Пример #1
bool WINAPI SFileSetHashTableSize(HANDLE hMpq, DWORD dwNewTableSize)
    TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq;
    TFileNode ** pListFileToFree = NULL;
    TFileNode ** pNewListFile = NULL;
    TMPQHash * pOldHashTable = NULL;
    TMPQHash * pNewHashTable = NULL;
    TMPQHash * pTableToFree = NULL;
    TMPQHash * pNewHash = NULL;
    HANDLE hFind;
    DWORD dwOldTableSize = ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize;
    DWORD dwIndex;
    bool bFoundSomething = true;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Test the valid parameters
        nError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
    if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY)
        nError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;

    // New hash table size must be a power of two
    if(dwNewTableSize & (dwNewTableSize - 1))

    // Allocate buffers for copy of the old hash table and new hash table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        pOldHashTable = ALLOCMEM(TMPQHash, dwOldTableSize);
        pNewHashTable = ALLOCMEM(TMPQHash, dwNewTableSize);
        pNewListFile = ALLOCMEM(TFileNode *, dwNewTableSize);
        if(pOldHashTable == NULL || pNewHashTable == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
Пример #2
// When this function is called, it is already ensured that the parameters are valid
// (e.g. the "dwToRead + dwFilePos" is not greater than the file size)
// TODO: Test for archives > 4GB
static DWORD WINAPI ReadMPQFileSingleUnit(TMPQFile * hf, DWORD dwFilePos, BYTE * pbBuffer, DWORD dwToRead)
    TMPQArchive * ha = hf->ha;
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;

    if(ha->FilePointer.QuadPart != hf->MpqFilePos.QuadPart)
        SetFilePointer(ha->hFile, hf->MpqFilePos.LowPart, &hf->MpqFilePos.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);
        ha->FilePointer = hf->MpqFilePos;

    // If the file is really compressed, decompress it.
    // Otherwise, read the data as-is to the caller.
    if(hf->pBlock->dwCSize < hf->pBlock->dwFSize)
        if(hf->pbFileBuffer == NULL)
            BYTE * inputBuffer = NULL;
            int outputBufferSize = (int)hf->pBlock->dwFSize;
            int inputBufferSize = (int)hf->pBlock->dwCSize;

            hf->pbFileBuffer = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, outputBufferSize);
            inputBuffer = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, inputBufferSize);
            if(inputBuffer != NULL && hf->pbFileBuffer != NULL)
                // Read the compressed file data
                ReadFile(ha->hFile, inputBuffer, inputBufferSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL);

                // Is the file compressed with PKWARE Data Compression Library ?
                if(hf->pBlock->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS_PKWARE)
                    Decompress_pklib((char *)hf->pbFileBuffer, &outputBufferSize, (char *)inputBuffer, (int)inputBufferSize);

                // Is it a file compressed by Blizzard's multiple compression ?
                // Note that Storm.dll v 1.0.9 distributed with Warcraft III
                // passes the full path name of the opened archive as the new last parameter
                if(hf->pBlock->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS_MULTI)
                    SCompDecompress((char *)hf->pbFileBuffer, &outputBufferSize, (char *)inputBuffer, (int)inputBufferSize);

            // Free the temporary buffer
            if(inputBuffer != NULL)

        // Copy the file data, if any there
        if(hf->pbFileBuffer != NULL)
            memcpy(pbBuffer, hf->pbFileBuffer + dwFilePos, dwToRead);
            dwBytesRead += dwToRead;
        // Read the uncompressed file data
        ReadFile(ha->hFile, pbBuffer, dwToRead, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
        dwBytesRead = (int)dwBytesRead;

    return (DWORD)dwBytesRead;
static int LoadMpqPatch_BSD0(TMPQFile * hf, TPatchHeader * pPatchHeader)
    LPBYTE pbDecompressed = NULL;
    LPBYTE pbCompressed = NULL;
    DWORD cbDecompressed = 0;
    DWORD cbCompressed = 0;
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Allocate space for compressed data
    cbCompressed = pPatchHeader->dwXfrmBlockSize - SIZE_OF_XFRM_HEADER;
    pbCompressed = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, cbCompressed);
    if(pbCompressed == NULL)
        nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Read the compressed patch data
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Load the rest of the header
        SFileReadFile((HANDLE)hf, pbCompressed, cbCompressed, &dwBytesRead);
        if(dwBytesRead != cbCompressed)
            nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    // Get the uncompressed size of the patch
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        cbDecompressed = pPatchHeader->dwSizeOfPatchData - sizeof(TPatchHeader);
        hf->pPatchHeader = (TPatchHeader *)ALLOCMEM(BYTE, pPatchHeader->dwSizeOfPatchData);
        if(hf->pPatchHeader == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Now decompress the patch data
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Copy the patch header
        memcpy(hf->pPatchHeader, pPatchHeader, sizeof(TPatchHeader));
        pbDecompressed = (LPBYTE)hf->pPatchHeader + sizeof(TPatchHeader);

        // Uncompress or copy the patch data
        if(cbCompressed < cbDecompressed)
            Decompress_RLE(pbDecompressed, cbDecompressed, pbCompressed, cbCompressed);
            assert(cbCompressed == cbDecompressed);
            memcpy(pbDecompressed, pbCompressed, cbCompressed);

    // Free buffers and exit
    if(pbCompressed != NULL)
    return nError;
Пример #4
int SAttrFileCreate(TMPQArchive * ha)
    TMPQAttr * pNewAttr;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // There should NOW be any attributes
    assert(ha->pAttributes == NULL);

    pNewAttr = ALLOCMEM(TMPQAttr, 1);
    if(pNewAttr != NULL)
        // Pre-set the structure
        pNewAttr->dwVersion = MPQ_ATTRIBUTES_V1;
        pNewAttr->dwFlags = 0;

        // Allocate array for CRC32
        pNewAttr->pCrc32 = ALLOCMEM(TMPQCRC32, ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize);
        if(pNewAttr->pCrc32 != NULL)
            pNewAttr->dwFlags |= MPQ_ATTRIBUTE_CRC32;
            memset(pNewAttr->pCrc32, 0, sizeof(TMPQCRC32) * ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        // Allocate array for FILETIME
        pNewAttr->pFileTime = ALLOCMEM(TMPQFileTime, ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize);
        if(pNewAttr->pFileTime != NULL)
            pNewAttr->dwFlags |= MPQ_ATTRIBUTE_FILETIME;
            memset(pNewAttr->pFileTime, 0, sizeof(TMPQFileTime) * ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        // Allocate array for MD5
        pNewAttr->pMd5 = ALLOCMEM(TMPQMD5, ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize);
        if(pNewAttr->pMd5 != NULL)
            pNewAttr->dwFlags |= MPQ_ATTRIBUTE_MD5;
            memset(pNewAttr->pMd5, 0, sizeof(TMPQMD5) * ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // If something failed, then free the attributes structure
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        pNewAttr = NULL;

    ha->pAttributes = pNewAttr;
    return nError;
Пример #5
// show (make active) a texfont message ---------------------------------------
void ShowTexfontMessage( texfontmsg_s *msg )
	ASSERT( msg != NULL );

	// messages of the same type will replace each other,
	// whereas messages of different types will coexist.

	// search for msg to replace (according to type)
	int msgid = 0;
	for ( msgid = 0; msgid < num_texfont_msgs; msgid++ ) {
		if ( TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].msgtype == msg->msgtype ) {
			FreeTexfontMessage( msgid );
			msgid = num_texfont_msgs;

	// guard against table size overflow
	if ( msgid >= MAX_TEXFONT_MESSAGES ) {

	// copy basic info
	memcpy( &TexfontMsgs[ msgid ], msg, sizeof( texfontmsg_s ) );

	// refalpha may be set explicitly to allow for oversaturated alpha starts
	if ( msg->itexfont->Vtxs[ 0 ].A == 0 ) {
		TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].curalpha = TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].refalpha;
	} else {
		TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].refalpha = msg->itexfont->Vtxs[ 0 ].A;
		TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].curalpha = msg->itexfont->Vtxs[ 0 ].A;

	// must make a copy of message string
	TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].message = (char *) ALLOCMEM( strlen( msg->message ) + 1 );
	if ( TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].message == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( 0 );
	strcpy( TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].message, msg->message );

	// must make a copy of itertexfont structure
	TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].itexfont = (IterTexfont *) ALLOCMEM( sizeof( IterTexfont ) );
	if ( TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].itexfont == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( 0 );
	memcpy( TexfontMsgs[ msgid ].itexfont, msg->itexfont, sizeof( IterTexfont ) );

	// one more active message
Пример #6
// create data package --------------------------------------------------------
int CreatePackage( const char* packname, const char *listname )
	ASSERT( packname != NULL );
	ASSERT( listname != NULL );

	#define MAX_DATA_FILES 4096

	list_item_s *listitems = (list_item_s *) ALLOCMEM( MAX_DATA_FILES * sizeof( list_item_s ) );
	if ( listitems == NULL ) {
		return FALSE;

	int numitems = ReadFileList( listname, listitems, MAX_DATA_FILES );
	if ( numitems == -1 ) {
		FREEMEM( listitems );

	if ( !WritePackageFile( packname, listitems, numitems ) ) {
		FREEMEM( listitems );

	FREEMEM( listitems );
	return TRUE;
Пример #7
// init keyboard code (alloc mem, setup tables, install handlers) -------------
void INPs_KeybInitHandler()
	// enable unicode character handling for keypress events
	// XXX: Not sure if this is needed either....

	// prevent multiple inits
	if ( sdl_keyb_init_done ) {

	// alloc key tables
	KeyAdditional	= (keyaddctrl_s *) ALLOCMEM( sizeof( keyaddctrl_s ) );

	// init all structs
	memset( DepressedKeys,	0, sizeof( keyfunc_s ) );
	memset( KeyAdditional,	0, sizeof( keyaddctrl_s ) );
	memset( KeybFlags,		0, sizeof( keybflags_s ) );

	KeybFlags->ConTogReleased = (byte)-1;

	// grab input

	sdl_keyb_init_done = TRUE;
static int LoadMpqPatch_COPY(TMPQFile * hf, TPatchHeader * pPatchHeader)
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Allocate space for patch header and compressed data
    hf->pPatchHeader = (TPatchHeader *)ALLOCMEM(BYTE, pPatchHeader->dwSizeOfPatchData);
    if(hf->pPatchHeader == NULL)

    // Load the patch data and decide if they are compressed or not
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        LPBYTE pbPatchFile = (LPBYTE)hf->pPatchHeader;

        // Copy the patch header itself
        memcpy(pbPatchFile, pPatchHeader, sizeof(TPatchHeader));
        pbPatchFile += sizeof(TPatchHeader);

        // Load the rest of the patch
        if(!SFileReadFile((HANDLE)hf, pbPatchFile, pPatchHeader->dwSizeOfPatchData - sizeof(TPatchHeader)))
            nError = GetLastError();

    return nError;
Пример #9
// register object type for vapor trail ---------------------------------------
void VaporTrailRegisterCustomType()
	custom_type_info_s info;
	memset( &info, 0, sizeof( info ) );

	// always try to allocate template
	vapor_type_template = (VaporTrail *) ALLOCMEM( sizeof( VaporTrail ) );
	if ( vapor_type_template != NULL ) {
		memset( vapor_type_template, 0, sizeof( VaporTrail ) );
		VaporTrailInitDefaults( vapor_type_template );

	info.type_name			= "vaportrail";
	info.type_id			= 0x00000000;
	info.type_size			= sizeof( VaporTrail );
	info.type_template		= vapor_type_template;
	info.type_flags			= CUSTOM_TYPE_DEFAULT;
	info.callback_init		= VaporTrailInitType;
	info.callback_instant	= VaporTrailInstantiate;
	info.callback_destroy	= VaporTrailDestroy;
	info.callback_animate	= VaporTrailAnimate;
	info.callback_collide	= NULL;
	info.callback_notify	= VaporTrailNotify;
	info.callback_persist   = NULL;

	vapor_type_id = OBJ_RegisterCustomType( &info );
	CON_RegisterCustomType( info.type_id, VaporTrail_PropList );
Пример #10
static int ReadMpqFilePatchFile(TMPQFile * hf, void * pvBuffer, DWORD dwToRead, LPDWORD pdwBytesRead)
    DWORD dwBytesToRead = dwToRead;
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Make sure that the patch file is loaded completely
    if(hf->pbFileData == NULL)
        // Load the original file and store its content to "pbOldData"
        hf->pbFileData = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, hf->pFileEntry->dwFileSize);
        hf->cbFileData = hf->pFileEntry->dwFileSize;
        if(hf->pbFileData == NULL)
            return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        // Read the file data
        if(hf->pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_SINGLE_UNIT)
            nError = ReadMpqFileSingleUnit(hf, hf->pbFileData, hf->cbFileData, &dwBytesRead);
            nError = ReadMpqFile(hf, hf->pbFileData, hf->cbFileData, &dwBytesRead);

        // Fix error code
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwBytesRead != hf->cbFileData)
            nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        // Patch the file data
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            nError = PatchFileData(hf);

        // Reset position to zero
        hf->dwFilePos = 0;
        dwBytesRead = 0;

    // If there is something to read, do it
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if(hf->dwFilePos < hf->cbFileData)
            // Make sure we don't copy more than file size
            if((hf->dwFilePos + dwToRead) > hf->cbFileData)
                dwToRead = hf->cbFileData - hf->dwFilePos;

            // Copy the appropriate amount of the file data to the caller's buffer
            memcpy(pvBuffer, hf->pbFileData + hf->dwFilePos, dwToRead);
            hf->dwFilePos += dwToRead;
            dwBytesRead = dwToRead;

        // Set the proper error code
        nError = (dwBytesRead == dwBytesToRead) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_HANDLE_EOF;

    // Give the result to the caller
    if(pdwBytesRead != NULL)
        *pdwBytesRead = dwBytesRead;
    return nError;
Пример #11
static bool CalculateMpqHashSha1(TMPQArchive * ha, PMPQ_SIGNATURE_INFO pSI, unsigned char * sha1_tail0, unsigned char * sha1_tail1, unsigned char * sha1_tail2) {
    ULONGLONG BeginBuffer;
    hash_state sha1_state_temp;
    hash_state sha1_state;
    LPBYTE pbDigestBuffer = NULL;

    // Allocate buffer for creating the MPQ digest.
    if (pbDigestBuffer == NULL)
        return false;

    // Initialize SHA1 state structure

    // Calculate begin of data to be hashed
    BeginBuffer = pSI->BeginMpqData;

    // Create the digest
    for (;;) {
        ULONGLONG BytesRemaining;

        // Check the number of bytes remaining
        BytesRemaining = pSI->EndMpqData - BeginBuffer;
        if (BytesRemaining < MPQ_DIGEST_UNIT_SIZE)
            dwToRead = (DWORD)BytesRemaining;
        if (dwToRead == 0)

        // Read the next chunk
        if (!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &BeginBuffer, pbDigestBuffer, dwToRead)) {
            return false;

        // Pass the buffer to the hashing function
        sha1_process(&sha1_state, pbDigestBuffer, dwToRead);

        // Move pointers
        BeginBuffer += dwToRead;

    // Add all three known tails and generate three hashes
    memcpy(&sha1_state_temp, &sha1_state, sizeof(hash_state));
    sha1_done(&sha1_state_temp, sha1_tail0);

    memcpy(&sha1_state_temp, &sha1_state, sizeof(hash_state));
    AddTailToSha1(&sha1_state_temp, GetPlainFileName(ha->pStream->szFileName));
    sha1_done(&sha1_state_temp, sha1_tail1);

    memcpy(&sha1_state_temp, &sha1_state, sizeof(hash_state));
    AddTailToSha1(&sha1_state_temp, "ARCHIVE");
    sha1_done(&sha1_state_temp, sha1_tail2);

    // Finalize the MD5 hash
    return true;
// Creates a copy of hash table
static TMPQHash * CopyHashTable(TMPQArchive * ha)
    TMPQHash * pHashTableCopy = ALLOCMEM(TMPQHash, ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize);

    if(pHashTableCopy != NULL)
        memcpy(pHashTableCopy, ha->pHashTable, sizeof(TMPQHash) * ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize);

    return pHashTableCopy;
Пример #13
// register mod which overrides internal packages -----------------------------
int SLm_RegisterModForce( char **modname )
	char *name = modname[ 0 ];

	// mod_names[] is the global storage for the current mod names,
	// declared in CON_EXT.C
	// If mod_names[ 0 ] != NULL, a mod is currently active

	if ( mod_numnames >= MAX_REGISTERED_MODS ) {
		return FALSE;

	mod_names[ mod_numnames ] = (char *) ALLOCMEM( strlen( name ) + 1 );
	if ( mod_names[ mod_numnames ] == NULL ) {
		return FALSE;
	strcpy( mod_names[ mod_numnames ], name );

	// allocate memory for "name/name.dat" string
	char *packagename = (char *) ALLOCMEM( strlen( name ) * 2 + 6 );
	if ( packagename == NULL ) {
		return FALSE;

	strcpy( packagename, name );
	strcat( packagename, "/" );
	strcat( packagename, name );
	strcat( packagename, ".dat" );

	if ( !SYS_RegisterPackage( packagename, 0, name ) ) {
		MSGOUT( "CLI error: package registration failed (%s).\n", name );
		MSGOUT( "CLI error: continuing without package.\n" );

	FREEMEM( packagename );

	// set override flag
	mod_override = TRUE;

	return TRUE;
Пример #14
// exec startup script (usually boot.con, but also boot scripts of mods) ------
void ExecStartupScript( int echo )
	// exec startup command script
	char *startupscript = NULL;

	// start normal or mod boot scripts
	if ( mod_numnames > 0 ) {

		ASSERT( mod_names[ 0 ] != NULL );

		// if mod doesn't override our own packages, execute our boot.con too
		if ( !mod_override ) {
			//startupscript = PlayDemo ? demo_script_name : boot_script_name;
				startupscript = boot_script_master_name;
			} else {
				startupscript = boot_script_name;
			ExecConsoleFile( startupscript, echo );

		// afterwards, exec <modname>/boot.con for each registered mod
		for ( int curmod = 0; curmod < mod_numnames; curmod++ ) {

			ASSERT( mod_names[ curmod ] != NULL );
			startupscript = (char *) ALLOCMEM(
				strlen( mod_names[ curmod ] ) + 1 + strlen( boot_script_name ) );
			if ( startupscript == NULL ) {
				OUTOFMEM( 0 );
			strcpy( startupscript, mod_names[ curmod ] );
			strcat( startupscript, "/" );
			strcat( startupscript, boot_script_name );

			// must be done to ensure the file can be found independently of
			// whether it is read from a package or from a real directory
			char *path = SYSs_ProcessPathString( startupscript );

			ExecConsoleFile( path, echo );

			FREEMEM( startupscript );
			startupscript = NULL;

	} else {

		// if no mod is active, we just exec boot.con
		//startupscript = PlayDemo ? demo_script_name : boot_script_name;
			startupscript = boot_script_master_name;
		} else {
			startupscript = boot_script_name;
		ExecConsoleFile( startupscript, echo );
Пример #15
// vapor trail constructor (class instantiation) ------------------------------
void VaporTrailInstantiate( CustomObject *base )
	ASSERT( base != NULL );
	VaporTrail *vapor = (VaporTrail *) base;

	// allocate memory for segments in one block
	char *segmem = (char *) ALLOCMEM( ( sizeof( Vertex3 ) * 2 + sizeof( refframe_t ) ) * vapor->max_segments );
	if ( segmem == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( "no mem for vapor trail." );
	vapor->Trail_R	= (Vertex3 *) ( segmem );
	vapor->Trail_L	= (Vertex3 *) ( segmem + sizeof( Vertex3 ) * vapor->max_segments );
	vapor->alive	= (refframe_t *) ( segmem + sizeof( Vertex3 ) * vapor->max_segments * 2 );
Пример #16
// register a new user-defined command ----------------------------------------
int CON_RegisterUserCommand( user_command_s *regcom )
	// the supplied command string is not copied
	// by this function. thus, the caller MUST ENSURE
	// that this string is available indefinitely.
	// (e.g., allocated statically.)

	// the commlen field need not be valid, it will be
	// set by this function. (in the original struct!)

	ASSERT( regcom != NULL );
	ASSERT( regcom->command != NULL );
	ASSERT( regcom->execute != NULL );
	ASSERT( regcom->numparams >= 0 );
	ASSERT( num_user_commands <= max_user_commands );

	// expand table memory if already used up
	if ( num_user_commands == max_user_commands ) {

		// expand exponentially
		int newtabsize = max_user_commands * 2;

		// alloc new table
		user_command_s *newlist = (user_command_s *) ALLOCMEM( sizeof( user_command_s ) * newtabsize );
		if ( newlist == NULL ) {
			ASSERT( 0 );
			return FALSE;

		// set new size
		max_user_commands = newtabsize;

		// move old table
		memcpy( newlist, user_commands, sizeof( user_command_s ) * num_user_commands );
		if ( user_commands != user_commands_default )
			FREEMEM( user_commands );
		user_commands = newlist;

	// append new command
	regcom->commlen = strlen( regcom->command );
	ASSERT( num_user_commands < max_user_commands );
	user_commands[ num_user_commands++ ] = *regcom;

	return TRUE;
Пример #17
// acquire demos contained in package files -----------------------------------
int SYS_AcquirePackageDemos()
	// scan all registered packages
	for ( unsigned int packid = 0; packid < (unsigned int)num_data_packages; packid++ ) {

		// scan all items of this package
		for ( unsigned int curit = 0; curit < package_numitems[ packid ]; curit++ ) {

			// guard against overflow of registered demos
			if ( num_registered_demos >= max_registered_demos )

			int demoid = num_registered_demos;
			pfileinfo_s	*item = &package_items[ packid ][ curit ];

			// extension is mandatory
			long len = strlen( item->file ) - 4;
//			ASSERT( ( len >= 0 ) && ( len <= COMMAND_NAME_ALLOC_LEN ) );
			if ( len < 0 )

			// check demo extension
			if ( strcmp( item->file + len, CON_FILE_COMPILED_EXTENSION ) != 0 )

			// store demo name
			if ( registered_demo_names[ demoid ] != NULL ) {
				FREEMEM( registered_demo_names[ demoid ] );
				registered_demo_names[ demoid ] = NULL;
			registered_demo_names[ demoid ] = (char *) ALLOCMEM( len + 1 );
			if ( registered_demo_names[ demoid ] == NULL )
			strncpy( registered_demo_names[ demoid ], item->file, len );
			registered_demo_names[ demoid ][ len ] = 0;

			// convert to lower-case
			strlwr( registered_demo_names[ demoid ] );

	return TRUE;
Пример #18
// cache demo text as bitmap or textures --------------------------------------
void InitDemoTextCache( int lineid )
	ASSERT( (dword)lineid < DEMOTEXT_NUM_LINES );

	// size of buffer for string blit
	size_t bufsize = Screen_Width * Screen_BytesPerPixel * 80;

	// using Screen_Pitch instead of ( Screen_Width * Screen_BytesPerPixel )
	// doesn't always work here because on a Voodoo3 Screen_Pitch will be set
	// to 2048, as on all other Voodoos. this is too low for resolutions
	// higher than 1024x768.

	demotext_fontmem[ lineid ] = (char *) ALLOCMEM( bufsize );
	if ( demotext_fontmem[ lineid ] == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( 0 );
	memset( demotext_fontmem[ lineid ], 0, bufsize );

	int charsetid = demotext_charset_id[ lineid ];
	D_SetWStrContext( CharsetInfo[ charsetid ].charsetpointer,
					  CharsetInfo[ charsetid ].geompointer,
					  demotext_fontmem[ lineid ],
					  CharsetInfo[ charsetid ].width,
					  CharsetInfo[ charsetid ].height );

	if ( demotext_capitals[ lineid ] ) {
		strupr( demotext_text[ lineid ] );
	} else {
		strlwr( demotext_text[ lineid ] );

	int swidth = D_GetPStringWidth( demotext_text[ lineid ] );
	if ( swidth <= Screen_Width ) {
//		D_WritePString( demotext_text[ lineid ], (Screen_Width-swidth)/2, 0 );
	} else {
		MSGOUT( "string too long." );

	// split up bitmap into appropriately sized textures if necessary
	if ( VidInfo_UseIterForDemoTexts ) {
		CreateBitmapTextures( &demotext_fontmem[ lineid ] );
Пример #19
// read palette files into buffer ---------------------------------------------
void ReadPalettes()
	// exit if nothing to read
	if ( NumLoadedPalettes == 0 )
		PANIC( "no palette defined." );

	if ( ( PaletteMem = (char *) ALLOCMEM( PALETTE_SIZE * NumLoadedPalettes ) ) == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( no_palette_mem );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGPUT( "Loading palettes" );
		if ( show_palettes_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( ":\n" );
		} else {
			MSGPUT( "..." );

	// load all palettes
	size_t readofs = 0;
	for ( int pid = 0; pid < NumLoadedPalettes; pid++ ) {

		if ( display_info && !show_palettes_loaded )
			MSGPUT( "." );

		FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( palette_fnames[ pid ], "rb" );
		if ( fp == NULL )
			FERROR( palette_not_found, palette_fnames[ pid ] );

		if ( display_info && show_palettes_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (palette)\n", palette_fnames[ pid ] );

		size_t bytesread = SYS_fread( PaletteMem + readofs, 1, PALETTE_SIZE, fp );
		if ( bytesread != PALETTE_SIZE )
			FERROR( palette_readerror, palette_fnames[ pid ] );
		readofs += PALETTE_SIZE;

		SYS_fclose( fp );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGOUT( "done.\n" );
Пример #20
// write actual file data into output package ---------------------------------
int WritePackageData( FILE *fp, list_item_s *listitems, int numitems )
	ASSERT( fp != NULL );
	ASSERT( listitems != NULL );
	ASSERT( numitems > 0 );

	for ( int curit = 0; curit < numitems; curit++ ) {

		PrintfNoNL( "." );

		FILE *itfp = fopen( listitems[ curit ].file, "rb" );
		if ( itfp == NULL ) {
			Err_Printf( "\ndata file \"%s\" not found: %s\n",
					 listitems[ curit ].file, strerror( errno ) );
			return FALSE;

		char *filedata = (char *) ALLOCMEM( listitems[ curit ].flength );
		if ( filedata == NULL ) {
			fclose( itfp );
			return FALSE;

		size_t bytesread = fread( filedata, 1, listitems[ curit ].flength, itfp );
		if ( bytesread != listitems[ curit ].flength ) {
			FREEMEM( filedata );
			fclose( itfp );
			return FALSE;

		size_t byteswritten = fwrite( filedata, 1, listitems[ curit ].flength, fp );
		if ( byteswritten != listitems[ curit ].flength ) {
			FREEMEM( filedata );
			fclose( itfp );
			return FALSE;

		fclose( itfp );
		FREEMEM( filedata );

	return TRUE;
Пример #21
// read sample after determining its format -----------------------------------
sample_s *SND_ReadSample( sampleinfo_s *pSampleInfo )
	ASSERT( pSampleInfo != NULL );

	// determine sound type from extension
	char *fext = SYSs_ScanToExtension( pSampleInfo->file );

	sample_s *pSample = (sample_s *) ALLOCMEM(sizeof(sample_s));

	pSample->format = SAMPLEFORMAT_INVALID;
//	pSample->samplebuffer;

	if ( stricmp( fext, snd_ext_wav ) == 0 ) {
		pSample->format = SAMPLEFORMAT_WAV;

	return pSample;
Пример #22
// allocate received packets chain (head node) --------------------------------
int AllocPacketsChain()
	ASSERT( ReceivedPacketsChain == NULL );
	ReceivedPacketsChain = (PacketChainHead *) ALLOCMEM( sizeof( PacketChainHead ) );
	if ( ReceivedPacketsChain == NULL ) {
		if ( TextModeActive ) {
			fprintf( stderr, pchain_alloc_error );
			fprintf( stderr, net_game_unavail );
		} else {
			OUTOFMEM( 0 );
		return FALSE;
	ReceivedPacketsChain->nextblock   = NULL;
	ReceivedPacketsChain->chainlength = 0;

	return TRUE;
Пример #23
// register new shader --------------------------------------------------------
int RegisterShader( shader_s *shader )
	ASSERT( shader != NULL );

	if ( num_registered_shaders >= MAX_NUM_REGISTERED_SHADERS )
		return FALSE;

	// name is mandatory
	if ( shader->name == NULL )
		return FALSE;

	dword shaderid = num_registered_shaders;

	// check for already registered shader of same name
	if ( FetchShaderByName( shader->name, &shaderid ) != NULL ) {

			return FALSE;

	} else {

		// allocate new shader name
		char *name = (char *) ALLOCMEM( strlen( shader->name ) + 1 );
		if ( name == NULL )
			OUTOFMEM( 0 );
		strcpy( name, shader->name );

		ASSERT( registered_shaders[ shaderid ].name == NULL );
		registered_shaders[ shaderid ].name = name;

	// store shader info
	registered_shaders[ shaderid ].iter		 = shader->iter;
	registered_shaders[ shaderid ].flags	 = shader->flags;
	registered_shaders[ shaderid ].texanim	 = shader->texanim;
	registered_shaders[ shaderid ].facecolor = shader->facecolor;
	registered_shaders[ shaderid ].colanim	 = shader->colanim;
	registered_shaders[ shaderid ].colflags	 = shader->colflags;

	return TRUE;
Пример #24
static void build_common_binary_response_fields(struct request_state* req)
	if (!req->bin_hdr_response)
		req->bin_hdr_response = (struct memcache_hdr_res*)

	req->bin_hdr_response->magic = MEMCACHED_MAGIC_RES;
	req->bin_hdr_response->opcode = req->cmd;
	req->bin_hdr_response->len_key = 0L;
	req->bin_hdr_response->len_extras = 0L;
	req->bin_hdr_response->datatype = 0L;
	req->bin_hdr_response->opaque = 0L;
	req->bin_hdr_response->cas = 0L;
	req->bin_hdr_response->status = 0L; // overridden later if necessary
	req->bin_hdr_response->len_body = 0L;
Пример #25
 * DESCRIPTION:   read the points
 * INPUT:         data     handler data
 *                cn       iff context node
 * OUTPUT:        error string
static char *ReadPoints(HANDLER_DATA *data, struct ContextNode *cn)
	int count;

	// get point count (each point has a size of 12 bytes)
	count = (cn->cn_Size)/sizeof(VECTOR);

	// Allocate memory
	data->pointcount = count;
	data->points = ALLOCMEM(VECTOR, count);
	if (!data->points)
		return errors[ERR_MEM];

	// Read points
	if(!ReadFloat(data->iff, (float*)data->points, count*3))
		return errors[ERR_LWOBFILE];

	return NULL;
Пример #26
// read binary demo file as one huge block ------------------------------------
int DEMO_BinaryReadDemo( FILE *fp, int infomsgs, int errormsgs )
	ASSERT( fp != NULL );
	ASSERT( demo_data == NULL );

	// get file size
	if ( SYS_fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ) != 0 ) {
		return FALSE;
	size_t demosize = SYS_ftell( fp );
	if ( SYS_fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) {
		return FALSE;

	// check for demo header and parse it if present
	size_t headersize = DEMO_ParseDemoHeader( fp, -1, infomsgs );
	if ( demosize >= headersize ) {
		demosize -= headersize;
	if ( demosize == 0 ) {
		return FALSE;

	// allocate mem for demo data
	demo_data = (char *) ALLOCMEM( demosize );
	if ( demo_data == NULL ) {
		if ( errormsgs )
			CON_AddLine( "no mem for demo replay." );
		return FALSE;

	// read entire file into single memory block
	if ( SYS_fread( demo_data, 1, demosize, fp ) != demosize ) {
		if ( errormsgs )
			CON_AddLine( "error reading demo file." );
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Пример #27
int ub_core_run(void)
	int res;
	struct request_state* req = (struct request_state*) 
		ALLOCMEM(sizeof(struct request_state), GFP_KERNEL);
#ifdef __KERNEL__
	allow_signal(SIGKILL | SIGSTOP);
	if (!req
#ifdef __KERNEL__
		|| ksize(req) < sizeof(struct request_state)
		return -ENOMEM;
	memset(req, 0, sizeof(struct request_state));

	if ((res = udpserver_start(req)) < 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef __KERNEL__
		"Something went wrong starting the UDP server %d\n", res);
		return res;
	res = process_slowpath(req);


	if (req)
		req = NULL;

	return res;
Пример #28
FRAME          *
fr_create(int entries, int size)
	FRAME          *tab;

	if (size < sizeof(char **))
		size = sizeof(char **);	/* ensure size for free list */

	if ((tab = ALLOCMEM(FRAME, 1)) == 0) {
		return 0;
	tab->nentry = entries;
	tab->nsize = size;
	if ((tab->frbuf = MALLOCMEM(entries * size)) == 0) {
		return 0;
	tab->next = 0;		/* continuation block */
	return tab;
Пример #29
static int ApplyMpqPatch_COPY(
    TMPQFile * hf,
    TPatchHeader * pPatchHeader)
    LPBYTE pbNewFileData;
    DWORD cbNewFileData;

    // Allocate space for new file data
    cbNewFileData = pPatchHeader->dwXfrmBlockSize - SIZE_OF_XFRM_HEADER;
    pbNewFileData = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, cbNewFileData);
    if(pbNewFileData == NULL)

    // Copy the patch data as-is
    memcpy(pbNewFileData, (LPBYTE)pPatchHeader + sizeof(TPatchHeader), cbNewFileData);

    // Free the old file data

    // Put the new file data there
    hf->pbFileData = pbNewFileData;
    hf->cbFileData = cbNewFileData;
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;
Пример #30
bool WINAPI SFileCreateArchive(const char * szMpqName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwMaxFileCount, HANDLE * phMpq)
    TFileStream * pStream = NULL;           // File stream
    TMPQArchive * ha = NULL;                // MPQ archive handle
    ULONGLONG MpqPos = 0;                   // Position of MPQ header in the file
    HANDLE hMpq = NULL;
    USHORT wFormatVersion = MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_1;
    DWORD dwBlockTableSize = 0;             // Initial block table size
    DWORD dwHashTableSize = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Check the parameters, if they are valid
    if(szMpqName == NULL || *szMpqName == 0 || phMpq == NULL)
        return false;

    // One time initialization of MPQ cryptography

    // We verify if the file already exists and if it's a MPQ archive.
    // If yes, we won't allow to overwrite it.
    if(SFileOpenArchive(szMpqName, 0, dwFlags, &hMpq))
        return false;

    // At this point, we have to create the archive.
    // - If the file exists, convert it to MPQ archive.
    // - If the file doesn't exist, create new empty file

    pStream = FileStream_OpenFile(szMpqName, true);
    if(pStream == NULL)
        pStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szMpqName);
        if(pStream == NULL)
            return false;

    // Decide what format to use
    wFormatVersion = (USHORT)((dwFlags & MPQ_CREATE_ARCHIVE_VMASK) >> 16);
    if(wFormatVersion > MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_4)
        return false;

    // Increment the maximum amount of files to have space
    // for listfile and attributes file

    // If file count is not zero, initialize the hash table size
    dwHashTableSize = GetHashTableSizeForFileCount(dwMaxFileCount);

    // Retrieve the file size and round it up to 0x200 bytes
    FileStream_GetSize(pStream, MpqPos);
    MpqPos = (MpqPos + 0x1FF) & (ULONGLONG)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFE00ULL;
    if(!FileStream_SetSize(pStream, MpqPos))
        nError = GetLastError();

#ifdef _DEBUG    
    // Debug code, used for testing StormLib
//  dwBlockTableSize = dwHashTableSize * 2;

    // Create the archive handle
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if((ha = ALLOCMEM(TMPQArchive, 1)) == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Fill the MPQ archive handle structure
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        memset(ha, 0, sizeof(TMPQArchive));
        ha->pStream         = pStream;
        ha->dwSectorSize    = (wFormatVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_3) ? 0x4000 : 0x1000;
        ha->UserDataPos     = MpqPos;
        ha->MpqPos          = MpqPos;
        ha->pHeader         = (TMPQHeader *)ha->HeaderData;
        ha->dwMaxFileCount  = dwMaxFileCount;
        ha->dwFileTableSize = 0;
        ha->dwFlags         = 0;

        // Setup the attributes
        if(dwFlags & MPQ_CREATE_ATTRIBUTES)
        pStream = NULL;

    // Fill the MPQ header
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        TMPQHeader * pHeader = ha->pHeader;

        // Fill the MPQ header
        memset(pHeader, 0, sizeof(ha->HeaderData));
        pHeader->dwID             = ID_MPQ;
        pHeader->dwHeaderSize     = MpqHeaderSizes[wFormatVersion];
        pHeader->dwArchiveSize    = pHeader->dwHeaderSize + dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash);
        pHeader->wFormatVersion   = wFormatVersion;
        pHeader->wSectorSize      = GetSectorSizeShift(ha->dwSectorSize);
        pHeader->dwHashTablePos   = pHeader->dwHeaderSize;
        pHeader->dwHashTableSize  = dwHashTableSize;
        pHeader->dwBlockTablePos  = pHeader->dwHashTablePos + dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash);
        pHeader->dwBlockTableSize = dwBlockTableSize;

        // For MPQs version 4 and higher, we set the size of raw data block
        // for calculating MD5
        if(wFormatVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_4)
            pHeader->dwRawChunkSize = 0x4000;

        // Write the naked MPQ header
        nError = WriteNakedMPQHeader(ha);

        // Note: Don't recalculate position of MPQ tables at this point.
        // We merely set a flag that indicates that the MPQ tables
        // have been changed, and SaveMpqTables will do the work when closing the archive.

        ha->dwFlags |= MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED;

    // Create initial hash table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        nError = CreateHashTable(ha, dwHashTableSize);

    // Create initial HET table, if the caller required an MPQ format 3.0 or newer
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && wFormatVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_3)
        ha->pHetTable = CreateHetTable(ha->dwMaxFileCount, 0x40, true);
        if(ha->pHetTable == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Create initial file table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ha->pFileTable = ALLOCMEM(TFileEntry, dwMaxFileCount);
        if(ha->pFileTable != NULL)
            memset(ha->pFileTable, 0x00, sizeof(TFileEntry) * dwMaxFileCount);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Cleanup : If an error, delete all buffers and return
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ha = NULL;
    // Return the values
    *phMpq = (HANDLE)ha;
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);