Exemplo n.º 1
Loopback_Supplier::push (const RtecEventComm::EventSet &source)
  // ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Loopback_Supplier pushing\n"));
  RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var proxy;
    ACE_GUARD (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->mutex_);
    if (CORBA::is_nil (this->proxy_consumer_.in ()))
    proxy = this->proxy_consumer_;

#if 0
    this->counter_ += source.length ();
    if ((this->counter_ + 1) % 1000 == 0)
                    "(%P|%t) - Loopback (%d) sending %d messages\n",
                    this->response_type_, this->counter_ + 1));
#endif /* 0 */

  // ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Loopback_Supplier::push (%P|%t)\n"));
  RtecEventComm::EventSet events (source);
  for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i != events.length (); ++i)
      events[i].header.ttl    = 1;
      events[i].header.type   = this->response_type_;
      events[i].header.source = this->experiment_id_;

  proxy->push (events);
Exemplo n.º 2
Supplier::push (const RtecEventComm::EventSet &events)
  // ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Supplier pushing (%d,%d)\n",
  // events[0].header.type, events[0].header.source));
  RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var proxy;
    ACE_GUARD (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->mutex_);
    if (CORBA::is_nil (this->proxy_consumer_.in ()))
    proxy = this->proxy_consumer_;

  proxy->push (events);
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    // Initialize the ORB.
    CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv);

    // Find the Naming Service.
    CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
    CosNaming::NamingContextExt_var naming_client = CosNaming::NamingContextExt::_narrow(obj.in());

    // Get the Event Channel using Naming Services
    obj = naming_client->resolve_str("EventService");

    // Downcast the object reference to an EventChannel reference.
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var ec =
    if (CORBA::is_nil(ec.in())) {
      cerr << "Could not resolve EchoEventChannel." << endl;
      return 1;

    // Get a SupplierAdmin object from the EventChannel.
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin_var admin = ec->for_suppliers();

    // Get a ProxyPushConsumer from the SupplierAdmin.
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var consumer =

    // Get the RootPOA.
    obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
    PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj.in());

    // Instantiate an EchoEventConsumer_i servant.
    EchoEventSupplier_i servant(orb.in());

    // Register it with the RootPOA.
    PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = poa->activate_object(&servant);
    CORBA::Object_var supplier_obj = poa->id_to_reference(oid.in());
    RtecEventComm::PushSupplier_var supplier =

    // Publish the events the supplier provides.
    ACE_SupplierQOS_Factory qos;
    qos.insert (MY_SOURCE_ID,      // Supplier's unique id
                MY_EVENT_TYPE,     // Event type
                0,                 // handle to the rt_info structure
                1);                // number of calls

    // Connect as a supplier of the published events.
    consumer->connect_push_supplier (supplier.in (),
                                     qos.get_SupplierQOS ());

    // Activate the POA via its POAManager.
    PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager();

    // Create an event (just a string in this case).
    const CORBA::String_var eventData = CORBA::string_dup("Hello, world.");

    // Create an event set for one event
    RtecEventComm::EventSet events (1);
    events.length (1);

    // Initialize event header.
    events[0].header.source = MY_SOURCE_ID;
    events[0].header.type = MY_EVENT_TYPE;

    // Initialize data fields in event.
    events[0].data.any_value <<= eventData;
    cout << "Supplier starting sending of events" << endl;

    while (1) {
      consumer->push (events);
      ACE_Time_Value tv(0, 1000 * EVENT_DELAY_MS);


    return 0;
  catch (CORBA::Exception& ex) 
    cerr << "Supplier::main() Caught CORBA::Exception" << endl << ex << endl;

  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
    // Initialize the EC Factory so we can customize the EC
    TAO_EC_Default_Factory::init_svcs ();

    // Initialize the ORB.
    CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv);

    const ACE_TCHAR* ecname = ACE_TEXT ("EventService");
    const ACE_TCHAR* remote_ecname = 0;
    const ACE_TCHAR* iorfile = 0;
    for (int i = 0; argv[i] != 0; i++) {
      if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-ecname")) == 0) {
        if (argv[i+1] != 0) {
          ecname = argv[i];
        } else {
          std::cerr << "Missing Event channel name" << std::endl;
      if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-gateway")) == 0) {
        if (argv[i+1] != 0) {
          remote_ecname = argv[i];
        } else {
          std::cerr << "Missing Event channel name" << std::endl;
      if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-iorfile")) == 0) {
        if (argv[i+1] != 0) {
          iorfile = argv[i];

    // Get the POA
    CORBA::Object_var object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");
    PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (object.in ());
    PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager ();
    poa_manager->activate ();

    // Spawn a thread for the orb
    ACE_Thread_Manager *thread_mgr = ACE_Thread_Manager::instance();
    thread_mgr->spawn(orb_thread, orb.in());

    // Create a local event channel and register it with the RootPOA.
    TAO_EC_Event_Channel_Attributes attributes (poa.in (), poa.in ());
    PortableServer::Servant_var<TAO_EC_Event_Channel> ec_impl =
      new TAO_EC_Event_Channel(attributes);
    ec_impl->activate ();
    PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = poa->activate_object(ec_impl.in());
    CORBA::Object_var ec_obj = poa->id_to_reference(oid.in());
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var ec =

    // Find the Naming Service.
    object = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
    CosNaming::NamingContextExt_var root_context = CosNaming::NamingContextExt::_narrow(object.in());
    CosNaming::Name_var name = root_context->to_name (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ecname));
    root_context->rebind(name.in(), ec.in());

    // Get a SupplierAdmin object from the EventChannel.
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin_var admin = ec->for_suppliers();

    // Get a ProxyPushConsumer from the SupplierAdmin.
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var consumer =

    // Instantiate an EchoEventSupplier_i servant.
    PortableServer::Servant_var<EchoEventSupplier_i> servant =
      new EchoEventSupplier_i(orb.in());

    // Register it with the RootPOA.
    oid = poa->activate_object(servant.in());
    CORBA::Object_var supplier_obj = poa->id_to_reference(oid.in());
    RtecEventComm::PushSupplier_var supplier =

    // Publish the events the supplier provides.
    ACE_SupplierQOS_Factory qos;
    qos.insert (MY_SOURCE_ID,      // Supplier's unique id
                MY_EVENT_TYPE,     // Event type
                0,                 // handle to the rt_info structure
                1);                // number of calls

    // Connect as a supplier of the published events.
    consumer->connect_push_supplier (supplier.in (),
                                     qos.get_SupplierQOS ());

    // Create an event (just a string in this case).
    const CORBA::String_var eventData = CORBA::string_dup (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ecname));

    // Create an event set for one event
    RtecEventComm::EventSet event (1);
    event.length (1);
    // Initialize event header.
    event[0].header.source = MY_SOURCE_ID;
    event[0].header.ttl = 1;
    event[0].header.type = MY_EVENT_TYPE;
    // Initialize data fields in event.
    event[0].data.any_value <<= eventData;

    PortableServer::Servant_var<TAO_EC_Gateway_IIOP> gateway =
      new TAO_EC_Gateway_IIOP;
    int gateway_initialized = 0;

    std::cout << "Supplier starting sending of events.\n";

    while (1) {

      consumer->push (event);
      ACE_Time_Value tv(0, 1000 * EVENT_DELAY_MS);

      if ((remote_ecname != 0)  && (!gateway_initialized)) {

        try {
          // Get the remote event channel object
          CORBA::Object_var obj = root_context->resolve_str (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (remote_ecname));
          RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var remote_ec =

          int ok = 0;
          if (!CORBA::is_nil(remote_ec.in())) {
            // Now check if we can talk to it...
            try {
              RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin_var adm =
              ok = 1;
            } catch(const CORBA::UserException&) {
              // What is the correct exception(s) to catch here?

          // There is a good remote event channel so initialize the
          // gateway.
          if (ok) {
            gateway->init(remote_ec.in(), ec.in());

            PortableServer::ObjectId_var gateway_oid =
            CORBA::Object_var gateway_obj =
            RtecEventChannelAdmin::Observer_var obs =
            RtecEventChannelAdmin::Observer_Handle local_ec_obs_handle =
              ec->append_observer (obs.in ());
            ACE_UNUSED_ARG (local_ec_obs_handle);
            gateway_initialized = 1;
            std::cout << "Gateway initialized\n";
            if (iorfile != 0) {
              CORBA::String_var str = orb->object_to_string( ec.in() );
              std::ofstream iorFile( ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR(iorfile) );
              iorFile << str.in() << std::endl;
        } catch(const CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFound&) {
          // Try again later...


    return 0;
  catch(const CORBA::Exception& exc)
    std::cerr << "Caught CORBA::Exception" << std::endl << exc << std::endl;

  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
    // Initialize the EC Factory so we can customize the EC
    TAO_EC_Default_Factory::init_svcs ();

    // Initialize the ORB.
    CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv);

    const ACE_TCHAR *ecname = ACE_TEXT ("EventService");
    const ACE_TCHAR *address = ACE_TEXT ("localhost");
    const ACE_TCHAR *iorfile = 0;
    u_short port = 12345;
    u_short listenport = 12345;

    int mcast = 1;

    for (int i = 0; argv[i] != 0; i++)
        if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT ("-ecname")) == 0)
            if (argv[i+1] != 0)
                ecname = argv[++i];
              ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,  "Missing Event channel name\n"),0);
        else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT ("-address")) == 0)
            if (argv[i+1] != 0)
              address = argv[++i];
              ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Missing address\n"),0);
        else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT ("-port")) == 0)
            if (argv[i+1] != 0)
              port = ACE_OS::atoi(argv[++i]);
              ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Missing port\n"),0);
        else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT ("-listenport")) == 0)
            if (argv[i+1] != 0)
              listenport = ACE_OS::atoi(argv[++i]);
              ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Missing port\n"), 0);
        else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT ("-iorfile")) == 0)
            if (argv[i+1] != 0)
              iorfile = argv[++i];
              ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Missing ior file\n"), 0);
        else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT ("-udp")) == 0)
          mcast = 0;

    // Get the POA
    CORBA::Object_var tmpobj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");
    PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (tmpobj.in ());
    PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager ();
    poa_manager->activate ();

    // Create a local event channel and register it
    TAO_EC_Event_Channel_Attributes attributes (poa.in (), poa.in ());
    TAO_EC_Event_Channel ec_impl (attributes);
    ec_impl.activate ();
    PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = poa->activate_object(&ec_impl);
    tmpobj = poa->id_to_reference(oid.in());
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var ec =

    // Find the Naming Service.
    tmpobj = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
    CosNaming::NamingContextExt_var root_context =

    // Bind the Event Channel using Naming Services
    CosNaming::Name_var name =
      root_context->to_name (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ecname));
    root_context->rebind(name.in(), ec.in());

    // Get a proxy push consumer from the EventChannel.
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin_var admin = ec->for_suppliers();
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var consumer =

    // Instantiate an EchoEventSupplier_i servant.
    EchoEventSupplier_i servant(orb.in());

    // Register it with the RootPOA.
    oid = poa->activate_object(&servant);
    tmpobj = poa->id_to_reference(oid.in());
    RtecEventComm::PushSupplier_var supplier =

    // Connect to the EC.
    ACE_SupplierQOS_Factory qos;
    qos.insert (MY_SOURCE_ID, MY_EVENT_TYPE, 0, 1);
    consumer->connect_push_supplier (supplier.in (), qos.get_SupplierQOS ());

    // Initialize the address server with the desired address. This will
    // be used by the sender object and the multicast receiver only if
    // one is not otherwise available via the naming service.
    ACE_INET_Addr send_addr (port, address);
    SimpleAddressServer addr_srv_impl (send_addr);

    // Create an instance of the addr server for local use

    PortableServer::ObjectId_var addr_srv_oid =
    tmpobj =

    RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer_var addr_srv =

    // Create and initialize the sender object
    PortableServer::Servant_var<TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender> sender =
    TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint endpoint;
    // need to be explicit about the address type when built with
    // IPv6 support, otherwise SOCK_DGram::open defaults to ipv6 when
    // given a sap_any address. This causes trouble on at least solaris
    // and windows, or at most on not-linux.
    if (endpoint.dgram ().open (ACE_Addr::sap_any,
                                send_addr.get_type()) == -1)
                           "Cannot open send endpoint\n"),

   // TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender::init() takes a TAO_ECG_Refcounted_Endpoint.
    // If we don't clone our endpoint and pass &endpoint, the sender will
    // attempt to delete endpoint during shutdown.
    TAO_ECG_Refcounted_Endpoint clone (new TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint (endpoint));
    sender->init (ec.in (), addr_srv.in (), clone);

    // Setup the subscription and connect to the EC
    ACE_ConsumerQOS_Factory cons_qos_fact;
    cons_qos_fact.start_disjunction_group ();
    cons_qos_fact.insert (ACE_ES_EVENT_SOURCE_ANY, ACE_ES_EVENT_ANY, 0);
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOS sub = cons_qos_fact.get_ConsumerQOS ();
    sender->connect (sub);

    // Create and initialize the receiver
    PortableServer::Servant_var<TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver> receiver =

    // TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver::init() takes a TAO_ECG_Refcounted_Endpoint.
    // If we don't clone our endpoint and pass &endpoint, the receiver will
    // attempt to delete endpoint during shutdown.
    TAO_ECG_Refcounted_Endpoint clone2 (new TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint (endpoint));
    receiver->init (ec.in (), clone2, addr_srv.in ());

    // Setup the registration and connect to the event channel
    ACE_SupplierQOS_Factory supp_qos_fact;
    supp_qos_fact.insert (MY_SOURCE_ID, MY_EVENT_TYPE, 0, 1);
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierQOS pub = supp_qos_fact.get_SupplierQOS ();
    receiver->connect (pub);

    // Create the appropriate event handler and register it with the reactor
    auto_ptr<ACE_Event_Handler> eh;
    if (mcast) {
      auto_ptr<TAO_ECG_Mcast_EH> mcast_eh(new TAO_ECG_Mcast_EH (receiver.in()));
      mcast_eh->reactor (orb->orb_core ()->reactor ());
      mcast_eh->open (ec.in());
    } else {
      auto_ptr<TAO_ECG_UDP_EH> udp_eh (new TAO_ECG_UDP_EH (receiver.in()));
      udp_eh->reactor (orb->orb_core ()->reactor ());
      ACE_INET_Addr local_addr (listenport);
      if (udp_eh->open (local_addr) == -1)
        ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,"Cannot open EH\n"));


    // Create an event (just a string in this case).

    // Create an event set for one event
    RtecEventComm::EventSet event (1);
    event.length (1);

    // Initialize event header.
    event[0].header.source = MY_SOURCE_ID;
    event[0].header.ttl = 1;
    event[0].header.type = MY_EVENT_TYPE;

    // Initialize data fields in event.
    const CORBA::String_var eventData =
      CORBA::string_dup (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ecname));

    event[0].data.any_value <<= eventData;
    // Use the octet sequence payload instead
    char *tmpstr = const_cast<char *>(ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ecname));
    size_t len = ACE_OS::strlen(tmpstr) +1;
    event[0].data.payload.replace (
      reinterpret_cast<CORBA::Octet *> (tmpstr));

    if (iorfile != 0) {
      CORBA::String_var str = orb->object_to_string( ec.in() );
      std::ofstream iorFile( ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR(iorfile) );
      iorFile << str.in() << std::endl;
    "Starting main loop\n"));

    const int EVENT_DELAY_MS = 1000;

    while (1) {
      consumer->push (event);

      ACE_Time_Value tv(0, 1000 * EVENT_DELAY_MS);

    return 0;
  catch (const CORBA::Exception& exc)
    "Caught CORBA::Exception\n%C (%C)\n",
    exc._name (),
    exc._rep_id () ));
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
    // Initialize the EC Factory so we can customize the EC
    TAO_EC_Default_Factory::init_svcs ();

    // Initialize the ORB.
    CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv);

    const ACE_TCHAR* ecname = ACE_TEXT ("EventService");
    const ACE_TCHAR* address = ACE_TEXT ("localhost");
    const ACE_TCHAR* iorfile = 0;
    u_short port = 12345;
    u_short listenport = 12345;
    int mcast = 1;

    for (int i = 0; argv[i] != 0; i++) {
      if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-ecname")) == 0) {
        if (argv[i+1] != 0) {
          ecname = argv[i];
        } else {
          std::cerr << "Missing Event channel name" << std::endl;
      } else if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-address")) == 0) {
        if (argv[i+1] != 0) {
          address = argv[i];
        } else {
          std::cerr << "Missing address" << std::endl;
      } else if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-port")) == 0) {
        if (argv[i+1] != 0) {
          port = ACE_OS::atoi(argv[i]);
        } else {
          std::cerr << "Missing port" << std::endl;
      } else if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-listenport")) == 0) {
        if (argv[i+1] != 0) {
          listenport = ACE_OS::atoi(argv[i]);
        } else {
          std::cerr << "Missing port" << std::endl;
      } else if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-iorfile")) == 0) {
        if (argv[i+1] != 0) {
          iorfile = argv[i];
      } else if (ACE_OS::strcmp(argv[i], ACE_TEXT("-udp")) == 0) {
        mcast = 0;

    // Get the POA
    CORBA::Object_var object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");
    PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (object.in ());
    PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager ();
    poa_manager->activate ();

    // Create a local event channel and register it
    TAO_EC_Event_Channel_Attributes attributes (poa.in (), poa.in ());
    PortableServer::Servant_var<TAO_EC_Event_Channel> ec_impl =
      new TAO_EC_Event_Channel(attributes);
    ec_impl->activate ();
    PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = poa->activate_object(ec_impl.in());
    CORBA::Object_var ec_obj = poa->id_to_reference(oid.in());
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var ec =

    // Find the Naming Service.
    CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
    CosNaming::NamingContextExt_var root_context = CosNaming::NamingContextExt::_narrow(obj.in());

    // Bind the Event Channel using Naming Services
    CosNaming::Name_var name = root_context->to_name (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ecname));
    root_context->rebind(name.in(), ec.in());

    // Get a proxy push consumer from the EventChannel.
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin_var admin = ec->for_suppliers();
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var consumer =

    // Instantiate an EchoEventSupplier_i servant.
    PortableServer::Servant_var<EchoEventSupplier_i> servant =
      new EchoEventSupplier_i(orb.in());

    // Register it with the RootPOA.
    oid = poa->activate_object(servant.in());
    CORBA::Object_var supplier_obj = poa->id_to_reference(oid.in());
    RtecEventComm::PushSupplier_var supplier =

    // Connect to the EC.
    ACE_SupplierQOS_Factory qos;
    qos.insert (MY_SOURCE_ID, MY_EVENT_TYPE, 0, 1);
    consumer->connect_push_supplier (supplier.in (), qos.get_SupplierQOS ());

    // Initialize the address server with the desired address.
    // This will be used by the sender object and the multicast
    // receiver.
    ACE_INET_Addr send_addr (port, address);
    PortableServer::Servant_var<SimpleAddressServer> addr_srv_impl =
      new SimpleAddressServer(send_addr);

    PortableServer::ObjectId_var addr_srv_oid =
    CORBA::Object_var addr_srv_obj = poa->id_to_reference(addr_srv_oid.in());
    RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer_var addr_srv =

    // Create and initialize the sender object
    PortableServer::Servant_var<TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender> sender =
    TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint endpoint;
    if (endpoint.dgram ().open (ACE_Addr::sap_any) == -1) {
      std::cerr << "Cannot open send endpoint" << std::endl;
      return 1;

    // TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender::init() takes a TAO_ECG_Refcounted_Endpoint.
    // If we don't clone our endpoint and pass &endpoint, the sender will
    // attempt to delete endpoint during shutdown.
    TAO_ECG_Refcounted_Endpoint clone (new TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint (endpoint));
    sender->init (ec.in (), addr_srv.in (), clone);

    // Setup the subscription and connect to the EC
    ACE_ConsumerQOS_Factory cons_qos_fact;
    cons_qos_fact.start_disjunction_group ();
    cons_qos_fact.insert (ACE_ES_EVENT_SOURCE_ANY, ACE_ES_EVENT_ANY, 0);
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOS sub = cons_qos_fact.get_ConsumerQOS ();
    sender->connect (sub);

    // Create and initialize the receiver
    PortableServer::Servant_var<TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver> receiver =

    // TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver::init() takes a TAO_ECG_Refcounted_Endpoint.
    // If we don't clone our endpoint and pass &endpoint, the receiver will
    // attempt to delete endpoint during shutdown.
    TAO_ECG_Refcounted_Endpoint clone2 (new TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint (endpoint));
    receiver->init (ec.in (), clone2, addr_srv.in ());

    // Setup the registration and connect to the event channel
    ACE_SupplierQOS_Factory supp_qos_fact;
    supp_qos_fact.insert (MY_SOURCE_ID, MY_EVENT_TYPE, 0, 1);
    RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierQOS pub = supp_qos_fact.get_SupplierQOS ();
    receiver->connect (pub);

    // Create the appropriate event handler and register it with the reactor
    auto_ptr<ACE_Event_Handler> eh;
    if (mcast) {
      auto_ptr<TAO_ECG_Mcast_EH> mcast_eh(new TAO_ECG_Mcast_EH (receiver.in()));
      mcast_eh->reactor (orb->orb_core ()->reactor ());
      mcast_eh->open (ec.in());
    } else {
      auto_ptr<TAO_ECG_UDP_EH> udp_eh (new TAO_ECG_UDP_EH (receiver.in()));
      udp_eh->reactor (orb->orb_core ()->reactor ());
      ACE_INET_Addr local_addr (listenport);
      if (udp_eh->open (local_addr) == -1) {
        std::cerr << "Cannot open EH" << std::endl;

    // Create an event (just a string in this case).
    const CORBA::String_var eventData = CORBA::string_dup (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ecname));

    // Create an event set for one event
    RtecEventComm::EventSet event (1);
    event.length (1);

    // Initialize event header.
    event[0].header.source = MY_SOURCE_ID;
    event[0].header.ttl = 1;
    event[0].header.type = MY_EVENT_TYPE;

    // Initialize data fields in event.
    event[0].data.any_value <<= eventData;

    if (iorfile != 0) {
      CORBA::String_var str = orb->object_to_string( ec.in() );
      std::ofstream iorFile( ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR(iorfile) );
      iorFile << str.in() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Starting main loop" << std::endl;

    const int EVENT_DELAY_MS = 10;

    while (1) {
      consumer->push (event);

      ACE_Time_Value tv(0, 1000 * EVENT_DELAY_MS);

    return 0;
  catch(const CORBA::Exception& exc)
    std::cerr << "Caught CORBA::Exception" << std::endl << exc << std::endl;
  return 1;