Пример #1
// convert to human-friendly format
void CMappingDefinition::ToUI(CMappingDefinitionUI &mdui) const
  // make a copy of parameters
  FLOAT fUoS = md_fUoS;
  FLOAT fUoT = md_fUoT;
  FLOAT fVoS = md_fVoS;
  FLOAT fVoT = md_fVoT;

  // find size of mapping vectors
  FLOAT fUSize = FLOAT(sqrt(fUoS*fUoS+fUoT*fUoT));
  FLOAT fVSize = FLOAT(sqrt(fVoS*fVoS+fVoT*fVoT));

  // find rotation of both vectors
  ANGLE aURot = -(ATan2(fVoT, fVoS)-90.0f);
  ANGLE aVRot = -(ATan2(fUoT, fUoS));

  // use the found values
  Snap(aURot, 0.001f);
  Snap(aVRot, 0.001f);
  mdui.mdui_aURotation= NormalizeAngle(aURot);
  mdui.mdui_aVRotation= NormalizeAngle(aVRot);
  mdui.mdui_fUStretch = 1/fUSize;
  mdui.mdui_fVStretch = 1/fVSize;
  mdui.mdui_fUOffset  = md_fUOffset;
  mdui.mdui_fVOffset  = md_fVOffset;
Пример #2
// NOTE: for derivation of the algorithm, see mathlib.doc
void operator^=(ANGLE3D &a3dAngles, const DOUBLEmatrix3D &t3dRotation) {
  ANGLE &h=a3dAngles(1);  // heading
  ANGLE &p=a3dAngles(2);  // pitch
  ANGLE &b=a3dAngles(3);  // banking
  DOUBLE a;            // temporary

  // calculate pitch
  p = ASin(-t3dRotation(2,3));
  a = sqrt(1-t3dRotation(2,3)*t3dRotation(2,3));

  // if pitch makes banking beeing the same as heading
  if (a<0.0001) {
    // we choose to have banking of 0
    b = 0;
    // and calculate heading for that
    ASSERT(Abs(t3dRotation(2,3))>0.5); // must be around 1, what is far from 0
    h = ATan2(t3dRotation(1,2)/(-t3dRotation(2,3)), t3dRotation(1,1));  // no division by 0
  // otherwise
  } else {
    // calculate banking and heading normally
    b = ATan2(t3dRotation(2,1)/a, t3dRotation(2,2)/a);
    h = ATan2(t3dRotation(1,3)/a, t3dRotation(3,3)/a);
  // snap angles to compensate for errors when converting to and from matrix notation
  Snap(h, ANGLE_SNAP);
  Snap(p, ANGLE_SNAP);
  Snap(b, ANGLE_SNAP);
Пример #3
// NOTE: for derivation of the algorithm, see mathlib.doc
void DecomposeRotationMatrixNoSnap(ANGLE3D &a3dAngles, const FLOATmatrix3D &t3dRotation)
  ANGLE &h=a3dAngles(1);  // heading
  ANGLE &p=a3dAngles(2);  // pitch
  ANGLE &b=a3dAngles(3);  // banking
  FLOAT a;            // temporary

  // calculate pitch
  FLOAT f23 = t3dRotation(2,3);
  p = ASin(-f23);
  a = Sqrt(1.0f-f23*f23);

  // if pitch makes banking beeing the same as heading
  if (a<0.001) {
    // we choose to have banking of 0
    b = 0;
    // and calculate heading for that
    ASSERT(Abs(t3dRotation(2,3))>0.5); // must be around 1, what is far from 0
    h = ATan2(t3dRotation(1,2)/(-t3dRotation(2,3)), t3dRotation(1,1));  // no division by 0
  // otherwise
  } else {
    // calculate banking and heading normally
    b = ATan2(t3dRotation(2,1), t3dRotation(2,2));
    h = ATan2(t3dRotation(1,3), t3dRotation(3,3));
Пример #4
inline CVector3 CVector3::ToAngle() const
	if (x == 0.f && y == 0.f)
		return CVector3(z > 0.f ? -90.f : 90.f, 0.f, 0.f);

	return CVector3(-RAD2DEG(ASin(z / (Length() + M_EPSILON))), RAD2DEG(ATan2(y, x)), 0.f);
Пример #5
 * Create angles in 3D from direction vector(ignoring banking).
void DirectionVectorToAnglesNoSnap(const FLOAT3D &vDirection, ANGLE3D &a3dAngles)
  // now calculate the angles
  ANGLE &h = a3dAngles(1);
  ANGLE &p = a3dAngles(2);
  ANGLE &b = a3dAngles(3);

  const FLOAT &x = vDirection(1);
  const FLOAT &y = vDirection(2);
  const FLOAT &z = vDirection(3);

  // banking is always irrelevant
  b = 0;
  // calculate pitch
  p = ASin(y);

  // if y is near +1 or -1
  if (y>0.99 || y<-0.99) {
    // heading is irrelevant
    h = 0;
  // otherwise
  } else {
    // calculate heading
    h = ATan2(-x, -z);
Пример #6
inline Vector3 QuaternionGetEulerAnglesInRadians(const Quaternion &quat)
	const float poleTest = 2.f * (quat.y * quat.w - quat.x * quat.z);
	const float errorMarginTest = 0.0001f;
	if(IsNear(poleTest, 1.f, errorMarginTest))
		const float x = 0;
		const float y = QuartTau();
		const float z = -2.f * ATan2(quat.x, quat.w);

		const Vector3 retVec = {x, y, z};

		return retVec;
	else if(IsNear(poleTest, -1.f, errorMarginTest))
		const float x = 0;
		const float y = -QuartTau();
		const float z = 2.f * ATan2(quat.x, quat.w);

		const Vector3 retVec = {x, y, z};

		return retVec;
		const float wSq = quat.w * quat.w;
		const float xSq = quat.x * quat.x;
		const float ySq = quat.y * quat.y;
		const float zSq = quat.z * quat.z;

		const float x = ATan2(2.f * (quat.y * quat.z + quat.x * quat.w), (-xSq - ySq + zSq + wSq));
		const float y = ASin(Clamp(poleTest, -1.f, 1.f));
		const float z = ATan2(2.f * (quat.x * quat.y + quat.z * quat.w), (xSq - ySq - zSq + wSq));

		const Vector3 retVec = {x, y, z};

		return retVec;
Пример #7
 void CQTOpenGLCamera::SSettings::CalculateYFieldOfView() {
    CRadians cAspectRatioAngle = ATan2(3.0f, 4.0f);
    YFieldOfView = ToDegrees(2.0f * ATan2(0.027f * 0.5f, LensFocalLength));
Пример #8
inline float CVector2::ToAngle() const
	return ATan2(y, x);
Пример #9
Color Color::Convert(COLOR_SOURCE target)
	double in[4], out[4];
	if(m_source == target){
		return *this;
	for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
			in[i]  = m_val[i];
			out[i] = 0.0;
	if(m_source == COLOR_SOURCE_WHEEL){
        switch (m_wheelType) {
            case WHEEL_TYPE_HSV:
                Vector tmp = HSVToRGB(Vector(in[0],in[1],in[2]));
                in[0] = tmp.x; in[1] = tmp.y; in[2] = tmp.z;
            case WHEEL_TYPE_HSB:
                Vector tmp = HSLtoRGB(Vector(in[0],in[1],in[2]));
                in[0] = tmp.x; in[1] = tmp.y; in[2] = tmp.z;
            case WHEEL_TYPE_LCH:
                double tmp[] = {in[0],in[1],in[2]};
                in[0] = tmp[2]*100.0;
#ifdef _WINDOWS
                in[1] = tmp[1]*cos(tmp[0]*M_PI_2)*128.0;
                in[2] = tmp[1]*sin(tmp[0]*M_PI_2)*128.0;
				in[1] = tmp[1]*cos(tmp[0]*M_PI_2)*128.0;
                in[2] = tmp[1]*sin(tmp[0]*M_PI_2)*128.0;
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_RGB)     cmsDoTransform(m_wheelToRGB,     in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_CMYK)    cmsDoTransform(m_wheelToCMYK,    in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_DISPLAY) cmsDoTransform(m_wheelToDisplay, in, out, 1);
        if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_LAB)     cmsDoTransform(m_wheelToLAB,     in, out, 1);
	if(m_source == COLOR_SOURCE_RGB){
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_WHEEL)   cmsDoTransform(m_RGBToWheel,     in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_CMYK)    cmsDoTransform(m_RGBToCMYK,      in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_DISPLAY) cmsDoTransform(m_RGBToDisplay,   in, out, 1);
        if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_LAB)     cmsDoTransform(m_RGBToLAB,       in, out, 1);
	if(m_source == COLOR_SOURCE_CMYK){
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_WHEEL)   cmsDoTransform(m_CMYKToWheel,    in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_RGB)     cmsDoTransform(m_CMYKToRGB,      in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_DISPLAY) cmsDoTransform(m_CMYKToDisplay,  in, out, 1);
        if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_LAB)     cmsDoTransform(m_CMYKToLAB,      in, out, 1);
	if(m_source == COLOR_SOURCE_DISPLAY){
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_WHEEL)   cmsDoTransform(m_displayToWheel, in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_RGB)     cmsDoTransform(m_displayToRGB,   in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_CMYK)    cmsDoTransform(m_displayToCMYK,  in, out, 1);
        if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_LAB)     cmsDoTransform(m_displayToLAB,   in, out, 1);
    if(m_source == COLOR_SOURCE_LAB){
        if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_RGB)     cmsDoTransform(m_LABToRGB,       in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_WHEEL)   cmsDoTransform(m_LABToWheel,     in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_DISPLAY) cmsDoTransform(m_LABToDisplay,   in, out, 1);
		if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_CMYK)    cmsDoTransform(m_LABToCMYK,      in, out, 1);
	if(target == COLOR_SOURCE_WHEEL){
        switch (m_wheelType) {
            case WHEEL_TYPE_HSV:
                    Vector tmp = RGBToHSV(Vector(out[0],out[1],out[2]));
                    out[0] = tmp.x;out[1] = tmp.y;out[2] = tmp.z;
            case WHEEL_TYPE_HSB:
                Vector tmp = RGBToHSL(Vector(out[0],out[1],out[2]));
                out[0] = tmp.x;out[1] = tmp.y;out[2] = tmp.z;
            case WHEEL_TYPE_LCH:
                    double tmp[] = {out[0],out[1],out[2]};
                    out[1] = Sqrt(tmp[1]*tmp[1] + tmp[2]*tmp[2])/128.0;
#ifdef _WINDOWS
                    out[0] = ATan2(tmp[2], tmp[1])/M_PI_2;
                    out[0] = ATan2(tmp[2], tmp[1])/M_PI_2;
                    while(out[0] < 0.0){
                        out[0] += 1.0;
                    while(out[0] > 1.0){
                        out[0] -= 1.0;
                    out[2] = tmp[0]/100.0;
	return Color(out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3]).SetSource(target);