Exemplo n.º 1
bool SnapToMovement::testSnapTo(const WFMath::Point<3>& position, const WFMath::Quaternion& orientation, WFMath::Vector<3>& adjustment, EmberEntity* snappedToEntity)
	try {
		for (std::vector<Ogre::SceneNode*>::iterator I = mDebugNodes.begin(); I != mDebugNodes.end(); ++I) {
			Ogre::SceneNode* node = *I;
			Ogre::Entity* sphereEntity = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*> (node->getAttachedObject(0));
	} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
		S_LOG_WARNING("Error when setting up debug nodes for snapping." << ex);

	std::vector<Ogre::SceneNode*>::iterator nodeIterator = mDebugNodes.begin();

	//Use an auto pointer to allow both for undefined values and automatic cleanup when exiting the method.
	std::auto_ptr<SnapPointCandidate> closestSnapping(0);

	WFMath::AxisBox<3> currentBbox = mEntity.getBBox();
	//Translate the bbox into a rotbox
	WFMath::RotBox<3> currentRotbox;
	currentRotbox.size() = currentBbox.highCorner() - currentBbox.lowCorner();
	currentRotbox.corner0() = currentBbox.lowCorner();
	currentRotbox.rotatePoint(orientation, WFMath::Point<3>(0, 0, 0));

	//See if we should visualize debug nodes for the moved entity
	for (size_t j = 0; j < currentRotbox.numCorners(); ++j) {
		WFMath::Point<3> currentPoint = currentRotbox.getCorner(j);
		if (currentPoint.isValid() && nodeIterator != mDebugNodes.end()) {

			Ogre::SceneNode* node = *nodeIterator;

	//First find all entities which are close enough
	//Then try to do a snap movement based on the points of the eris bounding boxes. I.e. we only provide support for snapping one corner of a bounding box to another corner (for now).
	WFMath::Ball<3> boundingSphere = mEntity.getBBox().boundingSphere();
	Ogre::Sphere sphere(mNode._getDerivedPosition(), boundingSphere.radius() * 2);
	Ogre::SphereSceneQuery* query = mSceneManager.createSphereQuery(sphere);
	Ogre::SceneQueryResult& result = query->execute();
	for (Ogre::SceneQueryResultMovableList::const_iterator I = result.movables.begin(); I != result.movables.end(); ++I) {
		Ogre::MovableObject* movable = *I;
		if (movable->getUserAny().getType() == typeid(EmberEntityUserObject::SharedPtr)) {
			EmberEntityUserObject* anUserObject = Ogre::any_cast<EmberEntityUserObject::SharedPtr>(movable->getUserAny()).get();
			EmberEntity& entity = anUserObject->getEmberEntity();
			if (&entity != &mEntity && entity.hasBBox()) {
				//Ok, we have an entity which is close to our entity. Now check if any of the points of the bounding box is close.
				WFMath::AxisBox<3> bbox = entity.getBBox();
				if (bbox.isValid()) {
					WFMath::RotBox<3> rotbox;
					rotbox.size() = bbox.highCorner() - bbox.lowCorner();
					rotbox.corner0() = bbox.lowCorner();
					rotbox.rotatePoint(entity.getViewOrientation(), WFMath::Point<3>(0, 0, 0));

					for (size_t i = 0; i < rotbox.numCorners(); ++i) {
						WFMath::Point<3> point = rotbox.getCorner(i);
						Ogre::SceneNode* currentNode(0);
						//If there is any unclaimed debug node left we'll use it to visualize the corner
						if (nodeIterator != mDebugNodes.end()) {
							currentNode = *nodeIterator;
						point.z() = 0;
						for (size_t j = 0; j < currentRotbox.numCorners(); ++j) {
							WFMath::Point<3> currentPoint = currentRotbox.getCorner(j);
							currentPoint.z() = 0;
							WFMath::CoordType distance = WFMath::Distance(currentPoint, point);
							if (distance <= mSnapThreshold) {
								if (currentNode) {
									Ogre::Entity* sphereEntity = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*> (currentNode->getAttachedObject(0));
									if (sphereEntity) {
										try {
										} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
											S_LOG_WARNING("Error when setting material for point." << ex);
								if (!closestSnapping.get()) {
									closestSnapping = std::auto_ptr<SnapPointCandidate>(new SnapPointCandidate());
									closestSnapping->entity = &entity;
									closestSnapping->distance = distance;
									closestSnapping->adjustment = point - currentPoint;
								} else if (distance < closestSnapping->distance) {
									closestSnapping->entity = &entity;
									closestSnapping->distance = distance;
									closestSnapping->adjustment = point - currentPoint;
	if (closestSnapping.get()) {
		adjustment = closestSnapping->adjustment;
		snappedToEntity = closestSnapping->entity;
		return true;
	return false;