// create a new battleground that will really be used to play BattleGround * BattleGroundMgr::CreateNewBattleGround(uint32 bgTypeId) { BattleGround *bg = NULL; // get the template BG BattleGround *bg_template = GetBattleGroundTemplate(bgTypeId); if(!bg_template) { sLog.outError("BattleGround: CreateNewBattleGround - bg template not found for %u", bgTypeId); return 0; } // create a copy of the BG template switch(bgTypeId) { case BATTLEGROUND_AV: bg = new BattleGroundAV(*(BattleGroundAV*)bg_template); break; case BATTLEGROUND_WS: bg = new BattleGroundWS(*(BattleGroundWS*)bg_template); break; case BATTLEGROUND_AB: bg = new BattleGroundAB(*(BattleGroundAB*)bg_template); break; default: //bg = new BattleGround; return 0; break; // placeholder for non implemented BG } // generate a new instance id bg->SetInstanceID(MapManager::Instance().GenerateInstanceId()); // set instance id // reset the new bg (set status to status_wait_queue from status_none) bg->Reset(); /* will be setup in BG::Update() when the first player is ported in if(!(bg->SetupBattleGround())) { sLog.outError("BattleGround: CreateNewBattleGround: SetupBattleGround failed for bg %u", bgTypeId); delete bg; return 0; } */ // add BG to free slot queue bg->AddToBGFreeSlotQueue(); // add bg to update list AddBattleGround(bg->GetInstanceID(), bg); return bg; }
uint32 BattleGroundMgr::CreateBattleGround(uint32 MaxPlayersPerTeam, uint32 LevelMin, uint32 LevelMax, std::string BattleGroundName, uint32 MapID, float Team1StartLocX, float Team1StartLocY, float Team1StartLocZ, float Team1StartLocO, float Team2StartLocX, float Team2StartLocY, float Team2StartLocZ, float Team2StartLocO) { // Create the BG BattleGround *bg = new BattleGround; bg->SetMapId(MapID); bg->SetMaxPlayersPerTeam(MaxPlayersPerTeam); bg->SetMaxPlayers(MaxPlayersPerTeam*2); bg->SetName(BattleGroundName); bg->SetTeamStartLoc(0, Team1StartLocX, Team1StartLocY, Team1StartLocZ, Team1StartLocO); bg->SetTeamStartLoc(1, Team2StartLocX, Team2StartLocY, Team2StartLocZ, Team2StartLocO); bg->SetLevelRange(LevelMin, LevelMax); uint32 BattleGroundID = m_BattleGrounds.size(); // this will be replaced with instance ID later. if(BattleGroundID == 0) BattleGroundID = 1; bg->SetID(BattleGroundID); AddBattleGround(BattleGroundID, bg); sLog.outString("BattleGroundMgr: Created new battleground: %u %s (Map %u, %u players per team, Levels %u-%u)", BattleGroundID, bg->m_Name.c_str(), bg->m_MapId, bg->m_MaxPlayersPerTeam, bg->m_LevelMin, bg->m_LevelMax); return BattleGroundID; }