Пример #1
void OvrGazeCursorLocal::UpdateCursorGeometry() const
	ASSERT_WITH_TAG( CursorDynamicVBO != 0, "DrawCursorGeometry" );

	const size_t numQuadsPerDraw = TRAIL_GHOSTS;
	const size_t numVertsPerQuad = 4;
	const size_t bufferSize      = numQuadsPerDraw * numVertsPerQuad * sizeof( Vector4f );

	// We pack two buffers into one... one for scattered trails, one for normal.
	const size_t numBuffers = 2;

	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, CursorDynamicVBO );
	Vector4f * positions = ( Vector4f * )glMapBufferRange( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, bufferSize * numBuffers, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT );
	if ( positions == NULL )
		// we have logs of glMapBufferRange() apparently returning NULL here after the GPU resets.
		OVR_ASSERT( positions != NULL );

	// Z-pass positions...
	UpdateCursorPositions( &positions[ 0 ], CursorTransform );

	// Z-fail positions...
	UpdateCursorPositions( &positions[ numQuadsPerDraw * numVertsPerQuad ], CursorScatterTransform );

	glUnmapBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER );
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );
Пример #2
// OvrGazeCursorLocal::
void OvrGazeCursorLocal::Shutdown()
	LOG( "OvrGazeCursorLocal::Shutdown" );
	ASSERT_WITH_TAG( Initialized == true, "GazeCursor" );


	for ( int i = 0; i < CURSOR_STATE_MAX; ++i )
		if ( CursorTextureHandle[i] != 0 )
			glDeleteTextures( 1, &CursorTextureHandle[i] );
			CursorTextureHandle[i] = 0;

	if ( TimerTextureHandle != 0 )
		glDeleteTextures( 1, & TimerTextureHandle );
		TimerTextureHandle = 0;

	if ( ColorTableHandle != 0 )
		glDeleteTextures( 1, &ColorTableHandle );
		ColorTableHandle = 0;

	DeleteProgram( CursorProgram );
	DeleteProgram( TimerProgram );

	Initialized = false;
Пример #3
void OvrGazeCursorLocal::DrawCursorWithTrail( unsigned int bufferIndex ) const
	ASSERT_WITH_TAG( CursorVAO != 0, "DrawCursorWithTrail" );

	const GLvoid * offset = reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid *>( bufferIndex * TRAIL_GHOSTS * 6 * sizeof( GLushort ) );

	glBindVertexArray( CursorVAO );
Пример #4
// OvrGazeCursorLocal::
void OvrGazeCursorLocal::Init()
	LOG( "OvrGazeCursorLocal::Init" );
	ASSERT_WITH_TAG( Initialized == false, "GazeCursor" );

	if ( Initialized )
		LOG( "OvrGazeCursorLocal::Init - already initialized!" );

	TimerGeometry = BuildTesselatedQuad( 1, 1 );

	int w = 0;
	int h = 0;
	char const * const cursorStateNames[ CURSOR_STATE_MAX ] =

		"res/raw/gaze_cursor_cross.tga",	// for now, hilight is the same because the graphic needs work

	for ( int i = 0; i < CURSOR_STATE_MAX; ++i )
		CursorTextureHandle[i] = LoadTextureFromApplicationPackage( cursorStateNames[i], TextureFlags_t(), w, h );

	TimerTextureHandle = LoadTextureFromApplicationPackage( "res/raw/gaze_cursor_timer.tga", TextureFlags_t(), w, h );

	ColorTableHandle = LoadTextureFromApplicationPackage( "res/raw/color_ramp_timer.tga", TextureFlags_t(), w, h );

	CursorProgram = BuildProgram( GazeCursorVertexSrc, GazeCursorFragmentSrc );
	TimerProgram = BuildProgram( GazeCursorTimerVertexSrc, GazeCursorColorTableFragmentSrc );//GazeCursorFragmentSrc );

	Initialized = true;
Пример #5
// VRMenuEventHandler::DispatchToComponents
bool VRMenuEventHandler::DispatchToComponents( OvrGuiSys & guiSys, VrFrame const & vrFrame, 
        VRMenuEvent const & event, VRMenuObject * receiver ) const
	ASSERT_WITH_TAG( receiver != NULL, "VrMenu" );

	Array< VRMenuComponent* > const & list = receiver->GetComponentList();
	int numComps = list.GetSizeI();
	for ( int i = 0; i < numComps; ++i )
		VRMenuComponent * item = list[i];
		if ( item->HandlesEvent( VRMenuEventFlags_t( event.EventType ) ) )
			LogEventType( event, "DispatchEvent: to '%s'", receiver->GetText().ToCStr() );

			if ( item->OnEvent( guiSys, vrFrame, receiver, event ) == MSG_STATUS_CONSUMED )
				LogEventType( event, "DispatchEvent: receiver '%s', component %i consumed event.", receiver->GetText().ToCStr(), i );
				return true;    // consumed by component
	return false;
Пример #6
// VRMenuEventHandler::BroadcastEvent
bool VRMenuEventHandler::BroadcastEvent( OvrGuiSys & guiSys, VrFrame const & vrFrame, 
        VRMenuEvent const & event, VRMenuObject * receiver ) const
	ASSERT_WITH_TAG( receiver != NULL, "VrMenu" );

	// allow parent components to handle first
	if ( DispatchToComponents( guiSys, vrFrame, event, receiver ) )
		return true;

	// if the parent did not consume, dispatch to children
	int numChildren = receiver->NumChildren();
	for ( int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i ) 
		menuHandle_t childHandle = receiver->GetChildHandleForIndex( i );
		VRMenuObject * child = guiSys.GetVRMenuMgr().ToObject( childHandle );
		if ( child != NULL && BroadcastEvent( guiSys, vrFrame, event, child ) )
			return true;    // consumed by child
	return false;
Пример #7
// KeyState::HandleEvent
void KeyState::HandleEvent( double const time, bool const down, int const repeatCount )
	LOG_WITH_TAG( "KeyState", "(%.4f) HandleEvent: %s, NumEvents %i, RepeatCount %i", vrapi_GetTimeInSeconds(), down ? "DOWN" : "UP", NumEvents, repeatCount );
	bool wasDown = this->Down;
	this->Down = down;

	if ( NumEvents <= 0 && !down )
		// we ignore up events if we aren't currently tracking from a down -- this let's us exclude the up
		// event after a long press because we Reset() as soon as we fire the long-press event.
		PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_NONE;

	if ( repeatCount > 0 )
		ASSERT_WITH_TAG( down == true, "KeyState" );	// only a hold should have a repeat count
		// key is held
		PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_NONE;

	if ( wasDown == down )
		LOG_WITH_TAG( "KeyState", "wasDown != down" );	// this should always be a toggle unless we've missed an event, right?
		PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_NONE;

	// record the event times
	if ( NumEvents < MAX_EVENTS )
		EventTimes[NumEvents++] = time;

	if ( !down )
		if ( NumEvents == 2 )
			// the button was held longer than a double-tap time, but came up before the long-press time
			if ( time - EventTimes[0] > DoubleTapTime )
				// returning a short-press here allows a kinda-long-press to act as a short press, which
				// is fairly annoying if the user is just trying to abort a long press before the menu appears.
				//PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_SHORT_PRESS;
				PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_UP;
				// coming up for the first time
				PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_UP;
		// key going down
		if ( NumEvents == 1 && repeatCount == 0 )
			PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_DOWN;	// initial down event
		if ( NumEvents == 3 )	// second down event
			if ( time - EventTimes[0] <= DoubleTapTime )
				PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_DOUBLE_TAP;
	PendingEvent = KEY_EVENT_NONE;