Пример #1
    // Outputs verbose error message from NUI errors
    VOID NuiPrintError( HRESULT hResult, const CHAR* szFunctionName )
        switch (hResult)
        case E_INVALIDARG:
            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_INVALIDARG\n", szFunctionName );

            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_NUI_ALREADY_INITIALIZED\n", szFunctionName );

            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_NUI_DATABASE_NOT_FOUND\n", szFunctionName );

            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_NUI_DATABASE_VERSION_MISMATCH\n", szFunctionName );

        case E_OUTOFMEMORY:
            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_OUTOFMEMORY\n", szFunctionName );

        case E_NUI_DEVICE_NOT_READY:
            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_NUI_DEVICE_NOT_READY\n", szFunctionName );

            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_NUI_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED\n", szFunctionName );

            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_NUI_FEATURE_NOT_INITIALIZED\n", szFunctionName );

            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with E_NUI_IMAGE_STREAM_IN_USE\n", szFunctionName );

            ATG_PrintError( "%s failed with 0x%x\n", szFunctionName, (UINT)hResult );
Пример #2
// Name: Run()
// Desc: Creates the D3D device, calls Initialize() and enters an infinite loop
//       calling Update() and Render()
VOID Application::Run()
    HRESULT hr;

    // Create Direct3D
    LPDIRECT3D9 pD3D = Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION );

    // Create the D3D device
    if( FAILED( hr = pD3D->CreateDevice( 0, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, NULL,
                                         &m_d3dpp, ( ::D3DDevice** )&m_pd3dDevice ) ) )
        ATG_PrintError( "Could not create D3D device!\n" );


    // Allow global access to the device
    g_pd3dDevice = m_pd3dDevice;

    // Initialize the app's device-dependent objects
    if( FAILED( hr = Initialize() ) )
        ATG_PrintError( "Call to Initialize() failed!\n" );

    // Run the game loop
    for(; ; )
        // Update the scene

        // Render the scene
Пример #3
// Name: Create()
// Desc: Initialize the class, create D3D and the font texture
HRESULT Console::Create( LPCSTR strFontFileName, D3DCOLOR colBackColor,
                         D3DCOLOR colTextColor, UINT nLines )
    // Create Direct3D
    LPDIRECT3D9 pD3D = Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION );

    // Check video mode settings
    XVIDEO_MODE VideoMode;
    ZeroMemory( &VideoMode, sizeof( VideoMode ) );
    XGetVideoMode( &VideoMode );

    BOOL bEnable720p = VideoMode.dwDisplayWidth >= 1280;

    m_d3dpp.BackBufferWidth = bEnable720p ? SCREEN_SIZE_X_720p : SCREEN_SIZE_X_DEFAULT;
    m_d3dpp.BackBufferHeight = bEnable720p ? SCREEN_SIZE_Y_720p : SCREEN_SIZE_Y_DEFAULT;

    // Calculate the safe area
    UINT uiSafeAreaPct = bEnable720p ? SAFE_AREA_PCT_HDTV : SAFE_AREA_PCT_4x3;

    m_cxSafeArea = ( m_d3dpp.BackBufferWidth * uiSafeAreaPct ) / 100;
    m_cySafeArea = ( m_d3dpp.BackBufferHeight * uiSafeAreaPct ) / 100;

    m_cxSafeAreaOffset = ( m_d3dpp.BackBufferWidth - m_cxSafeArea ) / 2;
    m_cySafeAreaOffset = ( m_d3dpp.BackBufferHeight - m_cySafeArea ) / 2;

    // Create the D3D device
    HRESULT hr = pD3D->CreateDevice( 0, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, NULL,
                                     &m_d3dpp, ( ::D3DDevice** )&m_pd3dDevice );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        ATG_PrintError( "Could not create D3D device!\n" );

    // Allow global access to the device
    g_pd3dDevice = m_pd3dDevice;

    // Create the font
    hr = m_Font.Create( strFontFileName );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        ATG_PrintError( "Could not create font.\n" );

    // Save the colors
    m_colBackColor = colBackColor;
    m_colTextColor = colTextColor;

    // Calculate the number of lines on the screen
    FLOAT fCharWidth, fCharHeight;
    m_Font.GetTextExtent( L"i", &fCharWidth, &fCharHeight, FALSE );

    m_cScreenHeight = ( UINT )( m_cySafeArea / fCharHeight );
    m_cScreenWidth = ( UINT )( m_cxSafeArea / fCharWidth );

    m_cScreenHeightVirtual = max( m_cScreenHeight, nLines );

    m_fLineHeight = fCharHeight;

    // Allocate memory to hold the lines
    m_Buffer = new WCHAR[ m_cScreenHeightVirtual * ( m_cScreenWidth + 1 ) ];
    m_Lines = new WCHAR*[ m_cScreenHeightVirtual ];

    // Set the line pointers as indexes into the buffer
    for( UINT i = 0; i < m_cScreenHeightVirtual; i++ )
        m_Lines[ i ] = m_Buffer + ( m_cScreenWidth + 1 ) * i;

    m_bSuspendFlag = FALSE;

    // Clear the screen

    return hr;
Пример #4
Flyer::Flyer(PE::GameContext &context, PE::MemoryArena arena, PE::Handle hMyself, int &threadOwnershipMask) 
: Component(context, arena, hMyself)
, m_prevCameraType(CameraManager::CameraType_Count)
	// NUI testing
#ifdef _XBOX
	// Could also try for a bit more smoothing ( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.03f, 0.05f );
	m_JointFilter.Init( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.05f, 0.05f );

	// create event which will be signaled when frame processing ends
	m_hFrameEndEvent = CreateEvent( NULL,
		FALSE,  // auto-reset
		FALSE,  // create unsignaled
		"NuiFrameEndEvent" );

	if ( !m_hFrameEndEvent )
		ATG_PrintError( "Failed to create NuiFrameEndEvent\n" );
		// return E_FAIL;


	if( FAILED( hr ))
		ATG::NuiPrintError( hr, "NuiInitialize" );
		// return E_FAIL;
	// register frame end event with NUI
	hr = NuiSetFrameEndEvent( m_hFrameEndEvent, 0 );
	if( FAILED(hr) )
		ATG::NuiPrintError( hr, "NuiSetFrameEndEvent" );
		// return E_FAIL;

	// Open the color stream
	hr = NuiImageStreamOpen( NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR, NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_640x480, 0, 1, NULL, &m_hImage );
	if( FAILED (hr) )
		ATG::NuiPrintError( hr, "NuiImageStreamOpen" );
		return E_FAIL;

	// Open the depth stream
	hr = NuiImageStreamOpen( NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH_AND_PLAYER_INDEX, NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_320x240, 0, 1, NULL, &m_hDepth );
	if( FAILED (hr) )
		ATG::NuiPrintError( hr, "NuiImageStreamOpen" );
		return E_FAIL;
	hr = NuiSkeletonTrackingEnable( NULL, 0 );
	if( FAILED( hr ))
		ATG::NuiPrintError( hr, "NuiSkeletonTrackingEnable" );

	m_pNuiJointConverterConstrained = new ATG::NuiJointConverter();
	if( m_pNuiJointConverterConstrained == NULL )
		// return E_FAIL;

	Handle hSN("SceneNode", sizeof(SceneNode));
	m_pNuiSN = new(hSN) SceneNode(context, arena, hSN);
	m_pNuiSN->m_base.setPos(Vector3(0.0f, 0, 25.0f));
	m_pNuiSN->m_base.turnRight(1.2f * 3.1415f);
	for (int i = 0; i < XAVATAR_MAX_SKELETON_JOINTS; i++)
		PE::Handle hMeshInstance("MeshInstance", sizeof(MeshInstance));
		MeshInstance *pMeshInstance = new(hMeshInstance) MeshInstance(*m_pContext, m_arena, hMeshInstance);

		pMeshInstance->initFromFile("box.x_main_mesh.mesha", "Default", threadOwnershipMask);
		Handle hSN("SceneNode", sizeof(SceneNode));
		m_sceneNodes[i] = new(hSN) SceneNode(context, arena, hSN);

		if (m_pNuiJointConverterConstrained->MapAvatarJointToNUI_POSITION_INDEX(i) == NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SHOULDER_RIGHT)
			PE::Handle hMeshInstance("MeshInstance", sizeof(MeshInstance));
			MeshInstance *pMeshInstance = new(hMeshInstance) MeshInstance(*m_pContext, m_arena, hMeshInstance);
			pMeshInstance->initFromFile("wings.x_rwing_mesh.mesha", "City", threadOwnershipMask);

		if (m_pNuiJointConverterConstrained->MapAvatarJointToNUI_POSITION_INDEX(i) == NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SHOULDER_LEFT)
			PE::Handle hMeshInstance("MeshInstance", sizeof(MeshInstance));
			MeshInstance *pMeshInstance = new(hMeshInstance) MeshInstance(*m_pContext, m_arena, hMeshInstance);

			pMeshInstance->initFromFile("wings.x_lwing_mesh.mesha", "City", threadOwnershipMask);

			// put a camera here

		PE::Handle hMeshInstance("MeshInstance", sizeof(MeshInstance));
		MeshInstance *pMeshInstance = new(hMeshInstance) MeshInstance(*m_pContext, m_arena, hMeshInstance);

		pMeshInstance->initFromFile("box.x_main_mesh.mesha", "Default", threadOwnershipMask);

		// we put camera in a scene node so we can rotate the camera within that scene node, but we could have also just added camera on its own
		Handle hSN("SceneNode", sizeof(SceneNode));
		m_pCamSN = new(hSN) SceneNode(context, arena,hSN);
		m_pCamSN->m_base.setPos(Vector3(0, +1.0f, +1.5f));

		Handle hDebugCamera("Camera", sizeof(Camera));
		Camera *debugCamera = new(hDebugCamera) Camera(context, arena, hDebugCamera, hSN);
		CameraManager::Instance()->setCamera(CameraManager::PLAYER, hDebugCamera);
		//SceneNode *pCamSN = debugCamera->getCamSceneNode();

	m_framesWithNoData = 0;
	m_framesWithData = 0;
#endif // #ifdef _XBOX
Пример #5
// Name: Create()
// Desc: Creates a mesh from an XBG file
HRESULT Mesh2::Create( const CHAR* strFilename, const PackedResource* pResource )
    // Open the file
    DWORD dwNumBytesRead;
    HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( strFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
                               OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL );
    if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
        ATG_PrintError( "File not found!\n" );
        return E_FAIL;

    // Read the magic number
    XBG_HEADER xbgHeader;
    if( !ReadFile( hFile, &xbgHeader, sizeof( XBG_HEADER ), &dwNumBytesRead, NULL ) )
        CloseHandle( hFile );
        ATG_PrintError( "Unable to read file header!\n" );
        return E_FAIL;

    if( xbgHeader.dwMagic != XBG7_FILE_ID )
        CloseHandle( hFile );
        ATG_PrintError( "Invalid XBG file type!\n" );
        return E_FAIL;

    // Read in system memory objects
    DWORD dwSysMemSize = xbgHeader.dwSysMemSize;
    m_pAllocatedSysMem = ( VOID* )new BYTE[dwSysMemSize];

    if( !ReadFile( hFile, m_pAllocatedSysMem, dwSysMemSize, &dwNumBytesRead, NULL ) )
        CloseHandle( hFile );
        ATG_PrintError( "Unable to read system memory objects!\n" );
        return E_FAIL;

    // Read in video memory objects
    DWORD dwVidMemSize = xbgHeader.dwVidMemSize;
    m_pAllocatedVidMem = ( BYTE* )XPhysicalAllocEx( dwVidMemSize, 0, MAXULONG_PTR,
                                                    PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_WRITECOMBINE );

    if( !ReadFile( hFile, m_pAllocatedVidMem, dwVidMemSize, &dwNumBytesRead, NULL ) )
        CloseHandle( hFile );
        ATG_PrintError( "Unable to read video memory objects!\n" );
        return E_FAIL;

    // Done with the file
    CloseHandle( hFile );

    // Now we need to patch the mesh data. Any pointers read from the file were
    // stored as file offsets. So, we simply need to add a base address to patch
    // things up.
    MESH_FRAME* pFrames = ( MESH_FRAME* )m_pAllocatedSysMem;

    DWORD dwPatchOffset = ( DWORD )m_pAllocatedSysMem - sizeof( XBG_HEADER );

    // Note: for a simple mesh class, we only consider the first frame
    m_pMeshData = ( MESH_DATA* )( ( DWORD )pFrames[0].m_pMeshData + dwPatchOffset );

    // Patch up the GPU addresses
    XGOffsetResourceAddress( &m_pMeshData->m_VB, m_pAllocatedVidMem );
    XGOffsetResourceAddress( &m_pMeshData->m_IB, m_pAllocatedVidMem );

    // Create a vertex declaration for the mesh
    g_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexDeclaration( m_pMeshData->m_VertexElements, &m_pMeshData->m_pVertexDecl );

    // Finally, create any textures used by the meshes' subsets. In this 
    // implementation, we are pulling textures out of the passed in resource.
    if( pResource )
        for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_pMeshData->m_dwNumSubsets; i++ )
            m_pMeshData->m_pSubsets[i].pTexture = pResource->GetTexture( m_pMeshData->m_pSubsets[i].strTexture );

    return S_OK;
Пример #6
// Name: Write()
// Desc: Writes the mesh to an XBG file
HRESULT Mesh::Write( const CHAR* strFilename )
    // Open the file
    DWORD dwNumBytesWritten;
    HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( strFilename, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, 0, NULL,
                               CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
    if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
        ATG_PrintError( "File not found!\n" );
        return E_FAIL;

    // Compute storage requirements
    DWORD g_dwFrameSpace = 0;
    DWORD g_dwMeshSpace = 0;
    DWORD g_dwVertexSpace = 0;
    DWORD g_dwIndexSpace = 0;

    for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumFrames; i++ )
        MESH_FRAME* pFrame = &m_pFrames[i];
        MESH_DATA* pMesh = pFrame->m_pMeshData;

        DWORD dwIndexSize = pMesh->m_IB.Common & D3DINDEXBUFFER_INDEX32 ? sizeof( DWORD ) : sizeof( WORD );

        g_dwFrameSpace += sizeof( MESH_FRAME );
        g_dwMeshSpace += sizeof( MESH_DATA ) - sizeof( MESH_SUBSET );
        g_dwMeshSpace += sizeof( MESH_SUBSET ) * pMesh->m_dwNumSubsets;
        g_dwIndexSpace += ( ( dwIndexSize * pMesh->m_dwNumIndices + ( 4096 - 1 ) ) / 4096 ) * 4096;
        g_dwVertexSpace += ( ( pMesh->m_dwVertexSize * pMesh->m_dwNumVertices + ( 4096 - 1 ) ) / 4096 ) * 4096;
    DWORD dwNumSysMemBytes = g_dwFrameSpace + g_dwMeshSpace;
    DWORD dwNumVidMemBytes = g_dwIndexSpace + g_dwVertexSpace;

    // Read the magic number
    XBG_HEADER xbgHeader;
    xbgHeader.dwMagic = XBG7_FILE_ID;
    xbgHeader.dwSysMemSize = dwNumSysMemBytes;
    xbgHeader.dwVidMemSize = dwNumVidMemBytes;
    xbgHeader.dwNumFrames = m_dwNumFrames;
    WriteFile( hFile, &xbgHeader, sizeof( XBG_HEADER ), &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL );

    DWORD g_dwFramesFileOffset = sizeof( XBG_HEADER );
    DWORD g_dwMeshesFileOffset = g_dwFramesFileOffset + g_dwFrameSpace;
    DWORD g_dwIndicesFileOffset = 0;
    DWORD g_dwVerticesFileOffset = g_dwIndexSpace;

    // Write the frames
    for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumFrames; i++ )
        MESH_FRAME* pFrame = &m_pFrames[i];
        MESH_DATA* pMesh = pFrame->m_pMeshData;

        // Write out the frame
        MESH_FRAME frame = *pFrame;
        frame.Pad[0] = 0x11111111;

        if( pFrame->m_pChild )
            DWORD dwOffset = ( DWORD )pFrame->m_pChild - ( DWORD )m_pFrames;
            frame.m_pChild = ( MESH_FRAME* )( g_dwFramesFileOffset + dwOffset );
        if( pFrame->m_pNext )
            DWORD dwOffset = ( DWORD )pFrame->m_pNext - ( DWORD )m_pFrames;
            frame.m_pNext = ( MESH_FRAME* )( g_dwFramesFileOffset + dwOffset );

        frame.m_pMeshData = ( MESH_DATA* )g_dwMeshesFileOffset;
        g_dwMeshesFileOffset += ( sizeof( MESH_DATA ) - sizeof( MESH_SUBSET ) ) + sizeof( MESH_SUBSET ) *

        // Write out frame info
        WriteFile( hFile, &frame, sizeof( MESH_FRAME ), &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL );

    // Write the meshes
    for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumFrames; i++ )
        MESH_FRAME* pFrame = &m_pFrames[i];
        MESH_DATA* pMesh = pFrame->m_pMeshData;

        DWORD dwIndexSize = pMesh->m_IB.Common & D3DINDEXBUFFER_INDEX32 ? sizeof( DWORD ) : sizeof( WORD );
        D3DFORMAT d3dIndexFormat = pMesh->m_IB.Common & D3DINDEXBUFFER_INDEX32 ? D3DFMT_INDEX32 : D3DFMT_INDEX16;

        // Write out the meshdata
        MESH_DATA mesh = *pMesh;

        if( pMesh->m_dwNumVertices )
            XGSetVertexBufferHeader( pMesh->m_dwNumVertices * pMesh->m_dwVertexSize,
                                     0, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, g_dwVerticesFileOffset,
                                     &mesh.m_VB );
            g_dwVerticesFileOffset += ( ( pMesh->m_dwVertexSize * pMesh->m_dwNumVertices + ( 4096 - 1 ) ) / 4096 ) *

        if( mesh.m_dwNumIndices )
            XGSetIndexBufferHeader( pMesh->m_dwNumIndices * dwIndexSize,
                                    0, d3dIndexFormat, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, g_dwIndicesFileOffset,
                                    &mesh.m_IB );
            g_dwIndicesFileOffset += ( ( pMesh->m_dwNumIndices * dwIndexSize + ( 4096 - 1 ) ) / 4096 ) * 4096;

        mesh.m_pVertexDecl = NULL;

        // Write out mesh info
        WriteFile( hFile, &mesh, sizeof( MESH_DATA ) - sizeof( MESH_SUBSET ), &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL );

        // Write out subset data
        for( DWORD j = 0; j < pMesh->m_dwNumSubsets; j++ )
            MESH_SUBSET subset = pMesh->m_pSubsets[j];
            subset.Pad[0] = 0x11111111;
            subset.pTexture = NULL;

            WriteFile( hFile, &subset, sizeof( MESH_SUBSET ), &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL );

    static BYTE Pad[4096] =

    // Write indices
    for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumFrames; i++ )
        MESH_FRAME* pFrame = &m_pFrames[i];
        MESH_DATA* pMesh = pFrame->m_pMeshData;

        if( pMesh->m_dwNumIndices )
            VOID* pIndexData;
            DWORD dwIndexSize = pMesh->m_IB.Common & D3DINDEXBUFFER_INDEX32 ? sizeof( DWORD ) : sizeof( WORD );
            DWORD dwSize = pMesh->m_dwNumIndices * dwIndexSize;

            pMesh->m_IB.Lock( 0, 0, &pIndexData, 0 );
            WriteFile( hFile, pIndexData, dwSize, &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL );

            // Pad to aligment
            DWORD dwPadSize = ( 4096 - ( dwSize % 4096 ) ) % 4096;
            if( dwPadSize )
                WriteFile( hFile, Pad, dwPadSize, &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL );

    // Write vertices
    for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumFrames; i++ )
        MESH_FRAME* pFrame = &m_pFrames[i];
        MESH_DATA* pMesh = pFrame->m_pMeshData;

        if( pMesh->m_dwNumVertices )
            VOID* pVertexData;
            DWORD dwSize = pMesh->m_dwNumVertices * pMesh->m_dwVertexSize;

            pMesh->m_VB.Lock( 0, 0, &pVertexData, 0 );
            WriteFile( hFile, pVertexData, dwSize, &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL );

            // Pad to aligment
            DWORD dwPadSize = ( 4096 - ( dwSize % 4096 ) ) % 4096;
            if( dwPadSize )
                WriteFile( hFile, Pad, dwPadSize, &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL );

    // Done with the file
    CloseHandle( hFile );

    return S_OK;
Пример #7
// Name: Create
// Desc: Loads all the texture resources from the given XPR.
HRESULT PackedResource::Create( const CHAR* strFilename )
    // Open the file
    DWORD dwNumBytesRead;
    HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( strFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
                               OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL );
    if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
        ATG_PrintError( "File <%s> not found\n", strFilename );
        return E_FAIL;

    // Read in and verify the XPR magic header
    XPR_HEADER xprh;
    if( !ReadFile( hFile, &xprh, sizeof( XPR_HEADER ), &dwNumBytesRead, NULL ) )
        ATG_PrintError( "Error reading XPR header in file <%s>\n", strFilename );
        CloseHandle( hFile );
        return E_FAIL;

#ifdef _PC
    XGEndianSwapMemory( &xprh, &xprh, XGENDIAN_8IN32, sizeof(DWORD), sizeof(XPR_HEADER)/sizeof(DWORD) );

    if( xprh.dwMagic != XPR2_MAGIC_VALUE )
        ATG_PrintError( "Invalid Xbox Packed Resource (.xpr) file: Magic = 0x%08lx\n", xprh.dwMagic );
        CloseHandle( hFile );
        return E_FAIL;

    // Compute memory requirements
    m_dwSysMemDataSize = xprh.dwHeaderSize;
    m_dwVidMemDataSize = xprh.dwDataSize;

    // Allocate memory
    m_pSysMemData = new BYTE[m_dwSysMemDataSize];
    if( m_pSysMemData == NULL )
        ATG_PrintError( "Could not allocate system memory.\n" );
        m_dwSysMemDataSize = 0;
        return E_FAIL;
    m_pVidMemData = ( BYTE* )AllocateContiguousMemory( m_dwVidMemDataSize, XALLOC_PHYSICAL_ALIGNMENT_4K );
    if( m_pVidMemData == NULL )
        ATG_PrintError( "Could not allocate physical memory.\n" );
        m_dwSysMemDataSize = 0;
        m_dwVidMemDataSize = 0;
        delete[] m_pSysMemData;
        m_pSysMemData = NULL;
        return E_FAIL;

    // Read in the data from the file
    if( !ReadFile( hFile, m_pSysMemData, m_dwSysMemDataSize, &dwNumBytesRead, NULL ) ||
        !ReadFile( hFile, m_pVidMemData, m_dwVidMemDataSize, &dwNumBytesRead, NULL ) )
        ATG_PrintError( "Unable to read Xbox Packed Resource (.xpr) file\n" );
        CloseHandle( hFile );
        return E_FAIL;

    // Done with the file
    CloseHandle( hFile );

#ifdef _PC
    XGEndianSwapData( m_pSysMemData, m_pSysMemData, XGENDIAN_8IN32 );

    // Extract resource table from the header data
    m_dwNumResourceTags = *( DWORD* )( m_pSysMemData + 0 );
    m_pResourceTags = ( RESOURCE* )( m_pSysMemData + 4 );

#ifdef _PC
    XGEndianSwapMemory( m_pResourceTags, m_pResourceTags, XGENDIAN_8IN32, sizeof(DWORD), m_dwNumResourceTags * ( sizeof(RESOURCE) / sizeof(DWORD) ) );

    // Patch up the resources
    for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumResourceTags; i++ )
        m_pResourceTags[i].strName = ( CHAR* )( m_pSysMemData + ( DWORD )m_pResourceTags[i].strName );

        // Fixup the texture memory
        if( ( m_pResourceTags[i].dwType & 0xffff0000 ) == ( RESOURCETYPE_TEXTURE & 0xffff0000 ) )
            D3DTexture* pTexture = ( D3DTexture* )&m_pSysMemData[m_pResourceTags[i].dwOffset];
#ifdef _PC
            XGEndianSwapTextureHeader( pTexture );

            // Adjust Base address according to where memory was allocated
            XGOffsetBaseTextureAddress( pTexture, m_pVidMemData, m_pVidMemData );

            // Let PIX know the name of the texture
            PIXSetTextureName(pTexture, m_pResourceTags[i].strName);

    m_bInitialized = TRUE;

    return S_OK;