Exemplo n.º 1
bool makeCanonical(FS_NAMESPACE::path & result, const FS_NAMESPACE::path & path)
	// if we use canonical the file must exits, else we get an exception.
		result = FS_NAMESPACE::canonical(path);
	catch (...)
		// an error occurred. this maybe because the file is not there yet. try without the file name
			result = FS_NAMESPACE::canonical(FS_NAMESPACE::path(path).remove_filename());
			// ok. this worked. add file name again
			result /= path.filename();
		catch (...)
			// hmm. didn't work. tell the user. at least the path should be there...
			std::cout << "The path \"" << FS_NAMESPACE::path(path).remove_filename().string() << "\" couldn't be found. Please create it." << std::endl;
			return false;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
// This is based on the example code found here: https:// svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/1976
// but changed to not return a trailing ".." when paths only differ in their file name.
// The function still seems to be missing in boost as of 1.54.0.
FS_NAMESPACE::path naiveUncomplete(FS_NAMESPACE::path const path, FS_NAMESPACE::path const base)
	if (path.has_root_path())
		if (path.root_path() != base.root_path())
			return path;
			return naiveUncomplete(path.relative_path(), base.relative_path());
		if (base.has_root_path())
			return path;
			auto path_it = path.begin();
			auto base_it = base.begin();
			while (path_it != path.end() && base_it != base.end())
				if (*path_it != *base_it) break;
				++path_it; ++base_it;
			FS_NAMESPACE::path result;
			// check if we're at the filename of the base path already
			if (*base_it != base.filename())
				// add trailing ".." from path to base, but only if we're not already at the filename of the base path
				for (; base_it != base.end() && *base_it != base.filename(); ++base_it)
					result /= "..";
			for (; path_it != path.end(); ++path_it)
				result /= *path_it;
			return result;
	return path;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
	// check number of arguments and if all arguments can be read
	if (argc < 3 || !readArguments(argc, argv))
		return -1;
	// check if the input path exist
	if (!FS_NAMESPACE::exists(inFilePath))
		std::cout << "Error: Invalid input file/directory \"" << inFilePath.string() << "\"!" << std::endl;
		return -2;
	if (createBinary)
		// check if argument 2 is a file
		if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(outFilePath))
			std::cout << "Error: Output must be a file if -b is used!" << std::endl;
			return -2;
	else if (appendFile)
		// check if argument 2 is a file
		if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(outFilePath))
			std::cout << "Error: Output must be a file if -a is used!" << std::endl;
			return -2;
	else if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(inFilePath) != FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(outFilePath))
		// check if output directory exists
		if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(outFilePath) && !FS_NAMESPACE::exists(outFilePath))
			std::cout << "Error: Invalid output directory \"" << outFilePath.string() << "\"!" << std::endl;
			return -2;
		// check if arguments 1 and 2 are both files or both directories
		std::cout << "Error: Input and output file must be both either a file or a directory!" << std::endl;
		return -2;
	if (appendFile)
		// append file a to b
		if (!appendAtoB(outFilePath, inFilePath))
			std::cout << "Error: Failed to append data to executable!" << std::endl;
			return -3;
		// build list of files to process
		std::vector<FileData> fileList;
		if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(inFilePath) && FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(inFilePath))
			// both files are directories, build file ist
			fileList = getFileDataFrom(inFilePath, outFilePath, inFilePath, useRecursion);
			if (fileList.empty())
				std::cout << "Error: No files to convert!" << std::endl;
				return -3;
			// just add single input/output file
			FileData temp;
			temp.inPath = inFilePath;
			temp.outPath = outFilePath;
			temp.internalName = inFilePath.filename().string(); // remove all, but the file name and extension
			if (beVerbose)
				std::cout << "Found input file " << inFilePath << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Internal name will be \"" << temp.internalName << "\"" << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Output path is " << temp.outPath << std::endl;
			// get file size
				temp.size = static_cast<uint64_t>(FS_NAMESPACE::file_size(inFilePath));
				if (beVerbose)
					std::cout << "Size is " << temp.size << " bytes." << std::endl;
			catch (...)
				std::cout << "Error: Failed to get size of " << inFilePath << "!" << std::endl;
				temp.size = 0;

		// does the user want an binary file?
		if (createBinary)
			// yes. build it.
			if (!createBlob(fileList, outFilePath))
				std::cout << "Error: Failed to convert to binary file!" << std::endl;
				return -4;
			// no. convert files to .c/.cpp. loop through list, converting files
			for (auto fdIt = fileList.begin(); fdIt != fileList.cend(); ++fdIt)
				if (!convertFile(*fdIt, commonHeaderFilePath))
					std::cout << "Error: Failed to convert all files. Aborting!" << std::endl;
					return -4;
			// do we need to write a header file?
			if (!commonHeaderFilePath.empty())
				if (!createCommonHeader(fileList, commonHeaderFilePath, !utilitiesFilePath.empty(), useC))
					return -5;
				// do we need to create utilities?
				if (!utilitiesFilePath.empty())
					if (!createUtilities(fileList, utilitiesFilePath, commonHeaderFilePath, useC, combineResults))
						return -6;
	} // if (!appendFile) {
	// profit!!!
	std::cout << "res2h succeeded." << std::endl;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
std::vector<FileData> getFileDataFrom(const FS_NAMESPACE::path & inPath, const FS_NAMESPACE::path & outPath, const FS_NAMESPACE::path & parentDir, const bool recurse)
	// get all files from directory
	std::vector<FileData> files;
	// check for infinite symlinks
	if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_symlink(inPath))
		// check if the symlink points somewhere in the path. this would recurse
		if (inPath.string().find(FS_NAMESPACE::canonical(inPath).string()) == 0)
			std::cout << "Warning: Path " << inPath << " contains recursive symlink! Skipping." << std::endl;
			return files;
	// iterate through source directory searching for files
	const FS_NAMESPACE::directory_iterator dirEnd;
	for (FS_NAMESPACE::directory_iterator fileIt(inPath); fileIt != dirEnd; ++fileIt)
		FS_NAMESPACE::path filePath = (*fileIt).path();
		if (!FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(filePath))
			if (beVerbose)
				std::cout << "Found input file " << filePath << std::endl;
			// add file to list
			FileData temp;
			temp.inPath = filePath;
			// replace dots in file name with '_' and add a .c/.cpp extension
			std::string newFileName = filePath.filename().generic_string();
			std::replace(newFileName.begin(), newFileName.end(), '.', '_');
			if (useC)
			// remove parent directory of file from path for internal name. This could surely be done in a safer way
			FS_NAMESPACE::path subPath(filePath.generic_string().substr(parentDir.generic_string().size() + 1));
			// add a ":/" before the name to mark internal resources (Yes. Hello Qt!)
			temp.internalName = ":/" + subPath.generic_string();
			// add subdir below parent path to name to enable multiple files with the same name
			std::string subDirString(subPath.remove_filename().generic_string());
			if (!subDirString.empty())
				// replace dir separators by underscores
				std::replace(subDirString.begin(), subDirString.end(), '/', '_');
				// add in front of file name
				newFileName = subDirString + "_" + newFileName;
			// build new output file name
			temp.outPath = outPath / newFileName;
			if (beVerbose)
				std::cout << "Internal name will be \"" << temp.internalName << "\"" << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Output path is " << temp.outPath << std::endl;
			// get file size
				temp.size = static_cast<uint64_t>(FS_NAMESPACE::file_size(filePath));
				if (beVerbose)
					std::cout << "Size is " << temp.size << " bytes." << std::endl;
			catch (...)
				std::cout << "Error: Failed to get size of " << filePath << "!" << std::endl;
				temp.size = 0;
			// add file to list
	// does the user want subdirectories?
	if (recurse)
		// iterate through source directory again searching for directories
		for (FS_NAMESPACE::directory_iterator dirIt(inPath); dirIt != dirEnd; ++dirIt)
			FS_NAMESPACE::path dirPath = (*dirIt).path();
			if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(dirPath))
				if (beVerbose)
					std::cout << "Found subdirectory " << dirPath << std::endl;
				// subdirectory found. recurse.
				std::vector<FileData> subFiles = getFileDataFrom(dirPath, outPath, parentDir, recurse);
				// add returned result to file list
				files.insert(files.end(), subFiles.cbegin(), subFiles.cend());
	// return result
	return files;