Пример #1
    : IngameWindow(CGI_MUSICPLAYER, (unsigned short) - 1, (unsigned short) - 1, 430, 330, _("Music player"),
                   LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)), changed(false)

    AddList(0, 20, 30, 330, 200, TC_GREEN1, NormalFont);
    AddText(1, 20, 240, _("Playlist:"), COLOR_YELLOW, 0, NormalFont);
    AddComboBox(2, 20, 260, 330, 22, TC_GREEN1, NormalFont, 200);

    // Playlistbuttons
    const unsigned short button_distance = 10;
    const unsigned short button_width = (330 - button_distance) / 2;
    ctrlButton* b1 = AddTextButton(3, 20, 290, button_width, 22, TC_GREEN2, _("Add"), NormalFont);
    AddTextButton(4, b1->GetX(false) + button_width + button_distance, 290, button_width, 22, TC_GREEN2, _("Remove"), NormalFont);

    // Buttons für die Musikstücke
    AddImageButton(7, 370, 30, 40, 40, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 138), _("Add track"));
    AddImageButton(8, 370, 80, 40, 40, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io_new", 2), _("Add directory of tracks"));
    AddImageButton(9, 370, 130, 40, 40, TC_RED1, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 220), _("Remove track"));
    AddImageButton(10, 370, 180, 40, 15, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 33), _("Upwards"));
    AddImageButton(11, 370, 195, 40, 15, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 34), _("Downwards"));
    AddDeepening(12, 370, 220, 40, 20, TC_GREY, "1", NormalFont, COLOR_YELLOW);
    AddImageButton(13, 370, 240, 20, 20, TC_RED1, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 139), _("Less repeats"));
    AddImageButton(14, 390, 240, 20, 20, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 138), _("More repeats"));
    AddImageButton(15, 370, 270, 40, 40, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 107), _("Playback in this order")); //225

    // Mit Werten füllen
Пример #2
iwDiplomacy::iwDiplomacy(const GameWorldViewer& gwv, GameCommandFactory& gcFactory):
    IngameWindow(CGI_DIPLOMACY, (unsigned short) - 1, (unsigned short) - 1, 500, FIRST_LINE_Y + gwv.GetWorld().GetPlayerCount() * (CELL_HEIGHT + SPACE_HEIGHT) + 20,
        _("Diplomacy"), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
    gwv(gwv), gcFactory(gcFactory)
    // "Header" der Tabelle
    AddText(0, LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + PING_FIELD_POS, HEADER_Y, _("Ping"), COLOR_YELLOW, glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER, NormalFont);
    AddText(1, LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + TREATIES_POS, HEADER_Y, _("Treaties"), COLOR_YELLOW, glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER, NormalFont);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < gwv.GetWorld().GetPlayerCount(); ++i)
        const GamePlayer& player = gwv.GetWorld().GetPlayer(i);
            // Einzelne Spielernamen
                    player.name, player.color, glArchivItem_Font::DF_VCENTER,

            if(player.ps == PS_OCCUPIED)
                // Ping
                AddDeepening(200 + i, LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + PING_FIELD_POS - PING_FIELD_WIDTH / 2,
                             FIRST_LINE_Y + i * (CELL_HEIGHT + SPACE_HEIGHT) + CELL_HEIGHT / 2 - 11, PING_FIELD_WIDTH, 22, TC_GREY, "0", NormalFont, COLOR_YELLOW);

            // An sich selber braucht man keine Bündnisse zu schließen
            if(gwv.GetPlayerId() != i)
                // Bündnisvertrag-Button
                glArchivItem_Bitmap* image = LOADER.GetImageN("io", 61);
                ctrlButton* button = AddImageButton(300 + i, LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + TREATIES_POS - TREATIE_BUTTON_SPACE / 2 - (image->getWidth() + 8),
                                                    FIRST_LINE_Y + i * (CELL_HEIGHT + SPACE_HEIGHT) + CELL_HEIGHT / 2 - 40 / 2, 40,
                                                    40, TC_GREY, image, _("Treaty of alliance"));

                // Verbleibende Zeit unter dem Button
                AddText(500 + i, button->GetX(false) + button->GetWidth() / 2, button->GetY(false) + button->GetHeight() + 4, "", COLOR_YELLOW, glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER, SmallFont);

                // Nichtangriffspakt
                image = LOADER.GetImageN("io", 100);
                button = AddImageButton(400 + i, LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + TREATIES_POS + TREATIE_BUTTON_SPACE / 2,
                                        FIRST_LINE_Y + i * (CELL_HEIGHT + SPACE_HEIGHT) + CELL_HEIGHT / 2 - 40 / 2, 40,
                                        40, TC_GREY, image, _("Non-aggression pact"));

                // Verbleibende Zeit unter dem Button
                AddText(600 + i, button->GetX(false) + button->GetWidth() / 2, button->GetY(false) + button->GetHeight() + 4, "", COLOR_YELLOW, glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER, SmallFont);


    // Farben festlegen
Пример #3
 *  Konstruktor von @p iwTools.
 *  @author OLiver
    : IngameWindow(CGI_TOOLS, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFE, 166 + (GAMECLIENT.GetGGS().isEnabled(ADDON_TOOL_ORDERING) ? 46 : 0), 432, _("Tools"), LOADER.GetImageN("io", 5)),
    // Einzelne Balken
    AddProgress( 0, 17,  25, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 141, 140, 10, _("Tongs"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 1, 17,  53, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 145, 144, 10, _("Axe"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 2, 17,  81, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 147, 146, 10, _("Saw"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 3, 17, 109, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 149, 148, 10, _("Pick-axe"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 4, 17, 137, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 143, 142, 10, _("Hammer"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 5, 17, 165, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 151, 150, 10, _("Shovel"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 6, 17, 193, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 153, 152, 10, _("Crucible"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 7, 17, 221, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 155, 154, 10, _("Rod and line"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 8, 17, 249, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 157, 156, 10, _("Scythe"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress( 9, 17, 277, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 159, 158, 10, _("Cleaver"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress(10, 17, 305, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 161, 160, 10, _("Rolling pin"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));
    AddProgress(11, 17, 333, 132, 26, TC_GREY, 163, 162, 10, _("Bow"), 4, 4, 0, _("Less often"), _("More often"));

        // qx:tools
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < TOOL_COUNT; ++i)
            AddImageButton(100 + i * 2, 174, 25   + i * 28, 20, 13, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io",  33), "+1");
            AddImageButton(101 + i * 2, 174, 25 + 13 + i * 28, 20, 13, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io",  34), "-1");
            std::stringstream str;
            str << std::max(0, int( GAMECLIENT.GetLocalPlayer().tools_ordered[i] + GAMECLIENT.GetLocalPlayer().tools_ordered_delta[i] ));
            AddDeepening  (200 + i, 151, 25 + 4 + i * 28, 20, 18, TC_GREY, str.str(), NormalFont, COLOR_YELLOW);
    m_Updated = GAMECLIENT.GetGFNumber();

    // Info
    AddImageButton(12,  18, 384, 30, 32, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io",  21), _("Help"));
    // Standard
    AddImageButton(13, 118 + (GAMECLIENT.GetGGS().isEnabled(ADDON_TOOL_ORDERING) ? 46 : 0), 384, 30, 32, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 191), _("Default"));

    // Einstellungen festlegen
    for(unsigned char i = 0; i < TOOL_COUNT; ++i)

    // Netzwerk-Übertragungs-Timer
    AddTimer(14, 2000);