Пример #1
 * Gets the specified field from a json string
tABC_CC ABC_UtilGetIntValueFromJSONString(const char *szJSON,
                                          const char *szFieldName,
                                          int       *pValue,
                                          tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    json_t *pJSON_Root = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Value = NULL;


    // decode the object
    json_error_t error;
    pJSON_Root = json_loads(szJSON, 0, &error);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(pJSON_Root != NULL, ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_object(pJSON_Root), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");

    // get the field
    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, szFieldName);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_number(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON int value");
    *pValue = (int) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

    if (pJSON_Root) json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Пример #2
tABC_CC ABC_LoginServerOtpStatus(const Lobby &lobby, tABC_U08Buf LP1,
    bool *on, long *timeout, tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    json_t *pJSON_Value = NULL;
    JsonPtr reply;

    std::string url = ABC_SERVER_ROOT "/otp/status";

    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_LoginServerOtpRequest(url.c_str(), lobby, LP1, &reply, pError));

    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(reply.get(), ABC_SERVER_JSON_OTP_ON);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error otp/on JSON");
    *on = json_is_true(pJSON_Value);

    if (*on)
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(reply.get(), ABC_SERVER_JSON_OTP_TIMEOUT);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error otp/timeout JSON");
        *timeout = json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

    return cc;
Пример #3
 * Gets the specified field from a json string
 * the user is responsible for free'ing the value
tABC_CC ABC_UtilGetStringValueFromJSONString(const char *szJSON,
                                             const char *szFieldName,
                                             char       **pszValue,
                                             tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    json_t *pJSON_Root = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Value = NULL;


    // decode the object
    json_error_t error;
    pJSON_Root = json_loads(szJSON, 0, &error);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(pJSON_Root != NULL, ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_object(pJSON_Root), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");

    // get the field
    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, szFieldName);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
    ABC_STRDUP(*pszValue, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

    if (pJSON_Root) json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Пример #4
tABC_CC ABC_BridgeSweepKey(Wallet &self,
                           tABC_U08Buf key,
                           bool compressed,
                           tABC_Sweep_Done_Callback fCallback,
                           void *pData,
                           tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    bc::ec_secret ec_key;
    bc::ec_point ec_addr;
    bc::payment_address address;
    PendingSweep sweep;

    WatcherInfo *watcherInfo = nullptr;
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(watcherFind(watcherInfo, self));

    // Decode key and address:
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(key.size() == ec_key.size(),
        ABC_CC_Error, "Bad key size");
    std::copy(key.begin(), key.end(), ec_key.data());
    ec_addr = bc::secret_to_public_key(ec_key, compressed);
    address.set(pubkeyVersion(), bc::bitcoin_short_hash(ec_addr));

    // Start the sweep:
    sweep.address = address;
    sweep.key = abcd::wif_key{ec_key, compressed};
    sweep.done = false;
    sweep.fCallback = fCallback;
    sweep.pData = pData;

    return cc;
Пример #5
tABC_CC ABC_LoginServerGetPinPackage(tABC_U08Buf DID,
                                     tABC_U08Buf LPIN1,
                                     char **szPinPackage,
                                     tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    HttpReply reply;
    ServerReplyJson replyJson;
    json_t  *pJSON_Value    = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_Root     = NULL;
    char    *szPost         = NULL;


    pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ss, ss}",
        ABC_SERVER_JSON_DID_FIELD, base64Encode(DID).c_str(),
        ABC_SERVER_JSON_LPIN1_FIELD, base64Encode(LPIN1).c_str());

    szPost = ABC_UtilStringFromJSONObject(pJSON_Root, JSON_COMPACT);

    // send the command
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(AirbitzRequest().post(reply, url, szPost));

    // Check the result

    // get the results field
    pJSON_Value = replyJson.results().get();
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_object(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing server JSON pin package results");

    // get the pin_package field
    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Value, JSON_ACCT_PIN_PACKAGE);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error pin package JSON results");

    // copy the value
    ABC_STRDUP(*szPinPackage, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

    if (pJSON_Root)     json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Пример #6
 * Gets the specified field from a json string
 * the user is responsible for free'ing the array
tABC_CC ABC_UtilGetArrayValuesFromJSONString(const char *szJSON,
                                             const char *szFieldName,
                                             char       ***aszValues,
                                             unsigned int *pCount,
                                             tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    json_t *pJSON_Root = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Value = NULL;
    char **pArrayStrings = NULL;

    *aszValues = NULL;
    *pCount = 0;

    // decode the object
    json_error_t error;
    pJSON_Root = json_loads(szJSON, 0, &error);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(pJSON_Root != NULL, ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_object(pJSON_Root), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");

    // get the field
    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, szFieldName);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_array(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON array value");

    // get the number of elements in the array
    *pCount = (int) json_array_size(pJSON_Value);

    if (*pCount > 0)
        ABC_ARRAY_NEW(pArrayStrings, *pCount, char*);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < *pCount; i++)
            json_t *pJSON_Elem = json_array_get(pJSON_Value, i);
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Elem && json_is_string(pJSON_Elem)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pArrayStrings[i], json_string_value(pJSON_Elem));

        *aszValues = pArrayStrings;
        pArrayStrings = NULL;
Пример #7
 * Loads a CarePackage object from a string.
tABC_CC ABC_CarePackageDecode(tABC_CarePackage **ppSelf,
                              char *szCarePackage,
                              tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    tABC_CarePackage *pSelf = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_Root     = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_SNRP2    = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_SNRP3    = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_SNRP4    = NULL;
    int     e;

    // Allocate self:
    ABC_NEW(pSelf, tABC_CarePackage);

    // Parse the JSON:
    json_error_t error;
    pJSON_Root = json_loads(szCarePackage, 0, &error);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(pJSON_Root != NULL, ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing CarePackage JSON");
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_object(pJSON_Root), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing CarePackage JSON");

    // Unpack the contents:
    e = json_unpack(pJSON_Root, "{s:o, s:o, s:o, s?o}",
                    JSON_ACCT_SNRP2_FIELD, &pJSON_SNRP2,
                    JSON_ACCT_SNRP3_FIELD, &pJSON_SNRP3,
                    JSON_ACCT_SNRP4_FIELD, &pJSON_SNRP4,
                    JSON_ACCT_ERQ_FIELD,   &pSelf->ERQ);
    ABC_CHECK_SYS(!e, "Error parsing CarePackage JSON");

    // Decode SNRP's:
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoCreateSNRPForServer(&pSelf->pSNRP1, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoDecodeJSONObjectSNRP(pJSON_SNRP2, &pSelf->pSNRP2, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoDecodeJSONObjectSNRP(pJSON_SNRP3, &pSelf->pSNRP3, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoDecodeJSONObjectSNRP(pJSON_SNRP4, &pSelf->pSNRP4, pError));

    // Save everything:
    if (pSelf->ERQ)         json_incref(pSelf->ERQ);
    *ppSelf = pSelf;
    pSelf = NULL;

    if (pSelf)          ABC_CarePackageFree(pSelf);
    if (pJSON_Root)     json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Пример #8
 * Sync the wallet's data
tABC_CC ABC_WalletSyncData(tABC_WalletID self, int *pDirty, tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    ABC_SET_ERR_CODE(pError, ABC_CC_Ok);

    tABC_GeneralInfo *pInfo = NULL;
    char *szDirectory       = NULL;
    char *szSyncDirectory   = NULL;
    tWalletData *pData      = NULL;
    bool bExists            = false;
    bool bNew               = false;

    // Fetch general info
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_GeneralGetInfo(&pInfo, pError));

    // create the wallet root directory if necessary

    // create the wallet directory - <Wallet_UUID1>  <- All data in this directory encrypted with MK_<Wallet_UUID1>
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletGetDirName(&szDirectory, self.szUUID, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOFileExists(szDirectory, &bExists, pError));
    if (!bExists)
        ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOCreateDir(szDirectory, pError));

    // create the wallet sync dir under the main dir
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletGetSyncDirName(&szSyncDirectory, self.szUUID, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOFileExists(szSyncDirectory, &bExists, pError));
    if (!bExists)
        ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOCreateDir(szSyncDirectory, pError));

        // Init repo
        ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_SyncMakeRepo(szSyncDirectory, pError));
        bNew = true;

    // load the wallet data into the cache
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletCacheData(self, &pData, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(NULL != pData->szWalletAcctKey, ABC_CC_Error, "Expected to find RepoAcctKey in key cache");

    // Sync
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_SyncRepo(pData->szWalletSyncDir, pData->szWalletAcctKey, pDirty, pError));
    if (*pDirty || bNew)
        *pDirty = 1;
    return cc;
Пример #9
 * Loads a LoginPackage object from a string.
tABC_CC ABC_LoginPackageDecode(tABC_LoginPackage **ppSelf,
                               char *szLoginPackage,
                               tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    tABC_LoginPackage *pSelf = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_Root     = NULL;
    int     e;

    // Allocate self:
    ABC_NEW(pSelf, tABC_LoginPackage);

    // Parse the JSON:
    json_error_t error;
    pJSON_Root = json_loads(szLoginPackage, 0, &error);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(pJSON_Root != NULL, ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing LoginPackage JSON");
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_object(pJSON_Root), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing LoginPackage JSON");

    // Unpack the contents:
    e = json_unpack(pJSON_Root, "{s?o, s?o, s:o, s?o, s?o}",
                    JSON_ACCT_EMK_LP2_FIELD,     &pSelf->EMK_LP2,
                    JSON_ACCT_EMK_LRA3_FIELD,    &pSelf->EMK_LRA3,
                    JSON_ACCT_ESYNCKEY_FIELD,    &pSelf->ESyncKey,
                    JSON_ACCT_ELP1_FIELD,        &pSelf->ELP1,
                    JSON_ACCT_ELRA1_FIELD,       &pSelf->ELRA1);
    ABC_CHECK_SYS(!e, "Error parsing LoginPackage JSON");

    // Save everything:
    if (pSelf->EMK_LP2)     json_incref(pSelf->EMK_LP2);
    if (pSelf->EMK_LRA3)    json_incref(pSelf->EMK_LRA3);
    if (pSelf->ESyncKey)    json_incref(pSelf->ESyncKey);
    if (pSelf->ELP1)        json_incref(pSelf->ELP1);
    if (pSelf->ELRA1)       json_incref(pSelf->ELRA1);
    *ppSelf = pSelf;
    pSelf = NULL;

    if (pSelf)          ABC_LoginPackageFree(pSelf);
    if (pJSON_Root)     json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Пример #10
 * Load the general info.
 * This function will load the general info which includes information on
 * Obelisk Servers, AirBitz fees and miners fees.
tABC_CC ABC_GeneralGetInfo(tABC_GeneralInfo **ppInfo,
                                   tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    json_t  *pJSON_Root             = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_Value            = NULL;
    char    *szInfoFilename         = NULL;
    tABC_GeneralInfo *pInfo         = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_MinersFeesArray  = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_AirBitzFees      = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_ObeliskArray     = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_SyncArray        = NULL;
    bool bExists = false;


    // get the info filename
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_GeneralGetInfoFilename(&szInfoFilename, pError));

    // check to see if we have the file
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOFileExists(szInfoFilename, &bExists, pError));
    if (false == bExists)
        // pull it down from the server

    // load the json
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOReadFileObject(szInfoFilename, &pJSON_Root, true, pError));

    // allocate the struct
    ABC_NEW(pInfo, tABC_GeneralInfo);

    // get the miners fees array
    pJSON_MinersFeesArray = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_INFO_MINERS_FEES_FIELD);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_MinersFeesArray && json_is_array(pJSON_MinersFeesArray)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON array value");

    // get the number of elements in the array
    pInfo->countMinersFees = (unsigned int) json_array_size(pJSON_MinersFeesArray);
    if (pInfo->countMinersFees > 0)
        ABC_ARRAY_NEW(pInfo->aMinersFees, pInfo->countMinersFees, tABC_GeneralMinerFee*);
Пример #11
tABC_CC ABC_BridgeDoSweep(WatcherInfo *watcherInfo,
                          PendingSweep& sweep,
                          tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    char *szID = NULL;
    char *szAddress = NULL;
    uint64_t funds = 0;
    abcd::unsigned_transaction utx;
    bc::transaction_output_type output;
    abcd::key_table keys;
    std::string malTxId, txId;

    // Find utxos for this address:
    auto utxos = watcherInfo->watcher.get_utxos(sweep.address);

    // Bail out if there are no funds to sweep:
    if (!utxos.size())
        // Tell the GUI if there were funds in the past:
        if (watcherInfo->watcher.db().has_history(sweep.address))
            if (sweep.fCallback)
                sweep.fCallback(ABC_CC_Ok, NULL, 0);
                if (watcherInfo->fAsyncCallback)
                    tABC_AsyncBitCoinInfo info;
                    info.eventType = ABC_AsyncEventType_IncomingSweep;
                    info.sweepSatoshi = 0;
                    info.szTxID = NULL;
            sweep.done = true;
        return ABC_CC_Ok;

    // There are some utxos, so send them to ourselves:
    tABC_TxDetails details;
    memset(&details, 0, sizeof(tABC_TxDetails));
    details.amountSatoshi = 0;
    details.amountCurrency = 0;
    details.amountFeesAirbitzSatoshi = 0;
    details.amountFeesMinersSatoshi = 0;
    details.szName = const_cast<char*>("");
    details.szCategory = const_cast<char*>("");
    details.szNotes = const_cast<char*>("");
    details.attributes = 0x2;

    // Create a new receive request:
        &details, &szID, false, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_TxGetRequestAddress(watcherInfo->wallet, szID,
        &szAddress, pError));

    // Build a transaction:
    utx.tx.version = 1;
    utx.tx.locktime = 0;
    for (auto &utxo : utxos)
        bc::transaction_input_type input;
        input.sequence = 0xffffffff;
        input.previous_output = utxo.point;
        funds += utxo.value;
    if (10000 < funds)
        funds -= 10000; // Ugh, hard-coded mining fee
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(!outputIsDust(funds), ABC_CC_InsufficientFunds, "Not enough funds");
    output.value = funds;
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(outputScriptForAddress(output.script, szAddress));

    // Now sign that:
    keys[sweep.address] = sweep.key;
    ABC_CHECK_SYS(abcd::gather_challenges(utx, watcherInfo->watcher), "gather_challenges");
    ABC_CHECK_SYS(abcd::sign_tx(utx, keys), "sign_tx");

    // Send:
        bc::data_chunk raw_tx(satoshi_raw_size(utx.tx));
        bc::satoshi_save(utx.tx, raw_tx.begin());

    // Save the transaction in the database:
    malTxId = bc::encode_hash(bc::hash_transaction(utx.tx));
    txId = ABC_BridgeNonMalleableTxId(utx.tx);
        txId.c_str(), malTxId.c_str(), funds, &details, pError));

    // Done:
    if (sweep.fCallback)
        sweep.fCallback(ABC_CC_Ok, txId.c_str(), output.value);
        if (watcherInfo->fAsyncCallback)
            tABC_AsyncBitCoinInfo info;
            info.eventType = ABC_AsyncEventType_IncomingSweep;
            info.sweepSatoshi = output.value;
            info.szTxID = stringCopy(txId);
    sweep.done = true;


    return cc;
Пример #12
 * Generate the QR code for a previously created receive request.
 * @param szRequestID   ID of this request
 * @param pszURI        Pointer to string to store URI(optional)
 * @param paData        Pointer to store array of data bytes (0x0 white, 0x1 black)
 * @param pWidth        Pointer to store width of image (image will be square)
 * @param pError        A pointer to the location to store the error if there is one
tABC_CC ABC_TxGenerateRequestQRCode(Wallet &self,
                                    const char *szRequestID,
                                    char **pszURI,
                                    unsigned char **paData,
                                    unsigned int *pWidth,
                                    tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    AutoCoreLock lock(gCoreMutex);

    QRcode *qr = NULL;
    unsigned char *aData = NULL;
    unsigned int length = 0;
    char *szURI = NULL;

    // load the request/address
    Address address;
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(self.addresses.get(address, szRequestID));

    // Get the URL string for this info
    tABC_BitcoinURIInfo infoURI;
    memset(&infoURI, 0, sizeof(tABC_BitcoinURIInfo));
    infoURI.amountSatoshi = address.metadata.amountSatoshi;
    infoURI.szAddress = address.address.c_str();

    // Set the label if there is one
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_TxBuildFromLabel(self, &(infoURI.szLabel), pError));

    // if there is a note
    if (!address.metadata.notes.empty())
        infoURI.szMessage = address.metadata.notes.c_str();
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_BridgeEncodeBitcoinURI(&szURI, &infoURI, pError));

    // encode our string
    ABC_DebugLog("Encoding: %s", szURI);
    qr = QRcode_encodeString(szURI, 0, QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_MODE_8, 1);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(qr != NULL, ABC_CC_Error, "Unable to create QR code");
    length = qr->width * qr->width;
    ABC_ARRAY_NEW(aData, length, unsigned char);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++)
        aData[i] = qr->data[i] & 0x1;
    *pWidth = qr->width;
    *paData = aData;
    aData = NULL;

    if (pszURI != NULL)
        *pszURI = stringCopy(szURI);

    ABC_CLEAR_FREE(aData, length);

    return cc;
Пример #13
 * Loads the settings for a specific account using the given key
 * If no settings file exists for the given user, defaults are created
 * @param login         Access to the account sync dir
 * @param ppSettings    Location to store ptr to allocated settings (caller must free)
 * @param pError        A pointer to the location to store the error if there is one
tABC_CC ABC_AccountSettingsLoad(const Login &login,
                                tABC_AccountSettings **ppSettings,
                                tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    AutoCoreLock lock(gCoreMutex);

    tABC_AccountSettings *pSettings = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Root = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Value = NULL;
    bool bExists = false;
    auto filename = login.syncDir() + ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_FILENAME;


    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOFileExists(filename.c_str(), &bExists, pError));
    if (true == bExists)
        // load and decrypted the file into a json object
            toU08Buf(login.dataKey()), &pJSON_Root, pError));
        //ABC_DebugLog("Loaded settings JSON:\n%s\n", json_dumps(pJSON_Root, JSON_INDENT(4) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER));

        // allocate the new settings object
        ABC_NEW(pSettings, tABC_AccountSettings);
        pSettings->szFirstName = NULL;
        pSettings->szLastName = NULL;
        pSettings->szNickname = NULL;

        // get the first name
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_FIRST_NAME_FIELD);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_string(pJSON_Value), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szFirstName, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        // get the last name
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_LAST_NAME_FIELD);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_string(pJSON_Value), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szLastName, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        // get the nickname
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_NICKNAME_FIELD);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_string(pJSON_Value), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szNickname, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_PIN_FIELD);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_string(pJSON_Value), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szPIN, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        // get name on payments option
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_NAME_ON_PAYMENTS_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
        pSettings->bNameOnPayments = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;

        // get minutes auto logout
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_MINUTES_AUTO_LOGOUT_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
        pSettings->minutesAutoLogout = (int) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_RECOVERY_REMINDER_COUNT);
        if (pJSON_Value) {
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
            pSettings->recoveryReminderCount = (int) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);
        } else {
            pSettings->recoveryReminderCount = 0;

        // get language
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_LANGUAGE_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
        ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szLanguage, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        // get currency num
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_NUM_CURRENCY_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
        pSettings->currencyNum = (int) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

        // get advanced features
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_ADVANCED_FEATURES_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
        pSettings->bAdvancedFeatures = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_DAILY_SPEND_LIMIT_ENABLED);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
            pSettings->bDailySpendLimit = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;
            pSettings->bDailySpendLimit = false;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_DAILY_SPEND_LIMIT_SATOSHIS);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON daily spend satoshi value");
            pSettings->dailySpendLimitSatoshis = (int64_t) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);
            pSettings->dailySpendLimitSatoshis = 0;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_SPEND_REQUIRE_PIN_ENABLED);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
            pSettings->bSpendRequirePin = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;
            // Default to PIN required
            pSettings->bSpendRequirePin = true;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_DISABLE_PIN_LOGIN);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
            pSettings->bDisablePINLogin = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;
            // Default to PIN login allowed
            pSettings->bDisablePINLogin = false;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_PIN_LOGIN_COUNT);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON pin login count");
            pSettings->pinLoginCount = json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);
            // Default to PIN login allowed
            pSettings->pinLoginCount = 0;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_SPEND_REQUIRE_PIN_SATOSHIS);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON daily spend satoshi value");
            pSettings->spendRequirePinSatoshis = (int64_t) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);
            // Default PIN requirement to 50mb
            pSettings->spendRequirePinSatoshis = DEF_REQUIRE_PIN_SATOSHIS;

        // get the denomination object
        json_t *pJSON_Denom = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_BITCOIN_DENOMINATION_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Denom && json_is_object(pJSON_Denom)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON object value");

        // get denomination satoshi display size (e.g., 100,000 would be milli-bit coin)
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Denom, JSON_ACCT_SATOSHI_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
        pSettings->bitcoinDenomination.satoshi = json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

        // get denomination type
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Denom, JSON_ACCT_LABEL_TYPE);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
        pSettings->bitcoinDenomination.denominationType = json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

        // get the exchange rates array
        json_t *pJSON_Sources = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_EX_RATE_SOURCES_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Sources && json_is_array(pJSON_Sources)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON array value");

        // get the number of elements in the array
        pSettings->exchangeRateSources.numSources = (int) json_array_size(pJSON_Sources);
        if (pSettings->exchangeRateSources.numSources > 0)
                          pSettings->exchangeRateSources.numSources, tABC_ExchangeRateSource*);
Пример #14
tABC_CC ABC_LoginServerOtpPending(std::list<DataChunk> users, std::list<bool> &isPending, tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    HttpReply reply;
    std::string url = ABC_SERVER_ROOT "/otp/pending/check";
    ServerReplyJson replyJson;
    JsonArray arrayJson;
    json_t *pJSON_Root = NULL;
    char *szPost = NULL;
    std::map<std::string, bool> userMap;
    std::list<std::string> usersEncoded;

    std::string param;
    for (const auto &u : users)
        std::string username = base64Encode(u);
        param += (username + ",");
        userMap[username] = false;

    // create the post data
    pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ss}", "l1s", param.c_str());
    szPost = ABC_UtilStringFromJSONObject(pJSON_Root, JSON_COMPACT);

    // send the command
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(AirbitzRequest().post(reply, url, szPost));


    arrayJson = replyJson.results();
    if (arrayJson)
        size_t rows = arrayJson.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            json_t *pJSON_Row = arrayJson[i].get();
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Row && json_is_object(pJSON_Row)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON array element object");

            json_t *pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Row, "login");
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error otp/pending/login JSON");
            std::string username(json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

            pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Row, ABC_SERVER_JSON_OTP_PENDING);
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error otp/pending/pending JSON");
            if (json_is_true(pJSON_Value))
                userMap[username] = json_is_true(pJSON_Value);;
    for (auto &username: usersEncoded) {

    if (pJSON_Root)      json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Пример #15
 * Helper function for getting CarePackage or LoginPackage.
tABC_CC ABC_LoginServerGetString(const Lobby &lobby, tABC_U08Buf LP1, tABC_U08Buf LRA1,
                                 const char *szURL, const char *szField, char **szResponse, tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    HttpReply reply;
    ServerReplyJson replyJson;
    json_t  *pJSON_Value    = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_Root     = NULL;
    char    *szPost         = NULL;

    // create the post data with or without LP1
    if (LP1.data() == NULL && LRA1.data() == NULL)
        pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ss}",
            ABC_SERVER_JSON_L1_FIELD, base64Encode(lobby.authId()).c_str());
        if (LP1.data() == NULL)
            pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ssss}",
                ABC_SERVER_JSON_L1_FIELD, base64Encode(lobby.authId()).c_str(),
                ABC_SERVER_JSON_LRA1_FIELD, base64Encode(LRA1).c_str());
            pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ssss}",
                ABC_SERVER_JSON_L1_FIELD, base64Encode(lobby.authId()).c_str(),
                ABC_SERVER_JSON_LP1_FIELD, base64Encode(LP1).c_str());
        auto key = lobby.otpKey();
        if (key)
            json_object_set_new(pJSON_Root, ABC_SERVER_JSON_OTP_FIELD, json_string(key->totp().c_str()));
    szPost = ABC_UtilStringFromJSONObject(pJSON_Root, JSON_COMPACT);

    // send the command
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(AirbitzRequest().post(reply, szURL, szPost));

    // Check the results, and store json if successful

    // get the care package
    pJSON_Value = replyJson.results().get();
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_object(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing server JSON care package results");

    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Value, szField);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error care package JSON results");
    ABC_STRDUP(*szResponse, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

    if (pJSON_Root)     json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;