Exemplo n.º 1
// We don't really care if the indexing level is in the incorrect graph
void Nepomuk2::updateIndexingLevel(const QUrl& uri, int level)
    QString uriN3 = Soprano::Node::resourceToN3( uri );

    QString query = QString::fromLatin1("select ?g ?l where { graph ?g { %1 kext:indexingLevel ?l . } }")
                    .arg ( uriN3 );
    Soprano::Model* model = ResourceManager::instance()->mainModel();
    Soprano::QueryResultIterator it = model->executeQuery( query, Soprano::Query::QueryLanguageSparqlNoInference );

    QUrl graph;
    Soprano::Node prevLevel;
    if( it.next() ) {
        graph = it[0].uri();
        prevLevel = it[1];

    if( !graph.isEmpty() ) {
        QString graphN3 = Soprano::Node::resourceToN3( graph );
        QString removeCommand = QString::fromLatin1("sparql delete { graph %1 { %2 kext:indexingLevel %3 . } }")
                                .arg( graphN3, uriN3, prevLevel.toN3() );
        model->executeQuery( removeCommand, Soprano::Query::QueryLanguageUser, QLatin1String("sql") );

        QString insertCommand = QString::fromLatin1("sparql insert { graph %1 { %2 kext:indexingLevel %3 . } }")
                                .arg( graphN3, uriN3, Soprano::Node::literalToN3(level) );
        model->executeQuery( insertCommand, Soprano::Query::QueryLanguageUser, QLatin1String("sql") );
    // Practically, this should never happen, but still
    else {
        QScopedPointer<KJob> job( Nepomuk2::setProperty( QList<QUrl>() << uri, KExt::indexingLevel(),
                                                                QVariantList() << QVariant(level) ) );