std::shared_ptr<SupervisedController> ControllerFactory::createController(tue::Configuration& config, double dt) const
    std::shared_ptr<SupervisedController> supervised_controller;

    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    // Get controller name and type

    std::string name, type;
    if (!config.value("name", name) | !config.value("type", type))
        return supervised_controller;


    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    // Create controller core from given type

    std::map<std::string, t_controller_creator>::const_iterator it = controller_types_.find(type);
    if (it == controller_types_.end())
        config.addError("Unknown controller type: '" + type + "'");
        return supervised_controller;

    std::shared_ptr<Controller> c = it->second();

    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    // Configure controller core

    c->configure(config, dt);

    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    // Wrap controller in supervised controller, and configure it

    supervised_controller.reset(new SupervisedController);
    supervised_controller->configure(config, dt);

    return supervised_controller;
Exemplo n.º 2
void FaceDetector::configureClassification(tue::Configuration config)
    // default values in case configure(...) is not called!
    debug_mode_ = false;
    classifier_front_scale_factor_ = 1.2;
    classifier_front_min_neighbours_ = 3;
    classif_front_min_size_ = cv::Size(20,20);
    classifier_profile_scale_factor_= 1.2;
    classifier_profile_min_neighbours_ = 3;
    classif_profile_min_size_ = cv::Size(20,20);
    debug_folder_ = "/tmp/face_detector/";

    // load training files for frontal classifier
    std::string cascade_front_files_path_;
    if (config.value("cascade_front_files_path", cascade_front_files_path_))
        if (!classifier_front_.load(cascade_front_files_path_))
            config.addError("Unable to load front haar cascade files (" + cascade_front_files_path_ + ")");

    // load training files for profile classifier
    std::string cascade_profile_files_path_;
    if (config.value("cascade_profile_front_path", cascade_profile_files_path_))
        if (!classifier_profile_.load(cascade_profile_files_path_))
            config.addError("Unable to load profile haar cascade files (" + cascade_profile_files_path_ + ")");

    if (config.hasError())

    if (!config.value("debug_mode", debug_mode_, tue::OPTIONAL))
        ed::log::info() << "Parameter 'debug_mode' not found. Using default: " << debug_mode_ << std::endl;

    if (!config.value("debug_folder", debug_folder_, tue::OPTIONAL))
        ed::log::info() << "Parameter 'debug_folder' not found. Using default: " << debug_folder_ << std::endl;

    if (!config.value("classifier_front_scale_factor", classifier_front_scale_factor_, tue::OPTIONAL))
        ed::log::info() << "Parameter 'classifier_front_scale_factor' not found. Using default: " << classifier_front_scale_factor_ << std::endl;

    if (!config.value("classifier_front_min_neighbours", classifier_front_min_neighbours_, tue::OPTIONAL))
        ed::log::info() << "Parameter 'classifier_front_min_neighbours' not found. Using default: " << classifier_front_min_neighbours_ << std::endl;

    if (!config.value("classifier_profile_scale_factor", classifier_profile_scale_factor_, tue::OPTIONAL))
        ed::log::info() << "Parameter 'classifier_profile_scale_factor' not found. Using default: " << classifier_profile_scale_factor_ << std::endl;

    if (!config.value("classifier_profile_min_neighbours", classifier_profile_min_neighbours_, tue::OPTIONAL))
        ed::log::info() << "Parameter 'classifier_profile_min_neighbours' not found. Using default: " << classifier_profile_min_neighbours_ << std::endl;

    if (debug_mode_)
        // clean the debug folder if debugging is active
        try {
            boost::filesystem::path dir(debug_folder_);
        catch(const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& e)
            if(e.code() == boost::system::errc::permission_denied)
                ed::log::error() << "boost::filesystem permission denied" << std::endl;
                ed::log::error() << "boost::filesystem failed with error: " << e.code().message() << std::endl;

        // create debug window
        cv::namedWindow("Face Detector Output", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);