error_t tcs34725Init(void) { uint8_t id = 0; /* Initialise I2C */ i2cInit(I2CMASTER); /* Ping the I2C device first to see if it exists! */ ASSERT(i2cCheckAddress(TCS34725_ADDRESS), ERROR_I2C_DEVICENOTFOUND); /* Make sure we have the right IC (0x44 = TCS34725 and TCS34721) */ ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Read8(TCS34725_ID, &id)); ASSERT(id == 0x44, ERROR_DEVICENOTINITIALISED); /* Enable the device */ ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Enable()); /* Ready to go ... set the initialised flag */ _tcs34725Initialised = true; /* This needs to take place after the initialisation flag! */ ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725SetIntegrationTime(TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_2_4MS)); ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725SetGain(TCS34725_GAIN_60X)); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t pca9685SetPWM(uint16_t channel, uint16_t on, uint16_t off) { ASSERT(_pca9685Initialised, ERROR_DEVICENOTINITIALISED); if (on > 0xFFF) { on = 0xFFF; } if (off < on) { off = on; } if (off > 0xFFF) { off = 0xFFF; } /* Set the on and off values */ ASSERT_STATUS(pca9685Write8(PCA9685_REG_LED0_ON_L+4*channel, on & 0xFF)); ASSERT_STATUS(pca9685Write8(PCA9685_REG_LED0_ON_H+4*channel, on >> 8)); ASSERT_STATUS(pca9685Write8(PCA9685_REG_LED0_OFF_L+4*channel, off & 0xFF)); ASSERT_STATUS(pca9685Write8(PCA9685_REG_LED0_OFF_H+4*channel, off >> 8)); return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t tsl2561GetData (uint16_t *broadband, uint16_t *ir) { /* Enable the device by setting the control bit to 0x03 */ ASSERT_STATUS(tsl2561Enable()); /* Wait x ms for ADC to complete */ switch (_tsl2561IntegrationTime) { case TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_13MS: delay(14); break; case TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_101MS: delay(102); break; default: delay(403); break; } /* Reads a two byte value from channel 0 (visible + infrared) */ ASSERT_STATUS(tsl2561Read16(TSL2561_COMMAND_BIT | TSL2561_WORD_BIT | TSL2561_REGISTER_CHAN0_LOW, broadband)); /* Reads a two byte value from channel 1 (infrared) */ ASSERT_STATUS(tsl2561Read16(TSL2561_COMMAND_BIT | TSL2561_WORD_BIT | TSL2561_REGISTER_CHAN1_LOW, ir)); /* Turn the device off to save power */ ASSERT_STATUS(tsl2561Disable()); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t btle_init(void) { nrf_clock_lf_cfg_t clockConfiguration; // Configure the LF clock according to values provided by btle_clock.h. // It is input from the chain of the yotta configuration system. clockConfiguration.source = LFCLK_CONF_SOURCE; clockConfiguration.xtal_accuracy = LFCLK_CONF_ACCURACY; clockConfiguration.rc_ctiv = LFCLK_CONF_RC_CTIV; clockConfiguration.rc_temp_ctiv = LFCLK_CONF_RC_TEMP_CTIV; SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(&clockConfiguration, signalEvent); // Enable BLE stack /** * Using this call, the application can select whether to include the * Service Changed characteristic in the GATT Server. The default in all * previous releases has been to include the Service Changed characteristic, * but this affects how GATT clients behave. Specifically, it requires * clients to subscribe to this attribute and not to cache attribute handles * between connections unless the devices are bonded. If the application * does not need to change the structure of the GATT server attributes at * runtime this adds unnecessary complexity to the interaction with peer * clients. If the SoftDevice is enabled with the Service Changed * Characteristics turned off, then clients are allowed to cache attribute * handles making applications simpler on both sides. */ static const bool IS_SRVC_CHANGED_CHARACT_PRESENT = true; ble_enable_params_t ble_enable_params; uint32_t err_code = softdevice_enable_get_default_config(CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT, PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT, &ble_enable_params); ble_enable_params.gatts_enable_params.attr_tab_size = GATTS_ATTR_TAB_SIZE; ble_enable_params.gatts_enable_params.service_changed = IS_SRVC_CHANGED_CHARACT_PRESENT; ble_enable_params.common_enable_params.vs_uuid_count = UUID_TABLE_MAX_ENTRIES; if(err_code != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (softdevice_enable(&ble_enable_params) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } ble_gap_addr_t addr; if (sd_ble_gap_address_get(&addr) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (sd_ble_gap_address_set(BLE_GAP_ADDR_CYCLE_MODE_NONE, &addr) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } ASSERT_STATUS( softdevice_ble_evt_handler_set(btle_handler)); ASSERT_STATUS( softdevice_sys_evt_handler_set(sys_evt_dispatch)); return btle_gap_init(); }
error_t tcs34725Enable(void) { ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_ENABLE, TCS34725_ENABLE_PON)); delay(3); ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_ENABLE, TCS34725_ENABLE_PON | TCS34725_ENABLE_AEN)); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t tcs34725Disable(void) { /* Turn the device off to save power */ uint8_t reg = 0; ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Read8(TCS34725_ENABLE, ®)); ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_ENABLE, reg & ~(TCS34725_ENABLE_PON | TCS34725_ENABLE_AEN))); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t lm75bConfigWrite (uint8_t configValue) { if (!_lm75bInitialised) { ASSERT_STATUS(lm75bInit()); } ASSERT_STATUS(lm75bWrite8(LM75B_REGISTER_CONFIGURATION, configValue)); return ERROR_NONE; }
static void test_cycles_in_replacement() { upb_symtab *s = upb_symtab_new(&s); upb_msgdef *m = upb_msgdef_newnamed("M", &s); upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; upb_msgdef_addfield(m, newfield("m", 1, UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE, UPB_LABEL_OPTIONAL, ".M", &s), &s, NULL); ASSERT_STATUS(upb_symtab_add(s, (upb_def**)&m, 1, &s, &status), &status); ASSERT_STATUS(upb_symtab_add(s, NULL, 0, &s, &status), &status); }
error_t tcs34725SetIntegrationTime(tcs34725IntegrationTime_t it) { if (!_tcs34725Initialised) { ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Init()); } ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_ATIME, it)); _tcs34725IntegrationTime = it; return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t tcs34725SetGain(tcs34725Gain_t gain) { if (!_tcs34725Initialised) { ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Init()); } ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_CONTROL, gain)); _tcs34725Gain = gain; return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t btle_init(void) { const bool useScheduler = false; #ifdef TARGET_HRM1017 SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_RC_250_PPM_4000MS_CALIBRATION, useScheduler); #else SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM, useScheduler); #endif // Enable BLE stack /** * Using this call, the application can select whether to include the * Service Changed characteristic in the GATT Server. The default in all * previous releases has been to include the Service Changed characteristic, * but this affects how GATT clients behave. Specifically, it requires * clients to subscribe to this attribute and not to cache attribute handles * between connections unless the devices are bonded. If the application * does not need to change the structure of the GATT server attributes at * runtime this adds unnecessary complexity to the interaction with peer * clients. If the SoftDevice is enabled with the Service Changed * Characteristics turned off, then clients are allowed to cache attribute * handles making applications simpler on both sides. */ static const bool IS_SRVC_CHANGED_CHARACT_PRESENT = true; ble_enable_params_t enableParams = { .gatts_enable_params = { .service_changed = IS_SRVC_CHANGED_CHARACT_PRESENT } }; if (sd_ble_enable(&enableParams) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } ble_gap_addr_t addr; if (sd_ble_gap_address_get(&addr) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (sd_ble_gap_address_set(BLE_GAP_ADDR_CYCLE_MODE_NONE, &addr) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } ASSERT_STATUS( softdevice_ble_evt_handler_set(btle_handler)); ASSERT_STATUS( softdevice_sys_evt_handler_set(sys_evt_dispatch)); #if NEED_BOND_MANAGER /* disabled by default */ bond_manager_init(); #endif btle_gap_init(); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t tcs34725GetRawData(uint16_t *r, uint16_t *g, uint16_t *b, uint16_t *c) { if (!_tcs34725Initialised) { ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Init()); } /* ToDo: Insert a blocky delay until the data is ready! */ ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Read16(TCS34725_CDATAL, c)); ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Read16(TCS34725_RDATAL, r)); ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Read16(TCS34725_GDATAL, g)); ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725Read16(TCS34725_BDATAL, b)); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t btle_init(void) { APP_TIMER_INIT(0, 8, 5, false); SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM, false); ASSERT_STATUS( softdevice_ble_evt_handler_set(btle_handler)); ASSERT_STATUS( softdevice_sys_evt_handler_set(sys_evt_dispatch)); #if NEED_BOND_MANAGER /* disabled by default */ bond_manager_init(); #endif btle_gap_init(); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t btle_init(void) { nrf_clock_lfclksrc_t clockSource; if (NRF_CLOCK->LFCLKSRC & (CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SRC_Xtal << CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SRC_Pos)) { clockSource = NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM; } else { clockSource = NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_RC_250_PPM_4000MS_CALIBRATION; } SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(clockSource, eventHandler); // Enable BLE stack /** * Using this call, the application can select whether to include the * Service Changed characteristic in the GATT Server. The default in all * previous releases has been to include the Service Changed characteristic, * but this affects how GATT clients behave. Specifically, it requires * clients to subscribe to this attribute and not to cache attribute handles * between connections unless the devices are bonded. If the application * does not need to change the structure of the GATT server attributes at * runtime this adds unnecessary complexity to the interaction with peer * clients. If the SoftDevice is enabled with the Service Changed * Characteristics turned off, then clients are allowed to cache attribute * handles making applications simpler on both sides. */ static const bool IS_SRVC_CHANGED_CHARACT_PRESENT = true; ble_enable_params_t enableParams = { .gatts_enable_params = { .service_changed = IS_SRVC_CHANGED_CHARACT_PRESENT, .attr_tab_size = gatt_table_size } }; if (sd_ble_enable(&enableParams) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } ble_gap_addr_t addr; if (sd_ble_gap_address_get(&addr) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (sd_ble_gap_address_set(BLE_GAP_ADDR_CYCLE_MODE_NONE, &addr) != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } ASSERT_STATUS( softdevice_ble_evt_handler_set(btle_handler)); ASSERT_STATUS( softdevice_sys_evt_handler_set(sys_evt_dispatch)); return btle_gap_init(); }
error_t custom_add_in_descriptor(uint16_t char_handle, ble_uuid_t *p_uuid, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t length, uint16_t max_length, uint16_t *p_desc_handle) { /* Descriptor metadata */ ble_gatts_attr_md_t desc_md = {0}; desc_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK; /* Always set variable size */ desc_md.vlen = 1; /* Make it readable and writable */ BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&desc_md.read_perm); BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&desc_md.write_perm); ble_gatts_attr_t attr_desc = {0}; attr_desc.p_uuid = p_uuid; attr_desc.p_attr_md = &desc_md; attr_desc.init_len = length; attr_desc.max_len = max_length; attr_desc.p_value = p_data; ASSERT_STATUS ( sd_ble_gatts_descriptor_add(char_handle, &attr_desc, p_desc_handle)); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t adxl345GetSensorEvent(sensors_event_t *event) { int16_t x, y, z; /* Clear the event */ memset(event, 0, sizeof(sensors_event_t)); event->version = sizeof(sensors_event_t); event->sensor_id = _adxl345SensorID; event->type = SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER; event->timestamp = systickGetTicks(); /* Retrieve values from the sensor */ ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345GetXYZ(&x, &y, &z)); /* The ADXL345 returns a raw value where each lsb represents 4mg. To * convert this to a normal g value, multiply by 0.004 and then convert * it to the m/s^2 value that sensors_event_t is expecting. */ event->acceleration.x = x * ADXL345_MG2G_MULTIPLIER * SENSORS_GRAVITY_STANDARD; event->acceleration.y = y * ADXL345_MG2G_MULTIPLIER * SENSORS_GRAVITY_STANDARD; event->acceleration.z = z * ADXL345_MG2G_MULTIPLIER * SENSORS_GRAVITY_STANDARD; printf(" %08d %08d %08d%s", x, y, z, CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE); return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t adxl345GetXYZ(int16_t *x, int16_t *y, int16_t *z) { int32_t i2cState; if (!_adxl345Initialised) { ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345Init()); } I2CWriteLength = 2; I2CReadLength = 6; I2CMasterBuffer[0] = ADXL345_ADDRESS; I2CMasterBuffer[1] = ADXL345_REG_DATAX0; I2CMasterBuffer[2] = ADXL345_ADDRESS | ADXL345_READBIT; i2cState = i2cEngine(); /* Check if we got an ACK or TIMEOUT error */ ASSERT_I2C_STATUS(i2cState); /* Shift values to create properly formed integer */ *x = (I2CSlaveBuffer[1] << 8) | (I2CSlaveBuffer[0]); *y = (I2CSlaveBuffer[3] << 8) | (I2CSlaveBuffer[2]); *z = (I2CSlaveBuffer[5] << 8) | (I2CSlaveBuffer[4]); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t adxl345SetRange(adxl345_range_t range) { uint8_t format; /* Red the data format register to preserve bits */ ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345Read8(ADXL345_REG_DATA_FORMAT, &format)); /* Update the data rate */ format &= ~0x0F; format |= range; /* Write the register back to the IC */ ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345Write8(ADXL345_REG_DATA_FORMAT, format)); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t tcs34725GetSensorEvent(sensors_event_t *event) { float maxCount; uint16_t r, g, b, c; /* Clear the event */ memset(event, 0, sizeof(sensors_event_t)); event->version = sizeof(sensors_event_t); event->sensor_id = _tcs34725SensorID; event->type = SENSOR_TYPE_COLOR; event->timestamp = delayGetTicks(); /* Get the raw RGB values */ ASSERT_STATUS(tcs34725GetRawData(&r, &g, &b, &c)); /* Convert RGB values to floats */ maxCount = (256 - _tcs34725IntegrationTime) * 1024; event->color.r = r / maxCount; event->color.g = g / maxCount; event->color.b = b / maxCount; /* Convert to a 24-bit ARGB value */ event->color.rgba = (uint8_t)(event->color.r * 0xFF) << 16| (uint8_t)(event->color.g * 0xFF) << 8 | (uint8_t)(event->color.b * 0xFF) | 0xFF000000; return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t adxl345GetDataRate(adxl345_dataRate_t *dataRate) { uint8_t results; ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345Read8(ADXL345_REG_BW_RATE, &results)); *dataRate = (adxl345_dataRate_t)(results & 0x0F); return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t lsm303magSetGain(lsm303MagGain_t gain) { if (!_lsm303magInitialised) { ASSERT_STATUS(lsm303magInit()); } // Enable the device by setting the control bit to 0x03 ASSERT_STATUS(lsm303magWrite8(LSM303_ADDRESS_MAG, LSM303_REGISTER_MAG_CRB_REG_M, (uint8_t)gain)); _lsm303magGain = gain; switch(gain) { case LSM303_MAGGAIN_1_3: _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_XY = 1100; _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_Z = 980; break; case LSM303_MAGGAIN_1_9: _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_XY = 855; _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_Z = 760; break; case LSM303_MAGGAIN_2_5: _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_XY = 670; _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_Z = 600; break; case LSM303_MAGGAIN_4_0: _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_XY = 450; _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_Z = 400; break; case LSM303_MAGGAIN_4_7: _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_XY = 400; _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_Z = 255; break; case LSM303_MAGGAIN_5_6: _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_XY = 330; _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_Z = 295; break; case LSM303_MAGGAIN_8_1: _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_XY = 230; _lsm303mag_Gauss_LSB_Z = 205; break; } return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t adxl345GetRange(adxl345_range_t *range) { uint8_t results; ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345Read8(ADXL345_REG_DATA_FORMAT, &results)); *range = (adxl345_range_t)(results & 0x03); return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t adxl345SetDataRate(adxl345_dataRate_t dataRate) { /* Note: The LOW_POWER bits are currently ignored and we always keep the device in 'normal' mode */ ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345Write8(ADXL345_REG_BW_RATE, dataRate)); return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t tsl2561Init(void) { /* Initialise I2C */ i2cInit(I2CMASTER); /* Ping the I2C device first to see if it exists! */ ASSERT(i2cCheckAddress(TSL2561_ADDRESS), ERROR_I2C_DEVICENOTFOUND); /* Note: by default, the device is in power down mode on bootup */ _tsl2561Initialised = true; /* Set default integration time and gain */ ASSERT_STATUS(tsl2561SetIntegrationTime(_tsl2561IntegrationTime)); ASSERT_STATUS(tsl2561SetGain(_tsl2561Gain)); return ERROR_NONE; }
error_t lm75bGetTemperature (int32_t *temp) { if (!_lm75bInitialised) { ASSERT_STATUS(lm75bInit()); } /* Turn device on */ ASSERT_STATUS(lm75bConfigWrite (LM75B_CONFIG_SHUTDOWN_POWERON)); /* Read temperature */ ASSERT_STATUS(lm75bRead16 (LM75B_REGISTER_TEMPERATURE, temp)); /* Shut device back down */ ASSERT_STATUS(lm75bConfigWrite (LM75B_CONFIG_SHUTDOWN_SHUTDOWN)); return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t lsm303magInit(void) { // Initialise I2C i2cInit(I2CMASTER); /* Ping the I2C device first to see if it exists! */ ASSERT(i2cCheckAddress(LSM303_ADDRESS_MAG), ERROR_I2C_DEVICENOTFOUND); /* Enable the magnetometer (continuous conversion) */ ASSERT_STATUS(lsm303magWrite8(LSM303_ADDRESS_MAG, LSM303_REGISTER_MAG_MR_REG_M, 0x00)); _lsm303magInitialised = true; /* Set default gain */ ASSERT_STATUS(lsm303magSetGain(_lsm303magGain)); return ERROR_NONE; }
int main(void) { app_timer_id_t blinky_timer_id; /* Initialize the target HW */ boardInit(); /* Initialise BLE and start advertising as an iBeacon */ btle_init(); /* Initialise a 1 second blinky timer to show that we're alive */ ASSERT_STATUS ( app_timer_create(&blinky_timer_id, APP_TIMER_MODE_REPEATED, blinky_handler) ); ASSERT_STATUS ( app_timer_start (blinky_timer_id, APP_TIMER_TICKS(1000, CFG_TIMER_PRESCALER), NULL) ); while(true) { } }
error_t custom_add_in_characteristic(uint16_t service_handle, ble_uuid_t* p_uuid, uint8_t properties, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t min_length, uint16_t max_length, ble_gatts_char_handles_t* p_char_handle) { /* Characteristic metadata */ ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md; ble_gatt_char_props_t char_props; memcpy(&char_props, &properties, 1); if ( char_props.notify || char_props.indicate ) { /* Notification requires cccd */ memclr_( &cccd_md, sizeof(ble_gatts_attr_md_t) ); cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK; BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&cccd_md.read_perm); BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&cccd_md.write_perm); } ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md = { 0 }; char_md.char_props = char_props; char_md.p_cccd_md = (char_props.notify || char_props.indicate ) ? &cccd_md : NULL; /* Attribute declaration */ ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md = { 0 }; attr_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK; attr_md.vlen = (min_length == max_length) ? 0 : 1; if ( || char_props.notify || char_props.indicate ) { BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&attr_md.read_perm); } if ( char_props.write ) { BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&attr_md.write_perm); } ble_gatts_attr_t attr_char_value = { 0 }; attr_char_value.p_uuid = p_uuid; attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md; attr_char_value.init_len = min_length; attr_char_value.max_len = max_length; attr_char_value.p_value = p_data; ASSERT_STATUS ( sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(service_handle, &char_md, &attr_char_value, p_char_handle) ); return ERROR_NONE; }
err_t adxl345SetRange(adxl345_range_t range) { uint8_t format; /* Red the data format register to preserve bits */ ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345Read8(ADXL345_REG_DATA_FORMAT, &format)); /* Update the data rate */ format &= ~0x0F; format |= range; /* Make sure that the FULL-RES bit is enabled for range scaling */ format |= 0x08; /* Write the register back to the IC */ ASSERT_STATUS(adxl345Write8(ADXL345_REG_DATA_FORMAT, format)); return ERROR_NONE; }
static void test_replacement() { upb_symtab *s = upb_symtab_new(&s); upb_enumdef *e2; upb_msgdef *m2; upb_enumdef *e; upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; upb_def *newdefs[3]; upb_def *newdefs2[1]; const upb_msgdef *m3; upb_msgdef *m = upb_msgdef_newnamed("MyMessage", &s); upb_msgdef_addfield(m, newfield("field1", 1, UPB_TYPE_ENUM, UPB_LABEL_OPTIONAL, ".MyEnum", &s), &s, NULL); m2 = upb_msgdef_newnamed("MyMessage2", &s); e = upb_enumdef_newnamed("MyEnum", &s); ASSERT_STATUS(upb_enumdef_addval(e, "VAL1", 1, &status), &status); newdefs[0] = upb_msgdef_upcast_mutable(m); newdefs[1] = upb_msgdef_upcast_mutable(m2); newdefs[2] = upb_enumdef_upcast_mutable(e); ASSERT_STATUS(upb_symtab_add(s, newdefs, 3, &s, &status), &status); /* Try adding a new definition of MyEnum, MyMessage should get replaced with * a new version. */ e2 = upb_enumdef_newnamed("MyEnum", &s); ASSERT_STATUS(upb_enumdef_addval(e2, "VAL1", 1, &status), &status); newdefs2[0] = upb_enumdef_upcast_mutable(e2); ASSERT_STATUS(upb_symtab_add(s, newdefs2, 1, &s, &status), &status); m3 = upb_symtab_lookupmsg(s, "MyMessage"); ASSERT(m3); /* Must be different because it points to MyEnum which was replaced. */ ASSERT(m3 != m); m3 = upb_symtab_lookupmsg(s, "MyMessage2"); /* Should be the same because it was not replaced, nor were any defs that * are reachable from it. */ ASSERT(m3 == m2); upb_symtab_unref(s, &s); }