void ViewNavigationDelegate::MoveMouseCursorToNode(WebCore::Node* node, bool scrollIfNecessary)
	if (node)
		WebCore::HTMLElement* element = (WebCore::HTMLElement*)node;

		WebCore::IntRect rect = element->getRect();
		WebCore::IntPoint frameOffset;
		WebCore::IntPoint scrollOffset;

		WebCore::FrameView* pFrameView = element->document()->view(); //Can be NULL
			//Use move here instead of setX/setY as it results in 1 call instead of two and takes advantage that ctor sets x,y to 0.
			frameOffset.move(pFrameView->x(), pFrameView->y());
			scrollOffset.move(pFrameView->scrollOffset().width(), pFrameView->scrollOffset().height());

		int width = mView->GetSize().mWidth;
		int height = mView->GetSize().mHeight;

		// This will be true if this function is called from anywhere except JumpToNearestElement(). This enables us to not lose the cursor during
		// arbitrary jumping of elements from either code or webpage using the Navigation APIs.
			int cursorX, cursorY;
			mView->GetCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY);

			WebCore::IntPoint targetCursorLocation(frameOffset.x()+rect.x()+rect.width()/2  - scrollOffset.x(), frameOffset.y()+rect.y()+rect.height()/2  - scrollOffset.y());
			// Added 1 in all the line delta below resulting in a better visual behavior when the element happens to be at the edge.
			if(targetCursorLocation.y() > height)
                float numLinesDelta = (((targetCursorLocation.y() - cursorY)/WebCore::Scrollbar::pixelsPerLineStep())+1);
				ScrollOnJump(true, -120, numLinesDelta);
			if(targetCursorLocation.y()< 0.0f)
				float numLinesDelta = (((cursorY - targetCursorLocation.y())/WebCore::Scrollbar::pixelsPerLineStep())+1);
				ScrollOnJump(true, 120, numLinesDelta);
			if(targetCursorLocation.x() > width)
				float numLinesDelta = (((targetCursorLocation.x() - cursorX)/WebCore::Scrollbar::pixelsPerLineStep())+1);
				ScrollOnJump(false, -120, numLinesDelta);
			if(targetCursorLocation.x()< 0.0f)
				float numLinesDelta = (((cursorX - targetCursorLocation.x())/WebCore::Scrollbar::pixelsPerLineStep())+1);
				ScrollOnJump(false, 120, numLinesDelta);

			// Read the scroll offset again as it may have changed.

		mBestNodeFrame	= element->document()->frame(); //Can be NULL
		mBestNodeX		= frameOffset.x()  + rect.x();
		mBestNodeY		= frameOffset.y()  + rect.y();
		mBestNodeWidth	= rect.width();
		mBestNodeHeight = rect.height();

		int lastX, lastY;
		mView->GetCursorPosition(lastX, lastY);
		int newX		= mBestNodeX + rect.width()/2  - scrollOffset.x();
		int newY		= mBestNodeY + rect.height()/2 - scrollOffset.y();

		EA::WebKit::MouseMoveEvent moveEvent;
		memset( &moveEvent, 0, sizeof(moveEvent) );
		const int cursorInset = 5;// Make cursor stay inside 5 pixels from boundaries. No known issues but added this as a safety measure so that we do not lose cursor ever.
		moveEvent.mX	= Clamp( cursorInset, newX, width - cursorInset );
		moveEvent.mY	= Clamp( cursorInset, newY, height - cursorInset );

		mView->OnMouseMoveEvent( moveEvent );

		if(EAWebKitClient* const pClient = GetEAWebKitClient())
			CursorMovedInfo cmInfo(mView, mView->GetUserData(), moveEvent.mX, moveEvent.mY);

