Exemplo n.º 1
        bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl ) {
            Timer t;
            string ns = dbname + '.' + cmdObj.firstElement().valuestr();

            string key = cmdObj["key"].valuestrsafe();
            BSONObj keyPattern = BSON( key << 1 );

            BSONObj query = getQuery( cmdObj );

            int bufSize = BSONObjMaxUserSize - 4096;
            BufBuilder bb( bufSize );
            char * start = bb.buf();

            BSONArrayBuilder arr( bb );
            BSONElementSet values;

            long long nscanned = 0; // locations looked at
            long long nscannedObjects = 0; // full objects looked at
            long long n = 0; // matches
            MatchDetails md;

            NamespaceDetails * d = nsdetails( ns );

            if ( ! d ) {
                result.appendArray( "values" , BSONObj() );
                result.append( "stats" , BSON( "n" << 0 << "nscanned" << 0 << "nscannedObjects" << 0 ) );
                return true;

            shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor;
            if ( ! query.isEmpty() ) {
                cursor = getOptimizedCursor( ns.c_str(), query, BSONObj() );
            else {

                // query is empty, so lets see if we can find an index
                // with the key so we don't have to hit the raw data
                NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator ii = d->ii();
                while ( ii.more() ) {
                    IndexDetails& idx = ii.next();

                    if ( d->isMultikey( ii.pos() - 1 ) )

                    if ( idx.inKeyPattern( key ) ) {
                        cursor = getBestGuessCursor( ns.c_str(), BSONObj(), idx.keyPattern() );
                        if( cursor.get() ) break;


                if ( ! cursor.get() )
                    cursor = getOptimizedCursor(ns.c_str() , query , BSONObj() );


            verify( cursor );
            string cursorName = cursor->toString();
            auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc (new ClientCursor(QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout, cursor, ns));

            // map from indexed field to offset in key object
            map<string, int> indexedFields;  
            if (!cursor->modifiedKeys()) {
                // store index information so we can decide if we can
                // get something out of the index key rather than full object

                int x = 0;
                BSONObjIterator i( cursor->indexKeyPattern() );
                while ( i.more() ) {
                    BSONElement e = i.next();
                    if ( e.isNumber() ) {
                        // only want basic index fields, not "2d" etc
                        indexedFields[e.fieldName()] = x;

            while ( cursor->ok() ) {
                bool loadedRecord = false;

                if ( cursor->currentMatches( &md ) && !cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currLoc() ) ) {

                    BSONObj holder;
                    BSONElementSet temp;
                    // Try to get the record from the key fields.
                    loadedRecord = !getFieldsDotted(indexedFields, cursor, key, temp, holder);

                    for ( BSONElementSet::iterator i=temp.begin(); i!=temp.end(); ++i ) {
                        BSONElement e = *i;
                        if ( values.count( e ) )

                        int now = bb.len();

                        uassert(10044,  "distinct too big, 16mb cap", ( now + e.size() + 1024 ) < bufSize );

                        arr.append( e );
                        BSONElement x( start + now );

                        values.insert( x );

                if ( loadedRecord || md.hasLoadedRecord() )


                if (!cc->yieldSometimes( ClientCursor::MaybeCovered )) {

                RARELY killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt();

            verify( start == bb.buf() );

            result.appendArray( "values" , arr.done() );

                BSONObjBuilder b;
                b.appendNumber( "n" , n );
                b.appendNumber( "nscanned" , nscanned );
                b.appendNumber( "nscannedObjects" , nscannedObjects );
                b.appendNumber( "timems" , t.millis() );
                b.append( "cursor" , cursorName );
                result.append( "stats" , b.obj() );

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
    void QueryPlanSet::init() {
        DEBUGQO( "QueryPlanSet::init " << ns << "\t" << _originalQuery );
        _mayRecordPlan = true;
        _usingPrerecordedPlan = false;

        const char *ns = _frsp->ns();
        NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
        if ( !d || !_frsp->matchPossible() ) {
            // Table scan plan, when no matches are possible
            _plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, *_originalFrsp, _originalQuery, _order ) ) );

        BSONElement hint = _hint.firstElement();
        if ( !hint.eoo() ) {
            _mayRecordPlan = false;
            IndexDetails *id = parseHint( hint, d );
            if ( id ) {
                addHint( *id );
            else {
                massert( 10366 ,  "natural order cannot be specified with $min/$max", _min.isEmpty() && _max.isEmpty() );
                // Table scan plan
                _plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, *_originalFrsp, _originalQuery, _order ) ) );

        if ( !_min.isEmpty() || !_max.isEmpty() ) {
            string errmsg;
            BSONObj keyPattern;
            IndexDetails *idx = indexDetailsForRange( ns, errmsg, _min, _max, keyPattern );
            massert( 10367 ,  errmsg, idx );
            _plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, d->idxNo(*idx), *_frsp, *_originalFrsp, _originalQuery, _order, _min, _max ) ) );

        if ( isSimpleIdQuery( _originalQuery ) ) {
            int idx = d->findIdIndex();
            if ( idx >= 0 ) {
                _usingPrerecordedPlan = true;
                _mayRecordPlan = false;
                _plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d , idx , *_frsp , *_originalFrsp , _originalQuery, _order ) ) );

        if ( _originalQuery.isEmpty() && _order.isEmpty() ) {
            _plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, *_originalFrsp, _originalQuery, _order ) ) );

        DEBUGQO( "\t special : " << _frsp->getSpecial() );
        if ( _frsp->getSpecial().size() ) {
            _special = _frsp->getSpecial();
            NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
            while( i.more() ) {
                int j = i.pos();
                IndexDetails& ii = i.next();
                const IndexSpec& spec = ii.getSpec();
                if ( spec.getTypeName() == _special && spec.suitability( _originalQuery , _order ) ) {
                    _usingPrerecordedPlan = true;
                    _mayRecordPlan = false;
                    _plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d , j , *_frsp , *_originalFrsp , _originalQuery, _order ,
                                                    BSONObj() , BSONObj() , _special ) ) );
            uassert( 13038 , (string)"can't find special index: " + _special + " for: " + _originalQuery.toString() , 0 );

        if ( _honorRecordedPlan ) {
            pair< BSONObj, long long > best = QueryUtilIndexed::bestIndexForPatterns( *_frsp, _order );
            BSONObj bestIndex = best.first;
            long long oldNScanned = best.second;
            if ( !bestIndex.isEmpty() ) {
                QueryPlanPtr p;
                _oldNScanned = oldNScanned;
                if ( !strcmp( bestIndex.firstElement().fieldName(), "$natural" ) ) {
                    // Table scan plan
                    p.reset( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, *_originalFrsp, _originalQuery, _order ) );

                NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
                while( i.more() ) {
                    int j = i.pos();
                    IndexDetails& ii = i.next();
                    if( ii.keyPattern().woCompare(bestIndex) == 0 ) {
                        p.reset( new QueryPlan( d, j, *_frsp, *_originalFrsp, _originalQuery, _order ) );

                massert( 10368 ,  "Unable to locate previously recorded index", p.get() );
                if ( !( _bestGuessOnly && p->scanAndOrderRequired() ) ) {
                    _usingPrerecordedPlan = true;
                    _mayRecordPlan = false;
                    _plans.push_back( p );

        addOtherPlans( false );
Exemplo n.º 3
        bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl ) {
            Timer t;
            string ns = dbname + '.' + cmdObj.firstElement().valuestr();

            string key = cmdObj["key"].valuestrsafe();
            BSONObj keyPattern = BSON( key << 1 );

            BSONObj query = getQuery( cmdObj );

            int bufSize = BSONObjMaxUserSize - 4096;
            BufBuilder bb( bufSize );
            char * start = bb.buf();

            BSONArrayBuilder arr( bb );
            BSONElementSet values;

            long long nscanned = 0; // locations looked at
            long long nscannedObjects = 0; // full objects looked at
            long long n = 0; // matches
            MatchDetails md;

            NamespaceDetails * d = nsdetails( ns.c_str() );

            if ( ! d ) {
                result.appendArray( "values" , BSONObj() );
                result.append( "stats" , BSON( "n" << 0 << "nscanned" << 0 << "nscannedObjects" << 0 ) );
                return true;

            shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor;
            if ( ! query.isEmpty() ) {
                cursor = NamespaceDetailsTransient::getCursor(ns.c_str() , query , BSONObj() );
            else {

                // query is empty, so lets see if we can find an index
                // with the key so we don't have to hit the raw data
                NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator ii = d->ii();
                while ( ii.more() ) {
                    IndexDetails& idx = ii.next();

                    if ( d->isMultikey( ii.pos() - 1 ) )

                    if ( idx.inKeyPattern( key ) ) {
                        cursor = bestGuessCursor( ns.c_str() , BSONObj() , idx.keyPattern() );
                        if( cursor.get() ) break;


                if ( ! cursor.get() )
                    cursor = NamespaceDetailsTransient::getCursor(ns.c_str() , query , BSONObj() );


            assert( cursor );
            string cursorName = cursor->toString();
            auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc (new ClientCursor(QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout, cursor, ns));

            while ( cursor->ok() ) {
                bool loadedObject = false;

                if ( ( !cursor->matcher() || cursor->matcher()->matchesCurrent( cursor.get() , &md ) ) &&
                    !cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currLoc() ) ) {

                    BSONElementSet temp;
                    loadedObject = ! cc->getFieldsDotted( key , temp );

                    for ( BSONElementSet::iterator i=temp.begin(); i!=temp.end(); ++i ) {
                        BSONElement e = *i;
                        if ( values.count( e ) )

                        int now = bb.len();

                        uassert(10044,  "distinct too big, 16mb cap", ( now + e.size() + 1024 ) < bufSize );

                        arr.append( e );
                        BSONElement x( start + now );

                        values.insert( x );

                if ( loadedObject || md._loadedObject )


                if (!cc->yieldSometimes( ClientCursor::MaybeCovered )) {

                RARELY killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt();

            assert( start == bb.buf() );

            result.appendArray( "values" , arr.done() );

                BSONObjBuilder b;
                b.appendNumber( "n" , n );
                b.appendNumber( "nscanned" , nscanned );
                b.appendNumber( "nscannedObjects" , nscannedObjects );
                b.appendNumber( "timems" , t.millis() );
                b.append( "cursor" , cursorName );
                result.append( "stats" , b.obj() );

            return true;