Пример #1
void CPlot_Example_1::pvPlotRow(const char* row_p, const unsigned int* length_p, unsigned int rowIndex)
  if (!m_graphAdded)
    m_valueGraph_p = AddGraph(m_subPlotID, "Value graph", 1000);
    m_graphAdded = true;

  // The "data" string in the example_1 text log looks like this:  Time:0 Value:1

  // 1. Search for a string starting with text Time:
  // 2. Parse the integer value
  // 3. Search for Value:
  // 4. Parse the integer value
  // Initialize the parser with the string
  m_parser.SetText(row_p, *length_p);

  // Make sure the parser starts looking at index 0
  // 1. Search for "Time:"
  if (m_parser.Search("Time:", 5))
    bool  status;
    int   time;
    int   value;

    // 2. Parse the INT value that comes after the "Time:" string
    status = m_parser.ParseInt(&time);

    // 3. Search for the string "Value:"
    if (status && m_parser.Search("Value:", 6))
      // 4. Parse the INT value that comes after the "Value:" string
      status = m_parser.ParseInt(&value);

      if (status)
        // If this was the first value we need to initialize the first point of the graph
        if (m_prevValue == -1 && m_prevTime == -1)
          m_prevValue = value;
          m_prevTime  = time;

        // Add a line to the graph (x1,Y1) -> (x2,y2)
        m_valueGraph_p->AddLine((double)m_prevTime, (float)m_prevValue, (double)time, (float)value, rowIndex);

        m_prevValue = value;
        m_prevTime  = time;
Пример #2
void HypoMain::OnGraphAdd(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    SetStatusText("Add Graph");