Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
		// init comandline parser
			TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Command description message", ' ', "1.0");

			TCLAP::ValueArg<string>          argOutputFile  ("o", "output",     "Output file",                                        true,  "",   "string");
			TCLAP::ValueArg<string>          argFilter      ("f", "filter",     "Filter files according to pattern",                  false, ".SIFTComparison.feat.xml.gz","string");
			TCLAP::ValueArg<int>             argPRECLUSTER  ("p", "precluster", "Number of descriptors to select in precluster-preprocessing (0 = no preclustering)",false,0   ,"int");
			TCLAP::ValueArg<int>             argBOWSIZE     ("b", "bowsize",    "Size of the BoW Dictionary",                         false, 1000, "int");
			TCLAP::SwitchArg                 argBinaryInput ("i", "binary",     "Read descriptors from binary archives",              false);
			TCLAP::SwitchArg                 argVerbose     ("v", "verbose",    "Provide additional debugging output",                false);
			TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<string> dirArg         (     "directory",  "Directory containing files with extracted features", true,  "directory","string");

			cmd.add( argOutputFile  );
			cmd.add( argFilter      );
			cmd.add( argPRECLUSTER  );
			cmd.add( argBOWSIZE     );
			cmd.add( argBinaryInput );
			cmd.add( argVerbose     );
			cmd.add( dirArg         );

		// parse arguments
			cmd.parse( argc, argv );

			// enable/disable verbose output
			VerboseOutput::verbose = argVerbose.getValue();

			VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), "Create BoW of size %d", argBOWSIZE.getValue());
			TermCriteria tcrit;
			tcrit.epsilon = 10;
			tcrit.maxCount = 10;
			tcrit.type = 1;

			BOWKMeansTrainer bowtrainer(argBOWSIZE.getValue(),tcrit,1,KMEANS_PP_CENTERS);

			VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), "Creating Visual Bag of Words");
			string filter = argFilter.getValue();

			if (argBinaryInput.getValue())
				filter = ".SIFTComparison.descriptors.dat";

			vector<string> files    = getdir(dirArg.getValue(), filter);
			int            i        = 1;

			VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), "Reading features of directory '%s'", dirArg.getValue().c_str());

			for (vector<string>::iterator filename = files.begin(); filename!=files.end(); ++filename)
				VerboseOutput::println("train", "[%i of %i in directory '%s']", i++, files.size(), dirArg.getValue().c_str());
				Mat          descriptors;
				stringstream filePathss;

				filePathss << dirArg.getValue() << "/" << *filename;

				string filePath = filePathss.str();
				VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), string("processing file '" + filePath + "'"));


				if (argBinaryInput.getValue())
					loadDescriptorsFromBinaryArchives(descriptors, filePath);
					loadDescriptorsFromOpenCVFilestorage(descriptors, filePath);

				if ((descriptors.rows == 0) || (descriptors.cols == 0))
					throw runtime_error("No Descriptors read for file: ");

				VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), "%i descriptors loaded", descriptors.rows);

				if ((argPRECLUSTER.getValue() > 0) && (argPRECLUSTER.getValue() < descriptors.rows - 100))
					VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), string("pre-clustering"));
					Mat          labels;
					Mat          centers;

					kmeans(descriptors,argPRECLUSTER.getValue(),labels,tcrit,1, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);

					VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), "...add cluster centers of pre-clustering to bow");
					VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), "...add descriptors to bow");

				VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), "...current bow-size: %i", bowtrainer.descripotorsCount());

			// calculate vocabulary
			VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), string("Creating Vocabulary"));
			if (bowtrainer.descripotorsCount() <= argBOWSIZE.getValue())
				throw runtime_error("BoW size higher than number of loaded descriptors!");
			Mat vocab = bowtrainer.cluster();

			// output results to file
			VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), string("Storing BoW to File"));
			writeVocabularyToFile(vocab, argOutputFile.getValue());

			VerboseOutput::println(string("train"), string("Finished"));
	catch (exception &e)  // catch any exceptions
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "*** Training aborted!\n";
		cout << "    Reason: " << e.what() << "\n\n";

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
	TCLAP::ValueArg<double> highThresholdArg( "t", "high", "High threshold value", false, 0.5, "" );
	cmd.add( highThresholdArg );

	TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<std::string> inFilenameArg( "input", "Input image filename", true, "", "filename1" );
	cmd.add( inFilenameArg );

	TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<std::string> outFilenameArg( "output", "Output image filename", true, "", "filename2" );
	cmd.add( outFilenameArg );

	cmd.parse( argc, argv );


	std::string inFilename = inFilenameArg.getValue();
	std::string outFilename = outFilenameArg.getValue();

	std::cout << "Loading file '" << inFilename << "' ..."; std::cout.flush();
	M4D::Imaging::AImage::Ptr image = 
			M4D::Imaging::ImageFactory::LoadDumpedImage( inFilename );
	std::cout << "Done\n";

	std::cout << "Initializing..."; std::cout.flush();
	M4D::Imaging::PipelineContainer *container = NULL;
	FinishHook  *hook = new FinishHook;
	M4D::Imaging::ConnectionInterfaceTyped< M4D::Imaging::AImage > *inConnection = NULL;
	M4D::Imaging::ConnectionInterfaceTyped< M4D::Imaging::AImage > *outConnection = NULL;
	M4D::Imaging::APipeFilter *filter = NULL;