void CMainMenuGridContainer::SetupGridItemsL() { TInt i = 0; while (iMainMenuCommandIds[i] != -1) { AddItemL(iMbmImageIds[i], iMbmMaskIds[i]); i++; } if (i <= 4) { iNumOfRows = 2; iNumOfColumns = 2; } else if (i <= 6) { if (WFLayoutUtils::LandscapeMode()) { iNumOfRows = 2; iNumOfColumns = 3; } else { iNumOfRows = 3; iNumOfColumns = 2; } } else { iNumOfRows = 3; iNumOfColumns = 3; } iGrid->GridView()->SetGridCellDimensions(TSize(iNumOfRows, iNumOfColumns)); SetGridGraphicStyleL(); }
// CFepLayoutChoiceList::SetItemsL // Set choice list items. // (other items were commented in a header). // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void CFepLayoutChoiceList::SetItemsL( const RPointerArray<CFepLayoutChoiceList::SItem>& aItemList) { //remove all items iItemList.ResetAndDestroy(); for(int ii = 0; ii < aItemList.Count(); ++ii) { AddItemL(*aItemList[ii]); } }
// -------------------------------- // CNSmlRoamTable::HandleItemL( CNSmlRoamItem& aItem ) // Handles item addition or update // -------------------------------- // void CNSmlRoamTable::HandleItemL( CNSmlRoamItem& aItem ) { RDbView view; CleanupClosePushL( view); if (IsNewItemL(view, aItem)) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //view AddItemL(aItem); } else { UpdateItemL(view, aItem); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //aView } }
/** Parses URL from a token. Is used by SearchUrlL method and if a URL was found it's appended to item array. Note that parsing for generic URIs is done with SearchGenericUriL -method. @param aType a Type of URL to seach, i.e. www. wap. IP e.g. @param aTokenPtr Pointer to token that will be parsed @param aTextOffset Offset of the token (start position in the whole text) @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes. @return ETrue if the parameter for phone number is valid, else returns EFalse */ TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ParseUrlL(const TDesC& aType, const TPtrC& aTokenPtr, TInt aTextOffset) { TBool wasValidUrl = EFalse; TLex url; TInt position = aTokenPtr.FindF( aType ); if ( position != KErrNotFound ) { // address start found url = aTokenPtr.Right( aTokenPtr.Length() - position ); url.Inc( aType.Length() ); while( IsValidUrlChar( url.Peek() ) && !(url.Eos()) ) { if( url.Peek() == ':' ) { url.Inc(); if ( !url.Peek().IsDigit() ) { url.UnGet(); break; } } else url.Inc(); } // If a period or question mark was followed by a whitespace remove it if ( url.Eos() ) // Can't be followed by white space if it's { // the last character at token url.UnGet(); if ( url.Peek() != '.' && url.Peek() != '?' && url.Peek() != ',' ) // If it wasn't a period or question mark url.Inc(); } url.Mark(); wasValidUrl = ETrue; } if ( wasValidUrl && ( url.MarkedOffset() > aType.Length() ) ) { AddItemL( aTextOffset - aTokenPtr.Length() + position, url.MarkedOffset(), EFindItemSearchURLBin ); return ETrue; } return EFalse; }
EXPORT_C void CBBGenericList::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) { CALLSTACKITEM_N(_CL("CBBGenericList"), _CL("InternalizeL")); TInt count=aStream.ReadInt32L(); TInt i; TTypeName t, ind; for (i=0; i<count; i++) { MBBData* d=0; if (!FixedType() || i==0) { t=TTypeName::IdFromStreamL(aStream); } d=iFactory->CreateBBDataL(t, iChildName, iFactory); CleanupPushBBDataL(d); d->InternalizeL(aStream); AddItemL(0, d); CleanupStack::Pop(); } }
void CBBGenericList::AddCurrentItemL() { AddItemL(iCurrentName, iCurrentData); iCurrentName=0; iCurrentData=0; }
void CMainMenuListContainer::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect, CMainMenuListView* aView, const TInt* aMbmImageIds, const TInt* aMbmMaskIds, const TInt* aMainMenuCommandIds, const TInt* aMainMenuFirstLabelIds, const TInt* aMainMenuSecondLabelIds) { CreateWindowL(); InitComponentArrayL(); iBgContext = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL(KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain, aRect, ETrue); iView = aView; iMainMenuCommandIds = aMainMenuCommandIds; MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); TRgb fgcolor(0,0,0); AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(skin, fgcolor, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6); CEikLabel* label = new (ELeave) CEikLabel(); label->SetContainerWindowL(*this); Components().AppendLC(label, ETitleLabel); label->OverrideColorL(EColorLabelText, fgcolor); label->SetTextL(KDefaultTitle()); label->SetLabelAlignment(ELayoutAlignCenter); HBufC* titleText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(R_MM_TITLE_TEXT); label->SetTextL(*titleText); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(titleText); CleanupStack::Pop(label); // Create and populate the listbox iListBox = new( ELeave ) CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox(); Components().AppendLC(iListBox, EListBox); iListBox->SetContainerWindowL(*this); iListBox->SetMopParent(this); { TResourceReader reader; iEikonEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, R_WAYFINDER_MAIN_MENU_LIST_VIEW_LISTBOX ); iListBox->ConstructFromResourceL( reader ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader internal state } iListBox->SetFocus(ETrue); iListBox->SetListBoxObserver(this); iListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetMarqueeParams(5, 3, 1000000, 200000); iListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->EnableMarqueeL(ETrue); for (TInt i = 0; iMainMenuCommandIds[i] != -1; ++i) { AddItemL(aMbmImageIds[i], aMbmMaskIds[i], aMainMenuFirstLabelIds[i], aMainMenuSecondLabelIds[i]); } iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL(ETrue); iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff); iListBox->UpdateScrollBarsL(); iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(0); iListBox->DrawNow(); CleanupStack::Pop(iListBox); //Activate view SetRect(aRect); ActivateL(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConstructL // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CGlxMediaListsTestCollectionPlugin::ConstructL() { User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect()); User::LeaveIfError(RFbsSession::Connect(iFs)); iThumbnailCreator = CGlxtnThumbnailCreator::InstanceL(); iTimer = CTestTimer::NewL(this); iSelf = new (ELeave) CItem; iSelf->iId = TGlxMediaId(KGlxMediaListsTestCollectionImplementationUid); iSelf->SetFilenameL(KNullDesC); iSelf->SetTitleL(_L("Test Albums")); // TEMP: Create some dummy items iItemAddedId = 3000; for (TInt i = 0; i < 1; i++) { AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("Favourites"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("Barcelona"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("Emma's birthday"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("New designers"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("Guns N Roses gig"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("Kew Gardens"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("Helsinki festival"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("Yorkshire Dales"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); AddItemL(KNullDesC, _L("Greece holiday"), _iItemDBHackAlbums); } for (TInt i = 0; i < 1; i++) { AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem1.jpg"), _L("newitem1a"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20061105:083546.")), 123456, _L("D:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem2.jpg"), _L("newitem2"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20061105:092527.")), 125371, _L("E:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem3.jpg"), _L("newitem3"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20061105:101536.")), 267276, _L("C:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem4.jpg"), _L("newitem4"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20061106:132425.")), 57824, _L("C:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem5.jpg"), _L("newitem5"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20061108:050134.")), 274894, _L("C:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem6.jpg"), _L("newitem6"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20061127:140112.")), 1145732, _L("E:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem7.jpg"), _L("newitem7"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20070004:172506.")), 546985, _L("C:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem8.jpg"), _L("newitem8"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20070015:092633.")), 1562347, _L("C:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem9.jpg"), _L("newitem9"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20070024:132121.")), 679512, _L("E:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem10.jpg"), _L("newitem10"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20070029:165755.")), 423566, _L("E:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem11.jpg"), _L("newitem11"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20070103:111214.")), 25714, _L("C:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem12.jpg"), _L("newitem12"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20070200:101533.")), 358715, _L("C:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem13.jpg"), _L("newitem13"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20070214:144652.")), 257968, _L("C:")); AddItemL(_L("c:\\newitem14.jpg"), _L("newitem14"), _iItemDBHackContent, TTime(_L("20070214:152323.")), 2652125, _L("C:")); } }
/** Search fixed start URLs, i.e. URLs without schema (www., wap.). Also finds IPv4 addresses (*.*.*.*). As a special case, supports deprecated hardcoded schematic addresses finding (http://, https://, rtsp://) to make sure deprecated search cases work as they did previously. @param aText Text that will be parsed @param aFindFixedSchemas If true, will find old fixed schematic URLs also @return ETrue if any URL are found else returns EFalse @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes. @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position and/or length is out of the document's range. */ TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchUrlL( const TDesC& aText, const TBool aFindFixedSchemas ) { TLex text = aText; while ( !text.Eos() ) { while( !(text.Eos()) && !IsValidUrlChar( text.Peek() ) ) text.Inc(); text.Mark(); while( !(text.Eos()) && IsValidUrlChar( text.Peek() ) ) text.Inc(); TPtrC tokenPtr = text.MarkedToken(); TBool wasValidUrl = EFalse; if ( aFindFixedSchemas ) // Search for http:// wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KHttpUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() ); if (aFindFixedSchemas && !wasValidUrl) // Search for https:// wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KHttpsUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() ); if (aFindFixedSchemas && !wasValidUrl) // Search for rtsp:// wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KRtspUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() ); if ( !wasValidUrl ) // Search for www. wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KWwwUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() ); if ( !wasValidUrl ) // Search for wap. wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KWapUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() ); if ( !wasValidUrl ) // Search for IP-address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) { if ( tokenPtr.Match( KIPAddress ) != KErrNotFound ) { TInt periods = 0; wasValidUrl = ETrue; TBool endWithPunctuation = EFalse; TBool betweenBrackets = EFalse; // First see if token ends with ",",".","!","?",";" or ":" TChar charac = tokenPtr[tokenPtr.Length() - 1]; TChar charac0 = tokenPtr[0]; if ( charac == ',' || charac == '.' || charac == '!' || charac == '?' || charac == ';' || charac == ':' ) { endWithPunctuation = ETrue; } // Or if it starts and ends with brackets or quotation marks else if ( ( charac0 == '(' && charac == ')' ) || ( charac0 == '"' && charac == '"' ) || ( charac0 == '[' && charac == ']' ) || ( charac0 == '<' && charac == '>' ) ) { betweenBrackets = ETrue; } TInt i = 0; TInt tokensEnd = tokenPtr.Length(); if ( endWithPunctuation ) tokensEnd--; else if ( betweenBrackets ) { i = 1; tokensEnd--; } // Take a closer look to see if a valid IP-address TBuf<3> ipPart; TInt numbers = 0; for ( ; i < tokensEnd; i++ ) { if ( !( ((TChar)tokenPtr[i]).IsDigit() || tokenPtr[i] == '.' ) ) { wasValidUrl = EFalse; break; } if ( tokenPtr[i] == '.' ) periods++; else numbers++; if ( numbers > KNumbersInIpAddress || periods > KDotsInIpAddress ) { wasValidUrl = EFalse; break; } if ( ((TChar)tokenPtr[i]).IsDigit() ) { ipPart.Append( tokenPtr[i] ); TBool checkInt = EFalse; if ( i + 1 < tokensEnd ) { if ( tokenPtr[i+1] == '.' ) checkInt = ETrue; } if ( i == tokensEnd - 1 || checkInt ) { TLex val = ipPart; TInt numberInt; TInt error = val.Val( numberInt ); if ( error != KErrNone || numberInt > 255 ) { wasValidUrl = EFalse; break; } numbers = 0; ipPart.Delete( 0, ipPart.Length() ); } } } if ( wasValidUrl && periods == KDotsInIpAddress ) { TInt startPos = text.Offset() - tokenPtr.Length(); TInt length = tokenPtr.Length(); // If there was a punctuation at the end or brackets, let's take it/them away if ( endWithPunctuation || betweenBrackets) { length--; if ( betweenBrackets ) { startPos++; length--; } } __ASSERT_DEBUG( startPos + length <= aText.Length(), Panic(ETulPanicDescriptorLength) ); AddItemL( startPos, length, EFindItemSearchURLBin ); } } } } return (iFoundItems->Count() > 0); }
/** Search algorithm for searching phone numbers @param aText Text that will be parsed @return ETrue if any Phone Number items were found else returns EFalse @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes. @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position and/or length is out of the document's range. */ TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchPhoneNumberL( const TDesC& aText ) { TLexMark startMark; // Points to the start of the found phone number TLexMark endMark; // Points to the end of the found phone number TLexMark mark; const TInt end = aText.Length(); TLex number = aText; while ( !(number.Eos()) ) { TInt numberCount = 0; // How many real numbers (1234567890) TInt bracketsOpen = 0; // How many brackets are currently open TInt brackets = 0; // How many brackets overall TChar charac = number.Peek(); while( (!(IsValidPhoneNumberChar( charac ) || charac == '+' || charac == '(' ) || charac == '-' || charac == '.' || charac == '/') && !(number.Eos()) && number.Offset() < end ) { number.Inc(); charac = number.Peek(); } if ( number.Offset() >= end ) break; if ( number.Peek() == '#' ) { number.Inc(); if (number.Peek() == '.' ) continue; number.UnGet(); } if ( number.Peek() == '+' ) { // '+' has to be followed by a number (not # or * ...) number.Inc(); if ( !(number.Peek().IsDigit()) ) continue; number.UnGet(); } if ( number.Peek() == '(' ) { // '(' has to be followed by valid phone number // character (whitespaces are allowed before) or '+' is a next character number.Inc(); if ( !(number.Peek() == '+') ) { number.Mark(mark); number.SkipSpace(); charac = number.Peek(); if ( !( IsValidPhoneNumberChar(charac) || charac == '+' || charac == '(' ) || charac == '-' || charac == '.' || charac == '/') { number.Inc(); continue; } else { number.UnGetToMark(mark); number.UnGet(); number.Mark(startMark); } } else { number.UnGet(); number.Mark(startMark); number.Inc(); } bracketsOpen++; brackets++; } else number.Mark(startMark); if ( number.Peek().IsDigit() ) // If the character was a number numberCount++; else if ( bracketsOpen > 0 ) { number.Inc(); TChar next = number.Peek(); TInt bracketsOpen2 = bracketsOpen; while( (IsValidPhoneNumberChar( next ) || next.IsSpace() || next == '(' || next == ')' || next == 'p' || next == '+' || next == 'w' ) && !(number.Eos()) && number.Offset() < end) { if ( next == '(' ) bracketsOpen2++; else if ( next == ')' ) bracketsOpen2--; if ( bracketsOpen2 == 0 ) break; number.Inc(); next = number.Peek(); } number.UnGetToMark(startMark); if ( bracketsOpen2 != 0 ) { number.Inc(); continue; } } number.Inc(); while ( number.Peek() == '(' && !(number.Eos()) && bracketsOpen > 0 ) { number.Inc(); bracketsOpen++; } if ( number.Peek() == '+' && bracketsOpen > 0 ) number.Inc(); // a Valid first character has been found. Let's go forward as long as valid characters are found. charac = number.Peek(); while( (IsValidPhoneNumberChar( charac ) || charac.IsSpace() || charac == '(' || charac == ')' || charac == 'p' || charac == 'w' ) && !(number.Eos()) && number.Offset() < end && charac != KCharLinefeed && charac != KCharFormfeed && charac != KCharCarriageReturn && charac != KCharLineSeparator && charac != KCharParagraphSeparator ) { if ( number.Peek() == '(' ) { // '(' can't be the last character in phone number number.Mark(mark); number.Inc(); TChar spaceJump = number.Peek(); while ( !number.Eos() && spaceJump.IsSpace() && spaceJump != KCharLinefeed && spaceJump != KCharFormfeed && spaceJump != KCharCarriageReturn && charac != KCharLineSeparator && spaceJump != KCharParagraphSeparator) { number.Inc(); spaceJump = number.Peek(); } if ( !(IsValidPhoneNumberChar(number.Peek())) && number.Peek() != ')' && number.Peek() != '(' ) { number.UnGetToMark(mark); break; } TChar next = number.Peek(); TInt bracketsOpen2 = bracketsOpen + 1; while( (IsValidPhoneNumberChar( next ) || next.IsSpace() || next == '(' || next == ')' || next == 'p' || next == 'w' ) && !(number.Eos()) && number.Offset() < end) { if ( next == '(' ) bracketsOpen2++; else if ( next == ')' ) bracketsOpen2--; if ( bracketsOpen2 == 0 ) break; number.Inc(); next = number.Peek(); } number.UnGetToMark(mark); if ( bracketsOpen2 != 0 ) break; bracketsOpen++; brackets++; } else if ( number.Peek() == ')' ) { if ( bracketsOpen <= 0 ) // there has to be equal number of brackets break; bracketsOpen--; number.Mark(mark); number.Inc(); if ( number.Peek() == '.' ) // '.' is not allowed after ')' break; number.UnGetToMark(mark); } else if ( number.Peek() == '-' || number.Peek() == 'w' || number.Peek() == 'p' || number.Peek() == '.' || number.Peek() == '/') { // Hyphen mark and 'p' & 'w' chars must be followed by a number TChar last = number.Peek(); number.Mark(mark); number.Inc(); TChar spaceJump = number.Peek(); while ( !number.Eos() && spaceJump.IsSpace() && spaceJump != KCharLinefeed && spaceJump != KCharFormfeed && spaceJump != KCharCarriageReturn && charac != KCharLineSeparator && spaceJump != KCharParagraphSeparator ) { number.Inc(); spaceJump = number.Peek(); } if ( !(number.Peek().IsDigit()) ) { if (last == '.' && number.Peek() == ')' && bracketsOpen > 0 ) continue; else { number.UnGetToMark(mark); break; } } number.UnGetToMark(mark); } else if ( number.Peek().IsDigit() ) numberCount++; number.Inc(); charac = number.Peek(); } // Get rid of whitespaces from the end number.UnGet(); while( number.Peek().IsSpace() && !(number.Eos())) number.UnGet(); number.Inc(); // ------------------------------------ number.Mark(endMark); // If they exist, remove brackets from the beginning and the end number.Mark(mark); // Let's mark where to continue the search TBool endBrackets = ETrue; do { number.UnGet(); if ( number.Peek() == ')' ) { number.UnGetToMark(startMark); if ( number.Peek() == '(' ) { // If there's more than one pair of brackets -> don't strip them. if ( brackets > 1 ) break; number.Inc(); number.Mark(startMark); number.UnGetToMark(endMark); number.UnGet(); number.Mark(endMark); // Get rid of whitespaces and periods from the end and from the beginning number.UnGet(); while ( (number.Peek().IsSpace() || number.Peek() == '.') && number.Offset() > number.MarkedOffset(startMark) ) { // from the end number.UnGet(); } number.Inc(); number.Mark(endMark); number.UnGetToMark(startMark); while ( (number.Peek().IsSpace() || number.Peek() == '.') && number.Offset() < number.MarkedOffset(endMark) ) { // from the beginning number.Inc(); } number.Mark(startMark); number.UnGetToMark(endMark); // ---- } else endBrackets = EFalse; } else endBrackets = EFalse; } while ( endBrackets ); number.UnGetToMark(mark); // ---------------- if ( numberCount <= KFindItemMaxNumbers && numberCount >= iMinNumbers ) { TPtrC tokenPtr = number.MarkedToken(startMark); TInt tokensEnd = tokenPtr.Length(); TInt numbers = 0; TInt partialNumber = 0; TBool wasValidPhoneNumber = ETrue; TInt i = 0; for ( ; i < tokensEnd; i++ ) { if ( tokenPtr[i] == '.' ) partialNumber = 0; else if ( ((TChar)tokenPtr[i]).IsDigit() ) { numbers++; partialNumber++; } if ( ( partialNumber == 1 || partialNumber == 2 ) && i + 1 < tokensEnd ) { if ( tokenPtr[i + 1] == '.' ) wasValidPhoneNumber = EFalse; } } if (!wasValidPhoneNumber && numbers > 6) wasValidPhoneNumber = ETrue; if (wasValidPhoneNumber) { __ASSERT_DEBUG( number.MarkedOffset(startMark) + number.MarkedOffset(endMark) - number.MarkedOffset(startMark) <= aText.Length(), Panic(ETulPanicDescriptorLength) ); AddItemL( number.MarkedOffset(startMark), number.MarkedOffset(endMark) - number.MarkedOffset(startMark), EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin ); } } } return (iFoundItems->Count() > 0); }
/** Search algorithm for searching e-mail addresses @param aText Text that will be parsed @return ETrue if any EMail items were found else returns EFalse @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes. @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position and/or length is out of the document's range. */ TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchMailAddressL( const TDesC& aText ) { TInt searchStart = 0; TInt searchResult = 0; const TInt end = aText.Length(); // end of document do { TPtrC segment = aText.Right( end - searchStart ); searchResult = segment.LocateF('@'); if (searchResult != KErrNotFound) { // @ found // There should be valid characters (not a period) before and after the @ character if ( searchResult == 0 // first char || (searchResult >= segment.Length() - 1) // last char || !(IsValidEmailChar(segment[searchResult - 1])) || !(IsValidEmailHostChar(segment[searchResult + 1])) || segment[searchResult - 1] == '.' || segment[searchResult + 1] == '.' ) { searchStart += searchResult + 1; continue; } TBool wasPeriod = EFalse; // To prevent sequential periods // Get TLex from the pointer to get a better API for parsing TLexMark startPos; TLexMark endPos; TLex token = segment; // Go to searchResult and un-get until the beginning of e-mail address is reached token.Inc( searchResult ); token.Mark(); do { token.UnGet(); if ( token.Peek() == '.' ) { // If it was a period if (wasPeriod) // and if the former was also -> break break; else // else mark that this one was a period wasPeriod = ETrue; } else wasPeriod = EFalse; } while (token.Offset() > 0 && IsValidEmailChar(token.Peek())); if (token.Offset() != 0 || !IsValidEmailChar(token.Peek())) token.Inc(); // Get rid of periods from the start of address // Does it have to start with a number or char(abc...). // If it does, the loop should check that it gets rid of all special chars also. while (token.Peek() == '.') token.Inc(); token.Mark( startPos ); // Mark the beginning of address token.UnGetToMark(); wasPeriod = EFalse; do // Go forward until a nonvalid character { token.Inc(); if ( token.Peek() == '.' ) { // If it was a period if ( wasPeriod ) // and if the former was also -> break break; else // else mark that this one was a period wasPeriod = ETrue; } else wasPeriod = EFalse; } while ( !token.Eos() && IsValidEmailHostChar( token.Peek() ) ); // If address ends with a period take it away token.UnGet(); if (token.Peek() != '.') token.Inc(); token.Mark( endPos ); // Mark the beginning of address // Append the found string to the array __ASSERT_DEBUG( searchStart + token.MarkedOffset( startPos ) + token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) - token.MarkedOffset( startPos ) <= aText.Length(), Panic(ETulPanicDescriptorLength) ); AddItemL( searchStart + token.MarkedOffset( startPos ), token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) - token.MarkedOffset( startPos ), EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin); searchStart += token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) + 1; } } while ( searchResult != KErrNotFound && searchStart < end ); return (iFoundItems->Count() > 0); }
/** Search algorithm for searching generic URIs @param aText Text that will be parsed @return ETrue if any generic URI is found else returns EFalse @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes. */ TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchGenericUriL( const TDesC& aText ) { // Detect generic URI within the token const TDesC& schemeStartArray = KURISchemeStartCharacters; const TDesC& schemeBodyArray = KURISchemeBodyCharacters; const TDesC& schemeTerminatorArray = KURISchemeTerminator; const TDesC& URIArray = KURICharacters; TBool wasValidUri = EFalse; TLex text = aText; while ( !text.Eos() ) { // Discard characters until URI scheme terminator is found while( !(text.Eos()) && schemeTerminatorArray.Locate(text.Peek()) == KErrNotFound ) text.Inc(); // if at end of the text, no legit URI found if ( !text.Eos() ) { // Store the schema end offset (+1 to skip ':') TInt schemeEndOffset = text.Offset() + 1; // Scheme must be at least 1 character long at the beginning of the text to be valid if ( text.Offset() > 0 ) { // Un-get last scheme character to begin examination text.UnGet(); // Rewind until beginning of the URI while ( text.Offset() > 0 && schemeBodyArray.Locate(text.Peek().GetLowerCase()) != KErrNotFound ) text.UnGet(); // Now text pointer is at first character of the URI // Do go back through the scheme until a legal beginning character for URI // is found or back to the (schemeEndOffset - 1) i.e. URI scheme terminator while ( schemeStartArray.Locate(text.Peek().GetLowerCase()) == KErrNotFound && (text.Offset() + 1) < schemeEndOffset ) text.Inc(); // check if terminated because a valid start character was found when // scheme terminator was reached. if ( schemeStartArray.Locate(text.Peek().GetLowerCase()) != KErrNotFound ) { // First character is a valid URI char, so the scheme is valid -> // marks the beginning of the array text.Mark(); // fast forward to the end of the scheme while( text.Offset() < schemeEndOffset ) text.Inc(); // Get characters until end of schema while( !(text.Eos()) && URIArray.Locate( text.Peek().GetLowerCase() ) != KErrNotFound ) text.Inc(); // remove certain punctuation from end of the URI, as it is likely // to be part of the surrounding text. text.UnGet(); //special processing for bracket //only remove the end bracket if there is no open bracket in the uri //not counting bracket pairs for efficiency if (text.Peek()!=')' || text.MarkedToken().Locate(TChar('('))!=-1) text.Inc(); text.UnGet(); if ( text.Peek() != '.' && text.Peek() != '?' && text.Peek() != ',') text.Inc(); // URI cannot contain only scheme, so check that pointer was increased // by at least one character if ( schemeEndOffset != text.Offset() ) { // Append found text to item array (it is now known to be // syntactically valid URI as it contains characters after the scheme) AddItemL( text.MarkedOffset(), text.Offset() - text.MarkedOffset(), EFindItemSearchScheme ); wasValidUri = ETrue; } } else // First character of scheme is not legit, fast forward to end of the // scheme anyway to continue search { while( text.Offset() < schemeEndOffset ) text.Inc(); } } else text.Inc(); } } return wasValidUri; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageLookupTable::ConstructL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CMessageLookupTable::ConstructL() { AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EBindingRequest, CNATFWUNSAFBindingRequest::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EBindingIndication, CNATFWUNSAFBindingIndication::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EBindingResponse, CNATFWUNSAFBindingResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EBindingErrorResponse, CNATFWUNSAFBindingErrorResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::ESharedSecretRequest, CNATFWUNSAFSharedSecretRequest::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::ESharedSecretResponse, CNATFWUNSAFSharedSecretResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::ESharedSecretErrorResponse, CNATFWUNSAFSharedSecretErrorResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EAllocateRequest, CNATFWUNSAFAllocateRequest::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EAllocateResponse, CNATFWUNSAFAllocateResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EAllocateErrorResponse, CNATFWUNSAFAllocateErrorResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::ESendIndication, CNATFWUNSAFSendIndication::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EDataIndication, CNATFWUNSAFDataIndication::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::ESetActiveDestinationRequest, CNATFWUNSAFSetActiveDestinationRequest::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::ESetActiveDestinationResponse, CNATFWUNSAFSetActiveDestinationResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::ESetActiveDestinationErrorResponse, CNATFWUNSAFSetActiveDestinationErrorResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EConnectRequest, CNATFWUNSAFConnectRequest::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EConnectResponse, CNATFWUNSAFConnectResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EConnectErrorResponse, CNATFWUNSAFConnectErrorResponse::CreateL); AddItemL(CNATFWUNSAFMessage::EConnectStatusIndication, CNATFWUNSAFConnectStatusIndication::CreateL); }