Exemplo n.º 1
PbfParser::Geometry PbfParser::getGeometry(ParserContext& _ctx, protobuf::message _geomIn) {

    Geometry geometry;

    pbfGeomCmd cmd = pbfGeomCmd::moveTo;
    uint32_t cmdRepeat = 0;

    double invTileExtent = (1.0/(_ctx.tileExtent-1.0));

    int64_t x = 0;
    int64_t y = 0;

    size_t numCoordinates = 0;

    while(_geomIn.getData() < _geomIn.getEnd()) {

        if(cmdRepeat == 0) { // get new command, length and parameters..
            uint32_t cmdData = static_cast<uint32_t>(_geomIn.varint());
            cmd = static_cast<pbfGeomCmd>(cmdData & 0x7); //first 3 bits of the cmdData
            cmdRepeat = cmdData >> 3; //last 5 bits

        if(cmd == pbfGeomCmd::moveTo || cmd == pbfGeomCmd::lineTo) { // get parameters/points
            // if cmd is move then move to a new line/set of points and save this line
            if(cmd == pbfGeomCmd::moveTo) {
                if (geometry.coordinates.size() > 0) {
                numCoordinates = 0;

            x += _geomIn.svarint();
            y += _geomIn.svarint();

            // bring the points in 0 to 1 space
            Point p;
            p.x = invTileExtent * (double)x;
            p.y = invTileExtent * (double)(_ctx.tileExtent - y);

            if (numCoordinates == 0 || geometry.coordinates.back() != p) {
        } else if(cmd == pbfGeomCmd::closePath) {
            // end of a polygon, push first point in this line as last and push line to poly
            geometry.coordinates.push_back(geometry.coordinates[geometry.coordinates.size() - numCoordinates]);
            geometry.sizes.push_back(numCoordinates + 1);
            numCoordinates = 0;

Exemplo n.º 2
void PbfParser::extractGeometry(protobuf::message& _geomIn, int _tileExtent, std::vector<Line>& _out, const MapTile& _tile) {
    pbfGeomCmd cmd = pbfGeomCmd::moveTo;
    uint32_t cmdRepeat = 0;
    double invTileExtent = (1.0/(double)_tileExtent);
    Line line;
    int64_t x = 0;
    int64_t y = 0;
    while(_geomIn.getData() < _geomIn.getEnd()) {
        if(cmdRepeat == 0) { // get new command, lengh and parameters..
            uint32_t cmdData = static_cast<uint32_t>(_geomIn.varint());
            cmd = static_cast<pbfGeomCmd>(cmdData & 0x7); //first 3 bits of the cmdData
            cmdRepeat = cmdData >> 3; //last 5 bits
        if(cmd == pbfGeomCmd::moveTo || cmd == pbfGeomCmd::lineTo) { // get parameters/points
            // if cmd is move then move to a new line/set of points and save this line
            if(cmd == pbfGeomCmd::moveTo) {
                if(line.size() > 0) {
            x += _geomIn.svarint();
            y += _geomIn.svarint();
            // bring the points in -1 to 1 space
            Point p;
            p.x = invTileExtent * (double)(2 * x - _tileExtent);
            p.y = invTileExtent * (double)(_tileExtent - 2 * y);
        } else if( cmd == pbfGeomCmd::closePath) { // end of a polygon, push first point in this line as last and push line to poly