// If LIB_TABLE::Test() is conditioned on DEBUG being defined, build with
// CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug, otherwise don't worry about it, because it will work
// on any CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, including Release.
void LIB_TABLE::Test()
        "(lib_table \n"
        "  (lib (logical www)           (type http)     (full_uri http://kicad.org/libs)    (options \"\"))\n"
        "  (lib (logical meparts)       (type dir)      (full_uri /tmp/eeschema-lib)        (options useVersioning))\n"
//        "  (lib (logical meparts)       (type dir)      (full_uri /tmp/eeschema-lib)        (options \"\"))\n"
        "  (lib (logical old-project)   (type schematic)(full_uri /tmp/old-schematic.sch)   (options \"\"))\n"

        wxT( "inline text" )        // source

    // read the "( lib_table" pair of tokens

    // parse the rest of input to slr
    Parse( &slr );


    // format this whole table into sf, it will be sorted by logicalName.
    Format( &sf, 0 );

    printf( "test 'Parse() <-> Format()' round tripping:\n" );
    printf( "%s", sf.GetString().c_str() );

    printf( "\ntest a lookup of 'www':\n" );
    const LIB_TABLE::ROW* www = FindRow( "www" );
    if( www )
        // found, print it just to prove it.

        www->Format( &sf, 1 );
        printf( "%s", sf.GetString().c_str() );
        printf( "not found\n" );

    printf( "\nlist of logical libraries:\n" );

    STRINGS logNames = GetLogicalLibs();
    for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = logNames.begin(); it!=logNames.end();  ++it )
        printf( "logicalName: %s\n", it->c_str() );

    // find a part
    LPID    lpid( "meparts:tigers/ears" );

    PART*   part = LookupPart( lpid );

    part->Format( &sf, 0, 0 );

    printf( "%s", sf.GetString().c_str() );
Exemplo n.º 2
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::Test( int argc, char** argv )
    STRINGS     partnames;
    STRINGS     sweets;

        STRINGS::const_iterator  pn;

//        DIR_LIB_SOURCE  uut( argv[1] ? argv[1] : "", "" );
        DIR_LIB_SOURCE  uut( argv[1] ? argv[1] : "", "useVersioning" );

        // show the cached content, only the directory information is cached,
        // parts are cached in class LIB, not down here.

        uut.GetCategoricalPartNames( &partnames, "lions" );

        printf( "\nGetCategoricalPartNames( aCatagory = 'lions' ):\n" );
        for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = partnames.begin();  it!=partnames.end();  ++it )
            printf( " '%s'\n", it->c_str() );

        uut.ReadParts( &sweets, partnames );

        printf( "\nSweets for Category = 'lions' parts:\n" );
        pn = partnames.begin();
        for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = sweets.begin();  it!=sweets.end();  ++it, ++pn )
            printf( " %s: %s", pn->c_str(), it->c_str() );

        // fetch the part names for ALL categories.
        uut.GetCategoricalPartNames( &partnames );

        printf( "\nGetCategoricalPartNames( aCategory = '' i.e. ALL):\n" );
        for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = partnames.begin();  it!=partnames.end();  ++it )
            printf( " '%s'\n", it->c_str() );

        uut.ReadParts( &sweets, partnames );

        printf( "\nSweets for ALL parts:\n" );
        pn = partnames.begin();
        for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = sweets.begin();  it!=sweets.end();  ++it, ++pn )
            printf( " %s: %s", pn->c_str(), it->c_str() );

    catch( std::exception& ex )
        printf( "std::exception\n" );

    catch( IO_ERROR& ioe )
        printf( "exception: %s\n", (const char*) ioe.errorText.ToUTF8() ) );