Exemplo n.º 1
	void TerrainProjectionMarker::FindProjectedTerrainMaterials(Array<string>& matNames)
		auto& pos = GetPositionAbsolute();
		Vector3 orientedSize = Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Degree(-90),Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X) * GetOrientationAbsolute() * Vector3(_halfSize.x, 0.f, _halfSize.y);

		// Check which terrain cells are occupied by marker's corners 
		// ( assume its smaller than terrain cell )
		auto map = GameWorld::GlobalWorld->GetMap();
		auto terrainGrid = GameWorld::GlobalWorld->GetMap()->GetTerrain()->GetTerrainGrid();
		Ogre::Terrain* terrain;
		uint32 xMin = (uint32)std::max(0.f, std::min(pos.x - orientedSize.x, pos.x + orientedSize.x));
		uint32 xMax = (uint32)std::min(map->GetTerrainSize().x, std::max(pos.x - orientedSize.x, pos.x + orientedSize.x));
		uint32 zMin = (uint32)std::max(0.f, std::max(pos.z - orientedSize.y, pos.z + orientedSize.y));
		uint32 zMax = (uint32)std::min(map->GetTerrainSize().y, std::max(pos.z - orientedSize.z, pos.z + orientedSize.z));

		// Check minimal corner terrain
		terrain = terrainGrid->GetTerrainFromPosition(xMin, zMin);
		if( _lastProjectedTerrains[0] != terrain )
			// Terrain cell changed ( or its 1st call )
			_lastProjectedTerrains[0] = terrain;
		// Check maximal corner terrain
		terrain = terrainGrid->GetTerrainFromPosition(xMax, zMax);
		if( _lastProjectedTerrains[0] != terrain )
			// Marker on multiple cells
			if( _lastProjectedTerrains[3] != terrain )
				_lastProjectedTerrains[3] = terrain;
			terrain = terrainGrid->GetTerrainFromPosition(xMax, zMin);
			if( _lastProjectedTerrains[1] != terrain )
				_lastProjectedTerrains[1] = terrain;
			terrain = terrainGrid->GetTerrainFromPosition(xMin, zMax);
			if( _lastProjectedTerrains[2] != terrain )
				_lastProjectedTerrains[2] = terrain;
			// Max and min corner falls into same cell, so we'll have only one terrain
			_lastProjectedTerrains[1] = terrain;
			_lastProjectedTerrains[2] = terrain;
			_lastProjectedTerrains[3] = terrain;
Exemplo n.º 2
void TerrainManager::CreatePhysicsShape(void)
    Ogre::TerrainGroup::TerrainIterator ti = mTerrainGroup->getTerrainIterator();
    while (ti.hasMoreElements())
        Ogre::Terrain *t = ti.getNext()->instance;
        LoadTerrainGeometry(t->getMaterialName(), t->getHeightData(),
                            t->getSize(), t->getWorldSize(), t->getMinHeight(), t->getMaxHeight(), t->getPosition());