Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "pendulum_controller");
    //ros::init(argc, argv, "pendulum");
    ros::NodeHandle n("pendulum");
    ros::NodeHandle n_state("pendulum");

    command_pub = n.advertise<pendulum::command>( "command", 1000 );

    state_client = n_state.serviceClient<pendulum::state>( "state" );
    //state_client = n.serviceClient<pendulum::state>( "state" );
    //state_client = n.serviceClient<pendulum::state>( "state", true );
    if( !state_client.isValid( ) ) {
	ROS_INFO( "state_client not valid" );
        state_client.waitForExistence( );

    ros::Rate loop_rate( 25 );  
    //ros::Rate loop_rate( 10 );  

    ROS_INFO("Ready to standup pendulum.");

    command.time = 0.0;
    command.torque = 0.0;
    state.request.timestamp = 0.0;

    pendulum::state s;

    if( !state_client.isValid( ) ) {
	ROS_INFO( "state_client no longer valid" );
        state_client.waitForExistence( );

    int count = 0;

    ros::Time calibrate_time, start_time;

    while( ros::ok( ) ) {
    	calibrate_time = ros::Time::now( );

	if( calibrate_time.sec != 0 || calibrate_time.nsec != 0 )
        ros::spinOnce( );		

    start_time = ros::Time::now( );
    //ROS_INFO( "start_time: sec[%u] nsec[%u]", start_time.sec, start_time.nsec );
    ROS_INFO( "time, position, velocity, torque" );

    while( ros::ok( ) ) {

	//if( count == 1 ) break;

        if( state_client && state_client.exists( ) && state_client.isValid( ) ) {
            //ROS_INFO("Calling service");
            if( state_client.call( s ) ) {
                //ROS_INFO("Successful call");

    		ros::Time sim_time = ros::Time::now( );

    		//ROS_INFO( "sim_time: sec[%u] nsec[%u]", sim_time.sec, sim_time.nsec );

		//ros::Duration current_time = sim_time - start_time;

		//Real time = (Real) count / 1000.0;
		Real time = (sim_time - start_time).toSec();

	        command.torque = control( time, s.response.position, s.response.velocity );
  	        command.time = time;

		ROS_INFO( "%10.9f, %10.9f, %10.9f, %10.9f", time, s.response.position, s.response.velocity, command.torque );

                command_pub.publish( command );

	        //command.torque = control( state.response.time, state.response.position, state.response.velocity );
  	        //command.time = state.response.time;
            } else {
               ROS_INFO("Failed to call");
        } else {
            ROS_INFO("Persistent client is invalid");
        if( !state_client.isValid( ) ) {
	    ROS_INFO( "state_client not valid" );

        if( !state_client.exists( ) )
            state_client.waitForExistence( );
	if( state_client.call( s ) ) {
	//if( state_client.call( state ) ) {
	    ROS_INFO( "called state" );

	    command.torque = control( s.response.time, s.response.position, s.response.velocity );
  	    command.time = s.response.time;

	    //command.torque = control( state.response.time, state.response.position, state.response.velocity );
  	    //command.time = state.response.time;
        } else {
	    ROS_INFO( "calling state service failed" );
        command_pub.publish( command );
        ros::spinOnce( );

    ROS_INFO( "Controller shutting down" );

    return 0;