Пример #1
// Called on each vision analysis result after receiving the struct
void run_avoid_navigation_onvision(void)
    // Send ALL vision data to the ground
    DOWNLINK_SEND_PAYLOAD(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, 5, avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin);

    switch (avoid_navigation_data.mode) {
    case 0:     // Go to Goal and stop at obstacles
        //count 4 subsequent obstacles
        if (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] > 1) {
            counter = counter + 1;
            if (counter > 1) {
                counter = 0;
                //Obstacle detected, go to turn until clear mode
                obstacle_detected = TRUE;
                avoid_navigation_data.mode = 1;
        } else {
            counter = 0;
    case 1:     // Turn until clear
        //count 20 subsequent free frames
        if (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] < 1) {
            counter = counter + 1;
            if (counter > 12) {
                counter = 0;
                //Stop and put waypoint 2.5 m ahead
                struct EnuCoor_i new_coor;
                struct EnuCoor_i *pos = stateGetPositionEnu_i();
                float sin_heading = sinf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(nav_heading));
                float cos_heading = cosf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(nav_heading));
                new_coor.x = pos->x + POS_BFP_OF_REAL(sin_heading * (NAV_LINE_AVOID_SEGMENT_LENGTH));
                new_coor.y = pos->y + POS_BFP_OF_REAL(cos_heading * (NAV_LINE_AVOID_SEGMENT_LENGTH));
                new_coor.z = pos->z;
                waypoint_set_xy_i(WP_W1, new_coor.x, new_coor.y);
                obstacle_detected = FALSE;
                avoid_navigation_data.mode = 0;
        } else {
            counter = 0;
    case 2:
    default:    // do nothing
    avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[2] = avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] > 20;
    avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[3] = avoid_navigation_data.mode;
    avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[4] = counter;

    if (obstacle_detected) {
    } else {
void stabilization_attitude_set_earth_cmd_i(struct Int32Vect2 *cmd, int32_t heading) {
  struct FloatVect2 cmd_f;
  cmd_f.x = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(cmd->x);
  cmd_f.y = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(cmd->y);
  float heading_f;
  heading_f = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(heading);

  quat_from_earth_cmd_f(&stab_att_sp_quat, &cmd_f, heading_f);
void quat_from_earth_cmd_i(struct Int32Quat *quat, struct Int32Vect2 *cmd, int32_t heading) {
  // use float conversion for now...
  struct FloatVect2 cmd_f;
  cmd_f.x = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(cmd->x);
  cmd_f.y = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(cmd->y);
  float heading_f = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(heading);

  struct FloatQuat quat_f;
  quat_from_earth_cmd_f(&quat_f, &cmd_f, heading_f);

  // convert back to fixed point
  QUAT_BFP_OF_REAL(*quat, quat_f);
void stabilization_attitude_set_earth_cmd_i(struct Int32Vect2 *cmd, int32_t heading) {
  struct FloatVect2 cmd_f;
  cmd_f.x = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(cmd->x);
  cmd_f.y = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(cmd->y);

  /* Rotate horizontal commands to body frame by psi */
  float psi = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi;
  float s_psi = sinf(psi);
  float c_psi = cosf(psi);
  stab_att_sp_euler.phi = -s_psi * cmd_f.x + c_psi * cmd_f.y;
  stab_att_sp_euler.theta = -c_psi * cmd_f.x - s_psi * cmd_f.y;
  stab_att_sp_euler.psi = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(heading);
Пример #5
void ArduIMU_event(void)
  // Handle INS I2C event
  if (ardu_ins_trans.status == I2CTransSuccess) {
    // received data from I2C transaction
    recievedData[0] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[1] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[0];
    recievedData[1] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[3] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[2];
    recievedData[2] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[5] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[4];
    recievedData[3] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[7] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[6];
    recievedData[4] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[9] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[8];
    recievedData[5] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[11] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[10];
    recievedData[6] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[13] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[12];
    recievedData[7] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[15] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[14];
    recievedData[8] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[17] << 8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[16];

    // Update ArduIMU data
    arduimu_eulers.phi = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[0]) - ins_roll_neutral;
    arduimu_eulers.theta = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[1]) - ins_pitch_neutral;
    arduimu_eulers.psi = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[2]);
    arduimu_rates.p = RATE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[3]);
    arduimu_rates.q = RATE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[4]);
    arduimu_rates.r = RATE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[5]);
    arduimu_accel.x = ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[6]);
    arduimu_accel.y = ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[7]);
    arduimu_accel.z = ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[8]);

    // Update estimator
    stateSetAccelNed_f(&((struct NedCoor_f)arduimu_accel));
    ardu_ins_trans.status = I2CTransDone;

    // uint8_t arduimu_id = 102;
    //RunOnceEvery(15, DOWNLINK_SEND_AHRS_EULER(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &arduimu_eulers.phi, &arduimu_eulers.theta, &arduimu_eulers.psi, &arduimu_id));
    RunOnceEvery(15, DOWNLINK_SEND_IMU_GYRO(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &arduimu_rates.p, &arduimu_rates.q,
    RunOnceEvery(15, DOWNLINK_SEND_IMU_ACCEL(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &arduimu_accel.x, &arduimu_accel.y,
  } else if (ardu_ins_trans.status == I2CTransFailed) {
    ardu_ins_trans.status = I2CTransDone;
  // Handle GPS I2C event
  if (ardu_gps_trans.status == I2CTransSuccess || ardu_gps_trans.status == I2CTransFailed) {
    ardu_gps_trans.status = I2CTransDone;
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc(bool_t in_flight) {


  //FIXME: remove me, do in quaternion directly
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight);

  struct FloatQuat q_rp_cmd;

  /* get current heading */
  const struct FloatVect3 zaxis = {0., 0., 1.};
  struct FloatQuat q_yaw;
  FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw, zaxis, ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(stateGetNedToBodyEulers_i()->psi));

  /* apply roll and pitch commands with respect to current heading */
  struct FloatQuat q_sp;
  FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(q_sp, q_yaw, q_rp_cmd);

  if (in_flight)
    /* get current heading setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_sp;
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw_sp, zaxis, ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(stab_att_sp_euler.psi));

    /* rotation between current yaw and yaw setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_diff;
    FLOAT_QUAT_COMP_INV(q_yaw_diff, q_yaw_sp, q_yaw);

    /* temporary copy with roll/pitch command and current heading */
    struct FloatQuat q_rp_sp;
    QUAT_COPY(q_rp_sp, q_sp);

    /* compute final setpoint with yaw */
    FLOAT_QUAT_COMP_NORM_SHORTEST(q_sp, q_rp_sp, q_yaw_diff);

  QUAT_BFP_OF_REAL(stab_att_sp_quat, q_sp);
Пример #7
void ArduIMU_event( void ) {
    // Handle INS I2C event
    if (ardu_ins_trans.status == I2CTransSuccess) {
        // received data from I2C transaction
        recievedData[0] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[1]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[0];
        recievedData[1] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[3]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[2];
        recievedData[2] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[5]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[4];
        recievedData[3] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[7]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[6];
        recievedData[4] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[9]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[8];
        recievedData[5] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[11]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[10];
        recievedData[6] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[13]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[12];
        recievedData[7] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[15]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[14];
        recievedData[8] = (ardu_ins_trans.buf[17]<<8) | ardu_ins_trans.buf[16];

        // Update ArduIMU data
        arduimu_eulers.phi = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[0]);
        arduimu_eulers.theta = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[1]);
        arduimu_eulers.psi = ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[2]);
        arduimu_rates.p = RATE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[3]);
        arduimu_rates.q = RATE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[4]);
        arduimu_rates.r = RATE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[5]);
        arduimu_accel.x = ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[6]);
        arduimu_accel.y = ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[7]);
        arduimu_accel.z = ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(recievedData[8]);

        // Update estimator
        estimator_phi = arduimu_eulers.phi - ins_roll_neutral;
        estimator_theta = arduimu_eulers.theta - ins_pitch_neutral;
        estimator_p = arduimu_rates.p;
        ardu_ins_trans.status = I2CTransDone;

        //RunOnceEvery(15, DOWNLINK_SEND_AHRS_EULER(DefaultChannel, &arduimu_eulers.phi, &arduimu_eulers.theta, &arduimu_eulers.psi));
        RunOnceEvery(15, DOWNLINK_SEND_IMU_GYRO(DefaultChannel, &arduimu_rates.p, &arduimu_rates.q, &arduimu_rates.r));
        RunOnceEvery(15, DOWNLINK_SEND_IMU_ACCEL(DefaultChannel, &arduimu_accel.x, &arduimu_accel.y, &arduimu_accel.z));
    else if (ardu_ins_trans.status == I2CTransFailed) {
        ardu_ins_trans.status = I2CTransDone;
    // Handle GPS I2C event
    if (ardu_gps_trans.status == I2CTransSuccess || ardu_gps_trans.status == I2CTransFailed) {
        ardu_gps_trans.status = I2CTransDone;
Пример #8
uint8_t moveWaypointForwards(uint8_t waypoint, float distanceMeters)
    struct EnuCoor_i new_coor;
    struct EnuCoor_i *pos = stateGetPositionEnu_i(); // Get your current position

    // Calculate the sine and cosine of the heading the drone is keeping
    float sin_heading = sinf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(nav_heading));
    float cos_heading = cosf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(nav_heading));

    // Now determine where to place the waypoint you want to go to
    new_coor.x = pos->x + POS_BFP_OF_REAL(sin_heading * (distanceMeters));
    new_coor.y = pos->y + POS_BFP_OF_REAL(cos_heading * (distanceMeters));
    new_coor.z = pos->z; // Keep the height the same

    // Set the waypoint to the calculated position
    waypoint_set_xy_i(waypoint, new_coor.x, new_coor.y);

    return false;
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_quat_f(struct FloatQuat* q_sp, bool_t in_flight) {

  // FIXME: remove me, do in quaternion directly
  // is currently still needed, since the yaw setpoint integration is done in eulers
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight);
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers_f(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight);

  struct FloatQuat q_rp_cmd;

  /* get current heading */
  const struct FloatVect3 zaxis = {0., 0., 1.};
  struct FloatQuat q_yaw;

  //Care Free mode
  if (guidance_h_mode == GUIDANCE_H_MODE_CARE_FREE) {
    //care_free_heading has been set to current psi when entering care free mode.
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw, zaxis, care_free_heading);
  else {
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw, zaxis, stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi);

  /* roll/pitch commands applied to to current heading */
  struct FloatQuat q_rp_sp;
  FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(q_rp_sp, q_yaw, q_rp_cmd);

  if (in_flight)
    /* get current heading setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_sp;
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw_sp, zaxis, ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(stab_att_sp_euler.psi));
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw_sp, zaxis, stab_att_sp_euler.psi);

    /* rotation between current yaw and yaw setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_diff;
    FLOAT_QUAT_COMP_INV(q_yaw_diff, q_yaw_sp, q_yaw);

    /* compute final setpoint with yaw */
    FLOAT_QUAT_COMP_NORM_SHORTEST(*q_sp, q_rp_sp, q_yaw_diff);
  } else {
    QUAT_COPY(*q_sp, q_rp_sp);
/** Read attitude setpoint from RC as quaternion
 * Interprets the stick positions as axes.
 * @param[in]  coordinated_turn  true if in horizontal mode forward
 * @param[in]  in_carefree       true if in carefree mode
 * @param[in]  in_flight         true if in flight
 * @param[out] q_sp              attitude setpoint as quaternion
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_quat_f(struct FloatQuat *q_sp, bool_t in_flight, bool_t in_carefree,
    bool_t coordinated_turn)

  // FIXME: remove me, do in quaternion directly
  // is currently still needed, since the yaw setpoint integration is done in eulers
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight, in_carefree, coordinated_turn);
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers_f(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight, in_carefree, coordinated_turn);

  struct FloatQuat q_rp_cmd;

  /* get current heading */
  const struct FloatVect3 zaxis = {0., 0., 1.};
  struct FloatQuat q_yaw;

  //Care Free mode
  if (in_carefree) {
    //care_free_heading has been set to current psi when entering care free mode.
    float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw, &zaxis, care_free_heading);
  } else {
    float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw, &zaxis, stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi);

  /* roll/pitch commands applied to to current heading */
  struct FloatQuat q_rp_sp;
  float_quat_comp(&q_rp_sp, &q_yaw, &q_rp_cmd);

  if (in_flight) {
    /* get current heading setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_sp;
    float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw_sp, &zaxis, ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(stab_att_sp_euler.psi));
    float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw_sp, &zaxis, stab_att_sp_euler.psi);

    /* rotation between current yaw and yaw setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_diff;
    float_quat_comp_inv(&q_yaw_diff, &q_yaw_sp, &q_yaw);

    /* compute final setpoint with yaw */
    float_quat_comp_norm_shortest(q_sp, &q_rp_sp, &q_yaw_diff);
  } else {
    QUAT_COPY(*q_sp, q_rp_sp);
/*   This is a different way to obtain yaw. It will not switch when going beyond 90 degrees pitch.
     However, when rolling more then 90 degrees in combination with pitch it switches. For a
     transition vehicle this is better as 90 degrees pitch will occur, but more than 90 degrees roll probably not. */
int32_t stabilization_attitude_get_heading_i(void) {
  struct Int32Eulers* att = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_i();

  int32_t heading;

  if(abs(att->phi) < INT32_ANGLE_PI_2) {
    int32_t sin_theta;
    PPRZ_ITRIG_SIN(sin_theta, att->theta);
    heading = att->psi - INT_MULT_RSHIFT(sin_theta, att->phi, INT32_TRIG_FRAC);
  else if(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(att->theta) > 0)
    heading = att->psi - att->phi;
    heading = att->psi + att->phi;

  return heading;
/** Read roll/pitch command from RC as quaternion.
 * Both angles are are interpreted relative to to the horizontal plane (earth bound).
 * @param[out] q quaternion representing the RC roll/pitch input
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_roll_pitch_earth_quat_f(struct FloatQuat* q) {
  /* only non-zero entries for roll quaternion */
  float roll2 = radio_control.values[RADIO_ROLL] * STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_SP_MAX_PHI / MAX_PPRZ / 2;
  float qx_roll = sinf(roll2);
  float qi_roll = cosf(roll2);

  //An offset is added if in forward mode
  /* only non-zero entries for pitch quaternion */
  float pitch2 = (ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(transition_theta_offset) + radio_control.values[RADIO_PITCH] * STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_SP_MAX_THETA / MAX_PPRZ) / 2;
  float qy_pitch = sinf(pitch2);
  float qi_pitch = cosf(pitch2);

  /* only multiply non-zero entries of FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(*q, q_roll, q_pitch) */
  q->qi = qi_roll * qi_pitch;
  q->qx = qx_roll * qi_pitch;
  q->qy = qi_roll * qy_pitch;
  q->qz = qx_roll * qy_pitch;
/** Read roll/pitch command from RC as quaternion.
 * Both angles are are interpreted relative to to the horizontal plane (earth bound).
 * @param[out] q quaternion representing the RC roll/pitch input
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_roll_pitch_earth_quat_f(struct FloatQuat *q)
  /* only non-zero entries for roll quaternion */
  float roll2 = get_rc_roll_f() / 2.0f;
  float qx_roll = sinf(roll2);
  float qi_roll = cosf(roll2);

  //An offset is added if in forward mode
  /* only non-zero entries for pitch quaternion */
  float pitch2 = (ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(transition_theta_offset) + get_rc_pitch_f()) / 2.0f;
  float qy_pitch = sinf(pitch2);
  float qi_pitch = cosf(pitch2);

  /* only multiply non-zero entries of float_quat_comp(q, &q_roll, &q_pitch) */
  q->qi = qi_roll * qi_pitch;
  q->qx = qx_roll * qi_pitch;
  q->qy = qi_roll * qy_pitch;
  q->qz = qx_roll * qy_pitch;
//Function that reads the rc setpoint in an earth bound frame
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_quat_earth_bound_f(struct FloatQuat *q_sp, bool_t in_flight,
    bool_t in_carefree, bool_t coordinated_turn)
  // FIXME: remove me, do in quaternion directly
  // is currently still needed, since the yaw setpoint integration is done in eulers
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight, in_carefree, coordinated_turn);
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers_f(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight, in_carefree, coordinated_turn);

  const struct FloatVect3 zaxis = {0., 0., 1.};

  struct FloatQuat q_rp_cmd;

  if (in_flight) {
    /* get current heading setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_sp;

    float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw_sp, &zaxis, ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(stab_att_sp_euler.psi));
    float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw_sp, &zaxis, stab_att_sp_euler.psi);

    float_quat_comp(q_sp, &q_yaw_sp, &q_rp_cmd);
  } else {
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw;
    float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw, &zaxis, stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi);

    /* roll/pitch commands applied to to current heading */
    struct FloatQuat q_rp_sp;
    float_quat_comp(&q_rp_sp, &q_yaw, &q_rp_cmd);

    QUAT_COPY(*q_sp, q_rp_sp);
//Function that reads the rc setpoint in an earth bound frame
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_quat_earth_bound_f(struct FloatQuat* q_sp, bool_t in_flight) {
  // FIXME: remove me, do in quaternion directly
  // is currently still needed, since the yaw setpoint integration is done in eulers
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight);
  stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers_f(&stab_att_sp_euler, in_flight);

  const struct FloatVect3 zaxis = {0., 0., 1.};

  struct FloatQuat q_rp_cmd;

  if (in_flight) {
    /* get current heading setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_sp;

    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw_sp, zaxis, ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(stab_att_sp_euler.psi));
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw_sp, zaxis, stab_att_sp_euler.psi);

    FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(*q_sp, q_yaw_sp, q_rp_cmd);
  else {
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw;
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(q_yaw, zaxis, stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi);

    /* roll/pitch commands applied to to current heading */
    struct FloatQuat q_rp_sp;
    FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(q_rp_sp, q_yaw, q_rp_cmd);

    QUAT_COPY(*q_sp, q_rp_sp);
Пример #16
void stabilization_attitude_set_setpoint_rp_quat_f(bool in_flight, int32_t heading)
  struct FloatQuat q_rp_cmd;
  float_quat_of_eulers(&q_rp_cmd, &guidance_euler_cmd); //TODO this is a quaternion without yaw! add the desired yaw before you use it!

  /* get current heading */
  const struct FloatVect3 zaxis = {0., 0., 1.};
  struct FloatQuat q_yaw;

  float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw, &zaxis, stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi);

  /* roll/pitch commands applied to to current heading */
  struct FloatQuat q_rp_sp;
  float_quat_comp(&q_rp_sp, &q_yaw, &q_rp_cmd);

  struct FloatQuat q_sp;

  if (in_flight) {
    /* get current heading setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_sp;
    float_quat_of_axis_angle(&q_yaw_sp, &zaxis, ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(heading));

    /* rotation between current yaw and yaw setpoint */
    struct FloatQuat q_yaw_diff;
    float_quat_comp_inv(&q_yaw_diff, &q_yaw_sp, &q_yaw);

    /* compute final setpoint with yaw */
    float_quat_comp_norm_shortest(&q_sp, &q_rp_sp, &q_yaw_diff);
  } else {
    QUAT_COPY(q_sp, q_rp_sp);

/** Read attitude setpoint from RC as euler angles
 * @param[in]  coordinated_turn  true if in horizontal mode forward
 * @param[in]  in_carefree       true if in carefree mode
 * @param[in]  in_flight         true if in flight
 * @param[out] sp                attitude setpoint as euler angles
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers(struct Int32Eulers *sp, bool in_flight, bool in_carefree,
    bool coordinated_turn)
  /* last time this function was called, used to calculate yaw setpoint update */
  static float last_ts = 0.f;

  sp->phi = get_rc_roll();
  sp->theta = get_rc_pitch();

  if (in_flight) {
    /* calculate dt for yaw integration */
    float dt = get_sys_time_float() - last_ts;
    /* make sure nothing drastically weird happens, bound dt to 0.5sec */
    Bound(dt, 0, 0.5);

    /* do not advance yaw setpoint if within a small deadband around stick center or if throttle is zero */
      sp->psi += get_rc_yaw() * dt;
    if (coordinated_turn) {
      //Coordinated turn
      //feedforward estimate angular rotation omega = g*tan(phi)/v
      int32_t omega;
      const int32_t max_phi = ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(RadOfDeg(60.0));
      if (abs(sp->phi) < max_phi) {
        omega = ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(9.81 / COORDINATED_TURN_AIRSPEED * tanf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(sp->phi)));
      } else { //max 60 degrees roll
        omega = ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(9.81 / COORDINATED_TURN_AIRSPEED * 1.72305 * ((sp->phi > 0) - (sp->phi < 0)));

      sp->psi += omega * dt;
    // Make sure the yaw setpoint does not differ too much from the real yaw
    // to prevent a sudden switch at 180 deg

    int32_t heading = stabilization_attitude_get_heading_i();

    int32_t delta_psi = sp->psi - heading;
    if (delta_psi > delta_limit) {
      sp->psi = heading + delta_limit;
    } else if (delta_psi < -delta_limit) {
      sp->psi = heading - delta_limit;
    //Care Free mode
    if (in_carefree) {
      //care_free_heading has been set to current psi when entering care free mode.
      int32_t cos_psi;
      int32_t sin_psi;
      int32_t temp_theta;
      int32_t care_free_delta_psi_i;

      care_free_delta_psi_i = sp->psi - ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(care_free_heading);


      PPRZ_ITRIG_SIN(sin_psi, care_free_delta_psi_i);
      PPRZ_ITRIG_COS(cos_psi, care_free_delta_psi_i);

      temp_theta = INT_MULT_RSHIFT(cos_psi, sp->theta, INT32_ANGLE_FRAC) - INT_MULT_RSHIFT(sin_psi, sp->phi,
      sp->phi = INT_MULT_RSHIFT(cos_psi, sp->phi, INT32_ANGLE_FRAC) - INT_MULT_RSHIFT(sin_psi, sp->theta, INT32_ANGLE_FRAC);

      sp->theta = temp_theta;
  } else { /* if not flying, use current yaw as setpoint */
    sp->psi = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_i()->psi;

  /* update timestamp for dt calculation */
  last_ts = get_sys_time_float();
/** Read attitude setpoint from RC as euler angles
 * @param[in]  coordinated_turn  true if in horizontal mode forward
 * @param[in]  in_carefree       true if in carefree mode
 * @param[in]  in_flight         true if in flight
 * @param[out] sp                attitude setpoint as euler angles
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_setpoint_eulers(struct Int32Eulers *sp, bool_t in_flight, bool_t in_carefree, bool_t coordinated_turn) {
  const int32_t max_rc_phi = (int32_t) ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_SP_MAX_PHI);
  const int32_t max_rc_theta = (int32_t) ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_SP_MAX_THETA);
  const int32_t max_rc_r = (int32_t) ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_SP_MAX_R);

  sp->phi = (int32_t) ((radio_control.values[RADIO_ROLL] * max_rc_phi) /  MAX_PPRZ);
  sp->theta = (int32_t) ((radio_control.values[RADIO_PITCH] * max_rc_theta) /  MAX_PPRZ);

  if (in_flight) {
    /* do not advance yaw setpoint if within a small deadband around stick center or if throttle is zero */
      sp->psi += (int32_t) ((radio_control.values[RADIO_YAW] * max_rc_r) /  MAX_PPRZ / RC_UPDATE_FREQ);
    if (coordinated_turn) {
      //Coordinated turn
      //feedforward estimate angular rotation omega = g*tan(phi)/v
      //Take v = 9.81/1.3 m/s
      int32_t omega;
      const int32_t max_phi = ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(RadOfDeg(85.0));
      if(abs(sp->phi) < max_phi)
        omega = ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(1.3*tanf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(sp->phi)));
      else //max 60 degrees roll, then take constant omega
        omega = ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(1.3*1.72305* ((sp->phi > 0) - (sp->phi < 0)));

      sp->psi += omega/RC_UPDATE_FREQ;
    // Make sure the yaw setpoint does not differ too much from the real yaw
    // to prevent a sudden switch at 180 deg

    int32_t heading = stabilization_attitude_get_heading_i();

    int32_t delta_psi = sp->psi - heading;
    if (delta_psi > delta_limit){
      sp->psi = heading + delta_limit;
    else if (delta_psi < -delta_limit){
      sp->psi = heading - delta_limit;
    //Care Free mode
    if (in_carefree) {
      //care_free_heading has been set to current psi when entering care free mode.
      int32_t cos_psi;
      int32_t sin_psi;
      int32_t temp_theta;
      int32_t care_free_delta_psi_i;

      care_free_delta_psi_i = sp->psi - ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(care_free_heading);


      PPRZ_ITRIG_SIN(sin_psi, care_free_delta_psi_i);
      PPRZ_ITRIG_COS(cos_psi, care_free_delta_psi_i);

      temp_theta = INT_MULT_RSHIFT(cos_psi, sp->theta, INT32_ANGLE_FRAC) - INT_MULT_RSHIFT(sin_psi, sp->phi, INT32_ANGLE_FRAC);
      sp->phi = INT_MULT_RSHIFT(cos_psi, sp->phi, INT32_ANGLE_FRAC) - INT_MULT_RSHIFT(sin_psi, sp->theta, INT32_ANGLE_FRAC);

      sp->theta = temp_theta;
  else { /* if not flying, use current yaw as setpoint */
    sp->psi = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_i()->psi;
Пример #19
void stereocam_droplet_periodic(void)

  static float heading = 0;

  // Read Serial
  while (StereoChAvailable()) {

  if (avoid_navigation_data.timeout <= 0)

  avoid_navigation_data.timeout --;

  // Results
  DOWNLINK_SEND_PAYLOAD(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, 1, avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin);

  volatile bool_t once = TRUE;
  // Move waypoint with constant speed in current direction
  if (
    (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] == 97) ||
    (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] == 100)
  ) {
    once = TRUE;
    struct EnuCoor_f enu;
    enu.x = waypoint_get_x(WP_GOAL);
    enu.y = waypoint_get_y(WP_GOAL);
    enu.z = waypoint_get_alt(WP_GOAL);
    float sin_heading = sinf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(nav_heading));
    float cos_heading = cosf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(nav_heading));
    enu.x += (sin_heading * 1.3 / 20);
    enu.y += (cos_heading * 1.3 / 20);
    waypoint_set_enu(WP_GOAL, &enu);
  } else if (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] == 98) {
    // STOP!!!
    if (once) {
      once = FALSE;
  } else {
    once = TRUE;

  switch (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0]) {
    case 99:     // Turn
      heading += 4;
      if (heading > 360) { heading = 0; }
    default:    // do nothing

  if (obstacle_detected) {
  } else {
