Exemplo n.º 1
void Grid::reLayout(){
	assert(parent && column > 0 );
	int i,x,y,width,height;
	MyGUI::IntSize size;
	vector<int> mh((int)(parent->getChildCount()/column)+1),mv(column);
	MyGUI::ScrollView *psw = parent->castType<MyGUI::ScrollView>(false);

	for( i = 0;i<(int)parent->getChildCount();++i ){
		MyGUI::Widget* pchild = parent->getChildAt(i);
		MyGUI::IntSize size = pchild->getSize();
		if( size.width==0 ){
			size.width = CalcWidgetSize(pchild).width;
		if( size.height==0 ){
			size.height = CalcWidgetSize(pchild).height;
		if( size.width>mv[i%column] )
			mv[i%column] = size.width;
		if( size.height>mh[(int)(i/column)] )
			mh[(int)(i/column)] = size.height;
	width = sum(mv,mv.size())+(column-1)*space;
	height = sum(mh,mh.size());
	size = parent->getSize();
	if( psw ){
		size.width -= 24;
		size.height -= 24;
	x = max((int)((size.width-width)/2),0);
	y = max((int)((size.height-height)/2),0);
	for( i = 0;i<(int)parent->getChildCount();++i ){
		int col,row;
		MyGUI::Widget* pchild = parent->getChildAt(i);
		col = i%column;
		row = (int)(i/column);
	if( psw )psw->setCanvasSize( max(size.width,width),max(size.height,height) );
Exemplo n.º 2
	void StashPanel::setHoverSlotsColor(const MyGUI::types::TRect<int>&  _value , MyGUI::Colour color)
		int slot_count = this->mslot_container_panelWidget->getChildCount();
		for (int i = 0; i < slot_count; i++)
			MyGUI::Widget* widget = this->mslot_container_panelWidget->getChildAt(i);
			MyGUI::IntRect rectangle = widget->getAbsoluteRect();
			MyGUI::IntSize _size = widget->getSize();
			MyGUI::IntPoint center_rectangle = MyGUI::IntPoint(rectangle.left + (_size.width / 2), rectangle.top + (_size.height / 2));
			//((center_rectangle.left > _value.left) && (center_rectangle.left < _value.right) && (center_rectangle.top > _value.top) && (center_rectangle.top < _value.bottom));
			if (((center_rectangle.left >= _value.left) && (center_rectangle.left < _value.right) && (center_rectangle.top >= _value.top) && (center_rectangle.top < _value.bottom)))
				//en el check de arriba, algunos son con igual y otros no porque sino se seleccionan mal, o 2 de 4 o 6 de 4 !
Exemplo n.º 3
void VBox::align ()
    unsigned int count = getChildCount ();
    size_t v_stretched_count = 0;
    int total_height = 0;
    int total_width = 0;
    std::vector< std::pair<MyGUI::IntSize, bool> > sizes;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        MyGUI::Widget* w = getChildAt(i);
        bool vstretch = w->getUserString ("VStretch") == "true";
        v_stretched_count += vstretch;
        AutoSizedWidget* aw = dynamic_cast<AutoSizedWidget*>(w);
        if (aw)
            sizes.push_back(std::make_pair(aw->getRequestedSize (), vstretch));
            total_height += aw->getRequestedSize ().height;
            total_width = std::max(total_width, aw->getRequestedSize ().width);
            sizes.push_back (std::make_pair(w->getSize(), vstretch));
            total_height += w->getSize().height;

            if (!(w->getUserString("HStretch") == "true"))
                total_width = std::max(total_width, w->getSize().width);

        if (i != count-1)
            total_height += mSpacing;

    if (mAutoResize && (total_width+mPadding*2 != getSize().width || total_height+mPadding*2 != getSize().height))
        setSize(MyGUI::IntSize(total_width+mPadding*2, total_height+mPadding*2));

    int curY = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        if (i==0)
            curY += mPadding;

        MyGUI::Widget* w = getChildAt(i);

        bool hstretch = w->getUserString ("HStretch") == "true";
        int width = hstretch ? total_width : sizes[i].first.width;

        MyGUI::IntCoord widgetCoord;
        widgetCoord.top = curY;
        widgetCoord.left = mPadding + (getSize().width-mPadding*2 - width) / 2;
        int height = sizes[i].second ? sizes[i].first.height + (getSize().height-mPadding*2 - total_height)/v_stretched_count
                     : sizes[i].first.height;
        widgetCoord.height = height;
        widgetCoord.width = width;
        curY += height;

        if (i != count-1)
            curY += mSpacing;
Exemplo n.º 4
	MyGUI::Widget* StashPanel::getWidgetSlotByScreenPosition_modified(const MyGUI::types::TPoint<int>&  _value)
		int slot_count = this->mslot_container_panelWidget->getChildCount();
		for (int i = 0; i < slot_count; i++)
			MyGUI::Widget* widget = this->mslot_container_panelWidget->getChildAt(i);
			if (widget->getAbsoluteRect().inside(_value))
				MyGUI::types::TRect<int> big_rect = widget->getAbsoluteRect();
				MyGUI::types::TSize<int> big_size = widget->getSize();

				/* 1  2 */
				/* 3  4 */

				MyGUI::types::TRect<int> rect_1;
				rect_1.set(big_rect.left, big_rect.top, big_rect.left + big_size.width / 2, big_rect.top + big_size.height / 2);

				MyGUI::types::TRect<int> rect_2;
				rect_2.set(big_rect.left + big_size.width / 2, big_rect.top, big_rect.left + big_size.width, big_rect.top + big_size.height / 2);

				MyGUI::types::TRect<int> rect_3;
				rect_3.set(big_rect.left, big_rect.top + big_size.height / 2, big_rect.left + big_size.width / 2, big_rect.top + big_size.height);

				MyGUI::types::TRect<int> rect_4;
				rect_4.set(big_rect.left + big_size.width / 2, big_rect.top + big_size.height / 2, big_rect.left + big_size.width , big_rect.top + big_size.height);

				if (rect_1.inside(_value))
					return widget;

				if (rect_2.inside(_value))
					std::string name = widget->getName();
					std::vector<std::string> splitted = MyGUI::utility::split(name, "_");
					if (!splitted.empty())
						std::string slot_num = splitted.at(3);
						std::vector<std::string> splitted_number = MyGUI::utility::split(slot_num, "x");
						if (!splitted_number.empty())
							int r = StringConverter::parseInt(splitted_number.at(0));
							int c = StringConverter::parseInt(splitted_number.at(1));
							MyGUI::Widget* ret = this->getWidgetSlotByRC(r, c+1);
							return ret;

				if (rect_3.inside(_value))
					std::string name = widget->getName();
					std::vector<std::string> splitted = MyGUI::utility::split(name, "_");
					if (!splitted.empty())
						std::string slot_num = splitted.at(3);
						std::vector<std::string> splitted_number = MyGUI::utility::split(slot_num, "x");
						if (!splitted_number.empty())
							int r = StringConverter::parseInt(splitted_number.at(0));
							int c = StringConverter::parseInt(splitted_number.at(1));
							MyGUI::Widget* ret = this->getWidgetSlotByRC(r+1, c);
							return ret;

				if (rect_4.inside(_value))
					std::string name = widget->getName();
					std::vector<std::string> splitted = MyGUI::utility::split(name, "_");
					if (!splitted.empty())
						std::string slot_num = splitted.at(3);
						std::vector<std::string> splitted_number = MyGUI::utility::split(slot_num, "x");
						if (!splitted_number.empty())
							int r = StringConverter::parseInt(splitted_number.at(0));
							int c = StringConverter::parseInt(splitted_number.at(1));
							MyGUI::Widget* ret = this->getWidgetSlotByRC(r+1, c+1);
							return ret;

				return widget; //should not return this !
		return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
void ToolTips::onFrame(float frameDuration)
    while (mDynamicToolTipBox->getChildCount())

    // start by hiding everything
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < mMainWidget->getChildCount(); ++i)

    const IntSize &viewSize = RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize();

    if (!mEnabled)

    if (!mGameMode)
        const MyGUI::IntPoint& mousePos = InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition();

        if (mWindowManager->getWorldMouseOver() && ((mWindowManager->getMode() == GM_Console)
            || (mWindowManager->getMode() == GM_Container)
            || (mWindowManager->getMode() == GM_Inventory)))
            std::string handle = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getFacedHandle();
                mFocusObject = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPtrViaHandle(handle);
            catch (std::exception& e)

            MyGUI::IntSize tooltipSize = getToolTipViaPtr(true);

            IntPoint tooltipPosition = InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition() + IntPoint(0, 24);

            // make the tooltip stay completely in the viewport
            if ((tooltipPosition.left + tooltipSize.width) > viewSize.width)
                tooltipPosition.left = viewSize.width - tooltipSize.width;
            if ((tooltipPosition.top + tooltipSize.height) > viewSize.height)
                tooltipPosition.top = viewSize.height - tooltipSize.height;

            setCoord(tooltipPosition.left, tooltipPosition.top, tooltipSize.width, tooltipSize.height);

            const MyGUI::IntPoint& lastPressed = InputManager::getInstance().getLastPressedPosition(MyGUI::MouseButton::Left);

            if (mousePos == lastPressed) // mouseclick makes tooltip disappear

            if (mousePos.left == mLastMouseX && mousePos.top == mLastMouseY)
                mRemainingDelay -= frameDuration;
                mRemainingDelay = mDelay;
            mLastMouseX = mousePos.left;
            mLastMouseY = mousePos.top;

            if (mRemainingDelay > 0)

            Widget* focus = InputManager::getInstance().getMouseFocusWidget();
            if (focus == 0)

            IntSize tooltipSize;

            // try to go 1 level up until there is a widget that has tooltip
            // this is necessary because some skin elements are actually separate widgets
            int i=0;
            while (!focus->isUserString("ToolTipType"))
                focus = focus->getParent();
                if (!focus)

            std::string type = focus->getUserString("ToolTipType");
            std::string text = focus->getUserString("ToolTipText");

            if (type == "")
            else if (type == "ItemPtr")
                mFocusObject = *focus->getUserData<MWWorld::Ptr>();
                tooltipSize = getToolTipViaPtr(false);
            else if (type == "Spell")
                ToolTipInfo info;
                const ESM::Spell *spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().spells.find(focus->getUserString("Spell"));
                info.caption = spell->name;
                Widgets::SpellEffectList effects;
                std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator end = spell->effects.list.end();
                for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator it = spell->effects.list.begin(); it != end; ++it)
                    Widgets::SpellEffectParams params;
                    params.mEffectID = it->effectID;
                    params.mSkill = it->skill;
                    params.mAttribute = it->attribute;
                    params.mDuration = it->duration;
                    params.mMagnMin = it->magnMin;
                    params.mMagnMax = it->magnMax;
                    params.mRange = it->range;
                    params.mIsConstant = (spell->data.type == ESM::Spell::ST_Ability);
                info.effects = effects;
                tooltipSize = createToolTip(info);
            else if (type == "Layout")
                // tooltip defined in the layout
                MyGUI::Widget* tooltip;
                getWidget(tooltip, focus->getUserString("ToolTipLayout"));

                if (!tooltip->isUserString("DontResize"))
                    tooltip->setCoord(0, 0, 450, 300); // this is the maximum width of the tooltip before it starts word-wrapping

                    tooltipSize = MyGUI::IntSize(0, tooltip->getSize().height);
                    tooltipSize = tooltip->getSize();

                std::map<std::string, std::string> userStrings = focus->getUserStrings();
                for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = userStrings.begin();
                    it != userStrings.end(); ++it)
                    if (it->first == "ToolTipType"
                        || it->first == "ToolTipLayout")

                    size_t underscorePos = it->first.find("_");
                    std::string propertyKey = it->first.substr(0, underscorePos);
                    std::string widgetName = it->first.substr(underscorePos+1, it->first.size()-(underscorePos+1));

                    MyGUI::Widget* w;
                    getWidget(w, widgetName);
                    w->setProperty(propertyKey, it->second);

                for (unsigned int i=0; i<tooltip->getChildCount(); ++i)
                    MyGUI::Widget* w = tooltip->getChildAt(i);

                    if (w->isUserString("AutoResizeHorizontal"))
                        MyGUI::TextBox* text = w->castType<MyGUI::TextBox>();
                        tooltipSize.width = std::max(tooltipSize.width, w->getLeft() + text->getTextSize().width + 8);
                    else if (!tooltip->isUserString("DontResize"))
                        tooltipSize.width = std::max(tooltipSize.width, w->getLeft() + w->getWidth() + 8);

                    if (w->isUserString("AutoResizeVertical"))
                        MyGUI::TextBox* text = w->castType<MyGUI::TextBox>();
                        int height = text->getTextSize().height;
                        if (height > w->getHeight())
                            tooltipSize += MyGUI::IntSize(0, height - w->getHeight());
                        if (height < w->getHeight())
                            tooltipSize -= MyGUI::IntSize(0, w->getHeight() - height);
                tooltip->setCoord(0, 0, tooltipSize.width, tooltipSize.height);
                throw std::runtime_error ("unknown tooltip type");

            IntPoint tooltipPosition = InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition() + IntPoint(0, 24);

            // make the tooltip stay completely in the viewport
            if ((tooltipPosition.left + tooltipSize.width) > viewSize.width)
                tooltipPosition.left = viewSize.width - tooltipSize.width;
            if ((tooltipPosition.top + tooltipSize.height) > viewSize.height)
                tooltipPosition.top = viewSize.height - tooltipSize.height;

            setCoord(tooltipPosition.left, tooltipPosition.top, tooltipSize.width, tooltipSize.height);
        if (!mFocusObject.isEmpty())
            IntSize tooltipSize = getToolTipViaPtr();

            setCoord(viewSize.width/2 - tooltipSize.width/2,
                    std::max(0, int(mFocusToolTipY*viewSize.height - tooltipSize.height)),
