Пример #1
find_selector_by_name(ATSUFontID fontID, ATSUFontFeatureType featureType, const char* name, int nameLength)
	ATSUFontFeatureSelector	result = 0x0000FFFF;

	Str255	inName;
	inName[0] = nameLength;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < inName[0]; ++i)
		inName[i + 1] = name[i];

	ItemCount	selectorCount;
	ATSUCountFontFeatureSelectors(fontID, featureType, &selectorCount);
	if (selectorCount > 0) {
		ATSUFontFeatureSelector*	selectors = (ATSUFontFeatureSelector*)xmalloc(selectorCount * sizeof(ATSUFontFeatureSelector));
		ATSUGetFontFeatureSelectors(fontID, featureType, selectorCount, selectors, 0, 0, 0);
		for (i = 0; i < selectorCount; ++i) {
			FontNameCode	nameCode;
			ATSUGetFontFeatureNameCode(fontID, featureType, selectors[i], &nameCode);
			Str255		name;
			ByteCount	nameLen;
			ATSUFindFontName(fontID, nameCode, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage,
                                 255, (Ptr)&name[1], &nameLen, 0);
			name[0] = nameLen;
			if (EqualString(inName, name, false, true)) {
				result = selectors[i];
	return result;
Пример #2
OSStatus AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures(
	ATSUStyle	styleToMangle )
	OSStatus				err;
	ItemCount				i;
	ATSUFontID				fontID;
	ItemCount				count;
	ItemCount				selectorCount;
	ATSUFontVariationAxis	variationAxis;
	ATSUFontVariationValue	variationMinimum;
	ATSUFontVariationValue	variationMaximum;
	ATSUFontVariationValue	variationDefault;
	Boolean					selectorMutex;
	ATSUFontFeatureType		*typeBuffer = NULL;
	ATSUFontFeatureSelector	*selectorBuffer = NULL;
	Boolean					*defaultBuffer = NULL;
	ItemCount				selectorBufferSize = 0;
	// get the fontID from the style
	err = ATSUGetAttribute( styleToMangle, kATSUFontTag, sizeof( ATSUStyle ),
		&fontID, NULL );
	require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );

	// get a count of all of the variations supported by the current font
	err = ATSUCountFontVariations( fontID, &count );
	require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
	// loop through, setting all of the variations to the max!
	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		// get the settings for the variations
		err = ATSUGetIndFontVariation( fontID, i, &variationAxis,
			&variationMinimum, &variationMaximum, &variationDefault );
		require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
		// set the variation for this font to the max!
		err = ATSUSetVariations( styleToMangle, 1, &variationAxis,
			&variationMaximum );
		require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
	// get a count of all of the features
	err = ATSUCountFontFeatureTypes( fontID, &count );
	require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
	// allocate a buffer for the feature types
	typeBuffer = (ATSUFontFeatureType *) malloc( sizeof( ATSUFontFeatureType )
		* count );
	require_action( typeBuffer != NULL, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err,
		err = paramErr );
	// get all of the font features
	err = ATSUGetFontFeatureTypes( fontID, count, typeBuffer, &selectorCount );
	require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
	// loop through, setting all of the features
	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		// get the selector count
		err = ATSUCountFontFeatureSelectors( fontID, typeBuffer[i],
			&selectorCount );
		require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
		// if the selector buffer size is greater than what we had before,
		// then allocate some new buffers. Just use realloc, as when
		// the buffers are pointing to NULL, it will simply act as malloc.
		if ( selectorBufferSize < count ) 
			ItemCount		newCount;
			// set the new size to be twice the old size
			newCount = 2 * count;
			// allocate  the selectorBuffer
			selectorBuffer = (ATSUFontFeatureSelector *) realloc( 
				selectorBuffer, newCount * sizeof( ATSUFontFeatureSelector ) );
			require_action( selectorBuffer != NULL,
				AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err, err = memFullErr );
			// allocate the defaultBuffer
			defaultBuffer = (Boolean  *) realloc( defaultBuffer,
				newCount * sizeof( Boolean ) );
			require_action( defaultBuffer != NULL,
				AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err, err = memFullErr );
			selectorBufferSize = newCount;
		// get the font feature selectors
		err = ATSUGetFontFeatureSelectors( fontID, typeBuffer[i],
			selectorBufferSize, selectorBuffer, defaultBuffer, &selectorCount,
			&selectorMutex );
		require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
		// if the features are not mutually exclusive, then go ahead and
		// set them all.
		if ( selectorMutex == false )
			ItemCount	j;
			// loop through and set all of the features
			for ( j = 0; j < selectorCount; j++ )
				if ( defaultBuffer[j] == false )
					err = ATSUSetFontFeatures( styleToMangle, 1, &typeBuffer[i],
						&selectorBuffer[j] );
					require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
			// just set the last option, then since we can't set them all
			err = ATSUSetFontFeatures( styleToMangle, 1, &typeBuffer[i],
				&selectorBuffer[selectorCount - 1] );
			require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err );
	// that should be enough style perversion for now!

	if ( typeBuffer != NULL )
		free( typeBuffer );
	if ( selectorBuffer != NULL )
		free( selectorBuffer );
	if ( defaultBuffer != NULL )
		free( defaultBuffer );

	return err;