent(), _key, MyGUI::utility::toString(mEdit->getCoord())); else { MyGUI::IntCoord coord; if ( ! MyGUI::utility::parseComplex(_value, coord.left, coord.top, coord.width, coord.height)) { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringError(), _key, _value); mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringFormat(), _key, "left top width height"); } else { mConsole->addToConsole(mConsole->getConsoleStringSuccess(), _key, _value); mEdit->setCoord(coord); } } } }
bool EditorState::isProjectFile(const MyGUI::UString& _fileName) { size_t index = _fileName.find("|"); return (index != MyGUI::UString::npos); }