Exemplo n.º 1
void vector_assign_functor(
	vector_expression<V, cpu_tag>& v,
	vector_expression<E, cpu_tag> const& e,
	F f,
	sparse_tag tag, dense_tag
	typedef typename V::value_type value_type;
	typedef typename V::size_type size_type;
	value_type zero = value_type();
	size_type size = e().size();
	typename V::iterator it = v().begin();
	for(size_type i = 0; i != size; ++i,++it){
		if(it == v().end() || it.index() != i){//insert missing elements
			it = v().set_element(it,i,zero); 
		*it = f(*it, e()(i));
Exemplo n.º 2
void assign(
    vector_expression<V>& v,
    vector_expression<E> const& e,
    F f,
    sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag tag, dense_random_access_iterator_tag
) {
    typedef typename V::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename V::size_type size_type;
    value_type zero = value_type();
    size_type size = e().size();

    typename V::iterator it = v().begin();
    for(size_type i = 0; i != size; ++i,++it) {
        if(it == v().end() || it.index() != i) { //insert missing elements
            it = v().set_element(it,i,zero);
        f(*it, e()(i));
Exemplo n.º 3
void assign_sparse(
    vector_expression<V>& v,
    vector_expression<E> const& e,
    F f
) {
    typedef typename V::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename V::size_type size_type;
    value_type zero = value_type();
    size_type size = v().size();

    typename V::iterator it = v().begin();
    typename E::const_iterator ite = e().begin();
    typename E::const_iterator ite_end = e().end();
    while(it != v().end() && ite != ite_end) {
        size_type it_index = it.index();
        size_type ite_index = ite.index();
        if (it_index == ite_index) {
            f(*it, *ite);
            ++ ite;
        } else if (it_index < ite_index) {
            f(*it, zero);
        } else { //it_index > ite_index so insert new element in v()
            it = v().set_element(it,ite_index,zero);
            f(*it, *ite);
    //apply zero transformation on elements which are not transformed yet
    for(; it != v().end(); ++it) {
        f(*it, zero);
    //add missing elements
    for(; ite != ite_end; ++it,++ite) {
        it = v().set_element(it,ite.index(),zero);
        f(*it, *ite);
void TestSequentialFor() {
    V v;

    // Check iterator
    tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
    typename V::iterator p = v.begin();
    ASSERT( !(*p).is_const(), NULL );
    ASSERT( !p->is_const(), NULL );
    for( int i=0; size_t(i)<v.size(); ++i, ++p ) {
        if( (*p).state!=Foo::DefaultInitialized )
            std::printf("ERROR for v[%ld]\n", long(i));
        typename V::reference pref = *p;
        pref.bar() = i;
        typename V::difference_type delta = p-v.begin();
        ASSERT( delta==i, NULL );
        ASSERT( -delta<=0, "difference type not signed?" );
    tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();

    // Check const_iterator going forwards
    const V& u = v;
    typename V::const_iterator cp = u.begin();
    ASSERT( (*cp).is_const(), NULL );
    ASSERT( cp->is_const(), NULL );
    for( int i=0; size_t(i)<u.size(); ++i, ++cp ) {
    tbb::tick_count t2 = tbb::tick_count::now();
    if( Verbose )
        std::printf("Time for serial for:  assign time = %8.5f, check time = %8.5f\n",

    // Now go backwards
    cp = u.end();
    for( int i=int(u.size()); i>0; ) {
        if( i>0 ) {
            typename V::const_iterator cp_old = cp--;
            int here = (*cp_old).bar();
            ASSERT( here==u[i].bar(), NULL );
            typename V::const_iterator cp_new = cp++;
            int prev = (*cp_new).bar();
            ASSERT( prev==u[i-1].bar(), NULL );

    // Now go forwards and backwards
    cp = u.begin();
    ptrdiff_t k = 0;
    for( size_t i=0; i<u.size(); ++i ) {
        typename V::difference_type delta = i*3 % u.size();
        if( 0<=k+delta && size_t(k+delta)<u.size() ) {
            cp += delta;
            k += delta;
        delta = i*7 % u.size();
        if( 0<=k-delta && size_t(k-delta)<u.size() ) {
            if( i&1 )
                cp -= delta;            // Test operator-=
                cp = cp - delta;        // Test operator-
            k -= delta;

    for( int i=0; size_t(i)<u.size(); i=(i<50?i+1:i*3) )
        for( int j=-i; size_t(i+j)<u.size(); j=(j<50?j+1:j*5) ) {
            ASSERT( (u.begin()+i)[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
            ASSERT( (v.begin()+i)[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
            ASSERT( (i+u.begin())[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
            ASSERT( (i+v.begin())[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );

    CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::iterator, typename V::iterator>(v);
    CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::iterator, typename V::const_iterator>(v);
    CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::const_iterator, typename V::iterator>(v);
    CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::const_iterator, typename V::const_iterator>(v);

    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_iterator>( u.begin() );
    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_iterator>( v.begin() );
    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::iterator>( v.begin() );

    // Check reverse_iterator
    typename V::reverse_iterator rp = v.rbegin();
    for( size_t i=v.size(); i>0; --i, ++rp ) {
        typename V::reference pref = *rp;
        ASSERT( size_t(pref.bar())==i-1, NULL );
        ASSERT( rp!=v.rend(), NULL );
    ASSERT( rp==v.rend(), NULL );

    // Check const_reverse_iterator
    typename V::const_reverse_iterator crp = u.rbegin();
    for( size_t i=v.size(); i>0; --i, ++crp ) {
        typename V::const_reference cpref = *crp;
        ASSERT( size_t(cpref.bar())==i-1, NULL );
        ASSERT( crp!=u.rend(), NULL );
    ASSERT( crp==u.rend(), NULL );

    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_reverse_iterator>( u.rbegin() );
    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::reverse_iterator>( v.rbegin() );
Exemplo n.º 5
 typename V::size_type index (const typename V::iterator &i) {
     return i.index ();
Exemplo n.º 6
 typename V::size_type index (const typename V::iterator &i) {
     return i.index ();
void TestSequentialFor() {
    typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign> V;
    V v(N);
    ASSERT(v.grow_by(0) == v.grow_by(0, FooWithAssign()), NULL);

    // Check iterator 
    tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
    typename V::iterator p = v.begin();
    ASSERT( !(*p).is_const(), NULL );
    ASSERT( !p->is_const(), NULL );
    for( int i=0; size_t(i)<v.size(); ++i, ++p ) {
        if( (*p).state!=Foo::DefaultInitialized )
            REPORT("ERROR for v[%ld]\n", long(i));
        typename V::reference pref = *p;
        pref.bar() = i;
        typename V::difference_type delta = p-v.begin();
        ASSERT( delta==i, NULL );
        ASSERT( -delta<=0, "difference type not signed?" );
    tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
    // Check const_iterator going forwards
    const V& u = v;
    typename V::const_iterator cp = u.begin();
    ASSERT( cp == v.cbegin(), NULL );
    ASSERT( (*cp).is_const(), NULL );
    ASSERT( cp->is_const(), NULL );
    ASSERT( *cp == v.front(), NULL);
    for( int i=0; size_t(i)<u.size(); ++i ) {
        V::const_iterator &cpr = ++cp;
        ASSERT( &cpr == &cp, "preincrement not returning a reference?");
    tbb::tick_count t2 = tbb::tick_count::now();
    REMARK("Time for serial for:  assign time = %8.5f, check time = %8.5f\n",

    // Now go backwards
    cp = u.end();
    ASSERT( cp == v.cend(), NULL );
    for( int i=int(u.size()); i>0; ) {
        V::const_iterator &cpr = --cp;
        ASSERT( &cpr == &cp, "predecrement not returning a reference?");
        if( i>0 ) {
            typename V::const_iterator cp_old = cp--;
            int here = (*cp_old).bar();
            ASSERT( here==u[i].bar(), NULL );
            typename V::const_iterator cp_new = cp++;
            int prev = (*cp_new).bar();
            ASSERT( prev==u[i-1].bar(), NULL );

    // Now go forwards and backwards
    ptrdiff_t k = 0;
    cp = u.begin();
    for( size_t i=0; i<u.size(); ++i ) {
        typename V::difference_type delta = i*3 % u.size();
        if( 0<=k+delta && size_t(k+delta)<u.size() ) {
            V::const_iterator &cpr = (cp += delta);
            ASSERT( &cpr == &cp, "+= not returning a reference?");
            k += delta; 
        delta = i*7 % u.size();
        if( 0<=k-delta && size_t(k-delta)<u.size() ) {
            if( i&1 ) { 
                V::const_iterator &cpr = (cp -= delta);
                ASSERT( &cpr == &cp, "-= not returning a reference?");
            } else
                cp = cp - delta;        // Test operator-
            k -= delta; 
    for( int i=0; size_t(i)<u.size(); i=(i<50?i+1:i*3) )
        for( int j=-i; size_t(i+j)<u.size(); j=(j<50?j+1:j*5) ) {
            ASSERT( (u.begin()+i)[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
            ASSERT( (v.begin()+i)[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
            ASSERT((v.cbegin()+i)[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
            ASSERT( (i+u.begin())[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
            ASSERT( (i+v.begin())[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
            ASSERT((i+v.cbegin())[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );

    CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::iterator, typename V::iterator>(v);
    CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::iterator, typename V::const_iterator>(v);
    CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::const_iterator, typename V::iterator>(v);
    CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::const_iterator, typename V::const_iterator>(v);

    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_iterator>( u.begin() );
    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_iterator>( v.begin() );
    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_iterator>( v.cbegin() );
    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::iterator>( v.begin() );
    // doesn't compile as expected: TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::iterator>( u.begin() );

    TestRangeAssignment<typename V::const_range_type>( u.range() );
    TestRangeAssignment<typename V::const_range_type>( v.range() );
    TestRangeAssignment<typename V::range_type>( v.range() );
    // doesn't compile as expected: TestRangeAssignment<typename V::range_type>( u.range() );

    // Check reverse_iterator 
    typename V::reverse_iterator rp = v.rbegin();
    for( size_t i=v.size(); i>0; --i, ++rp ) {
        typename V::reference pref = *rp;
        ASSERT( size_t(pref.bar())==i-1, NULL );
        ASSERT( rp!=v.rend(), NULL );
    ASSERT( rp==v.rend(), NULL );
    // Check const_reverse_iterator 
    typename V::const_reverse_iterator crp = u.rbegin();
    ASSERT( crp == v.crbegin(), NULL );
    ASSERT( *crp == v.back(), NULL);
    for( size_t i=v.size(); i>0; --i, ++crp ) {
        typename V::const_reference cpref = *crp;
        ASSERT( size_t(cpref.bar())==i-1, NULL );
        ASSERT( crp!=u.rend(), NULL );
    ASSERT( crp == u.rend(), NULL );
    ASSERT( crp == v.crend(), NULL );

    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_reverse_iterator>( u.rbegin() );
    TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::reverse_iterator>( v.rbegin() );

    // test compliance with C++ Standard 2003, clause 23.1.1p9
        tbb::concurrent_vector<int> v1, v2(1, 100);
        v1.assign(1, 100); ASSERT(v1 == v2, NULL);
        ASSERT(v1.size() == 1 && v1[0] == 100, "used integral iterators");

    // cross-allocator tests
#if !defined(_WIN64) || defined(_CPPLIB_VER)
    typedef local_counting_allocator<std::allocator<int>, size_t> allocator1_t;
    typedef tbb::cache_aligned_allocator<void> allocator2_t;
    typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign, allocator1_t> V1;
    typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign, allocator2_t> V2;
    V1 v1( v ); // checking cross-allocator copying
    V2 v2( 10 ); v2 = v1; // checking cross-allocator assignment
    ASSERT( (v1 == v) && !(v2 != v), NULL);
    ASSERT( !(v1 < v) && !(v2 > v), NULL);
    ASSERT( (v1 <= v) && (v2 >= v), NULL);