Exemplo n.º 1
// ***************************************************************************
void		CQuadGridClipClusterQTreeNode::insertModel(const NLMISC::CAABBox &worldBBox, uint distSetup, CTransformShape *model)
	// if leaf node, insert the model in the list
	if( LeafNode )
			Empty= false;
			BBox= worldBBox;
			// extend the bbox with 2 corners of the incoming bbox (sufficient for an AABBox).
			BBox.extend( worldBBox.getCenter() + worldBBox.getHalfSize() );
			BBox.extend( worldBBox.getCenter() - worldBBox.getHalfSize() );

		// insert in list
		ListNode.insertModel(distSetup, model);
	// else, recurs insert in branch
		// choose what son according to pivot.
		CQuadGridClipClusterQTreeNode	*selectSon;
		if( worldBBox.getCenter().y<PivotBBox.getCenter().y )
			if( worldBBox.getCenter().x<PivotBBox.getCenter().x )
				selectSon= Sons[NL3D_QCC_LEFT_DOWN];
				selectSon= Sons[NL3D_QCC_RIGHT_DOWN];
			if( worldBBox.getCenter().x<PivotBBox.getCenter().x )
				selectSon= Sons[NL3D_QCC_LEFT_UP];
				selectSon= Sons[NL3D_QCC_RIGHT_UP];

		// insert in this cluster
		selectSon->insertModel(worldBBox, distSetup, model);

		// extend my boox according to this son cluster.
			Empty= false;
			BBox= selectSon->BBox;
			// extend the bbox with 2 corners of the son bbox (sufficient for an AABBox).
			BBox.extend( selectSon->BBox.getCenter() + selectSon->BBox.getHalfSize() );
			BBox.extend( selectSon->BBox.getCenter() - selectSon->BBox.getHalfSize() );

	// update bboxExt
	BBoxExt= BBox;
Exemplo n.º 2
CInstanceGroup*	CExportNel::buildInstanceGroup(const vector<INode*>& vectNode, vector<INode*>& resultInstanceNode, TimeValue tvTime)
	// Extract from the node the name, the transformations and the parent

	CInstanceGroup::TInstanceArray aIGArray;
	uint32 i, nNumIG;
	uint32 j,k,m;

	aIGArray.empty ();
	resultInstanceNode.empty ();
	aIGArray.resize (vectNode.size());
	resultInstanceNode.resize (vectNode.size());

	int nNbInstance = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < vectNode.size(); ++i)
		INode *pNode = vectNode[i];

		int nAccelType = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL, 32);

		if ((nAccelType&3) == 0) // If not an accelerator
		if (!RPO::isZone (*pNode, tvTime))
		if (CExportNel::isMesh (*pNode, tvTime) || CExportNel::isDummy(*pNode, tvTime))

	// Check integrity of the hierarchy and set the parents
	std::vector<INode*>::const_iterator it = vectNode.begin();
	nNumIG = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < (sint)vectNode.size(); ++i, ++it)
		INode *pNode = *it;

		int nAccelType = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL, 32);

		if ((nAccelType&3) == 0) // If not an accelerator
		if (!RPO::isZone( *pNode, tvTime ))
		if (CExportNel::isMesh( *pNode, tvTime ) || CExportNel::isDummy(*pNode, tvTime))
			aIGArray[nNumIG].DontAddToScene = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_DONT_ADD_TO_SCENE, 0)?true:false;
			aIGArray[nNumIG].InstanceName = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_INSTANCE_NAME, "");
			resultInstanceNode[nNumIG] = pNode;
			if (aIGArray[nNumIG].InstanceName == "") // no instance name was set, takes the node name instead
				aIGArray[nNumIG].InstanceName = pNode->GetName();

			// Visible? always true, but if special flag for camera collision
			sint	appDataCameraCol= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_CAMERA_COLLISION_MESH_GENERATION, 0);
			aIGArray[nNumIG].Visible= appDataCameraCol!=3;

			INode *pParent = pNode->GetParentNode();

			// Set the DontCastShadow flag.
			aIGArray[nNumIG].DontCastShadow= pNode->CastShadows()==0;

			// Set the Special DontCastShadow flag.
			aIGArray[nNumIG].DontCastShadowForInterior= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_LIGHT_DONT_CAST_SHADOW_INTERIOR, BST_UNCHECKED)?true:false;
			aIGArray[nNumIG].DontCastShadowForExterior= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_LIGHT_DONT_CAST_SHADOW_EXTERIOR, BST_UNCHECKED)?true:false;

			// Is the pNode has the root node for parent ?
			if( pParent->IsRootNode() == 0 )
				// Look if the parent is in the selection
				int nNumIG2 = 0;
				for (j = 0; j < vectNode.size(); ++j)
					INode *pNode2 = vectNode[j];

					int nAccelType2 = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode2, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL, 32);
					if ((nAccelType2&3) == 0) // If not an accelerator
					if (!RPO::isZone( *pNode2, tvTime ))
					if (CExportNel::isMesh( *pNode2, tvTime ))
						if (pNode2 == pParent)
				if (nNumIG2 == nNbInstance)
					// The parent is not selected ! link to root
					aIGArray[nNumIG].nParent = -1;
					aIGArray[nNumIG].nParent = nNumIG2;
				aIGArray[nNumIG].nParent = -1;
	aIGArray.resize( nNumIG );
	resultInstanceNode.resize( nNumIG );

	// Build the array of node
	vGlobalPos = CVector(0,0,0);
	nNumIG = 0;
	it = vectNode.begin();
	for (i = 0; i < (sint)vectNode.size(); ++i, ++it)
		INode *pNode = *it;

		int nAccelType = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL, 32);

		if ((nAccelType&3) == 0) // If not an accelerator
		if (!RPO::isZone (*pNode, tvTime))
		if (CExportNel::isMesh (*pNode, tvTime) || CExportNel::isDummy(*pNode, tvTime))
			CVector vScaleTemp;
			CQuat qRotTemp;
			CVector vPosTemp;

			// Get Nel Name for the object.
			aIGArray[nNumIG].Name= CExportNel::getNelObjectName(*pNode);

			//Get the local transformation matrix
			Matrix3 nodeTM = pNode->GetNodeTM(0);
			INode *pParent = pNode->GetParentNode();
			Matrix3 parentTM = pParent->GetNodeTM(0);
			Matrix3 localTM	= nodeTM*Inverse(parentTM);

			// Extract transformations
			CExportNel::decompMatrix (vScaleTemp, qRotTemp, vPosTemp, localTM);
			aIGArray[nNumIG].Rot   = qRotTemp;
			aIGArray[nNumIG].Pos   = vPosTemp;
			aIGArray[nNumIG].Scale = vScaleTemp;
			vGlobalPos += vPosTemp;
	// todo Make this work (precision):
	vGlobalPos = vGlobalPos / nNumIG;
	for (i = 0; i < nNumIG; ++i)
		aIGArray[i].Pos -= vGlobalPos;

	vGlobalPos = CVector(0,0,0); // Temporary !!!

	// Accelerator Portal/Cluster part

	// Creation of all the clusters
	vector<CCluster> vClusters;
	it = vectNode.begin();
	for (i = 0; i < (sint)vectNode.size(); ++i, ++it)
		INode *pNode = *it;

		int nAccelType = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL_DEFAULT);
		bool bFatherVisible = nAccelType&NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL_FATHER_VISIBLE?true:false;
		bool bVisibleFromFather = nAccelType&NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL_VISIBLE_FROM_FATHER?true:false;
		bool bAudibleLikeVisible = (nAccelType&NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL_AUDIBLE_NOT_LIKE_VISIBLE)?false:true;
		bool bFatherAudible = bAudibleLikeVisible ? bFatherVisible : nAccelType&NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL_FATHER_AUDIBLE?true:false;
		bool bAudibleFromFather = bAudibleLikeVisible ? bVisibleFromFather : nAccelType&NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL_AUDIBLE_FROM_FATHER?true:false;

		if (!RPO::isZone (*pNode, tvTime))
		if (CExportNel::isMesh(*pNode, tvTime))
			CCluster clusterTemp;
			std::string temp;

			temp = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_SOUND_GROUP, "no sound");
			clusterTemp.setSoundGroup(temp != "no sound" ? temp : "");
			temp = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_ENV_FX, "no fx");
			clusterTemp.setEnvironmentFx(temp != "no fx" ? temp : "");

			CMesh::CMeshBuild *pMB;
			CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *pMBB;
			pMB = createMeshBuild (*pNode, tvTime, pMBB);

			convertToWorldCoordinate( pMB, pMBB );

			for (j = 0; j < pMB->Faces.size(); ++j)
				if (!clusterTemp.makeVolume (pMB->Vertices[pMB->Faces[j].Corner[0].Vertex],
											 pMB->Vertices[pMB->Faces[j].Corner[2].Vertex]) )
					// ERROR : The volume is not convex !!!
					char tam[256];
					sprintf(tam,"ERROR: The cluster %s is not convex.",vectNode[i]->GetName());

			clusterTemp.FatherVisible = bFatherVisible;
			clusterTemp.VisibleFromFather = bVisibleFromFather;
			clusterTemp.FatherAudible = bFatherAudible;
			clusterTemp.AudibleFromFather = bAudibleFromFather;
			clusterTemp.Name = pNode->GetName();

			vClusters.push_back (clusterTemp);
			delete pMB;
			delete pMBB;

	// Creation of all the portals
	vector<CPortal> vPortals;
	it = vectNode.begin();
	for (i = 0; i < (sint)vectNode.size(); ++i, ++it)
		INode *pNode = *it;

		int nAccelType = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL, 32);

		if ((nAccelType&3) == 1) // If Portal
		if (!RPO::isZone (*pNode, tvTime))
		if (CExportNel::isMesh(*pNode, tvTime))
			CPortal portalTemp;
			std::string temp;

			temp = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_OCC_MODEL, "no occlusion");
			portalTemp.setOcclusionModel(temp != "no occlusion" ? temp : "");
			temp = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_OPEN_OCC_MODEL, "no occlusion");
			portalTemp.setOpenOcclusionModel(temp != "no occlusion" ? temp : "");

			CMesh::CMeshBuild *pMB;
			CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *pMBB;
			pMB = createMeshBuild (*pNode, tvTime, pMBB);

			convertToWorldCoordinate( pMB, pMBB );

			vector<sint32> poly;
			vector<bool> facechecked;
			facechecked.resize (pMB->Faces.size());
			for (j = 0; j < pMB->Faces.size(); ++j)
				facechecked[j] = false;

			facechecked[0] = true;
			for (j = 0; j < pMB->Faces.size(); ++j)
			if (!facechecked[j])
				bool found = false;

				for(k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
					for(m = 0; m < poly.size(); ++m)
						if ((pMB->Faces[j].Corner[k].Vertex == poly[m]) &&
							(pMB->Faces[j].Corner[(k+1)%3].Vertex == poly[(m+1)%poly.size()]))
							found = true;
						if ((pMB->Faces[j].Corner[(k+1)%3].Vertex == poly[m]) &&
							(pMB->Faces[j].Corner[k].Vertex == poly[(m+1)%poly.size()]))
							found = true;
					if (found)
				if (found)
					// insert an empty space in poly between m and m+1
					poly.resize (poly.size()+1);
					for (uint32 a = poly.size()-2; a > m; --a)
						poly[a+1] = poly[a];
					poly[m+1] = pMB->Faces[j].Corner[(k+2)%3].Vertex;
					facechecked[j] = true;
					j = 0;
			vector<CVector> polyv;
			polyv.resize (poly.size());
			for (j = 0; j < poly.size(); ++j)
				polyv[j] = pMB->Vertices[poly[j]];
			if (!portalTemp.setPoly (polyv))
				// ERROR : Poly not convex, or set of vertices not plane
				char tam[256];
				sprintf(tam,"ERROR: The portal %s is not convex.",vectNode[i]->GetName());

			if (nAccelType&16) // is dynamic portal ?
				string InstanceName = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_INSTANCE_NAME, "");
				if (!InstanceName.empty())
					portalTemp.setName (InstanceName);
					portalTemp.setName (string(pNode->GetName()));

			// Check if portal has 2 cluster
			int nNbCluster = 0;
			for (j = 0; j < vClusters.size(); ++j)
				bool bPortalInCluster = true;
				for (k = 0; k < polyv.size(); ++k)
					if (!vClusters[j].isIn (polyv[k]) )
						bPortalInCluster = false;
				if (bPortalInCluster)
			if (nNbCluster != 2)
				// ERROR
				char tam[256];
				sprintf(tam,"ERROR: The portal %s has not 2 clusters but %d",vectNode[i]->GetName(), nNbCluster);

			vPortals.push_back (portalTemp);
			delete pMB;
			delete pMBB;

	// Link instance to clusters (an instance has a list of clusters)
	nNumIG = 0;
	it = vectNode.begin();
	for (i = 0; i < (sint)vectNode.size(); ++i, ++it)
		INode *pNode = *it;

		int nAccelType = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL, 32);

		if ((nAccelType&3) == 0) // If not an accelerator
		if (!RPO::isZone (*pNode, tvTime))
		if (CExportNel::isMesh (*pNode, tvTime) || CExportNel::isDummy(*pNode, tvTime))
			if (nAccelType&32) // Is the flag clusterize set ?
				// Test against all clusters

				// The list of vertices used to test against cluster
				std::vector<NLMISC::CVector> *testVertices;
				std::vector<NLMISC::CVector>       FXVertices;  // Used only if the obj is a fx. It contains the corners of the bbox.
				bool  buildMeshBBox = true;

				/** If it is a mesh, we build its bbox and transform in world
				  * If it is a FX, we read its bbox from its shape
				  * If we can't read it, we use the bbox of the fx helper in max
				Object *obj = pNode->EvalWorldState(tvTime).obj;
				// Check if there is an object
				if (obj)
					Class_ID  clid = obj->ClassID();
					// is the object a particle system ?					
					if (clid.PartA() == NEL_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_CLASS_ID)
						// build the shape from the file name
						std::string objName = CExportNel::getNelObjectName(*pNode); 						
						if (!objName.empty())
							NL3D::CShapeStream ss;
							NLMISC::CIFile iF;
							if (iF.open(objName.c_str()))
									NL3D::CParticleSystemShape *pss = dynamic_cast<NL3D::CParticleSystemShape *>(ss.getShapePointer());
									if (!pss)
										nlwarning("ERROR: Node %s shape is not a FX", CExportNel::getName(*pNode).c_str());
										NLMISC::CAABBox bbox;
										// transform in world
										Matrix3 xForm = pNode->GetNodeTM(tvTime);
										NLMISC::CMatrix nelXForm;
										CExportNel::convertMatrix(nelXForm, xForm);									
										bbox = NLMISC::CAABBox::transformAABBox(nelXForm, bbox);
										// store vertices of the bbox in the list
										for(uint k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
											FXVertices.push_back(CVector(((k & 1) ? 1 : -1) * bbox.getHalfSize().x + bbox.getCenter().x,
																		 ((k & 2) ? 1 : -1) * bbox.getHalfSize().y + bbox.getCenter().y,
																		 ((k & 4) ? 1 : -1) * bbox.getHalfSize().z + bbox.getCenter().z));
										testVertices = &FXVertices;
										buildMeshBBox = false;
									delete ss.getShapePointer();
								catch (NLMISC::Exception &e)
							if (buildMeshBBox)
								nlwarning("ERROR: Can't get bbox of a particle system from its shape, using helper bbox instead");

				CMesh::CMeshBuild *pMB = NULL;
				CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *pMBB = NULL;

				if (buildMeshBBox)
					pMB = createMeshBuild (*pNode, tvTime, pMBB);
					convertToWorldCoordinate( pMB, pMBB );
					testVertices = &pMB->Vertices;

				for(k = 0; k < vClusters.size(); ++k)
					bool bMeshInCluster = false;

					for(j = 0; j < testVertices->size(); ++j)
						if (vClusters[k].isIn ((*testVertices)[j]))
							bMeshInCluster = true;

					if (bMeshInCluster)
						aIGArray[nNumIG].Clusters.push_back (k);
				// debug purpose : to remove
				if (vClusters.size() > 0)
				if (aIGArray[nNumIG].Clusters.size() == 0)
					char tam[256];
					sprintf(tam,"ERROR: Object %s is not attached to any cluster\nbut his flag clusterize is set", pNode->GetName());
					//MessageBox(NULL, tam, "Warning", MB_OK);
				// debug purpose : to remove

				delete pMB;
				delete pMBB;
		// debug purpose : to remove
		if ((nAccelType&3) == 0) // If not an accelerator
		if (!(nAccelType&32))
			char tam[256];
			sprintf(tam,"Object %s is not clusterized", pNode->GetName());
			MessageBox(NULL, tam, "Info", MB_OK);
		// debug purpose : to remove


	// PointLight part
	bool	sunLightEnabled= false;
	sint	nNumPointLight = 0;
	vector<CPointLightNamed>	pointLights;
	// For all nodes
	for (i = 0; i < (sint)vectNode.size(); ++i)
		INode *pNode = vectNode[i];

		SLightBuild		sLightBuild;

		// If it is a Max Light.
		if ( sLightBuild.canConvertFromMaxLight(pNode, tvTime) )
			// And if this light is checked to realtime export
			int		nRTExport= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_REALTIME_LIGHT, BST_CHECKED);
			if(nRTExport == BST_CHECKED)
				// get Max Light info.
				sLightBuild.convertFromMaxLight(pNode, tvTime);

				// Skip if LightDir
				if(sLightBuild.Type != SLightBuild::LightDir)
					// Fill PointLight Info.
					NL3D::CPointLightNamed	&plNamed= pointLights[nNumPointLight];

					// Position
					// Attenuation
					plNamed.setupAttenuation(sLightBuild.rRadiusMin, sLightBuild.rRadiusMax);
					// Colors
					// Ensure A=255 for localAmbient to work.
					NLMISC::CRGBA	ambient= sLightBuild.Ambient;
					ambient.A= 255;

					// GroupName.
					plNamed.AnimatedLight = sLightBuild.AnimatedLight;
					plNamed.LightGroup = sLightBuild.LightGroup;

					// Which light type??
					if(sLightBuild.bAmbientOnly || sLightBuild.Type== SLightBuild::LightAmbient)
						// Special ambient info
						int		nRTAmbAdd= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_REALTIME_AMBIENT_ADD_SUN, BST_UNCHECKED);
					else if(sLightBuild.Type== SLightBuild::LightPoint)
					else if(sLightBuild.Type== SLightBuild::LightSpot)
						// Export Spot infos.
						plNamed.setupSpotAngle(sLightBuild.rHotspot, sLightBuild.rFallof);
						// What???

					// inc Size

			// if this light is a directionnal and checked to export as Sun Light
			int		nExportSun= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_AS_SUN_LIGHT, BST_UNCHECKED);
			if(nExportSun== BST_CHECKED)
				// get Max Light info.
				sLightBuild.convertFromMaxLight(pNode, tvTime);

				// Skip if not dirLight.
				if(sLightBuild.Type == SLightBuild::LightDir)
					sunLightEnabled= true;
	// Good size

	// Build the ig

	CInstanceGroup* pIG = new CInstanceGroup;

	// Link portals and clusters and create meta cluster if one
	pIG->build (vGlobalPos,  aIGArray, vClusters, vPortals, pointLights);

	// IG touched by sun ??

	return pIG;