Пример #1
 * Formats the given ASTNode as a rational number and appends the result to
 * the given StringBuffer.  For SBML L1 this amounts to:
 *   "(numerator/denominator)"
FormulaFormatter_formatRational (StringBuffer_t *sb, const ASTNode_t *node)
  StringBuffer_appendChar( sb, '(');
  StringBuffer_appendInt ( sb, ASTNode_getNumerator(node)   );
  StringBuffer_appendChar( sb, '/');
  StringBuffer_appendInt ( sb, ASTNode_getDenominator(node) );
  StringBuffer_appendChar( sb, ')');
Пример #2
 * Formats the given ASTNode as a rational number and appends the result to
 * the given StringBuffer.  For SBML L1 this amounts to:
 *   "(numerator/denominator)"
L3FormulaFormatter_formatRational (StringBuffer_t *sb, const ASTNode_t *node, const L3ParserSettings_t *settings)
  StringBuffer_appendChar( sb, '(');
  StringBuffer_appendInt ( sb, ASTNode_getNumerator(node)   );
  StringBuffer_appendChar( sb, '/');
  StringBuffer_appendInt ( sb, ASTNode_getDenominator(node) );
  StringBuffer_appendChar( sb, ')');

  if (L3ParserSettings_getParseUnits(settings)) {
    if (ASTNode_hasUnits(node)) {
      StringBuffer_appendChar( sb, ' ');
      StringBuffer_append( sb, ASTNode_getUnits(node));
Пример #3
 * Formats the given ASTNode as a rational number and returns the result as
 * a string.  This amounts to:
 *   "(numerator/denominator)"
char *
FormulaGraphvizFormatter_formatRational (const ASTNode_t *node)
  char           *s;
  StringBuffer_t *p = StringBuffer_create(128);

  StringBuffer_appendChar( p, '(');
  StringBuffer_appendInt ( p, ASTNode_getNumerator(node)   );
  StringBuffer_appendChar( p, '/');
  StringBuffer_appendInt ( p, ASTNode_getDenominator(node) );
  StringBuffer_appendChar( p, ')');

  s = StringBuffer_toString(p);


  return s;