Пример #1
// Clear Screen
// IN: -
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_Clear(void)
  int x, y;

  // use default font
  MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_NORMAL);

  // clear whole 128x128 screen with background colour

  // ST7637 specific function to set view

  // Send command to write data on the LCD screen.

  for(x=0; x<APP_LCD_WIDTH; ++x) {
    for(y=0; y<APP_LCD_HEIGHT; ++y) {
      APP_LCD_Data(lcd_bcolour & 0xff);
      APP_LCD_Data(lcd_bcolour >> 8);

  // set cursor to initial position
  APP_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);

  return 0; // no error
Пример #2
// Transfers a Bitmap within given boundaries to the LCD
// IN: bitmap
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPrint(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap)
  int line;
  int y_lines = (bitmap.height >> 3);

  for(line=0; line<y_lines; ++line) {

    // calculate pointer to bitmap line
    u8 *memory_ptr = bitmap.memory + line * bitmap.line_offset;

    // set graphical cursor after second line has reached
    if( line > 0 ) {
      mios32_lcd_x -= bitmap.width;
      mios32_lcd_y += 8;
      APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);

    // transfer bitmap
    int x;
    for(x=0; x<bitmap.width; ++x)

  // fix graphical cursor if more than one line has been print
  if( y_lines >= 1 ) {
    mios32_lcd_y = mios32_lcd_y - (bitmap.height-8);
    APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);

  return 0; // no error
Пример #3
// Initializes a single special character
// IN: character number (0-7) in <num>, pattern in <table[8]>
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_SpecialCharInit(u8 num, u8 table[8])
  s32 i;

  // send character number
  APP_LCD_Cmd(((num&7)<<3) | 0x40);

  // send 8 data bytes
  for(i=0; i<8; ++i)
    if( APP_LCD_Data(table[i]) < 0 )
      return -1; // error during sending character

  // set cursor to original position
  return APP_LCD_CursorSet(mios32_lcd_column, mios32_lcd_line);
Пример #4
// Initializes application specific LCD driver
// IN: <mode>: optional configuration
// OUT: returns < 0 if initialisation failed
s32 APP_LCD_Init(u32 mode)
  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
  s32 delay;

  // set LCD type
  mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type = MIOS32_LCD_TYPE_GLCD_CUSTOM;

  // set initial font and colours
  MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_NORMAL);

  // control lines

  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode  = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;

  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin   = APP_LCD_BL_PIN;
  GPIO_Init(APP_LCD_BL_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);

  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin   = APP_LCD_RS_PIN;
  GPIO_Init(APP_LCD_RS_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);

  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin   = APP_LCD_RD_PIN;
  GPIO_Init(APP_LCD_RD_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);

  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin   = APP_LCD_WR_PIN;
  GPIO_Init(APP_LCD_WR_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);

  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin   = APP_LCD_CS_PIN;
  GPIO_Init(APP_LCD_CS_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);

  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin   = APP_LCD_RST_PIN;
  GPIO_Init(APP_LCD_RST_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);

  // Apply hardware reset
  for(delay=0; delay<0x500; ++delay);

  for(delay=0; delay<0x500; ++delay);

  // configure data pins as outputs
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin  = APP_LCD_D_PINS;
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode  = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;
  GPIO_Init(APP_LCD_D_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);

  //----------- software reset ------------------------------------------------

  //----------- disable autoread + Manual read once ---------------------------
  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_AUTOLOADSET );  // Auto Load Set 0xD7
  APP_LCD_Data( 0xBF );               // Auto Load Disable

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_EPCTIN );       // EE Read/write mode 0xE0
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x00 );               // Set read mode

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_EPMRD );        // Read active 0xE3
  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_EPCTOUT );      // Cancel control 0xE1

  //---------------------------------- Sleep OUT ------------------------------
  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_DISPOFF );      // display off 0x28
  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_SLPOUT );       // Sleep Out 0x11

  //--------------------------------Vop setting--------------------------------
  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_VOPSET );       // Set Vop by initial Module 0xC0
  APP_LCD_Data( 0xFB );               // Vop = 13.64
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x00 );               // base on Module

  //----------------------------Set Register-----------------------------------
  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_BIASSEL );      // Bias select 0xC3
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x00 );               // 1/12 Bias, base on Module

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_BSTBMPXSEL );   // Setting Booster times 0xC4
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x05 );               // Booster X 8

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_BSTEFFSEL );    // Booster eff 0xC5
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x11 );               // BE = 0x01 (Level 2)

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_VGSORCSEL );    // Vg with booster x2 control 0xcb
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x01 );               // Vg from Vdd2

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_ID1SET );       // ID1 = 00 0xcc
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x00 );               //

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_ID3SET );       // ID3 = 00 0xce
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x00 );               //

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_COMSCANDIR );   // Glass direction
  APP_LCD_Data( 0xC0 );               //

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_ANASET );       // Analog circuit setting 0xd0
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x1D );               //

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_PTLMOD );       // PTL mode set
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x18 );               // power normal mode
  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_INVOFF );       // Display Inversion OFF 0x20

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_CASET );        // column range
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x04 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x83 );               //

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_RASET );        // raw range
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x04 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x83 );               //

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_COLMOD );       // Color mode = 65k 0x3A
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x05 );               //

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_MADCTR );       // Memory Access Control 0x36

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_DUTYSET );      // Duty = 132 duty 0xb0
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x7F );

  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_DISPON );       // Display ON
  APP_LCD_Cmd( ST7637_FRAMESET );     // Gamma
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x00 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x03 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x05 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x07 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x09 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x0B );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x0D );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x0F );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x11 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x13 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x15 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x17 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x19 );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x1B );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x1D );               //
  APP_LCD_Data( 0x1F );               //

  return 0; // no error
Пример #5
//! Sends data byte to LCD
//! \param[in] data byte which should be sent to LCD
//! \return < 0 on errors
s32 MIOS32_LCD_Data(u8 data)
  // -> forward to app_lcd
  return APP_LCD_Data(data);
Пример #6
//! \param[in] c character to be print
//! \return < 0 on errors
s32 MIOS32_LCD_PrintChar(char c)
  s32 status;

  if( MIOS32_LCD_TypeIsGLCD() ) { // GLCD
    if( !font_bitmap.width )
      return -1;    // font not initialized yet!

    mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap = font_bitmap;
    bitmap.memory += (bitmap.height>>3) * bitmap.line_offset * (size_t)c;
    status = APP_LCD_BitmapPrint(bitmap);
  } else {
    status = APP_LCD_Data(c);

  if( status >= 0 ) {
    // increment cursor

  return status;

//! Initializes a single special character
//! \param[in] num character number (0-7)
//! \param[in] table 8 byte pattern
Пример #7
// Transfers a Bitmap within given boundaries to the LCD
// IN: bitmap
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPrint(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap)
  int stored_mios32_lcd_y = mios32_lcd_y;
  int line;
  int y_lines = (bitmap.height >> 2); // we need two write accesses per 8bit line

  for(line=0; line<y_lines; ++line) {

    // set graphical cursor after second line has reached
    if( line > 0 ) {
      mios32_lcd_x -= bitmap.width;
      mios32_lcd_y += 4;
      APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);

    // transfer bitmap
    switch( bitmap.colour_depth ) {
      case 2: { // depth 2
	// calculate pointer to bitmap line
	u8 *memory_ptr = bitmap.memory + line * bitmap.line_offset;

	int x;
	for(x=0; x<bitmap.width; ++x)
      } break;

      default: { // depth 1 or others
	// calculate pointer to bitmap line
	u8 *memory_ptr = bitmap.memory + (line / 2) * bitmap.line_offset;

	if( line & 1 ) {
	  int x;
	  for(x=0; x<bitmap.width; ++x) {
	    u8 b = 0;
	    if( *memory_ptr & (1 << 4) ) b |= (3 << 0);
	    if( *memory_ptr & (1 << 5) ) b |= (3 << 2);
	    if( *memory_ptr & (1 << 6) ) b |= (3 << 4);
	    if( *memory_ptr & (1 << 7) ) b |= (3 << 6);

	} else {
	  int x;
	  for(x=0; x<bitmap.width; ++x) {
	    u8 b = 0;
	    if( *memory_ptr & (1 << 0) ) b |= (3 << 0);
	    if( *memory_ptr & (1 << 1) ) b |= (3 << 2);
	    if( *memory_ptr & (1 << 2) ) b |= (3 << 4);
	    if( *memory_ptr & (1 << 3) ) b |= (3 << 6);


  // fix graphical cursor if Y position has changed
  if( y_lines > 1 ) {
    mios32_lcd_y = stored_mios32_lcd_y;
    APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);

  return 0; // no error