int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { (void) argc; (void) argv; acl::acl_cpp_init(); int n = 100; if (argc >= 2) n = atoi(argv[1]); if (n <= 0) n = 100; ACL_METER_TIME("---------- begin ----------"); for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++) test0(i); ACL_METER_TIME("---------- end ----------"); test1(); ACL_METER_TIME("---------- begin ----------"); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { printf(">>>i: %d\n", i); test2(); } ACL_METER_TIME("---------- end ----------"); printf("Over, enter any key to exit!\n"); getchar(); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { (void) argc; (void) argv; acl::acl_cpp_init(); int n = 1; if (argc >= 2) n = atoi(argv[1]); if (n <= 0) n = 100; ACL_METER_TIME("---------- begin ----------"); for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++) test0(i); ACL_METER_TIME("---------- end ----------"); // 126 的 SSL 传输时当 HTTP 请求头中的 Host 值为 时其 nginx // 会报错,只能是:Host:,土鳖 test1("", 443, false, true); test2("", 443, false, true); test2("", 443, false, true); test2("", 443, false, true); test2("", 443, false, true); printf("Over, enter any key to exit!\n"); getchar(); return (0); }
static void get_url(const char *url, const char *dump) { ACL_METER_TIME("---begin----"); if (dump && *dump) http_util_dump_url(url, dump); else http_util_dump_url_to_stream(url, ACL_VSTREAM_OUT); ACL_METER_TIME("----end----"); }
static void test4(void) { ACL_METER_TIME(">> begin acl::string"); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { test41(); } ACL_METER_TIME(">> end acl::string"); }
static void test6(void) { ACL_METER_TIME(">> begin ACL_VSTRING"); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { test61(); } ACL_METER_TIME(">> end ACL_VSTRING"); }
static void test7(void) { ACL_METER_TIME(">> begin ACL_VSTRING: acl_vstring_sprintf"); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { test71(); } ACL_METER_TIME(">> end ACL_VSTRING: acl_vstring_sprintf"); }
static void test5(void) { ACL_METER_TIME(">> begin std::string"); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { test51(); } ACL_METER_TIME(">> end std::string"); }
static void test(void) { int i, n = 0; ACL_METER_TIME("---begin---"); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) n++; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end---"); exit (0); }
static void test_mem(int max) { size_t max_len = 1024 * 1024 * 500, init_len = 4096; acl::string buf(init_len); buf.set_max(max_len); ACL_METER_TIME(">> begin acl::string"); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { test(buf); } ACL_METER_TIME(">> end acl::string"); }
static void test_json_benchmark(int max) { ACL_JSON *json = acl_json_alloc(); ACL_METER_TIME("-------------bat begin--------------"); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { const char* ptr = default_data; acl_json_update(json, ptr); acl_json_reset(json); } ACL_METER_TIME("-------------bat end--------------"); acl_json_free(json); }
static void set(const char* addr, int id, int num) { acl::mem_cache client(addr); acl::string buf, key; int i; client.set_prefix(__key); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { key.format("key:%d:%d", id, i); buf.format("dat:%d, sp( ), tab(\t), eq(=);", i); if (client.set(key.c_str(), buf, buf.length(), __timeout) == false) { printf("SET error: %s\n", client.last_serror()); break; } if (i <= 100) printf("SET: %s\n", key.c_str()); if (i % 10000 == 0) { char tmp[256]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "SET, i: %d, num: %d, timeout: %d", i, num, (int) __timeout); ACL_METER_TIME(tmp); } } client.property_list(); printf("OVER: total: %d, timeout: %d\n", i, (int) __timeout); }
static void test_mmap(int max) { const char* filename = ""; acl::fstream fp; if (, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600) == false) { printf("open %s error %s\r\n", filename, acl::last_serror()); return; } size_t max_len = 1024 * 1024 * 500, init_len = 4096; acl::string buf(fp.file_handle(), max_len, init_len); ACL_METER_TIME(">> begin acl::string"); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { test(buf); } ACL_METER_TIME(">> end acl::string"); }
static void handle_connection(acl::socket_stream& conn) { acl::string wbuf(__len + 1); char* buf = (char*) malloc(__len + 1); int i; for (i = 0; i < __len; i++) wbuf += 'X'; struct timeval begin; gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); for (i = 0; i < __max; i++) { if (conn.write(wbuf) == -1) { printf("write to server error\r\n"); break; } if (, __len, true) == -1) { printf("readline from server error\r\n"); break; } if (i <= 1) { buf[__len] = 0; printf("buf: %s\r\n", buf); } if (i % 1000 == 0) { char tmp[64]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "total: %d, curr: %d, len: %d", __max, i, __len); ACL_METER_TIME(tmp); } } free(buf); struct timeval end; gettimeofday(&end, NULL); double n = util::stamp_sub(&end, &begin); printf("total get: %d, spent: %0.2f ms, speed: %0.2f\r\n", __max, n, (i * 1000) /(n > 0 ? n : 1)); }
static bool test(const char* addr, int k, int nloop) { acl::socket_stream client; if (, 60, 60) == false) { std::cout << "connect " << addr << " error!" << std::endl; return false; } acl::polarssl_io* ssl = new acl::polarssl_io(*__ssl_conf, false); if (client.setup_hook(ssl) == ssl) { std::cout << "open ssl " << addr << " error!" << std::endl; ssl->destroy(); return false; } std::cout << "ssl handshake ok, k: " << k << std::endl; for (int i = 0 ; i < nloop; i++) { char line[1024]; memset(line, 'x', sizeof(line)); line[1023] = 0; line[1022] = '\n'; if (client.write(line, strlen(line)) == -1) { std::cout << "write to " << addr << " error!" << std::endl; return false; } size_t n = sizeof(line); if (client.gets(line, &n) == false) { std::cout << "gets from " << addr << " error!" << acl_last_serror() << std::endl; return false; } if (i < 1 && k < 10) std::cout << ">>gets(" << n << "): " << line << std::endl; if (i > 0 && i % 1000 == 0) { char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "write count: %d", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } } return true; }
static void hspool_update(const char* addr, int num, bool enable_cache) { const char* dbn = "test", *tbl = "user", *idx; const char* flds = "user_name,user_email"; const char* bufs[2], *bufs_to[2]; char buf[256], buf_to1[256], buf_to2[256]; const char* addr_rd = ""; acl::hspool pool(addr, addr_rd, enable_cache); acl::hsclient* client; idx = "PRIMARY"; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); client = pool.peek(dbn, tbl, idx, flds); if (client == NULL) { printf("peek error\n"); break; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); bufs[0] = buf; snprintf(buf_to1, sizeof(buf_to1), "zsxxsz_%d", i); snprintf(buf_to2, sizeof(buf_to2), "*****@*****.**", i); bufs_to[0] = buf_to1; bufs_to[1] = buf_to2; if (client->mod(bufs, 1, bufs_to, 2) == false) { printf("update error: %s(%d)\n", client->get_last_serror(), client->get_error()); break; } if (i > 0 && i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "update, num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } if (i <= 10) printf(">>update, num: %d, hs_id: %d, key: %s\n", i, client->get_id(), buf); pool.put(client); } }
static void hs_update(const char* addr, int num, bool enable_cache) { const char* dbn = "test", *tbl = "user", *idx = "PRIMARY"; const char* flds = "user_name,user_email"; const char* bufs[2], *bufs_to[2]; char buf[256], buf_to1[256], buf_to2[256]; acl::hsclient client(addr, enable_cache); if (client.open_tbl(dbn, tbl, idx, flds) == false) { printf("connect %s error: %s(%d)\n", addr, client.get_last_serror(), client.get_error()); return; } printf(">>dbn: %s, tbl: %s, idx: %s, flds: %s\n", dbn, tbl, idx, flds); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); bufs[0] = buf; snprintf(buf_to1, sizeof(buf_to1), "zsxxsz_%d", i); snprintf(buf_to2, sizeof(buf_to2), "*****@*****.**", i); bufs_to[0] = buf_to1; bufs_to[1] = buf_to2; if (client.mod(bufs, 1, bufs_to, 2) == false) { printf("update error: %s(%d)\n", client.get_last_serror(), client.get_error()); break; } if (i > 0 && i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "update, num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } if (i > 100) continue; printf(">> update num: %d ok\n", i); } }
static void my_find(const char* db_addr, int num) { const char* db_name = "test", *db_user = "******", *db_pass = ""; int db_max = 10, db_ping = 100, db_timeout = 1000; dbconn_init(db_addr, db_name, db_user, db_pass, db_max, db_ping, db_timeout); ACL_DB_HANDLE* db_handle = dbconn_get(); ACL_SQL_RES *sql_res; ACL_ITER iter; char sql[1024]; int error; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "select user_id, user_name, user_email from user where user_id=%d", i); sql_res = acl_dbsql_select(db_handle, sql, &error); if (sql_res == NULL) { printf("over now, i: %d, num: %d\n", i, num); break; } if (i > 10) { acl_dbsql_free_result(db_handle, sql_res); if (i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "find, num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(sql); } continue; } printf(">>results:\n"); acl_foreach(iter, sql_res) { const char **my_row = (const char**); printf("\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", my_row[0], my_row[1], my_row[2]); } acl_dbsql_free_result(db_handle, sql_res); } dbconn_put(db_handle); }
static void run(const char *addr, int n, int keep_alive, int cmd_num) { ACL_VSTREAM *client = NULL; int i, ret, out; time_t begin, end; time(&begin); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (client == NULL) { client = acl_vstream_connect(addr, ACL_BLOCKING, 0, 0, 0); if (client == NULL) { printf("connect to %s error %s\n", addr, acl_last_serror()); break; } acl_tcp_so_linger(ACL_VSTREAM_SOCK(client), 1, 0); } if ((i > 0 && i % 10000 == 0) || n <= 20) out = 1; else out = 0; ret = request(client, cmd_num, out); if (ret < 0) break; if (!keep_alive) { acl_vstream_close(client); client = NULL; } if (out) { printf(">>>i: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME("----------"); } } time(&end); printf("ok, total: %d, time spent: %ld\n", i, end - begin); if (client) acl_vstream_close(client); }
static void hs_find(const char* addr, int num, bool enable_cache) { const char* dbn = "test", *tbl = "user", *idx = "user_name"; const char* flds = "user_id,user_name,user_email"; const char* bufs[2]; char buf[256]; acl::hsclient client(addr, enable_cache); if (client.open_tbl(dbn, tbl, idx, flds) == false) { printf("connect %s error\n", addr); return; } printf(">>dbn: %s, tbl: %s, idx: %s, flds: %s\n", dbn, tbl, idx, flds); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "zsxxsz%d", i); bufs[0] = buf; const std::vector<acl::hsrow*>& rows = client.get(bufs, 1, "=", 1, 0); if (rows.empty()) { printf("find(%s) error:%s(%d)\n", buf, client.get_last_serror(), client.get_error()); break; } if (i > 0 && i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "find, num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } if (i > 1000) continue; hs_dump(rows); } }
static void hs_find2(const char* addr, int num, bool enable_cache) { const char* dbn = "test", *tbl = "user", *idx = "PRIMARY"; const char* flds = "user_id,user_name,user_email"; char buf[256]; acl::hsclient client(addr, enable_cache); if (client.open_tbl(dbn, tbl, idx, flds) == false) { printf("open %s error: %s\n", addr, client.get_last_serror()); return; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); const std::vector<acl::hsrow*>& rows = client.get(buf, NULL); if (rows.empty()) { printf("find(%s) error\n", buf); break; } if (i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "find, num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } if (i > 1000) continue; hs_dump(rows); } }
static void hs_insert(const char* addr, int num, bool enable_cache) { const char* dbn = "test", *tbl = "user", *idx = "PRIMARY"; const char* flds = "user_id,user_name,user_email"; const char* bufs[3]; char buf1[256], buf2[256], buf3[256]; acl::hsclient client(addr, enable_cache); if (client.open_tbl(dbn, tbl, idx, flds) == false) { printf("connect %s error\n", addr); return; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%d", i); snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "zsxxsz%d", i); snprintf(buf3, sizeof(buf3), "*****@*****.**", i); bufs[0] = buf1; bufs[1] = buf2; bufs[2] = buf3; if (client.add(bufs, 3) == false) { printf(">>insert error: %d, %s\n", client.get_error(), client.get_last_serror()); break; } if (i < 10) printf(">>insert %s,%s,%s ok\n", buf1, buf2, buf3); if (i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "insert num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf1); } } }
static void del(const char* addr, int id, int num) { acl::mem_cache client(addr); acl::string key; int i; client.set_prefix(__key); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { key.format("key:%d:%d", id, i); if (client.del(key.c_str()) == false) break; if (i <= 100) printf("DEL: %s\n", key.c_str()); if (i % 10000 == 0) { char tmp[256]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "DEL, i: %d, num: %d", i, num); ACL_METER_TIME(tmp); } } printf("OVER: total: %d\n", i); }
void* thread_client::run() { acl::socket_stream conn; // 连接远程服务器 if (, 10, 10) == false) { printf("connect %s error %s\r\n", server_addr_.c_str(), acl::last_serror()); return NULL; } char* data = (char*) acl_mymalloc(length_); memset(data, 'X', length_); data[length_ - 1] = '\n'; acl::string buf; struct timeval begin; gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); int i = 0; for (; i < count_; i++) { // 向服务器写一行数据 if (conn.write(data, length_) == -1) { printf("write to %s error %s\r\n", server_addr_.c_str(), acl::last_serror()); break; } // 从服务器读一行数据 if (conn.gets(buf) == false) { printf("gets from %s error %s\r\n", server_addr_.c_str(), acl::last_serror()); break; } if (i % 1000 == 0) { buf.format("total: %d, curr: %d", count_, i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf.c_str()); } if (keep_alive_) continue; // 如果采用短连接,则先关闭连接再打开连接 conn.close(); if (, 10, 10) == false) { printf("connect %s error %s\r\n", server_addr_.c_str(), acl::last_serror()); break; } } struct timeval end; gettimeofday(&end, NULL); double spent = util::stamp_sub(&end, &begin); printf("total: %d, curr: %d, spent: %.2f, speed: %.2f\r\n", count_, i, spent, (i * 1000) / (spent > 1 ? spent : 1)); acl_myfree(data); return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ACL_VSTREAM *client; const char *addr; char buf[1024]; int ret, i = 0; if (argc != 2) { printf("usage: %s addr\n", argv[0]); return (0); } addr = argv[1]; while (1) { i++; client = acl_vstream_connect(addr, ACL_BLOCKING, 0, 0, 4096); if (client == NULL) { printf("connect %s error(%s)\n", addr, acl_last_serror()); return (1); } // get welcome banner ACL_METER_TIME("---begin get banner---"); ret = acl_vstream_gets_nonl(client, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret > 0) { printf("gets from %s: %s\n", addr, buf); } else { printf("gets welcome error\n"); acl_vstream_close(client); break; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end get banner---"); ACL_METER_TIME("---begin helo---"); if (echo_cmd(client, "helo") < 0) { acl_vstream_close(client); break; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end helo ---"); ACL_METER_TIME("---begin mail from---"); if (echo_cmd(client, "mail from: <*****@*****.**>") < 0) { acl_vstream_close(client); break; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end mail from---"); ACL_METER_TIME("---begin rcpt to---"); //if (echo_cmd(client, "rcpt to: <*****@*****.**>") < 0) { if (echo_cmd(client, "rcpt to: <*****@*****.**>") < 0) { acl_vstream_close(client); break; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end rcpt to---"); printf(">>>>----------------- i: %d----------------<<<\n", i); #if 0 ACL_METER_TIME("---begin data---"); if (echo_cmd(client, "data") < 0) { acl_vstream_close(client); break; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end data---"); ACL_METER_TIME("---begin .---"); if (echo_cmd(client, ".") < 0) { acl_vstream_close(client); break; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end .---"); #elif 1 ACL_METER_TIME("---begin rset---"); if (echo_cmd(client, "rset") < 0) { acl_vstream_close(client); break; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end rset---"); #else ACL_METER_TIME("---begin quit---"); if (echo_cmd(client, "quit") < 0) { acl_vstream_close(client); break; } ACL_METER_TIME("---end quit---"); #endif acl_vstream_close(client); } return (0); }
static void run(const char *local_addr, const char *peer_addr, int count, int dlen, int inter, int need_read, int quit) { double spent; int ret, i; char buf[4096], data[4096]; struct timeval begin, end; ACL_VSTREAM *stream = acl_vstream_bind(local_addr, 2); /* 绑定 UDP 套接口 */ if (stream == NULL) { printf("acl_vstream_bind %s error %s\r\n", local_addr, acl_last_serror()); return; } if (dlen > (int) sizeof(data) - 1) dlen = (int) sizeof(data) - 1; for (i = 0; i < dlen; i++) data[i] = 'X'; data[dlen] = 0; gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); acl_vstream_set_peer(stream, peer_addr); ACL_VSTREAM_SET_RWTIMO(stream, 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* 如果服务端的地址是变化的,则应该在写每次前都需要调用 * acl_vstream_set_peer */ ret = acl_vstream_write(stream, data, dlen); if (ret == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) { printf("acl_vtream_write error %s\r\n", acl_last_serror()); break; } if (need_read) { ret = acl_vstream_read(stream, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (ret == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) { if (errno == ETIMEDOUT) { printf("timeout read\r\n"); continue; } printf("acl_vstream_read error %s\r\n", acl_last_serror()); break; } else buf[ret] = 0; if (i % inter == 0) printf("result: %s\r\n", buf); } if (i % inter == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "total: %d, curr: %d", count, i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } } gettimeofday(&end, NULL); spent = stamp_sub(&end, &begin); printf("thread: %lu, total: %d, curr: %d, spent: %.2f, speed: %.2f\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), count, i, spent, (i * 1000) / (spent > 1 ? spent : 1)); printf("thread: %lu, local addr: %s, peer addr: %s\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), ACL_VSTREAM_LOCAL(stream), ACL_VSTREAM_PEER(stream)); if (quit) acl_vstream_write(stream, "quit", 4); acl_vstream_close(stream); }
static void hspool_find(const char* addr, int num, bool enable_cache) { const char* dbn = "test", *tbl = "user", *idx; const char* flds = "user_id,user_name,user_email"; char buf[256]; const char* addr_rd = ""; acl::hspool pool(addr, addr_rd, enable_cache); acl::hsclient* client; idx = "PRIMARY"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { client = pool.peek(dbn, tbl, idx, flds); if (client == NULL) { printf("peek error\n"); break; } printf(">>read addr: %s\n", client->get_addr()); pool.put(client); } printf("========================================================\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { client = pool.peek(dbn, tbl, idx, flds); if (client == NULL) { printf("peek error\n"); break; } printf(">>read/write addr: %s\n", client->get_addr()); pool.put(client); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("========================================================\n"); idx = "PRIMARY"; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); client = pool.peek(dbn, tbl, idx, flds); if (client == NULL) { printf("peek error\n"); break; } const std::vector<acl::hsrow*>& rows = client->get(buf, NULL); if (rows.empty()) { printf("find(%s) error\n", buf); pool.put(client); break; } if (i > 0 && i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "find, num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } if (i <= 10) { printf(">>hs_id: %d, key: %s ", client->get_id(), buf); hs_dump(rows); } pool.put(client); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("========================================================\n"); idx = "user_name"; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "zsxxsz%d", i); client = pool.peek(dbn, tbl, idx, flds); if (client == NULL) { printf("peek error\n"); break; } const std::vector<acl::hsrow*>& rows = client->get(buf, NULL); if (rows.empty()) { printf("find(%s) error\n", buf); pool.put(client); break; } if (i > 0 && i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "find, num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } if (i <= 10) { printf(">>hs_id: %d, key: %s ", client->get_id(), buf); hs_dump(rows); } pool.put(client); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("========================================================\n"); idx = "PRIMARY"; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); client = pool.peek(dbn, tbl, idx, flds); if (client == NULL) { printf("peek error\n"); break; } const std::vector<acl::hsrow*>& rows = client->get(buf, NULL); if (rows.empty()) { printf("find(%s) error\n", buf); pool.put(client); break; } if (i > 0 && i % 10000 == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "find, num: %d\n", i); ACL_METER_TIME(buf); } if (i <= 10) { printf(">>hs_id: %d, key: %s ", client->get_id(), buf); hs_dump(rows); } pool.put(client); } }
bool CMsnContactManager::GetAddresses(const CMsnTicket& ticket, acl::http_client& client) { acl::string request_body; if (BuildGetAddressRequest(ticket, request_body) == false) return (false); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 向 MSN CONTACT 服务器发送请求数据 // 创建 HTTP 请求头 acl::http_header header; header.set_method(acl::HTTP_METHOD_POST); header.set_url(MSN_ADDRESS_BOOK_POST_URL); header.set_content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8"); header.set_host(MSN_CONTACT_SERVER); header.set_content_length(request_body.length()); header.set_keep_alive(false); header.add_entry("SOAPAction", MSN_GET_ADDRESS_SOAP_ACTION); header.add_entry("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"); header.add_entry("Accept", "*/*"); header.add_entry("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); header.accept_gzip(true); // 发送 HTTP 请求头 acl::string header_buf; header.build_request(header_buf); // 记录发送头 logger_format("send header: %s\r\n", header_buf.c_str()); if (client.get_ostream().write(header_buf) == -1) { logger_error("write http header error"); return (false); } // 发送 HTTP 请求体 // 记录发送体 logger_format("send body: %s\r\n", request_body.c_str()); if (client.get_ostream().write(request_body) == -1) { logger_error("write http body error"); return (false); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 从 MSN CONTACT 服务器读取响应数据 if (client.read_head() == false) { logger_error("read http respond head error"); return (false); } const HTTP_HDR_RES* hdr_res = client.get_respond_head(NULL); if (debug_fpout_) http_hdr_fprint(debug_fpout_, &hdr_res->hdr, "GetAddresses read header: "); if (hdr_res->hdr.content_length == 0 || (hdr_res->hdr.content_length == -1 && !hdr_res->hdr.chunked && hdr_res->reply_status > 300 && hdr_res->reply_status < 400)) { logger_error("http respond no body"); http_hdr_print(&hdr_res->hdr, "error"); return (false); } /* 读书 HTTP 响应体 */ acl::string buf; ACL_SLICE_POOL* slice = acl_slice_pool_create(16, 50, ACL_SLICE_FLAG_GC2 | ACL_SLICE_FLAG_RTGC_OFF | ACL_SLICE_FLAG_LP64_ALIGN); ACL_XML* body = acl_xml_alloc1(slice); int ret; while(true) { ret = client.read_body(buf); if (ret < 0) break; else if (client.body_finish()) break; acl_xml_update(body, buf.c_str()); logger_format("read body: %s\r\n", buf.c_str()); } //acl_xml_dump(body, ACL_VSTREAM_OUT); ParseAddresses(body); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double j = ACL_METER_TIME("---begin---"); //acl_xml_free(body); acl_slice_pool_destroy(slice); double k = ACL_METER_TIME("---end---"); return (true); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char buf[8192], filepath[256]; int ret, n; ACL_VSTREAM* fp; ACL_XML* xml; struct timeval begin, end; double spent; int ch, use_slice = 0, cache_count = 1000; filepath[0] = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hmc:f:")) > 0) { switch (ch) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 'm': use_slice = 1; break; case 'c': cache_count = atoi(optarg); if (cache_count <= 0) cache_count = 1000; break; case 'f': snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s", optarg); break; default: break; } } if (use_slice) acl_mem_slice_init(8, 1024, 100000, ACL_SLICE_FLAG_GC2 | ACL_SLICE_FLAG_RTGC_OFF | ACL_SLICE_FLAG_LP64_ALIGN); if (filepath[0] == 0) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } xml = acl_xml_alloc(); if (cache_count > 0) acl_xml_cache(xml, cache_count); fp = acl_vstream_fopen(filepath, O_RDONLY, 0600, 8192); if (fp == NULL) { printf("open file %s error %s\r\n", filepath, acl_last_serror()); acl_xml_free(xml); return 1; } gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); n = 0; ACL_METER_TIME("------begin------"); while (1) { ret = acl_vstream_fgets(fp, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (ret == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) break; buf[ret] = 0; acl_xml_parse(xml, buf); if (++n % 10000 == 0) { printf("line: %d\r\n", n); ACL_METER_TIME("-------ok------"); } if (n % cache_count == 0) { printf("reset xml, line: %d\r\n", n); acl_xml_reset(xml); } } gettimeofday(&end, NULL); spent = stamp_sub(&end, &begin); printf("\r\ntotal spent: %0.2f ms\r\n", spent); acl_xml_free(xml); acl_vstream_fclose(fp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ACL_VSTREAM *client; char addr[64], *buf = NULL, line[128]; int n, i, len = 4096, count = 10, inter = 1000; snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), ""); while ((n = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:l:n:i:")) > 0) { switch (n) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 's': snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%s", optarg); break; case 'l': len = atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': count = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': inter = atoi(optarg); break; default: break; } } if (len <= 0) { printf("invalid len: %d <= 0\r\n", len); return 1; } /* 连接服务器 */ client = acl_vstream_connect(addr, ACL_BLOCKING, 10, 10, 4096); if (client == NULL) { printf("connect %s error %s\r\n", addr, acl_last_serror()); return 1; } printf("connect %s ok ...\r\n", addr); buf = (char*) acl_mymalloc(len); snprintf(buf, len, "%d\r\n", len); /* 发送一行数据通知服务端每次数据体的长度 */ if (acl_vstream_writen(client, buf, strlen(buf)) == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) if (n == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) goto END; memset(buf, 'X', len); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { n = acl_vstream_writen(client, buf, len); if (n == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) { printf("write error %s\r\n", acl_last_serror()); break; } if (i % inter == 0) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "curr: %d, total: %d", i, count); ACL_METER_TIME(line); } } END: if (buf) acl_myfree(buf); acl_vstream_close(client); return 0; }
int https_client::http_request(int count) { acl::http_client* client = new acl::http_client; if (connect_server(*client) == false) { delete client; return 0; } acl::http_header header; header.set_url("/") .accept_gzip(true) .add_entry("Accept-Languge", "zh-cn,en;q=0.5") .set_host(domain_.c_str()) .set_keep_alive(keep_alive_); char buf[8192]; int i = 0; for (; i < count; i++) { if (client->write_head(header) == false) { logger_error("write header error"); delete client; return i; } if (client->read_head() == false) { logger_error("read header error"); delete client; return i; } while (true) { int ret = client->read_body(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (ret < 0) { logger_error("read body error"); delete client; return i; } else if (ret == 0) break; #if 0 buf[ret] = 0; printf("%s", buf); fflush(stdout); #endif } if (!keep_alive_) { delete client; client = new acl::http_client; if (connect_server(*client) == false) { delete client; return i; } } else client->reset(); if (i % 1000 == 0) { acl::string tmp; tmp.format("total: %d, curr: %d", count, i); ACL_METER_TIME(tmp.c_str()); } } delete client; return i; }