Exemplo n.º 1
bool CIconWnd::loadIcon(const std::string &filename, NLMISC::CBitmap &bmp)
    // Try to get the file path
    string filepath = CPath::lookup(filename, false, false);
    if (filepath == "")
        bmp.resample(40, 40);
        return false;

    // load icon
    CIFile f;

    bmp.resample(40, 40);


    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBuilderZone::snapshotCustom (const char *fileName, uint width, uint height, bool keepRatio, uint sizeSource, bool grayscale)
	if (_ZoneRegions.size() == 0)

	// Some bitmaps
	NLMISC::CBitmap bitmapTmp;
	NLMISC::CBitmap bitmapDest;

	const CZoneRegion *pBZR = &(getDocument ()->getZoneRegion (_ZoneRegionSelected));
	sint32 nMinX = pBZR->getMinX();
	sint32 nMaxX = pBZR->getMaxX();
	sint32 nMinY = pBZR->getMinY();
	sint32 nMaxY = pBZR->getMaxY();

	uint nSizeX = (nMaxX - nMinX + 1)*sizeSource;
	uint nSizeY = (nMaxY - nMinY + 1)*sizeSource;
	sint x, y, j;

	// Keep ratio ?
	if (keepRatio)
		height = (width * nSizeY) / nSizeX;

	// Resize the bitmaps
	bitmapDest.resize (nSizeX, nSizeY, NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA);

	// white all
	NLMISC::CObjectVector<uint8> &rPixels = bitmapDest.getPixels();
	memset (&rPixels[0], 0xff, rPixels.size ());
	// Copy ZoneBitmaps in the bitmap
	CUV uvMin, uvMax;
	ITexture *pTexture;
	CZoneBankElement *pZBE;
	uint8 nRot, nFlip;

	// For each tiles
	for (y = nMinY; y <= nMaxY; ++y)
	for (x = nMinX; x <= nMaxX; ++x)
		const string &rsZoneName = pBZR->getName (x, y);
		if ((rsZoneName == STRING_OUT_OF_BOUND) && (rsZoneName == STRING_UNUSED))

		pZBE = _ZoneBank.getElementByZoneName (rsZoneName);
		if (pZBE == NULL)

		// Get the texture
		pTexture = _DataBase.getTexture (rsZoneName, pBZR->getPosX(x, y), 
										pBZR->getPosY(x, y), uvMin, uvMax);

		// Generate it
		pTexture->generate ();

		// Be sure it is tga
		pTexture->convertToType (NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA);

		// Get rot
		nRot = pBZR->getRot(x, y);

		// Get flip
		nFlip = pBZR->getFlip(x, y);

		// Copy the texture

		// Dest bitmap size
		uint destWidth = 1+(uint)((float)pTexture->getWidth() * (uvMax.U - uvMin.U));
		uint destHeight = 1+(uint)((float)pTexture->getHeight() * (uvMax.V - uvMin.V));
		bitmapTmp.resize (destWidth, destHeight, NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA);

		// Source bitmap size and position
		uint u = (uint)((float)pTexture->getWidth() * uvMin.U);
		uint v = (uint)((float)pTexture->getHeight() * uvMin.V);
		uint sourceWidth = pTexture->getWidth();
		uint sourceHeight = pTexture->getHeight();

		// Source pointer
		uint8 *srcPixels = &(pTexture->getPixels ()[0]);

		// Destination pointer
		uint8 *destPixels = &(bitmapTmp.getPixels ()[0]);

		// Copy the temp bitmap
		for (j = 0; j < (sint)destHeight; ++j)
			// Copy the line
			memcpy (destPixels+(4*j*destWidth), srcPixels + 4 * ( (v + j) * sourceWidth + u), destWidth*4);

		// Flip ?
		if (nFlip)

		// Rot ?
		while (nRot)
			bitmapTmp.rot90CW ();

		// Resize the bitmap to normal size
		if ( (bitmapTmp.getWidth () != sizeSource) || (bitmapTmp.getHeight () != sizeSource) )
			bitmapTmp.resample (sizeSource, sizeSource);

		// Copy it in the map
		bitmapDest.blit (&bitmapTmp, (x-nMinX)*sizeSource, (y-nMinY)*sizeSource);

		pTexture->release ();

	// Resample the final bitmap
	bitmapDest.resample (width, height);
	bitmapDest.flipV ();

	COFile f(fileName, false, false, true);

	if (grayscale)
		bitmapDest.convertToType (NLMISC::CBitmap::Luminance);
		if (bitmapDest.writeTGA (f, 8))
		if (bitmapDest.writeTGA (f, 32))
Exemplo n.º 3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CDataBase::init (const string &Path, CZoneBank &zb)
	string sDirBackup = NLMISC::CPath::getCurrentPath();

	// "Path" can be relative to the doc path so we have to be first in the doc path
	string s2 = NLMISC::CFile::getPath ((LPCTSTR)getMainFrame()->getDocument()->GetPathName());
	string ss = NLMISC::CPath::getFullPath(Path);
	NLMISC::CPath::setCurrentPath (ss.c_str());

	uint32 i, m, n, o, p;
	uint8 k, l;

	vector<string> ZoneNames;
	zb.getCategoryValues ("zone", ZoneNames);
	for (i = 0; i < ZoneNames.size(); ++i)
		// Progress
		getMainFrame ()->progressLoadingDialog ((float)i / (float)ZoneNames.size());

		SElement zdbTmp;
		CZoneBankElement *pZBE = zb.getElementByZoneName (ZoneNames[i]);
		// Read the texture file
		string zdbTmpName = ZoneNames[i];
		zdbTmp.SizeX = pZBE->getSizeX ();
		zdbTmp.SizeY = pZBE->getSizeY ();
		const vector<bool> &rMask = pZBE->getMask();

		NLMISC::CBitmap *pBitmap = loadBitmap (getTextureFile(zdbTmpName));

		// Should not return NULL !
		nlassert (pBitmap);

		// Wanted zone size
		uint width = _RefSizeX * zdbTmp.SizeX;
		uint height = _RefSizeY * zdbTmp.SizeY;

		// Good size ?
		if ((pBitmap->getWidth () != width) || (pBitmap->getHeight () != height))
			// Resize it
			pBitmap->resample (width, height);

		zdbTmp.WinBitmap = convertToWin (pBitmap);
		pBitmap->flipV ();

		for (l = 0; l < zdbTmp.SizeY; ++l)
		for (k = 0; k < zdbTmp.SizeX; ++k)
		if (rMask[k+l*zdbTmp.SizeX])
			SCacheZone czTmp;

			czTmp.PosX = k;
			czTmp.PosY = l;

			// Found first non full texture cache
			for (m = 0; m < 64; ++m)
			if (_CacheTexture[m].Enabled == false)
				// Create the texture
				_CacheTexture[m].FreePlace.resize (_RefCacheTextureNbEltX*_RefCacheTextureNbEltY, true);
				_CacheTexture[m].Texture = new CTextureMem();
				_CacheTexture[m].Texture->setAllowDegradation (true);
				_CacheTexture[m].PtrMem.resize (4*_RefCacheTextureSizeX*_RefCacheTextureSizeY);
				_CacheTexture[m].Texture->resize (_RefCacheTextureSizeX, _RefCacheTextureSizeY);
				_CacheTexture[m].Texture->setPointer (&_CacheTexture[m].PtrMem[0], 4*_RefCacheTextureSizeX*_RefCacheTextureSizeY,
											false, false, _RefCacheTextureSizeX, _RefCacheTextureSizeY);

				_CacheTexture[m].Enabled = true;
				if (!_CacheTexture[m].isFull())

			nlassert (m<64);

			// Found first place in this texture

			for (n = 0; n < _CacheTexture[m].FreePlace.size(); ++n)
			if (_CacheTexture[m].FreePlace[n])
				sint32 xSrc = k*_RefSizeX;
				sint32 ySrc = l*_RefSizeY;
				sint32 xDst = (n%_RefCacheTextureNbEltX)*_RefSizeX;
				sint32 yDst = (n/_RefCacheTextureNbEltX)*_RefSizeY;
				uint8 *pSrc = &pBitmap->getPixels()[(xSrc+ySrc*pBitmap->getWidth())*4];
				uint8 *pDst = &_CacheTexture[m].PtrMem[(xDst+yDst*_RefCacheTextureSizeX)*4];
				// Copy part of the bitmap into cache texture
				for (p = 0; p < _RefSizeY; ++p)
				for (o = 0; o < _RefSizeX; ++o)
					pDst[(o+p*_RefCacheTextureSizeX)*4+0] = pSrc[(o+p*pBitmap->getWidth())*4+0];
					pDst[(o+p*_RefCacheTextureSizeX)*4+1] = pSrc[(o+p*pBitmap->getWidth())*4+1];
					pDst[(o+p*_RefCacheTextureSizeX)*4+2] = pSrc[(o+p*pBitmap->getWidth())*4+2];
					pDst[(o+p*_RefCacheTextureSizeX)*4+3] = pSrc[(o+p*pBitmap->getWidth())*4+3];
				czTmp.PosUV.U = ((float)xDst) / ((float)_RefCacheTextureSizeX);
				czTmp.PosUV.V = ((float)yDst) / ((float)_RefCacheTextureSizeY);
				czTmp.CacheTexture = _CacheTexture[m].Texture;
				_CacheTexture[m].FreePlace[n] = false;
			//nlassert (m<_CacheTexture[m].FreePlace.size());
			zdbTmp.ZonePieces.push_back (czTmp);
		// Add the entry in the DataBase
		_ZoneDBmap.insert (pair<string,SElement>(zdbTmpName, zdbTmp));
		delete pBitmap;

	// Upload all textures in VRAM
	for (m = 0; m < 64; ++m)
	if (_CacheTexture[m].Enabled)
		_CacheTexture[m].Texture->touch ();

	_UnusedTexture = loadTexture (getTextureFile("_UNUSED_"));

	return true;