Exemplo n.º 1
bool XapianEngine::queryDatabase(Xapian::Database *pIndex, Xapian::Query &query,
	const string &stemLanguage, unsigned int startDoc, const QueryProperties &queryProps)
	Timer timer;
	unsigned int maxResultsCount = queryProps.getMaximumResultsCount();
	bool completedQuery = false;

	if (pIndex == NULL)
		return false;

	// Start an enquire session on the database
	Xapian::Enquire enquire(*pIndex);

		AbstractGenerator abstractGen(pIndex, 50);
		vector<string> seedTerms;

		// Give the query object to the enquire session
		// How should results be sorted ?
		if (queryProps.getSortOrder() == QueryProperties::RELEVANCE)
			// By relevance, only
#ifdef DEBUG
			cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: sorting by relevance first" << endl;
		else if (queryProps.getSortOrder() == QueryProperties::DATE)
			// By date, and then by relevance
#ifdef DEBUG
			cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: sorting by date and time first" << endl;

		// Get the top results of the query
		Xapian::MSet matches = enquire.get_mset(startDoc, maxResultsCount, (2 * maxResultsCount) + 1);
		m_resultsCountEstimate = matches.get_matches_estimated();
		if (matches.empty() == false)
#ifdef DEBUG
			cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: found " << matches.size() << "/" << maxResultsCount
				<< " results found from position " << startDoc << endl;
			cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: estimated " << matches.get_matches_lower_bound()
				<< "/" << m_resultsCountEstimate << "/" << matches.get_matches_upper_bound() << endl;

			// Get the results
			for (Xapian::MSetIterator mIter = matches.begin(); mIter != matches.end(); ++mIter)
				Xapian::docid docId = *mIter;
				Xapian::Document doc(mIter.get_document());

				// What terms did this document match ?
				for (Xapian::TermIterator termIter = enquire.get_matching_terms_begin(docId);
					termIter != enquire.get_matching_terms_end(docId); ++termIter)
					char firstChar = (*termIter)[0];

					if (isupper(((int)firstChar)) == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
						cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: matched term " << *termIter << endl;
					else if (firstChar == 'Z')
						string stemmed((*termIter).substr(1));
						string::size_type stemmedLen = stemmed.length();

						// Which of this document's terms stem to this ?
						Xapian::TermIterator docTermIter = pIndex->termlist_begin(docId);
						if (docTermIter != pIndex->termlist_end(docId))
							for (docTermIter.skip_to(stemmed);
								docTermIter != pIndex->termlist_end(docId); ++docTermIter)
								// Is this a potential unstem ?
								if (strncasecmp((*docTermIter).c_str(), stemmed.c_str(), stemmedLen) != 0)
									// No, no point looking at the next terms
#ifdef DEBUG
								cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: matched unstem " << *docTermIter << endl;

								// FIXME: check this term stems to stemmed !

				DocumentInfo thisResult;
				thisResult.setExtract(abstractGen.generateAbstract(docId, seedTerms));

#ifdef DEBUG
				cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: found document ID " << docId << endl;
				XapianDatabase::recordToProps(doc.get_data(), &thisResult);
				// XapianDatabase stored the language in English

				string url(thisResult.getLocation());
				if (url.empty() == true)
					// Hmmm this shouldn't be empty...
					// Use this instead, even though the document isn't cached in the index
					thisResult.setLocation(XapianDatabase::buildUrl(m_databaseName, docId));

				// We don't know the index ID, just the document ID
				thisResult.setIsIndexed(0, docId);

				// Add this result

		completedQuery = true;
	catch (const Xapian::Error &error)
		cerr << "Couldn't run query: " << error.get_type() << ": " << error.get_msg() << endl;
	cout << "Ran query \"" << queryProps.getFreeQuery() << "\" in " << timer.stop() << " ms" << endl;


		// Expand the query ?
		if (m_expandDocuments.empty() == false)
			Xapian::RSet expandDocs;

			for (set<string>::const_iterator docIter = m_expandDocuments.begin();
				docIter != m_expandDocuments.end(); ++docIter)
				string uniqueTerm(string("U") + XapianDatabase::limitTermLength(Url::escapeUrl(Url::canonicalizeUrl(*docIter)), true));

				// Only one document may have this term
				Xapian::PostingIterator postingIter = pIndex->postlist_begin(uniqueTerm);
				if (postingIter != pIndex->postlist_end(uniqueTerm))
#ifdef DEBUG
			cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: expand from " << expandDocs.size() << " documents" << endl;

			// Get 10 non-prefixed terms
			string allowedPrefixes("RS");
			TermDecider expandDecider(pIndex, ((stemLanguage.empty() == true) ? NULL : &m_stemmer),
				allowedPrefixes, query);
			Xapian::ESet expandTerms = enquire.get_eset(10, expandDocs, &expandDecider);
#ifdef DEBUG
			cout << "XapianEngine::queryDatabase: " << expandTerms.size() << " expand terms" << endl;
			for (Xapian::ESetIterator termIter = expandTerms.begin();
				termIter != expandTerms.end(); ++termIter)
				string expandTerm(*termIter);
				char firstChar = expandTerm[0];

				// Is this prefixed ?
				if (allowedPrefixes.find(firstChar) != string::npos)
					expandTerm.erase(0, 1);

	catch (const Xapian::Error &error)
		cerr << "Couldn't run query: " << error.get_type() << ": " << error.get_msg() << endl;

	// Be tolerant of errors as long as we got some results
	if ((completedQuery == true) ||
		(m_resultsList.empty() == false))
		return true;

	return false;