Пример #1
static TYPE uumtest(enum ATLAS_ORDER Order, enum ATLAS_UPLO Uplo,
                    int CacheSize, int N, int lda, double *tim)
   TYPE *A, *Ag, *LmLt;
   double t0, t1;
   TYPE normA, eps, resid;
   enum ATLAS_UPLO MyUplo = Uplo;

   if (Order == CblasRowMajor)
      if (Uplo == CblasUpper) MyUplo = CblasLower;
      else MyUplo = CblasUpper;
   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   A = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*N + ATL_MulBySize(N)*N);
   if (A == NULL) return(-1);
   Ag = A + lda*(N SHIFT);
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);
   lltgen(MyUplo, N, A, lda, N*1029+lda);
   lltgen(MyUplo, N, Ag, N, N*1029+lda);
   normA = lltnrm1(MyUplo, N, A, lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A", N, N, A, lda);
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("Ag", N, N, Ag, N);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);

   t0 = time00();
   test_lauum(Order, Uplo, N, A, lda);
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   *tim = t1;

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);

   ATL_checkpad(MyUplo, N, A, lda);
   if (Uplo == CblasUpper) LmLt = ATL_UmulUt(Order, N, Ag, N);
   else LmLt = ATL_LtmulL(Order, N, Ag, N);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A", N, N, A, lda);
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("Ag", N, N, LmLt, N);
   lltdiff(MyUplo, N, A, lda, LmLt, N);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A-L*Lt", N, N, LmLt, N);
   resid = lltnrm1(MyUplo, N, LmLt, N) / (normA * eps * N);
   if (resid > 10.0 || resid != resid)
      fprintf(stderr, "normA=%e, eps=%e, num=%e\n", normA, eps, resid);


Пример #2
static TYPE llttest(enum ATLAS_UPLO Uplo, int CacheSize, int N, int lda,
                    double *tim)
   TYPE *A, *LmLt;
   int i;
   double t0, t1;
   TYPE normA, eps, resid;

   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   A = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*N);
   if (A == NULL) return(-1);
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);
   lltgen(Uplo, N, A, lda, N*1029+lda);
   normA = lltnrm1(Uplo, N, A, lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A0", N, N, A, lda);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);

   t0 = time00();
   test_potrf(Uplo, N, A, lda);
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   *tim = t1;

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("L", N, N, A, lda);
   ATL_checkpad(Uplo, N, A, lda);
   if (Uplo == AtlasUpper) LmLt = ATL_UtmulU(N, A, lda);
   else LmLt = ATL_LmulLt(N, A, lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("L*Lt", N, N, LmLt, N);
   lltgen(Uplo, N, A, lda, N*1029+lda);  /* regen A over LLt */
   lltdiff(Uplo, N, A, lda, LmLt, N);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A-L*Lt", N, N, LmLt, N);
   resid = lltnrm1(Uplo, N, LmLt, N);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      if (resid/(normA*eps*N) > 10.0)
         fprintf(stderr, "normA=%e, eps=%e, num=%e\n", normA, eps, resid);
   resid /= (normA * eps * N);


Пример #3
static TYPE trtritest(enum ATLAS_ORDER Order, enum ATLAS_UPLO Uplo,
                      enum ATLAS_DIAG Diag, int CacheSize, int N, int lda,
		      double *tim)
   TYPE *A, *Acompare;
   int i;
   double t0, t1;
   TYPE normA, eps, resid;
   /*int ierr;*/

   #ifdef TCPLX
      const TYPE one[2]={ATL_rone, ATL_rzero};
      const TYPE one = ATL_rone;

   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   A = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*N);
   Acompare = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*N);
   if (A == NULL) return(-1);
   if (Acompare == NULL) return(-1);
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);

   /* create random, diagonally dominant matrix with magic value at
      unused places. Last number is just the random seed. */
   trigen(Order, Uplo, Diag, N, A, lda, PADVAL, N*1029+lda);

   /* Create backup to calculate residual. This one has to be used
      as a full matrix, so it has zero fills and correct diagonal. */
   trigen(Order, Uplo, Diag, N, Acompare, lda, ATL_rzero, N*1029+lda);
   if (Diag==AtlasUnit)
     for (i=0; i < N; i++)
       Acompare[(i*(lda+1)) SHIFT] = ATL_rone;

   normA = trinrm1(Order,Uplo, Diag, N, A, lda);
#ifdef DEBUG
   Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A0", N, N, A, lda);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);

   /* Calculate and time a solution */
   t0 = time00();
   test_trtri(Order, Uplo, Diag, N, A, lda);
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   *tim = t1;

/*   if (ierr != 0)
     fprintf(stderr, "Return values != 0 : %d \n",ierr);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);

   /* Instroduce a padding error. */
   /* A[(5+5*lda)SHIFT]=114.0; */

#ifdef DEBUG
   Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("L", N, N, A, lda);
   ATL_checkpad(Order, Uplo, Diag, N, A, lda);

   /* Calculate A^{-1}*A */

#ifdef DEBUG
     Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A^{-1}*A", N, N, Acompare, N);

   /* Subtract diagonal */
   for (i=0; i < N; i++)
     Acompare[i*((lda+1) SHIFT)] -= ATL_rone;

   resid = trinrm1(Order, Uplo,AtlasNonUnit,N,Acompare,lda);
   fprintf(stderr, "normA=%e, eps=%e, num=%e\n", normA, eps, resid);

   resid = Mjoin(PATL,genrm1)(N, N, Acompare, lda);

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (resid/(normA*eps*N) > 10.0)
     fprintf(stderr, "normA=%e, eps=%e, num=%e\n", normA, eps, resid);
   resid /= (normA * eps * N);

