Пример #1
  char *format(char *message, char *twitter_date, int utc_offset)
    char *safe_message = ALLOC_STR(140);
    strlcpy(safe_message, message, 141);
    char *placeholder_message = Formatting::add_date_placeholder(safe_message);

    char *cleaned = Formatting::utf8_strip(placeholder_message);

    uint8_t word_count = 0;
    char **words = Formatting::strsplit(cleaned, &word_count);

    char *justified = Formatting::justify(words, word_count);
    for (int i = 0; i < word_count; ++i)

    char *date = Formatting::convert_date(twitter_date, utc_offset);
    char *result = Formatting::add_date(justified, date);

    return result;
Пример #2
/* IMPORTANT: be sure to free() the returned string after use */
char *url_encode(const char *str)
  char current;
  const char *cursor = NULL;

  // if all bytes need encoding, the string will grow with a maximum of three
  // times its own size
  char *result = ALLOC_STR(strlen(str) * 3);
  char *result_cursor = result;

  for (cursor = str; (current = *cursor); cursor++) // let’s hope all our urlencoded strings ends with \0
    if (isalnum(current) || current == '-' || current == '_' || current == '.' || current == '~')
      *result_cursor++ = current;
    else if (current == ' ')
      *result_cursor++ = '+';
      *result_cursor++ = '%';
      *result_cursor++ = to_hex(current >> 4);
      *result_cursor++ = to_hex(current & 0x0F);

  *result_cursor = '\0';

  return result;
Пример #3
sp_link *
sp_link_create_from_user(sp_user *user)
  sp_link *link = ALLOC(sp_link);
  link->data    = ALLOC_STR(strlen("spotify:user:"******"spotify:user:%s", user->canonical_name);
  return link;
Пример #4
sp_link *
sp_link_create_from_search(sp_search *search)
  char *uri_encoded = url_encode(search->query);
  char *uri = ALLOC_STR(strlen("spotify:search:") + strlen(uri_encoded));
  sprintf(uri, "spotify:search:%s", uri_encoded);
  return sp_link_create_from_string(uri);
Пример #5
 * Call for individual allocation routines to size the run-time arrays.
void setup_alloc( input_data *input_vars, para_data *para_vars, sn_data *sn_vars,
                  data_data *data_vars, int *flg, int *ierr, char **error )
    int tmpStrLen = 0;
    *flg = 0;

    sn_allocate ( sn_vars, input_vars, ierr );

    glmax_i ( ierr, COMM_SNAP );

    if ( *ierr != 0 )
        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "***ERROR: SETUP_ALLOC: "
                             "Allocation error in SN_ALLOCATE\n" );

        ALLOC_STR(*error, tmpStrLen + 1, ierr);

        snprintf ( (char *) *error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "***ERROR: SETUP_ALLOC: "
                   "Allocation error in SN_ALLOCATE\n" );


    data_allocate( data_vars, input_vars, sn_vars, ierr );

    glmax_i ( ierr, COMM_SNAP );

    if ( *ierr != 0 )
        *flg = 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "***ERROR: SETUP_ALLOC: "
                             "Allocation error in DATA_ALLOCATE\n" );

        ALLOC_STR(*error, tmpStrLen + 1, ierr);

        snprintf ( (char *) *error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "***ERROR: SETUP_ALLOC: "
                   "Allocation error in DATA_ALLOCATE\n" );


Пример #6
sp_playlist *
sp_session_starred_for_user_create(sp_session *session, const char *name)
  char *link;

  if (sp_session_connectionstate(session) != SP_CONNECTION_STATE_LOGGED_IN)
    return NULL;

  link = ALLOC_STR(strlen("spotify:user:"******":starred"));
  sprintf(link, "spotify:user:%s:starred", name);
  return (sp_playlist *)registry_find(link);
Пример #7
char *
strclone(const char *string)
  char *clone = NULL;

  if (string == NULL)
    return NULL;

  clone = ALLOC_STR(strlen(string));
  strcpy(clone, string);
  return clone;
Пример #8
	 * Takes a string of UTF8-encoded data and strips all characters we cannot use.
	 * - multibyte characters we can display are mapped over
	 * - all other multibyte characters are stripped
	 * - characters we cannot handle are turned into nulls
	 * Also see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utf8
	char *utf8_strip(const char *dirty)
		// optimistic result: we end up with the same string
		uint8_t length = strlen(dirty), ci = 0, di = 0;
		unsigned char bytes	= 0;
		unsigned char current = 0x00, next = 0x00;
		char *cleaned = ALLOC_STR(length);

		// iterate character by character and replace it
		for (di = 0, ci = 0; di < length; di++)
			current = dirty[di];

			if ( ! valid_utf8(current)) // invalid byte
			else if ( ! is_ascii(current)) // multibyte
				if (current == 0xC3 && (di + 1) < length) // might be åäöÅÄÖ, they all are 0xC3xx
					next = dirty[++di]; // we consume the next character

					if (is_ascii(next)) // somehow, next byte is ascii (invalid utf8), so abort
						// we cannot safely map the next byte in our charmap as it’ll collide
						// with the ascii characters which might be bad!
						current = next;
				else // skip all the additional bytes
					bytes = (current & 0xF0); // 1111 xxxx
					while (bytes <<= 1) di += 1;
					current = '\0'; // let charmap handle it

			cleaned[ci++] = charmap[current];

		return cleaned;
Пример #9
/* Parse out the value located at current input data line */
void get_input_value ( char *lineData, char *valueID, char **tmpData )
    int tmpStrLen = 0;
    int ierr = 0;

    // Trim all excess chars and white space following immediate input value
    while ( !(isspace(lineData[strlen(valueID) + tmpStrLen])) )
        tmpStrLen += 1;

    ALLOC_STR( *tmpData, tmpStrLen, &ierr );

    // Copies value to tmpData string,
    snprintf ( *tmpData, tmpStrLen+1, "%s",
               &lineData[strlen(valueID)] );
Пример #10
sp_playlistcontainer *
sp_session_publishedcontainer_for_user_create(sp_session *session, const char *username)
  char *link;

  if (sp_session_connectionstate(session) != SP_CONNECTION_STATE_LOGGED_IN)
    return NULL;

  if (username == NULL && session->user)
    username = session->user->canonical_name;

  link = ALLOC_STR(strlen("spotify:container:") + strlen(username));
  sprintf(link, "spotify:container:%s", username);
  return (sp_playlistcontainer *)registry_find(link);
Пример #11
sp_link *
sp_link_create_from_track(sp_track *track, int offset)
  const char *link = registry_reverse_find((void *) track);
  int mins = 0, secs = 0;
  char *link_with_offset = NULL;

  if (offset > 0)
    link_with_offset = ALLOC_STR(strlen(link) + strlen("#00:00"));

    offset = offset / 1000;
    mins = (offset / 60) % 60;
    secs = (offset - mins * 60) % 60;

    sprintf(link_with_offset, "%s", link);
    sprintf(link_with_offset + strlen(link), "#%02d:%02d", mins, secs);
    return sp_link_create_from_string(link_with_offset);
    return sp_link_create_from_string(link);
Пример #12
 * Read the input file.
int read_input ( FILE *fp_in, FILE *fp_out, input_data *input_vars,
                 para_data *para_vars, time_data *time_vars )
 * Local variables.
    double t1, t2;

    int ierr = 0;

    char *error = NULL;

    char *line = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;
    ssize_t read;

    char *tmpData = NULL;

    int tmpStrLen, i;

 * Read the input file. Echo to output file. Call for an input variable
 * check. Only root reads, echoes, checks input.

    t1 = wtime ();

    if ( IPROC == ROOT )

        if ( !fp_in  )
            tmpStrLen = strlen ("   ***ERROR: READ_INPUT:"
                                " Problem reading input file.\n");
            ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
            snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                       "   ***ERROR: READ_INPUT:"
                       " Problem reading input file.\n" );

            print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

            FREE ( error );

            ierr = 1;
            while ( (read = getline(&line, &len, fp_in)) != -1 )
                i = 0;
                while ( isspace(line[i]) )

                // Parallel processing inputs
                // npey: number of process elements in y-dir
                if ( strncmp(&line[i], "npey=", strlen("npey=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "npey=", &tmpData );
                    NPEY = atoi ( tmpData );
                // npez: input number of process elements in z-dir
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "npez=", strlen("npez=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "npez=", &tmpData );
                    NPEZ = atoi ( tmpData );
                // ichunk:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "ichunk=", strlen("ichunk=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "ichunk=", &tmpData );
                    ICHUNK = atoi ( tmpData );
                // nthreads: input number of threads
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "nthreads=", strlen("nthreads=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "nthreads=", &tmpData );
                    NTHREADS = atoi ( tmpData );
                // nnested:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "nnested=", strlen("nnested=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "nnested=", &tmpData );
                    NNESTED = atoi ( tmpData );

                // Geometry inputs
                // ndimen:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "ndimen=", strlen("ndimen=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "ndimen=", &tmpData );
                    NDIMEN = atoi ( tmpData );
                // nx:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "nx=", strlen("nx=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "nx=", &tmpData );
                    NX = atoi ( tmpData );
                // ny:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "ny=", strlen("ny=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "ny=", &tmpData );
                    NY = atoi ( tmpData );
                // nz:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "nz=", strlen("nz=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "nz=", &tmpData );
                    NZ = atoi ( tmpData );
                // lx:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "lx=", strlen("lx=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "lx=", &tmpData );
                    LX = atof ( tmpData );
                // ly:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "ly=", strlen("ly=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "ly=", &tmpData );
                    LY = atof ( tmpData );
                // lz:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "lz=", strlen("lz=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "lz=", &tmpData );
                    LZ = atof ( tmpData );

                // Sn inputs
                // nmom:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "nmom=", strlen("nmom=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "nmom=", &tmpData );
                    NMOM = atoi ( tmpData );
                // nang:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "nang=", strlen("nang=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "nang=", &tmpData );
                    NANG = atoi ( tmpData );

                // Data inputs
                // ng:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "ng=", strlen("ng=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "ng=", &tmpData );
                    NG = atoi ( tmpData );
                // mat_opt:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "mat_opt=", strlen("mat_opt=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "mat_opt=", &tmpData );
                    MAT_OPT = atoi ( tmpData );
                // src_opt:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "src_opt=", strlen("src_opt=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "src_opt=", &tmpData );
                    SRC_OPT = atoi ( tmpData );
                // scatp:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "scatp=", strlen("scatp=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "scatp=", &tmpData );
                    SCATP = atoi ( tmpData );

                // Control inputs
                // epsi:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "epsi=", strlen("epsi=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "epsi=", &tmpData );
                    EPSI = atof ( tmpData );
                // tf:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "tf=", strlen("tf=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "tf=", &tmpData );
                    TF = atof ( tmpData );
                // iitm:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "iitm=", strlen("iitm=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "iitm=", &tmpData );
                    IITM = atoi ( tmpData );
                // oitm:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "oitm=", strlen("oitm=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "oitm=", &tmpData );
                    OITM = atoi ( tmpData );
                // timedep:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "timedep=", strlen("timedep=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "timedep=", &tmpData );
                    TIMEDEP = atoi ( tmpData );
                // nsteps:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "nsteps=", strlen("nsteps=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "nsteps=", &tmpData );
                    NSTEPS = atoi ( tmpData );
                // it_det:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "it_det=", strlen("it_det=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "it_det=", &tmpData );
                    IT_DET = atoi ( tmpData );
                // fluxp:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "fluxp=", strlen("fluxp=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "fluxp=", &tmpData );
                    FLUXP = atoi ( tmpData );
                // fixup:
                else if ( strncmp(&line[i], "fixup=", strlen("fixup=")) == 0 )
                    get_input_value ( &line[i], "fixup=", &tmpData );
                    FIXUP = atoi ( tmpData );

            // Free temp data from memory
            FREE ( tmpData );

    bcast_i_scalar ( &ierr, COMM_SNAP, ROOT, NPROC );

    if ( ierr != 0 )
        return ierr;

    if ( IPROC == ROOT )
        input_echo ( input_vars, fp_out );
        ierr = input_check ( fp_out, input_vars, para_vars );

 * Broadcast the data to all processes.
    ierr = var_bcast ( input_vars, para_vars );

    t2 = wtime();
    time_vars->tinp = t2 - t1;

    return ierr;
Пример #13
 * Checks input for valid entries.
int input_check ( FILE *fp_out, input_data *input_vars, para_data *para_vars )
    // Local variables
    char *error = NULL;
    int ierr = 0;

    int tmpStrLen;

    // Check the parallel environment variables.
    // Parallel processing inputs.

    if ( NPEY < 1 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NPEY must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NPEY must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( NPEZ < 1 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NPEZ must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NPEZ must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NDIMEN > 1) && (NY % NPEY != 0) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NPEY must divide evenly into NY\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NPEY must divide evenly into NY\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NDIMEN > 2) && (NZ % NPEZ != 0) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NPEZ must divide evenly into NZ\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NPEZ must divide evenly into NZ\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NDIMEN < 2) && (NPEY != 1) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NPEY must be 1 if not 2-D problem\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NPEY must be 1 if not 2-D problem\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NDIMEN < 3) && (NPEZ != 1) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NPEZ must be 1 if not 3-D problem\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NPEZ must be 1 if not 3-D problem\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( NPEY * NPEZ != NPROC )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NPEY*NPEZ must equal MPI NPROC\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1 ,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NPEY*NPEZ must equal MPI NPROC\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( ICHUNK > NX )
        ICHUNK = NX;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " ICHUNK cannot exceed NX; reset to NX\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " ICHUNK cannot exceed NX; reset to NX\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NDIMEN == 1) && (ICHUNK != NX) )
        ICHUNK = NX;

    if ( NX % ICHUNK != 0 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " ICHUNK must divide evenly into NX\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " ICHUNK must divide evenly into NX\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( NTHREADS < 1 )
        NTHREADS = 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NTHREADS must be positive;"
                             " reset to 1\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NTHREADS must be positive;"
                   " reset to 1\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( NNESTED < 0 )
        NNESTED = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NNESTED must be non-negative;"
                             " reset to 0\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NNESTED must be non-negative;"
                   " reset to 0\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( NNESTED == 1 )
        NNESTED = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NNESTED=1 same as 0+overhead;"
                             " reset to 0\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NNESTED=1 same as 0+overhead;"
                   " reset to 0\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    // Geometry inputs.
    if ( (NDIMEN < 1) || (NDIMEN > 3) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NDIMEN must be 1, 2, or 3\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NDIMEN must be 1, 2, or 3\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( NX < 4 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NX must be at least 4\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NX must be at least 4\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NY < 4) && (NDIMEN > 1) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NY must be at least 4\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NY must be at least 4\n");

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NZ < 4) && (NDIMEN > 2) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NZ must be at least 4\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NZ must be at least 4\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( LX <= 0 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " LX must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " LX must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( LY <= 0 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " LY must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
            "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " LY must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( LZ <= 0 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " LZ must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " LZ must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NDIMEN < 2) && ((NY > 1) || (LY != 1)) )
        NY = 1;
        LY = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NY and LY reset for 1-D problem\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   "NY and LY reset for 1-D problem\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (NDIMEN < 3) && ((NZ > 1) || (LZ != 1)) )
        NZ = 1;
        LZ = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NZ and LZ reset for 1/2-D problem\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NZ and LZ reset for 1/2-D problem\n" );

      print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    // Sn inputs.
    if ( (NMOM < 1) || (NMOM > 4) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NMOM must be positive and less than 5\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NMOM must be positive and less than 5\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( NANG < 1 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NANG must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NANG must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    // Data inputs.
    if ( NG < 1 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NG must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NG must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( NTHREADS > NG )
        NTHREADS = NG;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NTHREADS should be <= NG;"
                             " reset to NG\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NTHREADS should be <= NG;"
                   " reset to NG\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (MAT_OPT < 0) || (MAT_OPT > 2) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " MAT_OPT must be 0/1/2\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " MAT_OPT must be 0/1/2\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (SRC_OPT < 0) || (SRC_OPT > 3) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " SRC_OPT must be 0/1/2/3\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " SRC_OPT must be 0/1/2/3\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

// Commented out in original code
//    if ( (SRC_OPT == 3) && (MAT_OPT != 0) )
//    {
//        MAT_OPT = 0;
//        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
//                             " MAT_OPT must be 0 for SRC_OPT=3\n" );
//        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
//        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
//                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
//                   " MAT_OPT must be 0 for SRC_OPT=3\n" );
//      print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );
//    }

    if ( (SCATP != 0) && (SCATP != 1) )
        SCATP = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " SCATP must be 0/1; reset to 0\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " SCATP must be 0/1; reset to 0\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    // Control inputs.
    if ( (EPSI <= 0) || (EPSI >= 1.0E-2) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " EPSI must be positive, less than 1.0E-2\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " EPSI must be positive, less than 1.0E-2\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( IITM < 1 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " IITM must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " IITM must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( OITM < 1 )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " OITM must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " OITM must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error,  IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (TIMEDEP != 0) && (TIMEDEP != 1) )
        TIMEDEP = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " TIMEDEP must be 0/1; reset to 0\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   *WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " TIMEDEP must be 0/1; reset to 0\n" );

      print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (TIMEDEP == 1) && (TF <= 0) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " TF must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " TF must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (TIMEDEP == 1) && (NSTEPS < 1) )
        ierr = ierr + 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NSTEPS must be positive\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***ERROR: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NSTEPS must be positive\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (TIMEDEP == 0) && (NSTEPS != 1) )
        NSTEPS = 1;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " NSTEPS reset to 1 for static calc\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " NSTEPS reset to 1 for static calc\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (IT_DET != 0) && (IT_DET != 1) )
        IT_DET = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " IT_DET must equal 0/1; reset to 0\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " IT_DET must equal 0/1; reset to 0\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (FLUXP < 0) || (FLUXP > 2) )
        FLUXP = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " FLUXP must equal 0/1/2; reset to 0\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " FLUXP must equal 0/1/2; reset to 0\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    if ( (FIXUP != 0) && (FIXUP != 1) )
        FIXUP = 0;

        tmpStrLen = strlen ( "   ***WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                             " FIXUP must equal 0/1; reset to 0\n" );
        ALLOC_STR ( error, tmpStrLen + 1, &ierr );
        snprintf ( error, tmpStrLen + 1,
                   "   ***WARNING: INPUT_CHECK:"
                   " FIXUP must equal 0/1; reset to 0\n" );

        print_error ( fp_out, error, IPROC, ROOT );

    return ierr;
Пример #14
sp_search *
sp_mock_search_create(sp_error error, const char *query, const char *did_you_mean,
                     int total_tracks, int num_tracks, const sp_track **tracks,
                     int total_albums, int num_albums, const sp_album **albums,
                     int total_artists, int num_artists, const sp_artist **artists,
                     int total_playlists, int num_playlists, const sp_playlist **playlists,
                     search_complete_cb *callback, void *userdata)
  int i = 0, length = 0;
  sp_link *uri = NULL;
  sp_session *session = NULL;
  sp_image *image = NULL;
  sp_search *search = ALLOC(sp_search);

  search->error = error;
  search->query = strclone(query);

  if (did_you_mean)
    search->did_you_mean = strclone(did_you_mean);

  search->total_tracks  = total_tracks;
  search->total_artists = total_artists;
  search->total_albums  = total_albums;
  search->total_playlists = total_playlists;

  search->num_tracks  = num_tracks;
  search->num_artists = num_artists;
  search->num_albums  = num_albums;
  search->num_playlists =
    search->num_playlist_names =
    search->num_playlist_uris  =
    search->num_playlist_image_uris = num_playlists;

  search->tracks  = ALLOC_N(sp_track *, num_tracks);
  search->artists = ALLOC_N(sp_artist *, num_artists);
  search->albums  = ALLOC_N(sp_album *, num_artists);

  MEMCPY_N(search->tracks, tracks, sp_track *, num_tracks);
  MEMCPY_N(search->artists, artists, sp_artist *, num_artists);
  MEMCPY_N(search->albums, albums, sp_album *, num_albums);

  search->playlist_names = ALLOC_N(char *, num_playlists);
  search->playlist_uris  = ALLOC_N(char *, num_playlists);
  search->playlist_image_uris = ALLOC_N(char *, num_playlists);
  for (i = 0; i < num_playlists; ++i)
    const sp_playlist *playlist = playlists[i];

    search->playlist_names[i] = strclone(playlist->name);

    uri = sp_link_create_from_playlist((sp_playlist *) playlist);

    if (uri)
      length = sp_link_as_string(uri, NULL, 0);
      search->playlist_uris[i] = ALLOC_STR(length);
      sp_link_as_string(uri, search->playlist_uris[i], length + 1);

    if (playlist->image)
      image = sp_image_create(session, playlist->image);

      if (image)
        uri    = sp_link_create_from_image(image);
        length = sp_link_as_string(uri, NULL, 0);
        search->playlist_image_uris[i] = ALLOC_STR(length);
        sp_link_as_string(uri, search->playlist_image_uris[i], length + 1);

  search->callback = callback;
  search->userdata = userdata;

  return search;
Пример #15
Файл: bas5.c Проект: LGTMCU/f32c
	CHAR   *p;
	ival   i = 0;
	value	*l;
	int     c;
	char    vty;
	int	(*infunc)(void);
	int     firsttime=0;
	int	noerr;
	int	frfile = 0;
	STR	st = NULL;

	infunc = in1line;
		while(*point && *point != '"'){
			*p++ = *point++;
	else if(c=='#'){
		_curinfile = getf(i, _READ);
		infunc = in1file;
		frfile = 1;
	l= (value *)getname(0);
		VOID edit(i,i,(ival)0);
			point=savepoint; /* restore point to start of in. */
			return(-1);     /* will trap at start of this in. */
		in1iline = line + i;
	do {
		/* ignore leading spaces */
		while( (c = (*infunc)()) == ' ');
		if(!c && vty != SVAL)
		pushback = c;
		if(vty == SVAL){
			st = ALLOC_STR( (ival)LOC_BUF_SIZ);
			noerr = getstrdt(infunc, st);
			noerr = getdata(infunc);
			while( (c = (*infunc)()) == ' ');
		if(!noerr || (c && c != ',')){
			if(vty == SVAL && st != NULL)
			prints("Bad data redo\n");
		if(vty == SVAL)
			stringassign( (stringp)l, curentry, st, 0);
			putin(l, (int)vty);


		l= (value *)getname(0);
	} while(c);