/** If the DataOutputStream parameter is NULL, write to the _records
    member variable. Otherwise, write to the specified DataOutputStream.
FltExportVisitor::writeComment( const osg::Node& node, DataOutputStream* dos )
    if (dos==NULL)
        dos = _records;

    // Write all descriptions as Comment records.
    unsigned int nd = node.getNumDescriptions();
    unsigned int idx=0;
    while( idx < nd )
        const std::string& com = node.getDescription( idx );
        unsigned int iLen = com.length() + 5;
        if (iLen > 0xffff)
            // short overrun
            std::string warning( "fltexp: writeComment: Descriptions too long, resorts in short overrun. Skipping." );
            _fltOpt->getWriteResult().warn( warning );
            OSG_WARN << warning << std::endl;
        uint16 length( (uint16)iLen );

        dos->writeInt16( (int16) COMMENT_OP );
        dos->writeInt16( length );
        dos->writeString( com );
